/* Header: bang.c,v 86/12/12 16:57:00 lwall Exp */ /* Log: bang.c,v * Revision 86/12/12 16:57:00 lwall * Made circular explosions. * * Revision 86/10/20 14:36:02 lwall * Picked some lint. * * Revision 86/10/16 10:49:45 lwall * Added Damage. Fixed random bugs. * * Revision 7.0 86/10/08 15:11:57 lwall * Split into separate files. Added amoebas and pirates. * */ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "warp.h" #include "object.h" #include "move.h" #include "sig.h" #include "term.h" #include "them.h" #include "INTERN.h" #include "bang.h" void bang_init(void) { ; } void make_plink(int x, int y) { OBJECT *obj; move(y+1,x*2,0); beg_qwrite(); *filler = '@'; qwrite(); obj = occupant[y][x]; if (obj) { if (numamoebas && obj->image == ' ') qaddc(amb[y][x]); else qaddc(obj->image); } else if (numamoebas) qaddc(amb[y][x]); else qaddspace(); end_qwrite(); } void make_blast(int x, int y, int size, long mass) { bangy[nxtbang] = y; bangx[nxtbang] = x; bangm[nxtbang] = mass; bangs[nxtbang++] = size; assert(nxtbang <= XSIZE * YSIZE); if (numamoebas && amb[y][x] == '~') { if (mass > 10000) modify_amoeba(y,x,1,'~', 10); else if (mass > 100) modify_amoeba(y,x,1,'~', 5); bangs[nxtbang-1] = 0; /* don't propagate */ return; } else if (mass >= 0) { OBJECT *obj; move(y+1,x*2,0); beg_qwrite(); *filler = '@'; qwrite(); *filler = '#'; qwrite(); *filler = '@'; qwrite(); *filler = '#'; qwrite(); *filler = '@'; qwrite(); obj = occupant[y][x]; if (obj) { if (numamoebas && obj->image == ' ') qaddc(amb[y][x]); else qaddc(obj->image); } else if (numamoebas) qaddc(amb[y][x]); else qaddspace(); end_qwrite(); } } void do_bangs(void) { int x; int y; int i; int j; int k; int lastxy; OBJECT *obj; /* read blast list and update blast array */ assert(nxtbang >= 0 && nxtbang <= XSIZE * YSIZE); for (i=0; i<nxtbang; i++) { if (bangm[i] != 32767) bangm[i] *= 4; lastxy = bangs[i] << 1; if (lastxy >= MAXBDIST) lastxy = MAXBDIST - 1; for (y=bangy[i]-bangs[i],x=bangx[i]-bangs[i],j=lastxy; j>=0; y++,x++,--j) { yblasted[yy[j] = (y+YSIZE00) % YSIZE] |= 1; xblasted[xx[j] = (x+XSIZE00) % XSIZE] |= 1; } blasted = true; for (y=lastxy;y>=0;--y) { for (x=lastxy;x>=0;--x) { if (lastxy > 2) { j = abs(y-bangs[i]); k = abs(x-bangs[i]); if (j < k) /* distance is long + 1/2 short */ j += k + k; else j += j + k; if (--j > lastxy) continue; } if (bangm[i] != 32767 || !(obj=occupant[yy[y]][xx[x]]) || obj->type != Web) blast[yy[y]][xx[x]] += bangm[i]; } } } }