/* $NetBSD: spec_hit.c,v 1.9 2011/05/23 23:01:17 joerg Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Timothy C. Stoehr. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> #ifndef lint #if 0 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)spec_hit.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93"; #else __RCSID("$NetBSD: spec_hit.c,v 1.9 2011/05/23 23:01:17 joerg Exp $"); #endif #endif /* not lint */ /* * special_hit.c * * This source herein may be modified and/or distributed by anybody who * so desires, with the following restrictions: * 1.) No portion of this notice shall be removed. * 2.) Credit shall not be taken for the creation of this source. * 3.) This code is not to be traded, sold, or used for personal * gain or profit. * */ #include "rogue.h" static void disappear(object *); static void drain_life(void); static void drop_level(void); static void freeze(object *); static int get_dir(short, short, short, short); static boolean gold_at(short, short); static void steal_gold(object *); static void steal_item(object *); static void sting(object *); static boolean try_to_cough(short, short, object *); short less_hp = 0; boolean being_held; void special_hit(object *monster) { if ((monster->m_flags & CONFUSED) && rand_percent(66)) { return; } if (monster->m_flags & RUSTS) { rust(monster); } if ((monster->m_flags & HOLDS) && !levitate) { being_held = 1; } if (monster->m_flags & FREEZES) { freeze(monster); } if (monster->m_flags & STINGS) { sting(monster); } if (monster->m_flags & DRAINS_LIFE) { drain_life(); } if (monster->m_flags & DROPS_LEVEL) { drop_level(); } if (monster->m_flags & STEALS_GOLD) { steal_gold(monster); } else if (monster->m_flags & STEALS_ITEM) { steal_item(monster); } } void rust(object *monster) { if ((!rogue.armor) || (get_armor_class(rogue.armor) <= 1) || (rogue.armor->which_kind == LEATHER)) { return; } if ((rogue.armor->is_protected) || maintain_armor) { if (monster && (!(monster->m_flags & RUST_VANISHED))) { messagef(0, "the rust vanishes instantly"); monster->m_flags |= RUST_VANISHED; } } else { rogue.armor->d_enchant--; messagef(0, "your armor weakens"); print_stats(STAT_ARMOR); } } void freeze(object *monster) { short freeze_percent = 99; short i, n; if (rand_percent(12)) { return; } freeze_percent -= (rogue.str_current+(rogue.str_current / 2)); freeze_percent -= ((rogue.exp + ring_exp) * 4); freeze_percent -= (get_armor_class(rogue.armor) * 5); freeze_percent -= (rogue.hp_max / 3); if (freeze_percent > 10) { monster->m_flags |= FREEZING_ROGUE; messagef(1, "you are frozen"); n = get_rand(4, 8); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { mv_mons(); } if (rand_percent(freeze_percent)) { for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { mv_mons(); } killed_by(NULL, HYPOTHERMIA); } messagef(1, "%s", you_can_move_again); monster->m_flags &= (~FREEZING_ROGUE); } } void steal_gold(object *monster) { int amount; if ((rogue.gold <= 0) || rand_percent(10)) { return; } amount = get_rand((cur_level * 10), (cur_level * 30)); if (amount > rogue.gold) { amount = rogue.gold; } rogue.gold -= amount; messagef(0, "your purse feels lighter"); print_stats(STAT_GOLD); disappear(monster); } void steal_item(object *monster) { object *obj; short i, n, t = 0; char desc[80]; boolean has_something = 0; if (rand_percent(15)) { return; } obj = rogue.pack.next_object; if (!obj) { goto DSPR; } while (obj) { if (!(obj->in_use_flags & BEING_USED)) { has_something = 1; break; } obj = obj->next_object; } if (!has_something) { goto DSPR; } n = get_rand(0, MAX_PACK_COUNT); obj = rogue.pack.next_object; for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { obj = obj->next_object; while ((!obj) || (obj->in_use_flags & BEING_USED)) { if (!obj) { obj = rogue.pack.next_object; } else { obj = obj->next_object; } } } if (obj->what_is != WEAPON) { t = obj->quantity; obj->quantity = 1; } get_desc(obj, desc, sizeof(desc)); messagef(0, "she stole %s", desc); obj->quantity = ((obj->what_is != WEAPON) ? t : 1); vanish(obj, 0, &rogue.pack); DSPR: disappear(monster); } static void disappear(object *monster) { short row, col; row = monster->row; col = monster->col; dungeon[row][col] &= ~MONSTER; if (rogue_can_see(row, col)) { mvaddch(row, col, get_dungeon_char(row, col)); } take_from_pack(monster, &level_monsters); free_object(monster); mon_disappeared = 1; } void cough_up(object *monster) { object *obj; short row, col, i, n; if (cur_level < max_level) { return; } if (monster->m_flags & STEALS_GOLD) { obj = alloc_object(); obj->what_is = GOLD; obj->quantity = get_rand((cur_level * 15), (cur_level * 30)); } else { if (!rand_percent((int)monster->drop_percent)) { return; } obj = gr_object(); } row = monster->row; col = monster->col; for (n = 0; n <= 5; n++) { for (i = -n; i <= n; i++) { if (try_to_cough(row+n, col+i, obj)) { return; } if (try_to_cough(row-n, col+i, obj)) { return; } } for (i = -n; i <= n; i++) { if (try_to_cough(row+i, col-n, obj)) { return; } if (try_to_cough(row+i, col+n, obj)) { return; } } } free_object(obj); } static boolean try_to_cough(short row, short col, object *obj) { if ((row < MIN_ROW) || (row > (DROWS-2)) || (col < 0) || (col>(DCOLS-1))) { return(0); } if ((!