/* $NetBSD: score.c,v 1.16 2011/08/26 06:18:17 dholland Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Timothy C. Stoehr. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> #ifndef lint #if 0 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)score.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93"; #else __RCSID("$NetBSD: score.c,v 1.16 2011/08/26 06:18:17 dholland Exp $"); #endif #endif /* not lint */ /* * score.c * * This source herein may be modified and/or distributed by anybody who * so desires, with the following restrictions: * 1.) No portion of this notice shall be removed. * 2.) Credit shall not be taken for the creation of this source. * 3.) This code is not to be traded, sold, or used for personal * gain or profit. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include "rogue.h" #include "pathnames.h" static void center(short, const char *); static int get_value(const object *); static void id_all(void); static void sell_pack(void); static void sf_error(void) __dead; void killed_by(const object *monster, short other) { const char *mechanism = "killed by something unknown (?)"; char mechanism_buf[128]; const char *article; char message_buf[128]; md_ignore_signals(); if (other != QUIT) { rogue.gold = ((rogue.gold * 9) / 10); } if (other) { switch(other) { case HYPOTHERMIA: mechanism = "died of hypothermia"; break; case STARVATION: mechanism = "died of starvation"; break; case POISON_DART: mechanism = "killed by a dart"; break; case QUIT: mechanism = "quit"; break; case KFIRE: mechanism = "killed by fire"; break; } } else { if (is_vowel(m_names[monster->m_char - 'A'][0])) { article = "an"; } else { article = "a"; } snprintf(mechanism_buf, sizeof(mechanism_buf), "Killed by %s %s", article, m_names[monster->m_char - 'A']); mechanism = mechanism_buf; } snprintf(message_buf, sizeof(message_buf), "%s with %ld gold", mechanism, rogue.gold); if ((!other) && (!no_skull)) { clear(); mvaddstr(4, 32, "__---------__"); mvaddstr(5, 30, "_~ ~_"); mvaddstr(6, 29, "/ \\"); mvaddstr(7, 28, "~ ~"); mvaddstr(8, 27, "/ \\"); mvaddstr(9, 27, "| XXXX XXXX |"); mvaddstr(10, 27, "| XXXX XXXX |"); mvaddstr(11, 27, "| XXX XXX |"); mvaddstr(12, 28, "\\ @ /"); mvaddstr(13, 29, "--\\ @@@ /--"); mvaddstr(14, 30, "| | @@@ | |"); mvaddstr(15, 30, "| | | |"); mvaddstr(16, 30, "| vvVvvvvvvvVvv |"); mvaddstr(17, 30, "| ^^^^^^^^^^^ |"); mvaddstr(18, 31, "\\_ _/"); mvaddstr(19, 33, "~---------~"); center(21, nick_name); center(22, message_buf); } else { messagef(0, "%s", message_buf); } messagef(0, "%s", ""); /* gcc objects to just "" */ put_scores(monster, other); } void win(void) { unwield(rogue.weapon); /* disarm and relax */ unwear(rogue.armor); un_put_on(rogue.left_ring); un_put_on(rogue.right_ring); clear(); mvaddstr(10, 11, "@ @ @@@ @ @ @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @"); mvaddstr(11, 11, " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @"); mvaddstr(12, 11, " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @"); mvaddstr(13, 11, " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@"); mvaddstr(14, 11, " @ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@ @ @ @"); mvaddstr(17, 11, "Congratulations, you have been admitted to the"); mvaddstr(18, 11, "Fighters' Guild. You return home, sell all your"); mvaddstr(19, 11, "treasures at great profit and retire into comfort."); messagef(0, "%s", ""); /* gcc objects to just "" */ messagef(0, "%s", ""); /* gcc objects to just "" */ id_all(); sell_pack(); put_scores(NULL, WIN); } void quit(boolean from_intrpt) { char buf[DCOLS]; short i, orow, ocol; boolean mc; orow = ocol = 0; mc = FALSE; md_ignore_signals(); if (from_intrpt) { orow = rogue.row; ocol = rogue.col; mc = msg_cleared; for (i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) { buf[i] = mvinch(0, i); } } check_message(); messagef(1, "really quit?"); if (rgetchar() != 'y') { md_heed_signals(); check_message(); if (from_intrpt) { for (i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++) { mvaddch(0, i, buf[i]); } msg_cleared = mc; move(orow, ocol); refresh(); } return; } if (from_intrpt) { clean_up(byebye_string); } check_message(); killed_by(NULL, QUIT); } /* * The score file on disk is up to ten entries