/* $NetBSD: ifpga_pci.c,v 1.25 2018/11/26 12:21:32 jmcneill Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2001 ARM Ltd * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the company may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Copyright (c) 1997,1998 Mark Brinicombe. * Copyright (c) 1997,1998 Causality Limited * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Mark Brinicombe * for the NetBSD Project. * 4. The name of the company nor the name of the author may be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific * prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define _ARM32_BUS_DMA_PRIVATE #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: ifpga_pci.c,v 1.25 2018/11/26 12:21:32 jmcneill Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/conf.h> #include <sys/malloc.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <evbarm/integrator/int_bus_dma.h> #include <machine/intr.h> #include <dev/pci/pcireg.h> #include <dev/pci/pcivar.h> #include <evbarm/ifpga/ifpgareg.h> #include <evbarm/ifpga/ifpgamem.h> #include <evbarm/ifpga/ifpga_pcivar.h> #include <evbarm/dev/v360reg.h> void ifpga_pci_attach_hook (device_t, device_t, struct pcibus_attach_args *); int ifpga_pci_bus_maxdevs (void *, int); pcitag_t ifpga_pci_make_tag (void *, int, int, int); void ifpga_pci_decompose_tag (void *, pcitag_t, int *, int *, int *); pcireg_t ifpga_pci_conf_read (void *, pcitag_t, int); void ifpga_pci_conf_write (void *, pcitag_t, int, pcireg_t); int ifpga_pci_intr_map (const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t *); const char *ifpga_pci_intr_string (void *, pci_intr_handle_t, char *, size_t); const struct evcnt *ifpga_pci_intr_evcnt (void *, pci_intr_handle_t); void *ifpga_pci_intr_establish (void *, pci_intr_handle_t, int, int (*)(void *), void *, const char *); void ifpga_pci_intr_disestablish (void *, void *); struct arm32_pci_chipset ifpga_pci_chipset = { .pc_attach_hook = ifpga_pci_attach_hook, .pc_bus_maxdevs = ifpga_pci_bus_maxdevs, .pc_make_tag = ifpga_pci_make_tag, .pc_decompose_tag = ifpga_pci_decompose_tag, .pc_conf_read = ifpga_pci_conf_read, .pc_conf_write = ifpga_pci_conf_write, .pc_intr_map = ifpga_pci_intr_map, .pc_intr_string = ifpga_pci_intr_string, .pc_intr_evcnt = ifpga_pci_intr_evcnt, .pc_intr_establish = ifpga_pci_intr_establish, .pc_intr_disestablish = ifpga_pci_intr_disestablish, .pc_conf_interrupt = ifpga_pci_conf_interrupt, }; /* * Use the integrator-specific bus_dma routines. */ struct arm32_bus_dma_tag ifpga_pci_bus_dma_tag = { 0, 0, NULL, _bus_dmamap_create, _bus_dmamap_destroy, _bus_dmamap_load, _bus_dmamap_load_mbuf, _bus_dmamap_load_uio, _bus_dmamap_load_raw, _bus_dmamap_unload, _bus_dmamap_sync, /* pre */ NULL, /* post */ _bus_dmamem_alloc, _bus_dmamem_free, _bus_dmamem_map, _bus_dmamem_unmap, _bus_dmamem_mmap, }; /* * Currently we only support 12 devices as we select directly in the * type 0 config cycle * (See conf_{read,write} for more detail */ #define MAX_PCI_DEVICES 21 /*static int pci_intr(void *arg) { printf("pci int %x\n", (int)arg); return 0; }*/ void ifpga_pci_attach_hook(device_t parent, device_t self, struct pcibus_attach_args *pba) { #ifdef PCI_DEBUG printf("ifpga_pci_attach_hook()\n"); #endif } int ifpga_pci_bus_maxdevs(void *pcv, int busno) { #ifdef PCI_DEBUG printf("ifpga_pci_bus_maxdevs(pcv=%p, busno=%d)\n", pcv, busno); #endif return MAX_PCI_DEVICES; } pcitag_t ifpga_pci_make_tag(void *pcv, int bus, int device, int function) { #ifdef PCI_DEBUG printf("ifpga_pci_make_tag(pcv=%p, bus=%d, device=%d, function=%d)\n", pcv, bus, device, function); #endif return (bus << 16) | (device << 11) | (function << 8); } void ifpga_pci_decompose_tag(void *pcv, pcitag_t tag, int *busp, int *devicep, int *functionp) { #ifdef PCI_DEBUG printf("ifpga_pci_decompose_tag(pcv=%p, tag=0x%08lx, bp=%p, dp=%p, " "fp=%p)\n", pcv, tag, busp, devicep, functionp); #endif if (busp != NULL) *busp = (tag >> 16) & 0xff; if (devicep != NULL) *devicep = (tag >> 11) & 0x1f; if (functionp != NULL) *functionp = (tag >> 8) & 0x7; } pcireg_t ifpga_pci_conf_read(void *pcv, pcitag_t tag, int reg) { pcireg_t data; struct ifpga_pci_softc *sc = (struct ifpga_pci_softc *)pcv; int bus, device, function; u_int address; if ((unsigned int)reg >= PCI_CONF_SIZE) return (pcireg_t) -1; ifpga_pci_decompose_tag(pcv, tag, &bus, &device, &function); /* Reset the appertures so that we can talk