/* $NetBSD: newwin.c,v 1.67 2022/05/03 07:25:34 blymn Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1981, 1993, 1994 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> #ifndef lint #if 0 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)newwin.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 7/27/94"; #else __RCSID("$NetBSD: newwin.c,v 1.67 2022/05/03 07:25:34 blymn Exp $"); #endif #endif /* not lint */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "curses.h" #include "curses_private.h" static WINDOW *__makenew(SCREEN *screen, int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx, int sub, int ispad); static WINDOW *__subwin(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx, int ispad); /* * derwin -- * Create a new window in the same manner as subwin but (by, bx) * are relative to the origin of window orig instead of absolute. */ WINDOW * derwin(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx) { return __subwin(orig, nlines, ncols, orig->begy + by, orig->begx + bx, FALSE); } /* * subpad -- * Create a new pad in the same manner as subwin but (by, bx) * are relative to the origin of window orig instead of absolute. */ WINDOW * subpad(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx) { return __subwin(orig, nlines, ncols, orig->begy + by, orig->begx + bx, TRUE); } /* * dupwin -- * Create a copy of the given window. */ WINDOW * dupwin(WINDOW *win) { WINDOW *new_one; if ((new_one = __newwin(_cursesi_screen, win->maxy, win->maxx, win->begy, win->begx, FALSE, win == stdscr ? TRUE : FALSE)) == NULL) return NULL; overwrite(win, new_one); return new_one; } /* * newwin -- * Allocate space for and set up defaults for a new window. */ WINDOW * newwin(int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx) { return __newwin(_cursesi_screen, nlines, ncols, by, bx, FALSE, FALSE); } /* * newpad -- * Allocate space for and set up defaults for a new pad. */ WINDOW * newpad(int nlines, int ncols) { if (nlines < 1 || ncols < 1) return NULL; return __newwin(_cursesi_screen, nlines, ncols, 0, 0, TRUE, FALSE); } WINDOW * __newwin(SCREEN *screen, int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx, int ispad, int isstdscr) { WINDOW *win; __LINE *lp; int i, j; int ry, maxy, maxx; __LDATA *sp; if (by < 0 || bx < 0) return NULL; if (isstdscr) { ry = __rippedlines(screen, -1); by += __rippedlines(screen, 1); } else ry = 0; maxy = nlines > 0 ? nlines : LINES - by - ry + nlines; maxx = ncols > 0 ? ncols : COLS - bx + ncols; if ((win = __makenew(screen, maxy, maxx, by, bx, 0, ispad)) == NULL) return NULL; #ifdef HAVE_WCHAR win->bch = (wchar_t) btowc((int) ' '); #else win->bch = ' '; #endif if (__using_color) win->battr |= __default_color; win->nextp = win; win->ch_off = 0; win->orig = NULL; win->reqy = nlines; win->reqx = ncols; __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "newwin: win->ch_off = %d\n", win->ch_off); for (i = 0; i < maxy; i++) { lp = win->alines[i]; if (ispad) lp->flags = __ISDIRTY; else lp->flags = 0; for (sp = lp->line, j = 0; j < maxx; j++, sp++) { sp->attr = 0; sp->cflags = CA_BACKGROUND; sp->ch = win->bch; #ifdef HAVE_WCHAR sp->nsp = NULL; sp->wcols = 1; #endif /* HAVE_WCHAR */ } lp->hash = __hash_line(lp->line, maxx); } return (win); } WINDOW * subwin(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx) { return __subwin(orig, nlines, ncols, by, bx, FALSE); } static WINDOW * __subwin(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx, int ispad) { int i; __LINE *lp; WINDOW *win; int maxy, maxx; __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "subwin: (%p, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", orig, nlines, ncols, by, bx, ispad); if (orig == NULL) return NULL; /* Make sure window fits inside the original one. */ maxy = nlines > 0 ? nlines : orig->maxy + orig->begy - by + nlines; maxx = ncols > 0 ? ncols : orig->maxx + orig->begx - bx + ncols; if (by < orig->begy || bx < orig->begx || by + maxy > orig->maxy + orig->begy || bx + maxx > orig->maxx + orig->begx) return NULL; if ((win = __makenew(_cursesi_screen, maxy, maxx, by, bx, 1, ispad)) == NULL) return NULL; win->bch = orig->bch; win->battr = orig->battr; win->reqy = nlines; win->reqx = ncols; win->nextp = orig->nextp; orig->nextp = win; win->orig = orig; /* Initialize flags here so that refresh can also use __set_subwin. */ for (lp = win->lspace, i = 0; i < win->maxy; i++, lp++) lp->flags = 0; __set_subwin(orig, win); return win; } /* * This code is shared with mvwin(). */ void __set_subwin(WINDOW *orig, WINDOW *win) { int i; __LINE *lp, *olp; win->ch_off = win->begx - orig->begx; /* Point line pointers to line space. */ for (lp = win->lspace, i = 0; i < win->maxy; i++, lp++) { win->alines[i] = lp; olp = orig->alines[i + win->begy - orig->begy]; #ifdef DEBUG lp->sentinel = SENTINEL_VALUE; #endif lp->line = &olp->line[win->ch_off]; lp->firstchp = &olp->firstch; lp->lastchp = &olp->lastch; lp->hash = __hash_line(lp->line, win->maxx); } __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "__set_subwin: win->ch_off = %d\n", win->ch_off); } /* * __makenew -- * Set up a window buffer and returns a pointer to it. */ static WINDOW * __makenew(SCREEN *screen, int nlines, int ncols, int by, int bx, int sub, int ispad) { WINDOW *win; __LINE *lp; struct __winlist *wlp, *wlp2; int i; __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", nlines, ncols, by, bx); if (nlines <= 0 || ncols <= 0) return NULL; if ((win = malloc(sizeof(WINDOW))) == NULL) return NULL; __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: win = %p\n", win); win->fp = NULL; win->buf = NULL; win->buflen = 0; /* Set up line pointer array and line space. */ if ((win->alines = malloc(nlines * sizeof(__LINE *))) == NULL) { free(win); return NULL; } if ((win->lspace = calloc(nlines, sizeof(__LINE))) == NULL) { free(win->alines); free(win); return NULL; } /* Don't allocate window and line space if it's a subwindow */ if (sub) win->wspace = NULL; else { /* * Allocate window space in one chunk. */ if ((win->wspace = calloc(ncols * nlines, sizeof(__LDATA))) == NULL) { free(win->lspace); free(win->alines); free(win); return NULL; } /* * Append window to window list. */ if ((wlp = malloc(sizeof(struct __winlist))) == NULL) { free(win->wspace); free(win->lspace); free(win->alines); free(win); return NULL; } wlp->winp = win; wlp->nextp = NULL; if (screen->winlistp == NULL) screen->winlistp = wlp; else { wlp2 = screen->winlistp; while (wlp2->nextp != NULL) wlp2 = wlp2->nextp; wlp2->nextp = wlp; } /* * Point line pointers to line space, and lines themselves into * window space. */ for (lp = win->lspace, i = 0; i < nlines; i++, lp++) { win->alines[i] = lp; lp->line = &win->wspace[i * ncols]; #ifdef DEBUG lp->sentinel = SENTINEL_VALUE; #endif lp->firstchp = &lp->firstch; lp->lastchp = &lp->lastch; if (ispad) { lp->firstch = 0; lp->lastch = ncols; } else { lp->firstch = ncols; lp->lastch = 0; } } } __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: ncols = %d\n", ncols); win->screen = screen; win->cury = win->curx = 0; win->maxy = nlines; win->maxx = ncols; win->reqy = nlines; win->reqx = ncols; win->begy = by; win->begx = bx; win->flags = (__IDLINE | __IDCHAR); win->delay = -1; win->wattr = 0; win->battr = 0; #ifdef HAVE_WCHAR win->bnsp = NULL; win->wcols = 1; #endif /* HAVE_WCHAR */ win->scr_t = 0; win->scr_b = win->maxy - 1; if (ispad) { win->flags |= __ISPAD; win->pbegy = 0; win->pbegx = 0; win->sbegy = 0; win->sbegx = 0; win->smaxy = 0; win->smaxx = 0; } else __swflags(win); __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: sub = %d\n", sub); __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: ispad = %d\n", ispad); __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: win->wattr = %08x\n", win->wattr); __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: win->flags = %#.4x\n", win->flags); __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: win->maxy = %d\n", win->maxy); __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: win->maxx = %d\n", win->maxx); __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: win->begy = %d\n", win->begy); __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: win->begx = %d\n", win->begx); __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: win->scr_t = %d\n", win->scr_t); __CTRACE(__CTRACE_WINDOW, "makenew: win->scr_b = %d\n", win->scr_b); return win; } void __swflags(WINDOW *win) { TERMINAL *term = win->screen->term; win->flags &= ~(__ENDLINE | __FULLWIN | __SCROLLWIN | __LEAVEOK); if (win->begx + win->maxx == win->screen->COLS && !(win->flags & __ISPAD)) { win->flags |= __ENDLINE; if (win->begx == 0 && win->maxy == win->screen->LINES && win->begy == 0) win->flags |= __FULLWIN; if (win->begy + win->maxy == win->screen->LINES && t_auto_right_margin(term) && !(t_insert_character(term) != NULL || t_parm_ich(term) != NULL || (t_enter_insert_mode(term) != NULL && t_exit_insert_mode(term) != NULL))) win->flags |= __SCROLLWIN; } } /* * is_pad -- * Return true if window was created by newpad. */ bool is_pad(const WINDOW *win) { return win->flags & __ISPAD ? true : false; }