(dungeon[row][col] & (OBJECT | STAIRS | TRAP))) && (dungeon[row][col] & (TUNNEL | FLOOR | DOOR))) { place_at(obj, row, col); if (((row != rogue.row) || (col != rogue.col)) && (!(dungeon[row][col] & MONSTER))) { mvaddch(row, col, get_dungeon_char(row, col)); } return(1); } return(0); } boolean seek_gold(object *monster) { short i, j, rn, s; if ((rn = get_room_number(monster->row, monster->col)) < 0) { return(0); } for (i = rooms[rn].top_row+1; i < rooms[rn].bottom_row; i++) { for (j = rooms[rn].left_col+1; j < rooms[rn].right_col; j++) { if ((gold_at(i, j)) && !(dungeon[i][j] & MONSTER)) { monster->m_flags |= CAN_FLIT; s = mon_can_go(monster, i, j); monster->m_flags &= (~CAN_FLIT); if (s) { move_mon_to(monster, i, j); monster->m_flags |= ASLEEP; monster->m_flags &= (~(WAKENS | SEEKS_GOLD)); return(1); } monster->m_flags &= (~SEEKS_GOLD); monster->m_flags |= CAN_FLIT; mv_1_monster(monster, i, j); monster->m_flags &= (~CAN_FLIT); monster->m_flags |= SEEKS_GOLD; return(1); } } } return(0); } static boolean gold_at(short row, short col) { if (dungeon[row][col] & OBJECT) { object *obj; if ((obj = object_at(&level_objects, row, col)) && (obj->what_is == GOLD)) { return(1); } } return(0); } void check_gold_seeker(object *monster) { monster->m_flags &= (~SEEKS_GOLD); } boolean check_imitator(object *monster) { if (monster->m_flags & IMITATES) { wake_up(monster); if (!blind) { mvaddch(monster->row, monster->col, get_dungeon_char(monster->row, monster->col)); check_message(); messagef(1, "wait, that's a %s!", mon_name(monster)); } return(1); } return(0); } boolean imitating(short row, short col) { if (dungeon[row][col] & MONSTER) { object *monster; if ((monster = object_at(&level_monsters, row, col)) != NULL) { if (monster->m_flags & IMITATES) { return(1); } } } return(0); } static void sting(object *monster) { short sting_chance = 35; if ((rogue.str_current <= 3) || sustain_strength) { return; } sting_chance += (6 * (6 - get_armor_class(rogue.armor))); if ((rogue.exp + ring_exp) > 8) { sting_chance -= (6 * ((rogue.exp + ring_exp) - 8)); } if (rand_percent(sting_chance)) { messagef(0, "the %s's bite has weakened you", mon_name(monster)); rogue.str_current--; print_stats(STAT_STRENGTH); } } static void drop_level(void) { int hp; if (rand_percent(80) || (rogue.exp <= 5)) { return; } rogue.exp_points = level_points[rogue.exp-2] - get_rand(9, 29); rogue.exp -= 2; hp = hp_raise(); if ((rogue.hp_current -= hp) <= 0) { rogue.hp_current = 1; } if ((rogue.hp_max -= hp) <= 0) { rogue.hp_max = 1; } add_exp(1, 0); } void drain_life(void) { short n; if (rand_percent(60) || (rogue.hp_max <= 30) || (rogue.hp_current < 10)) { return; } n = get_rand(1, 3); /* 1 Hp, 2 Str, 3 both */ if ((n != 2) || (!sustain_strength)) { messagef(0, "you feel weaker"); } if (n != 2) { rogue.hp_max--; rogue.hp_current--; less_hp++; } if (n != 1) { if ((rogue.str_current > 3) && (!sustain_strength)) { rogue.str_current--; if (coin_toss()) { rogue.str_max--; } } } print_stats((STAT_STRENGTH | STAT_HP)); } boolean m_confuse(object *monster) { if (!rogue_can_see(monster->row, monster->col)) { return(0); } if (rand_percent(45)) { monster->m_flags &= (~CONFUSES); /* will not confuse the rogue */ return(0); } if (rand_percent(55)) { monster->m_flags &= (~CONFUSES); messagef(1, "the gaze of the %s has confused you", mon_name(monster)); cnfs(); return(1); } return(0); } boolean flame_broil(object *monster) { short row, col, dir; if ((!mon_sees(monster, rogue.row, rogue.col)) || coin_toss()) { return(0); } row = rogue.row - monster->row; col = rogue.col - monster->col; if (row < 0) { row = -row; } if (col < 0) { col = -col; } if (((row != 0) && (col != 0) && (row != col)) || ((row > 7) || (col > 7))) { return(0); } dir = get_dir(monster->row, monster->col, row, col); bounce(FIRE, dir, monster->row, monster->col, 0); return(1); } static int get_dir(short srow, short scol, short drow, short dcol) { if (srow == drow) { if (scol < dcol) { return(RIGHT); } else { return(LEFT); } } if (scol == dcol) { if (srow < drow) { return(DOWN); } else { return(UPWARD); } } if ((srow > drow) && (scol > dcol)) { return(UPLEFT); } if ((srow < drow) && (scol < dcol)) { return(DOWNRIGHT); } if ((srow < drow) && (scol > dcol)) { return(DOWNLEFT); } /*if ((srow > drow) && (scol < dcol)) {*/ return(UPRIGHT); /*}*/ }