/* * Copyright © 2019 Google LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "tu_private.h" #include #include #include #include "util/os_time.h" /** * Internally, a fence can be in one of these states. */ enum tu_fence_state { TU_FENCE_STATE_RESET, TU_FENCE_STATE_PENDING, TU_FENCE_STATE_SIGNALED, }; static enum tu_fence_state tu_fence_get_state(const struct tu_fence *fence) { if (fence->signaled) assert(fence->fd < 0); if (fence->signaled) return TU_FENCE_STATE_SIGNALED; else if (fence->fd >= 0) return TU_FENCE_STATE_PENDING; else return TU_FENCE_STATE_RESET; } static void tu_fence_set_state(struct tu_fence *fence, enum tu_fence_state state, int fd) { if (fence->fd >= 0) close(fence->fd); switch (state) { case TU_FENCE_STATE_RESET: assert(fd < 0); fence->signaled = false; fence->fd = -1; break; case TU_FENCE_STATE_PENDING: assert(fd >= 0); fence->signaled = false; fence->fd = fd; break; case TU_FENCE_STATE_SIGNALED: assert(fd < 0); fence->signaled = true; fence->fd = -1; break; default: unreachable("unknown fence state"); break; } } void tu_fence_init(struct tu_fence *fence, bool signaled) { fence->signaled = signaled; fence->fd = -1; } void tu_fence_finish(struct tu_fence *fence) { if (fence->fd >= 0) close(fence->fd); } /** * Update the associated fd of a fence. Ownership of \a fd is transferred to * \a fence. * * This function does not block. \a fence can also be in any state when this * function is called. To be able to do that, the caller must make sure that, * when both the currently associated fd and the new fd are valid, they are on * the same timeline with the new fd being later on the timeline. */ void tu_fence_update_fd(struct tu_fence *fence, int fd) { const enum tu_fence_state state = fd >= 0 ? TU_FENCE_STATE_PENDING : TU_FENCE_STATE_SIGNALED; tu_fence_set_state(fence, state, fd); } /** * Make a fence a copy of another fence. \a fence must be in the reset state. */ void tu_fence_copy(struct tu_fence *fence, const struct tu_fence *src) { assert(tu_fence_get_state(fence) == TU_FENCE_STATE_RESET); /* dup src->fd */ int fd = -1; if (src->fd >= 0) { fd = fcntl(src->fd, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0); if (fd < 0) { tu_loge("failed to dup fd %d for fence", src->fd); sync_wait(src->fd, -1); } } tu_fence_update_fd(fence, fd); } /** * Signal a fence. \a fence must be in the reset state. */ void tu_fence_signal(struct tu_fence *fence) { assert(tu_fence_get_state(fence) == TU_FENCE_STATE_RESET); tu_fence_set_state(fence, TU_FENCE_STATE_SIGNALED, -1); } /** * Wait until a fence is idle (i.e., not pending). */ void tu_fence_wait_idle(struct tu_fence *fence) { if (fence->fd >= 0) { if (sync_wait(fence->fd, -1)) tu_loge("sync_wait on fence fd %d failed", fence->fd); tu_fence_set_state(fence, TU_FENCE_STATE_SIGNALED, -1); } } VkResult tu_CreateFence(VkDevice _device, const VkFenceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkFence *pFence) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); struct tu_fence *fence = vk_alloc2(&device->alloc, pAllocator, sizeof(*fence), 8, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT); if (!fence) return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY); tu_fence_init(fence, pCreateInfo->flags & VK_FENCE_CREATE_SIGNALED_BIT); *pFence = tu_fence_to_handle(fence); return VK_SUCCESS; } void tu_DestroyFence(VkDevice _device, VkFence _fence, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_fence, fence, _fence); if (!fence) return; tu_fence_finish(fence); vk_free2(&device->alloc, pAllocator, fence); } /** * Initialize a pollfd array from fences. */ static nfds_t tu_fence_init_poll_fds(uint32_t fence_count, const VkFence *fences, bool wait_all, struct pollfd *fds) { nfds_t nfds = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fence_count; i++) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_fence, fence, fences[i]); if (fence->signaled) { if (wait_all) { /* skip signaled