/* * SCSI_media.c - * * Written by Eryk Vershen */ /* * Copyright 1997,1998 by Apple Computer, Inc. * All Rights Reserved * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and * that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation. * * APPLE COMPUTER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ // for printf() & sprintf() #include <stdio.h> // for malloc() & free() #include <stdlib.h> #include "DoSCSICommand.h" #include "SCSI_media.h" #include "util.h" /* * Defines */ #define DriverRefNumToSCSI(x) ((int16_t) (~(x) - 32)) /* * Types */ typedef struct SCSI_media *SCSI_MEDIA; struct SCSI_media { struct media m; long bus; long id; }; struct bus_entry { long bus; long sort_value; long max_id; long master_id; }; struct SCSI_manager { long exists; long kind; long bus_count; struct bus_entry *bus_list; }; typedef struct SCSI_media_iterator *SCSI_MEDIA_ITERATOR; struct SCSI_media_iterator { struct media_iterator m; long bus_index; long bus; long id; }; struct linux_order_cache { struct cache_item *first; struct cache_item *last; long next_disk; long next_cdrom; long loaded; }; struct cache_item { struct cache_item *next; long bus; long id; long value; long is_cdrom; long unsure; }; /* * Global Constants */ enum { kNoDevice = 0x00FF }; enum { kRequiredSCSIinquiryLength = 36 }; /* * Global Variables */ static long scsi_inited = 0; static struct SCSI_manager scsi_mgr; static struct linux_order_cache linux_order; /* * Forward declarations */ int AsyncSCSIPresent(void); void scsi_init(void); SCSI_MEDIA new_scsi_media(void); long read_scsi_media(MEDIA m, long long offset, uint32_t count, void *address); long write_scsi_media(MEDIA m, long long offset, uint32_t count, void *address); long close_scsi_media(MEDIA m); long os_reload_scsi_media(MEDIA m); long compute_id(long bus, long device); int SCSI_ReadBlock(UInt32 id, UInt32 bus, UInt32 block_size, UInt32 block, UInt8 *address); int SCSI_WriteBlock(UInt32 id, UInt32 bus, UInt32 block_size, UInt32 block, UInt8 *address); int DoTestUnitReady(UInt8 targetID, int bus); int DoReadCapacity(UInt32 id, UInt32 bus, UInt32 *blockCount, UInt32 *blockSize); SCSI_MEDIA_ITERATOR new_scsi_iterator(void); void reset_scsi_iterator(MEDIA_ITERATOR m); char *step_scsi_iterator(MEDIA_ITERATOR m); void delete_scsi_iterator(MEDIA_ITERATOR m); void fill_bus_entry(struct bus_entry *entry, long bus); /*long get_bus_sort_value(long bus);*/ int bus_entry_compare(const void* a, const void* b); int DoInquiry(UInt32 id, UInt32 bus, UInt32 *devType); void probe_all(void); void probe_scsi_device(long bus, long id, int unsure); long lookup_scsi_device(long bus, long id, int *is_cdrom, int *unsure); long lookup_scsi_index(long index, int is_cdrom, long *bus, long *id); void add_to_cache(long bus, long id, int is_cdrom, int unsure); void init_linux_cache(void); void clear_linux_cache(void); void mark_linux_cache_loaded(void); int linux_cache_loaded(void); /* * Routines */ int AsyncSCSIPresent(void) { return (TrapAvailable(_SCSIAtomic)); } void scsi_init(void) { int i; int old_scsi; if (scsi_inited != 0) { return; } scsi_inited = 1; scsi_mgr.exists = 1; scsi_mgr.kind = allocate_media_kind(); if (AsyncSCSIPresent()) { AllocatePB(); scsi_mgr.bus_count = gSCSIHiBusID + 1; old_scsi = 0; } else { scsi_mgr.bus_count = 1; old_scsi = 1; } scsi_mgr.bus_list = (struct bus_entry *) calloc(scsi_mgr.bus_count, sizeof(struct bus_entry)); if (scsi_mgr.bus_list == 0) { scsi_mgr.bus_count = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < scsi_mgr.bus_count; i++) { if (old_scsi) { scsi_mgr.bus_list[i].bus = 0xFF; } else { scsi_mgr.bus_list[i].bus = i; } fill_bus_entry(&scsi_mgr.bus_list[i], i); } qsort((void *)scsi_mgr.bus_list, /* address of array */ scsi_mgr.bus_count, /* number of elements */ sizeof(struct bus_entry), /* size of element */ bus_entry_compare); /* element comparison routine */ } init_linux_cache(); } void fill_bus_entry(struct bus_entry *entry, long bus) { OSErr status; SCSIBusInquiryPB pb; long len; long result; long x, y; if (!AsyncSCSIPresent()) { entry->sort_value = 0; entry->max_id = 7; entry->master_id = 7; return; } len = sizeof(SCSIBusInquiryPB); clear_memory((Ptr) &pb, len); pb.scsiPBLength = len; pb.scsiFunctionCode = SCSIBusInquiry; pb.scsiDevice.bus = bus; status = SCSIAction((SCSI_PB *) &pb); if (status != noErr) { result = 6; } else { switch (pb.scsiHBAslotType) { case scsiMotherboardBus: x = 0; break; case scsiPDSBus: x = 1; break; case scsiNuBus: x = 2; break; case scsiPCIBus: x = 3; break; case scsiFireWireBridgeBus: x = 4; break; case scsiPCMCIABus: x = 5; break; default: x = 7 + pb.scsiHBAslotType; break; }; switch (pb.scsiFeatureFlags & scsiBusInternalExternalMask) { case scsiBusInternal: y = 0; break; case scsiBusInternalExternal: y = 1; break; case scsiBusExternal: y = 2; break; default: case scsiBusInternalExternalUnknown: y = 3; break; }; result = x * 4 + y; } entry->sort_value = result; entry->max_id = pb.scsiMaxLUN; entry->master_id = pb.scsiInitiatorID; } int bus_entry_compare(const void* a, const void* b) { long result; const struct bus_entry *x = (const struct bus_entry *) a; const struct bus_entry *y = (const struct bus_entry *) b; result = x->sort_value - y->sort_value; if (result == 0) { result = x->bus - y->bus; } return result; } SCSI_MEDIA new_scsi_media(void) { return (SCSI_MEDIA) new_media(sizeof(struct SCSI_media)); } MEDIA open_old_scsi_as_media(long device) { return open_scsi_as_media(kOriginalSCSIBusAdaptor, device); } MEDIA open_scsi_as_media(long bus, long device) { SCSI_MEDIA a; UInt32 blockCount; UInt32 blockSize; if (scsi_inited == 0) { scsi_init(); } if (scsi_mgr.exists == 0) { return 0; } a = 0; if (DoTestUnitReady(device, bus) > 0) { if (DoReadCapacity(device, bus, &blockCount, &blockSize) != 0) { a = new_scsi_media(); if (a != 0) { a->m.kind = scsi_mgr.kind; a->m.grain = blockSize; a->m.size_in_bytes = ((long long)blockCount) * blockSize; a->m.do_read = read_scsi_media; a->m.do_write = write_scsi_media; a->m.do_close = close_scsi_media; a->m.do_os_reload = os_reload_scsi_media; a->bus = bus; a->id = device; } } } return (MEDIA) a; } long read_scsi_media(MEDIA m, long long offset, uint32_t count, void *address) { SCSI_MEDIA a; long rtn_value; long block; long block_count; long block_size; uint8_t *buffer; int i; block = (long) offset; //printf("scsi %d count %d\n", block, count); a = (SCSI_MEDIA) m; rtn_value = 0; if (a == 0) { /* no media */ } else if (a->m.kind != scsi_mgr.kind) { /* wrong kind - XXX need to error here - this is an internal problem */ } else if (count <= 0 || count % a->m.grain != 0) { /* can't handle size */ } else if (offset < 0 || offset % a->m.grain != 0) { /* can't handle offset */ } else if (offset + count > a->m.size_in_bytes) { /* check for offset (and offset+count) too large */ } else { /* XXX do a read on the physical device */ block_size = a->m.grain; block = offset / block_size; block_count = count / block_size; buffer = address; rtn_value = 1; for (i = 0; i < block_count; i++) { if (SCSI_ReadBlock(a->id, a->bus, block_size, block, buffer) == 0) { rtn_value = 0; break; } buffer += block_size; block += 1; } } return rtn_value; } long write_scsi_media(MEDIA m, long long offset, uint32_t count, void *address) { SCSI_MEDIA a; long rtn_value; long block; long block_count; long block_size; uint8_t *buffer; int i; a = (SCSI_MEDIA) m; rtn_value = 0; if (a == 0) { /* no media */ } else if (a->m.kind != scsi_mgr.kind) { /* XXX need to error here - this is an internal problem */ } else if (count <= 0 || count % a->m.grain != 0) { /* can't handle size */ } else if (offset < 0 || offset % a->m.grain != 0) { /* can't handle offset */ } else if (offset + count > a->m.size_in_bytes) { /* check for offset (and offset+count) too large */ } else { /* XXX do a write on the physical device */ block_size = a->m.grain; block = offset / block_size; block_count = count / block_size; buffer = address; rtn_value = 1; for (i = 0; i < block_count; i++) { if (SCSI_WriteBlock(a->id, a->bus, block_size, block, buffer) == 0) { rtn_value = 0; break; } buffer += block_size; block += 1; } } return rtn_value; } long close_scsi_media(MEDIA m) { SCSI_MEDIA a; a = (SCSI_MEDIA) m; if (a == 0) { return 0; } else if (a->m.kind != scsi_mgr.kind) { /* XXX need to error here - this is an internal problem */ return 0; } /* XXX nothing to do - I think? */ return 1; } long os_reload_scsi_media(MEDIA m) { printf("Reboot your system so the partition table will be reread.\n"); return 1; } #pragma mark - int DoTestUnitReady(UInt8 targetID, int bus) { OSErr status; Str255 errorText; char* msg; static const SCSI_6_Byte_Command gTestUnitReadyCommand = { kScsiCmdTestUnitReady, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; SCSI_Sense_Data senseData; DeviceIdent scsiDevice; int rtn_value; scsiDevice.diReserved = 0; scsiDevice.bus = bus; scsiDevice.targetID = targetID; scsiDevice.LUN = 0; status = DoSCSICommand( scsiDevice, "\pTest Unit Ready", (SCSI_CommandPtr) &gTestUnitReadyCommand, NULL, 0, scsiDirectionNone, NULL, &senseData, errorText ); if (status == scsiNonZeroStatus) { rtn_value = -1; } else if (status != noErr) { rtn_value = 0; } else { rtn_value = 1; } return rtn_value; } int SCSI_ReadBlock(UInt32 id, UInt32 bus, UInt32 block_size, UInt32 block, UInt8 *address) { OSErr status; Str255 errorText; char* msg; static SCSI_10_Byte_Command gReadCommand = { kScsiCmdRead10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; SCSI_Sense_Data senseData; DeviceIdent scsiDevice; int rtn_value; long count; //printf("scsi read %d:%d block %d size %d\n", bus, id, block, block_size); scsiDevice.diReserved = 0; scsiDevice.bus = bus; scsiDevice.targetID = id; scsiDevice.LUN = 0; gReadCommand.lbn4 = (block >> 24) & 0xFF; gReadCommand.lbn3 = (block >> 16) & 0xFF; gReadCommand.lbn2 = (block >> 8) & 0xFF; gReadCommand.lbn1 = block & 0xFF; count = 1; gReadCommand.len2 = (count >> 8) & 0xFF; gReadCommand.len1 = count & 0xFF; status = DoSCSICommand( scsiDevice, "\pRead", (SCSI_CommandPtr) &gReadCommand, (Ptr) address, count * block_size, scsiDirectionIn, NULL, &senseData, errorText ); if (status == noErr) { rtn_value = 1; } else { rtn_value = 0; } return rtn_value; } int SCSI_WriteBlock(UInt32 id, UInt32 bus, UInt32 block_size, UInt32 block, UInt8 *address) { OSErr status; Str255 errorText; char* msg; static SCSI_10_Byte_Command gWriteCommand = { kScsiCmdWrite10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; SCSI_Sense_Data senseData; DeviceIdent scsiDevice; int rtn_value; long count; scsiDevice.diReserved = 0; scsiDevice.bus = bus; scsiDevice.targetID = id; scsiDevice.LUN = 0; gWriteCommand.lbn4 = (block >> 24) & 0xFF; gWriteCommand.lbn3 = (block >> 16) & 0xFF; gWriteCommand.lbn2 = (block >> 8) & 0xFF; gWriteCommand.lbn1 = block & 0xFF; count = 1; gWriteCommand.len2 = (count >> 8) & 0xFF; gWriteCommand.len1 = count & 0xFF; status = DoSCSICommand( scsiDevice, "\pWrite", (SCSI_CommandPtr) &gWriteCommand, (Ptr) address, count * block_size, scsiDirectionOut, NULL, &senseData, errorText ); if (status == noErr) { rtn_value = 1; } else { rtn_value = 0; } return rtn_value; } int DoReadCapacity(UInt32 id, UInt32 bus, UInt32 *blockCount, UInt32 *blockSize) { OSErr status; Str255 errorText; static const SCSI_10_Byte_Command gCapacityCommand = { kScsiCmdReadCapacity, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; SCSI_Sense_Data senseData; DeviceIdent scsiDevice; SCSI_Capacity_Data capacityData; UInt32 temp; int rtn_value; scsiDevice.diReserved = 0; scsiDevice.bus = bus; scsiDevice.targetID = id; scsiDevice.LUN = 0; CLEAR(capacityData); status = DoSCSICommand( scsiDevice, "\pRead Capacity", (SCSI_CommandPtr) &gCapacityCommand, (Ptr) &capacityData, sizeof (SCSI_Capacity_Data), scsiDirectionIn, NULL, &senseData, errorText ); if (status == noErr) { temp = capacityData.lbn4; temp = (temp << 8) | capacityData.lbn3; temp = (temp << 8) | capacityData.lbn2; temp = (temp << 8) | capacityData.lbn1; *blockCount = temp; temp = capacityData.len4; temp = (temp << 8) | capacityData.len3; temp = (temp << 8) | capacityData.len2; temp = (temp << 8) | capacityData.len1; *blockSize = temp; rtn_value = 1; } else { rtn_value = 0; } return rtn_value; } int DoInquiry(UInt32 id, UInt32 bus, UInt32 *devType) { OSErr status; Str255 errorText; static const SCSI_6_Byte_Command gInquiryCommand = { kScsiCmdInquiry, 0, 0, 0, kRequiredSCSIinquiryLength, 0 }; SCSI_Sense_Data senseData; DeviceIdent scsiDevice; SCSI_Inquiry_Data inquiryData; UInt32 temp; int rtn_value; scsiDevice.diReserved = 0; scsiDevice.bus = bus; scsiDevice.targetID = id; scsiDevice.LUN = 0; CLEAR(inquiryData); status = DoSCSICommand( scsiDevice, "\pInquiry", (SCSI_CommandPtr) &gInquiryCommand, (Ptr) &inquiryData, kRequiredSCSIinquiryLength, scsiDirectionIn, NULL, &senseData, errorText ); if (status == noErr) { *devType = inquiryData.devType & kScsiDevTypeMask; rtn_value = 1; } else { rtn_value = 0; } return rtn_value; } MEDIA SCSI_FindDevice(long dRefNum) { SCSIDriverPB pb; OSErr status; short targetID; status = nsvErr; if (AsyncSCSIPresent()) { clear_memory((Ptr) &pb, sizeof pb); pb.scsiPBLength = sizeof (SCSIDriverPB); pb.scsiCompletion = NULL; pb.scsiFlags = 0; pb.scsiFunctionCode = SCSILookupRefNumXref; pb.scsiDevice.bus = kNoDevice; /* was *((long *) &pb.scsiDevice) = 0xFFFFFFFFL; */ do { status = SCSIAction((SCSI_PB *) &pb); if (status != noErr) { break; } else if (pb.scsiDriver == dRefNum && pb.scsiDevice.bus != kNoDevice) { return open_scsi_as_media(pb.scsiDevice.bus, pb.scsiDevice.targetID); } else { pb.scsiDevice = pb.scsiNextDevice; } } while (pb.scsiDevice.bus != kNoDevice); } if (status == nsvErr) { /* * The asynchronous SCSI Manager is missing or the * driver didn't register with the SCSI Manager.