Advice for use

This software, used for preparatory lessons at pre-school level, is not only intended to present images that are discovered using the mouse.  

It was devised to encourage the use of speech.  Thus the children can :

Five possible modes of use

With or without menu for the pupils?

With AbulÉdu, the teacher can choose to hide the menus from pupils of certain classes.  This may prove necessary when the users are young, non-readers, clumsy, etc.

Adding/Deleting folders/image(s)

After adding or deleting it is extremely important to close the application and restart.  

If not the application may appear to behave strangely.

See below.

To add a folder


To add image(s)

Use images suitably modified with image editing software, for example the GIMP

Choose for preference the image format jpg, but you can use .png or .gif (and others?).  The height/width ratios 3/2 and 4/3 work well, for example images in the format 600x400.


You have two possibilities :

1.Add images to an existing folder (no particular problem)

2.Create a new theme that you place in a new folder.  To do this use the following procedure ;

Create the new folder

Copy the images into the folder

To Delete a folder


To Delete image(s)


Pupil Profiles

Pupil profiles are stored in the files pupil's_name.log and pupil's_name.csv in the folder leterrier/mulot/.

The latter, in csv format, may be read and dealt with in a table.

Score reports are possible

N.B. in the case of class use, the pupil can copy/paste or email the files pupil's_name.csv and pupil's_name.html to the teacher

A file n_eleves.log and n_eleves.html are produced with n=number of users.

What processes have you done?

Let us know at

Notes for developers

Adding “sourire” images from the end of the sequence

These images are found according to the language used in the file

sysdata/fin_sequence/<user'sLanguage>, for example sysdata/fin_sequence/en.

Their size is 350x350 maximum and their extension is png.

The name of an image is composed

Proceeding in this manner allows the software to present the various images at the end of the sequence in the language of the user.  By default the language is set to French.

Add/Modify/Delete a trail

The trails are contained in the index pistes

A trail is described by means of the numbers of cases in a table ( 10 rows x 15 columns )

Therefore, a trail_file is a list of whole numbers contained between 0 and 149 (inclusive)

The name of a trail_file is composed

The trails thus named are listed according to their degree of difficulty.