of the form * score block [80 bytes] * nickname block [30 bytes] * * The score block is to be parsed as follows: * bytes 0-1 Rank (" 1" to "10") * bytes 2-4 space padding * bytes 5-15 Score/gold * byte 15 up to a ':' Login name * past the ':' Death mechanism * * The nickname block is an alternate name to be printed in place of the * login name. Both blocks are supposed to contain a null-terminator. */ struct score_entry { long gold; char username[80]; char death[80]; char nickname[30]; }; #define NUM_SCORE_ENTRIES 10 static void make_score(struct score_entry *, const object *, int); static void pad_spaces(char *str, size_t len) { size_t x; for (x=strlen(str); x<len-1; x++) { str[x] = ' '; } str[len-1] = 0; } static void unpad_spaces(char *str) { size_t x; for (x=strlen(str); x>0 && str[x-1]==' '; x--); str[x] = 0; } static int read_score_entry(struct score_entry *se, FILE *fp) { char score_block[80]; char nickname_block[30]; size_t n, x; n = fread(score_block, 1, sizeof(score_block), fp); if (n==0) { /* EOF */ return 0; } if (n != sizeof(score_block)) { sf_error(); } n = fread(nickname_block, 1, sizeof(nickname_block), fp); if (n != sizeof(nickname_block)) { sf_error(); } xxxx(score_block, sizeof(score_block)); xxxx(nickname_block, sizeof(nickname_block)); /* Ensure null termination */ score_block[sizeof(score_block)-1] = 0; nickname_block[sizeof(nickname_block)-1] = 0; /* If there are other nulls in the score block, file is corrupt */ if (strlen(score_block)!=sizeof(score_block)-1) { sf_error(); } /* but this is NOT true of the nickname block */ /* quash trailing spaces */ unpad_spaces(score_block); unpad_spaces(nickname_block); for (x=5; score_block[x] == ' '; x++); se->gold = lget_number(score_block+x); for (x=15; score_block[x] != 0 && score_block[x] != ':'; x++); if (score_block[x] == 0) { sf_error(); } score_block[x++] = 0; strlcpy(se->username, score_block+15, sizeof(se->username)); strlcpy(se->death, score_block+x, sizeof(se->death)); strlcpy(se->nickname, nickname_block, sizeof(se->nickname)); return 1; } static void write_score_entry(const struct score_entry *se, int rank, FILE *fp) { char score_block[80]; char nickname_block[30]; /* avoid writing crap to score file */ memset(score_block, 0, sizeof(score_block)); memset(nickname_block, 0, sizeof(nickname_block)); snprintf(score_block, sizeof(score_block), "%2d %6ld %s: %s", rank+1, se->gold, se->username, se->death); strlcpy(nickname_block, se->nickname, sizeof(nickname_block)); /* pad blocks out with spaces */ pad_spaces(score_block, sizeof(score_block)); /*pad_spaces(nickname_block, sizeof(nickname_block)); -- wrong! */ xxxx(score_block, sizeof(score_block)); xxxx(nickname_block, sizeof(nickname_block)); fwrite(score_block, 1, sizeof(score_block), fp); fwrite(nickname_block, 1, sizeof(nickname_block), fp); } void put_scores(const object *monster, short other) { short i, rank=-1, found_player = -1, numscores = 0; struct score_entry scores[NUM_SCORE_ENTRIES]; const char *name; FILE *fp; boolean dopause = score_only; md_lock(1); setegid(egid); if ((fp = fopen(_PATH_SCOREFILE, "r+")) == NULL && (fp = fopen(_PATH_SCOREFILE, "w+")) == NULL) { setegid(gid); messagef(0, "cannot read/write/create score file"); sf_error(); } setegid(gid); rewind(fp); (void)xxx(1); for (numscores = 0; numscores < NUM_SCORE_ENTRIES; numscores++) { if (read_score_entry(&scores[numscores], fp) == 0) { break; } } /* Search the score list. */ for (i=0; i<numscores; i++) { if (!strcmp(scores[i].username, login_name)) { /* found our score */ if (rogue.gold < scores[i].gold) { /* we didn't do as well as last time */ score_only = 1; } else { /* we did better; mark entry for removal */ found_player = i; } break; } } /* Remove a superseded entry, if any. */ if (found_player != -1) { numscores--; for (i = found_player; i < numscores; i++) { scores[i] = scores[i+1]; } } /* If we're going to insert ourselves, do it now */ if (!score_only) { /* if we aren't better than anyone, add at end. */ rank = numscores; /* Otherwise, find our slot. */ for (i = 0; i < numscores; i++) { if (rogue.gold >= scores[i].gold) { rank = i; break; } } if (rank < NUM_SCORE_ENTRIES) { /* Open up a slot */ for (i = numscores; i > rank; i--) { scores[i] = scores[i-1]; } numscores++; /* Put our info in the slot */ make_score(&scores[rank], monster, other); } /* Now rewrite the score file */ md_ignore_signals(); rewind(fp); (void)xxx(1); for (i = 0; i < numscores; i++) { write_score_entry(&scores[i], i, fp); } } md_lock(0); fclose(fp); /* Display the scores */ clear(); mvaddstr(3, 30, "Top Ten Rogueists"); mvaddstr(8, 0, "Rank Score Name"); for (i = 0; i < numscores; i++) { if (i == rank) { standout(); } if (scores[i].nickname[0]) { name = scores[i].nickname; } else { name = scores[i].username; } mvprintw(i+10, 0, "%2d %6ld %s: %s", i+1, scores[i].gold, name, scores[i].death); if (i == rank) { standend(); } } refresh(); messagef(0, "%s", ""); /* gcc objects to just "" */ if (dopause) { messagef(0, "%s", ""); } clean_up(""); } static void make_score(struct score_entry *se, const object *monster, int other) { const char *death = "bolts from the blue (?)"; const char *hasamulet; char deathbuf[80]; se->gold = rogue.gold; strlcpy(se->username, login_name, sizeof(se->username)); if (other) { switch(other) { case HYPOTHERMIA: death = "died of hypothermia"; break; case STARVATION: death = "died of starvation"; break; case POISON_DART: death = "killed by a dart"; break; case QUIT: death = "quit"; break; case WIN: death = "a total winner"; break; case KFIRE: death = "killed by fire"; break; } } else { const char *mn, *article; mn = m_names[monster->m_char - 'A']; if (is_vowel(mn[0])) { article = "an"; } else { article = "a"; } snprintf(deathbuf, sizeof(deathbuf), "killed by %s %s", article, mn); death = deathbuf; } if (other != WIN && has_amulet()) { hasamulet = " with amulet"; } else { hasamulet = ""; } snprintf(se->death, sizeof(se->death), "%s on level %d%s", death, max_level, hasamulet); strlcpy(se->nickname, nick_name, sizeof(se->nickname)); } boolean is_vowel(short ch) { return( (ch == 'a') || (ch == 'e') || (ch == 'i') || (ch == 'o') || (ch == 'u') ); } static void sell_pack(void) { object *obj; short row = 2, val; char buf[DCOLS]; obj = rogue.pack.next_object; clear(); mvaddstr(1, 0, "Value Item"); while (obj) { if (obj->what_is != FOOD) { obj->identified = 1; val = get_value(obj); rogue.gold += val; if (row < DROWS) { get_desc(obj, buf, sizeof(buf)); mvprintw(row++, 0, "%5d %s", val, buf); } } obj = obj->next_object; } refresh(); if (rogue.gold > MAX_GOLD) { rogue.gold = MAX_GOLD; } messagef(0, "%s", ""); /* gcc objects to just "" */ } static int get_value(const object *obj) { short wc; int val; val = 0; wc = obj->which_kind; switch(obj->what_is) { case WEAPON: val = id_weapons[wc].value; if ((wc == ARROW) || (wc == DAGGER) || (wc == SHURIKEN) || (wc == DART)) { val *= obj->quantity; } val += (obj->d_enchant * 85); val += (obj->hit_enchant * 85); break; case ARMOR: val = id_armors[wc].value; val += (obj->d_enchant * 75); if (obj->is_protected) { val += 200; } break; case WAND: val = id_wands[wc].value * (obj->class + 1); break; case SCROL: val = id_scrolls[wc].value * obj->quantity; break; case POTION: val = id_potions[wc].value * obj->quantity; break; case AMULET: val = 5000; break; case RING: val = id_rings[wc].value * (obj->class + 1); break; } if (val <= 0) { val = 10; } return(val); } static void id_all(void) { short i; for (i = 0; i < SCROLS; i++) { id_scrolls[i].id_status = IDENTIFIED; } for (i = 0; i < WEAPONS; i++) { id_weapons[i].id_status = IDENTIFIED; } for (i = 0; i < ARMORS; i++) { id_armors[i].id_status = IDENTIFIED; } for (i = 0; i < WANDS; i++) { id_wands[i].id_status = IDENTIFIED; } for (i = 0; i < POTIONS; i++) { id_potions[i].id_status = IDENTIFIED; } } void xxxx(char *buf, short n) { short i; unsigned char c; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* It does not matter if accuracy is lost during this assignment */ c = (unsigned char)xxx(0); buf[i] ^= c; } } long xxx(boolean st) { static long f, s; long r; if (st) { f = 37; s = 7; return(0L); } r = ((f * s) + 9337) % 8887; f = s; s = r; return(r); } static void center(short row, const char *buf) { short margin; margin = ((DCOLS - strlen(buf)) / 2); mvaddstr(row, margin, buf); } static void sf_error(void) { md_lock(0); messagef(1, "%s", ""); /* gcc objects to just "" */ clean_up("sorry, score file is out of order"); }