*/ targetID = DriverRefNumToSCSI(dRefNum); if (targetID >= 0 && targetID <= 6) { return open_old_scsi_as_media(targetID); } } return 0; } #pragma mark - SCSI_MEDIA_ITERATOR new_scsi_iterator(void) { return (SCSI_MEDIA_ITERATOR) new_media_iterator(sizeof(struct SCSI_media_iterator)); } MEDIA_ITERATOR create_scsi_iterator(void) { SCSI_MEDIA_ITERATOR a; if (scsi_inited == 0) { scsi_init(); } if (scsi_mgr.exists == 0) { return 0; } a = new_scsi_iterator(); if (a != 0) { a->m.kind = scsi_mgr.kind; a->m.state = kInit; a->m.do_reset = reset_scsi_iterator; a->m.do_step = step_scsi_iterator; a->m.do_delete = delete_scsi_iterator; a->bus_index = 0; a->bus = 0; a->id = 0; } return (MEDIA_ITERATOR) a; } void reset_scsi_iterator(MEDIA_ITERATOR m) { SCSI_MEDIA_ITERATOR a; a = (SCSI_MEDIA_ITERATOR) m; if (a == 0) { /* no media */ } else if (a->m.kind != scsi_mgr.kind) { /* wrong kind - XXX need to error here - this is an internal problem */ } else if (a->m.state != kInit) { a->m.state = kReset; } } char * step_scsi_iterator(MEDIA_ITERATOR m) { SCSI_MEDIA_ITERATOR a; char *result; a = (SCSI_MEDIA_ITERATOR) m; if (a == 0) { /* no media */ } else if (a->m.kind != scsi_mgr.kind) { /* wrong kind - XXX need to error here - this is an internal problem */ } else { switch (a->m.state) { case kInit: /* find # of buses - done in AllocatePB() out of scsi_init() */ a->m.state = kReset; /* fall through to reset */ case kReset: a->bus_index = 0 /* first bus id */; a->bus = scsi_mgr.bus_list[a->bus_index].bus; a->id = 0 /* first device id */; a->m.state = kIterating; clear_linux_cache(); /* fall through to iterate */ case kIterating: while (1) { if (a->bus_index >= scsi_mgr.bus_count /* max bus id */) { break; } if (a->id == scsi_mgr.bus_list[a->bus_index].master_id) { /* next id */ a->id += 1; } if (a->id > scsi_mgr.bus_list[a->bus_index].max_id) { a->bus_index += 1; a->bus = scsi_mgr.bus_list[a->bus_index].bus; a->id = 0 /* first device id */; continue; /* try again */ } /* generate result */ result = (char *) malloc(20); if (result != NULL) { if (a->bus == 0xFF) { snprintf(result, 20, "/dev/scsi%c", '0'+a->id); probe_scsi_device(a->bus, a->id, 1); } else { // insure bus number in range if (a->bus > 9) { free(result); result = NULL; break; } snprintf(result, 20, "/dev/scsi%c.%c", '0'+a->bus, '0'+a->id); /* only probe out of iterate; so always added in order. */ probe_scsi_device(a->bus, a->id, 0); } } a->id += 1; /* next id */ return result; } a->m.state = kEnd; /* fall through to end */ case kEnd: mark_linux_cache_loaded(); default: break; } } return 0 /* no entry */; } void delete_scsi_iterator(MEDIA_ITERATOR m) { return; } #pragma mark - MEDIA open_linux_scsi_as_media(long index, int is_cdrom) { MEDIA m; long bus; long id; if (lookup_scsi_index(index, is_cdrom, &bus, &id) > 0) { m = open_scsi_as_media(bus, id); } else { m = 0; } return m; } char * linux_old_scsi_name(long id) { linux_scsi_name(kOriginalSCSIBusAdaptor, id); } char * linux_scsi_name(long bus, long id) { char *result = 0; long value; int is_cdrom; int unsure; char *suffix; /* name is sda, sdb, sdc, ... * in order by buses and ids, but only count responding devices ... */ if ((value = lookup_scsi_device(bus, id, &is_cdrom, &unsure)) >= 0) { result = (char *) malloc(20); if (result != NULL) { if (unsure) { suffix = " ?"; } else { suffix = ""; } if (is_cdrom) { if (value > 9) { // too many CD's, give