fences */ continue; } else { /* no need to poll any fd */ nfds = 0; break; } } /* negative fds are never ready, which is the desired behavior */ fds[nfds].fd = fence->fd; fds[nfds].events = POLLIN; fds[nfds].revents = 0; nfds++; } return nfds; } /** * Translate timeout from nanoseconds to milliseconds for poll(). */ static int tu_fence_get_poll_timeout(uint64_t timeout_ns) { const uint64_t ns_per_ms = 1000 * 1000; uint64_t timeout_ms = timeout_ns / ns_per_ms; /* round up if needed */ if (timeout_ns - timeout_ms * ns_per_ms >= ns_per_ms / 2) timeout_ms++; return timeout_ms < INT_MAX ? timeout_ms : INT_MAX; } /** * Poll a pollfd array. */ static VkResult tu_fence_poll_fds(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, uint64_t *timeout_ns) { while (true) { /* poll */ uint64_t duration = os_time_get_nano(); int ret = poll(fds, nfds, tu_fence_get_poll_timeout(*timeout_ns)); duration = os_time_get_nano() - duration; /* update timeout_ns */ if (*timeout_ns > duration) *timeout_ns -= duration; else *timeout_ns = 0; if (ret > 0) { return VK_SUCCESS; } else if (ret == 0) { if (!*timeout_ns) return VK_TIMEOUT; } else if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) { return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } } } /** * Update a pollfd array and the fence states. This should be called after a * successful call to tu_fence_poll_fds. */ static nfds_t tu_fence_update_fences_and_poll_fds(uint32_t fence_count, const VkFence *fences, bool wait_all, struct pollfd *fds) { uint32_t nfds = 0; uint32_t fds_idx = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fence_count; i++) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_fence, fence, fences[i]); /* no signaled fence in fds */ if (fence->signaled) continue; /* fds[fds_idx] corresponds to fences[i] */ assert(fence->fd == fds[fds_idx].fd); assert(nfds <= fds_idx && fds_idx <= i); /* fd is ready (errors are treated as ready) */ if (fds[fds_idx].revents) { tu_fence_set_state(fence, TU_FENCE_STATE_SIGNALED, -1); } else if (wait_all) { /* add to fds again for another poll */ fds[nfds].fd = fence->fd; fds[nfds].events = POLLIN; fds[nfds].revents = 0; nfds++; } fds_idx++; } return nfds; } VkResult tu_WaitForFences(VkDevice _device, uint32_t fenceCount, const VkFence *pFences, VkBool32 waitAll, uint64_t timeout) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); /* add a simpler path for when fenceCount == 1? */ struct pollfd stack_fds[8]; struct pollfd *fds = stack_fds; if (fenceCount > ARRAY_SIZE(stack_fds)) { fds = vk_alloc(&device->alloc, sizeof(*fds) * fenceCount, 8, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_COMMAND); if (!fds) return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } /* set up pollfd array and start polling */ nfds_t nfds = tu_fence_init_poll_fds(fenceCount, pFences, waitAll, fds); VkResult result = VK_SUCCESS; while (nfds) { result = tu_fence_poll_fds(fds, nfds, &timeout); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) break; nfds = tu_fence_update_fences_and_poll_fds(fenceCount, pFences, waitAll, fds); } if (fds != stack_fds) vk_free(&device->alloc, fds); return result; } VkResult tu_ResetFences(VkDevice _device, uint32_t fenceCount, const VkFence *pFences) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < fenceCount; ++i) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_fence, fence, pFences[i]); assert(tu_fence_get_state(fence) != TU_FENCE_STATE_PENDING); tu_fence_set_state(fence, TU_FENCE_STATE_RESET, -1); } return VK_SUCCESS; } VkResult tu_GetFenceStatus(VkDevice _device, VkFence _fence) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_fence, fence, _fence); if (fence->fd >= 0) { int err = sync_wait(fence->fd, 0); if (!err) tu_fence_set_state(fence, TU_FENCE_STATE_SIGNALED, -1); else if (err && errno != ETIME) return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; } return fence->signaled ? VK_SUCCESS : VK_NOT_READY; }