to the register space. */ bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_BASE0, IFPGA_PCI_APP0_512MB_BASE); bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_BASE1, IFPGA_PCI_APP1_CONF_BASE); if (bus == 0) { address = (1 << (device + 11)) | reg; bus_space_write_2(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_MAP1, IFPGA_PCI_APP1_CONF_T0_MAP | ((address >> 16) & 0xff00)); /* Read the value from the bus... */ data = bus_space_read_4(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_conf_ioh, address & 0x00ffffff); } else { bus_space_write_2(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_MAP1, IFPGA_PCI_APP1_CONF_T1_MAP); /* Read the value from the bus... */ data = bus_space_read_4(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_conf_ioh, tag | reg); } /* ... and put the memory spaces back again. */ bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_BASE1, IFPGA_PCI_APP1_256MB_BASE); bus_space_write_2(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_MAP1, IFPGA_PCI_APP1_256MB_MAP); bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_BASE0, IFPGA_PCI_APP0_256MB_BASE); #ifdef PCI_DEBUG printf("ifpga_pci_conf_read(pcv=%p tag=0x%08lx reg=0x%02x)=0x%08x\n", pcv, tag, reg, data); #endif return data; } void ifpga_pci_conf_write(void *pcv, pcitag_t tag, int reg, pcireg_t data) { struct ifpga_pci_softc *sc = (struct ifpga_pci_softc *)pcv; int bus, device, function; u_int address; #ifdef PCI_DEBUG printf("ifpga_pci_conf_write(pcv=%p tag=0x%08lx reg=0x%02x, 0x%08x)\n", pcv, tag, reg, data); #endif if ((unsigned int)reg >= PCI_CONF_SIZE) return; ifpga_pci_decompose_tag(pcv, tag, &bus, &device, &function); /* Reset the appertures so that we can talk to the register space. */ bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_BASE0, IFPGA_PCI_APP0_512MB_BASE); bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_BASE1, IFPGA_PCI_APP1_CONF_BASE); if (bus == 0) { address = (1 << (device + 11)) | reg; bus_space_write_2(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_MAP1, IFPGA_PCI_APP1_CONF_T0_MAP | ((address >> 16) & 0xff00)); /* Write the value to the bus... */ bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_conf_ioh, address & 0x00ffffff, data); } else { bus_space_write_2(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_MAP1, IFPGA_PCI_APP1_CONF_T1_MAP); /* Write the value to the bus... */ bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_conf_ioh, tag | reg, data); } /* ... and put the memory spaces back again. */ bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_BASE1, IFPGA_PCI_APP1_256MB_BASE); bus_space_write_2(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_MAP1, IFPGA_PCI_APP1_256MB_MAP); bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_reg_ioh, V360_LB_BASE0, IFPGA_PCI_APP0_256MB_BASE); } int ifpga_pci_intr_map(const struct pci_attach_args *pa, pci_intr_handle_t *ihp) { int line = pa->pa_intrline; #ifdef PCI_DEBUG int pin = pa->pa_intrpin; void *pcv = pa->pa_pc; pcitag_t intrtag = pa->pa_intrtag; int bus, device, function; ifpga_pci_decompose_tag(pcv, intrtag, &bus, &device, &function); printf("ifpga_pci_intr_map: pcv=%p, tag=%08lx pin=%d line=%d " "dev=%d\n", pcv, intrtag, pin, line, device); #endif #ifdef PCI_DEBUG printf("pin %d, line %d mapped to int %d\n", pin, line, line); #endif *ihp = line; return 0; } const char * ifpga_pci_intr_string(void *pcv, pci_intr_handle_t ih, char *buf, size_t len) { #ifdef PCI_DEBUG printf("ifpga_pci_intr_string(pcv=%p, ih=0x%" PRIu64 ")\n", pcv, ih); #endif if (ih == 0) panic("ifpga_pci_intr_string: bogus handle 0x%" PRIu64, ih); snprintf(buf, len, "pciint%" PRIu64, ih - IFPGA_INTRNUM_PCIINT0); return buf; } const struct evcnt * ifpga_pci_intr_evcnt(void *pcv, pci_intr_handle_t ih) { /* XXX for now, no evcnt parent reported */ return NULL; } void * ifpga_pci_intr_establish(void *pcv, pci_intr_handle_t ih, int level, int (*func) (void *), void *arg, const char *xname) { void *intr; #ifdef PCI_DEBUG printf("ifpga_pci_intr_establish(pcv=%p, ih=0x%" PRIu64 ", level=%d, " "func=%p, arg=%p, xname=%s)\n", pcv, ih, level, func, arg, xname); #endif intr = ifpga_intr_establish(ih, level, func, arg); return intr; } void ifpga_pci_intr_disestablish(void *pcv, void *cookie) { #ifdef PCI_DEBUG printf("ifpga_pci_intr_disestablish(pcv=%p, cookie=%p)\n", pcv, cookie); #endif ifpga_intr_disestablish(cookie); }