up free(result); result = NULL; } else { snprintf(result, 20, "/dev/scd%c%s", '0' + value, suffix); } } else { if (value < 26) { snprintf(result, 20, "/dev/sd%c%s", 'a' + value, suffix); } else { snprintf(result, 20, "/dev/sd%c%c%s", 'a' + value / 26, 'a' + value % 26, suffix); } } } } return result; } void probe_all(void) { MEDIA_ITERATOR iter; char *name; iter = create_scsi_iterator(); if (iter == 0) { return; } printf("finding devices "); fflush(stdout); while ((name = step_media_iterator(iter)) != 0) { /* step does the probe for us */ printf("."); fflush(stdout); free(name); } delete_media_iterator(iter); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } void probe_scsi_device(long bus, long id, int unsure) { UInt32 devType; if (DoInquiry(id, bus, &devType)) { if (devType == kScsiDevTypeDirect || devType == kScsiDevTypeOptical) { add_to_cache(bus, id, 0, unsure); } else if (devType == kScsiDevTypeCDROM || devType == kScsiDevTypeWorm) { add_to_cache(bus, id, 1, unsure); } } } long lookup_scsi_device(long bus, long id, int *is_cdrom, int *unsure) { /* walk down list looking for bus and id ? * * only probe out of iterate (so always add in order) * reset list if we reset the iterate */ struct cache_item *item; struct cache_item *next; long result = -1; int count = 0; if (scsi_inited == 0) { scsi_init(); } while (1) { count++; for (item = linux_order.first; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if (item->bus == bus && item->id == id) { result = item->value; *is_cdrom = item->is_cdrom; *unsure = item->unsure; break; } } if (count < 2 && result < 0) { probe_all(); } else { break; } }; return result; } /* * This has the same structure as lookup_scsi_device() except we are * matching on the value & type rather than the bus & id. */ long lookup_scsi_index(long index, int is_cdrom, long *bus, long *id) { struct cache_item *item; struct cache_item *next; long result = 0; int count = 0; if (scsi_inited == 0) { scsi_init(); } while (1) { count++; for (item = linux_order.first; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if (item->value == index && item->is_cdrom == is_cdrom && item->unsure == 0) { result = 1; *bus = item->bus; *id = item->id; break; } } if (count < 2 && result == 0 && !linux_cache_loaded()) { probe_all(); } else { break; } }; return result; } void add_to_cache(long bus, long id, int is_cdrom, int unsure) { struct cache_item *item; item = malloc(sizeof(struct cache_item)); if (item == NULL) { return; } else { item->bus = bus; item->id = id; item->is_cdrom = is_cdrom; item->unsure = unsure; if (is_cdrom) { item->value = linux_order.next_cdrom; linux_order.next_cdrom++; } else { item->value = linux_order.next_disk; linux_order.next_disk++; } item->next = 0; } if (linux_order.first == NULL) { linux_order.first = item; linux_order.last = item; } else { linux_order.last->next = item; linux_order.last = item; } } void init_linux_cache(void) { linux_order.first = NULL; clear_linux_cache(); } void clear_linux_cache(void) { struct cache_item *item; struct cache_item *next; for (item = linux_order.first; item != NULL; item = next) { next = item->next; free(item); } /* back to starting value */ linux_order.first = NULL; linux_order.last = NULL; linux_order.next_disk = 0; linux_order.next_cdrom = 0; linux_order.loaded = 0; } void mark_linux_cache_loaded(void) { linux_order.loaded = 1; } int linux_cache_loaded(void) { return linux_order.loaded; }