/* $NetBSD: vme_pcc.c,v 1.26 2012/10/27 17:18:04 chs Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1996-2000 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Jason R. Thorpe and Steve C. Woodford. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * VME support specific to the Type 1 VMEchip found on the * MVME-147. * * For a manual on the MVME-147, call: 408.991.8634. (Yes, this * is the Sunnyvale sales office.) */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: vme_pcc.c,v 1.26 2012/10/27 17:18:04 chs Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/malloc.h> #include <sys/kcore.h> #include <machine/cpu.h> #include <machine/bus.h> #include <dev/vme/vmereg.h> #include <dev/vme/vmevar.h> #include <mvme68k/dev/pccreg.h> #include <mvme68k/dev/pccvar.h> #include <dev/mvme/mvmebus.h> #include <mvme68k/dev/vme_pccreg.h> #include <mvme68k/dev/vme_pccvar.h> int vme_pcc_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); void vme_pcc_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(vmepcc, sizeof(struct vme_pcc_softc), vme_pcc_match, vme_pcc_attach, NULL, NULL); extern struct cfdriver vmepcc_cd; extern phys_ram_seg_t mem_clusters[]; static int vme_pcc_attached; void vme_pcc_intr_establish(void *, int, int, int, int, int (*)(void *), void *, struct evcnt *); void vme_pcc_intr_disestablish(void *, int, int, int, struct evcnt *); static struct mvmebus_range vme_pcc_masters[] = { {VME_AM_A24 | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_DATA | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_PROG | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_SUPER | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_USER, VME_D32 | VME_D16 | VME_D8, VME1_A24D32_LOC_START, VME1_A24_MASK, VME1_A24D32_START, VME1_A24D32_END}, {VME_AM_A32 | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_DATA | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_PROG | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_SUPER | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_USER, VME_D32 | VME_D16 | VME_D8, VME1_A32D32_LOC_START, VME1_A32_MASK, VME1_A32D32_START, VME1_A32D32_END}, {VME_AM_A24 | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_DATA | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_PROG | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_SUPER | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_USER, VME_D16 | VME_D8, VME1_A24D16_LOC_START, VME1_A24_MASK, VME1_A24D16_START, VME1_A24D16_END}, {VME_AM_A32 | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_DATA | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_PROG | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_SUPER | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_USER, VME_D16 | VME_D8, VME1_A32D16_LOC_START, VME1_A32_MASK, VME1_A32D16_START, VME1_A32D16_END}, {VME_AM_A16 | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_DATA | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_SUPER | MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_USER, VME_D16 | VME_D8, VME1_A16D16_LOC_START, VME1_A16_MASK, VME1_A16D16_START, VME1_A16D16_END} }; #define VME1_NMASTERS (sizeof(vme_pcc_masters)/sizeof(struct mvmebus_range)) /* ARGSUSED */ int vme_pcc_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct pcc_attach_args *pa; pa = aux; /* Only one VME chip, please. */ if (vme_pcc_attached) return (0); if (strcmp(pa->pa_name, vmepcc_cd.cd_name)) return (0); return (1); } void vme_pcc_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct pcc_attach_args *pa; struct vme_pcc_softc *sc; vme_am_t am; uint8_t reg; sc = device_private(self); sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_dev = self; pa = aux; /* Map the VMEchip's registers */ bus_space_map(pa->pa_bust, pa->pa_offset, VME1REG_SIZE, 0, &sc->sc_bush); /* Initialise stuff used by the mvme68k common VMEbus front-end */ sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_bust = pa->pa_bust; sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_dmat = pa->pa_dmat; sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_chip = sc; sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_nmasters = VME1_NMASTERS; sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_masters = &vme_pcc_masters[0]; sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_nslaves = VME1_NSLAVES; sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_slaves = &sc->sc_slave[0]; sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_intr_establish = vme_pcc_intr_establish; sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_intr_disestablish = vme_pcc_intr_disestablish; /* Initialize the chip. */ reg = vme1_reg_read(sc, VME1REG_SCON) & ~VME1_SCON_SYSFAIL; vme1_reg_write(sc, VME1REG_SCON, reg); printf(": Type 1 VMEchip, scon jumper %s\n", (reg & VME1_SCON_SWITCH) ? "enabled" : "disabled"); /* * Adjust the start address of the first range in vme_pcc_masters[] * according to how much onboard memory exists. Disable the first * range if onboard memory >= 16Mb, and adjust the start of the * second range (A32D32). */ vme_pcc_masters[0].vr_vmestart = (vme_addr_t) mem_clusters[0].size; if (mem_clusters[0].size >= 0x01000000) { vme_pcc_masters[0].vr_am = MVMEBUS_AM_DISABLED; vme_pcc_masters[1].vr_vmestart += (vme_addr_t) (mem_clusters[0].size - 0x01000000); } am = 0; reg = vme1_reg_read(sc, VME1REG_SLADDRMOD); if ((reg & VME1_SLMOD_DATA) != 0) am |= MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_DATA; if ((reg & VME1_SLMOD_PRGRM) != 0) am |= MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_PROG; if ((reg & VME1_SLMOD_SUPER) != 0) am |= MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_SUPER; if ((reg & VME1_SLMOD_USER) != 0) am |= MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_USER; if ((reg & VME1_SLMOD_BLOCK) != 0) am |= MVMEBUS_AM_CAP_BLK; #ifdef notyet if ((reg & VME1_SLMOD_SHORT) != 0) { sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A16].vr_am = am | VME_AM_A16; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A16].vr_mask = 0xffffu; } else #endif sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A16].vr_am = MVMEBUS_AM_DISABLED; if (pcc_slave_base_addr < 0x01000000u && (reg & VME1_SLMOD_STND) != 0) { sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A24].vr_am = am | VME_AM_A24; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A24].vr_datasize = VME_D32 | VME_D16 | VME_D8; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A24].vr_mask = 0xffffffu; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A24].vr_locstart = 0; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A24].vr_vmestart = pcc_slave_base_addr; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A24].vr_vmeend = (pcc_slave_base_addr + mem_clusters[0].size - 1) & 0x00ffffffu; } else sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A24].vr_am = MVMEBUS_AM_DISABLED; if ((reg & VME1_SLMOD_EXTED) != 0) { sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A32].vr_am = am | VME_AM_A32; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A32].vr_datasize = VME_D32 | VME_D16 | VME_D8; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A32].vr_mask = 0xffffffffu; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A32].vr_locstart = 0; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A32].vr_vmestart = pcc_slave_base_addr; sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A32].vr_vmeend = pcc_slave_base_addr + mem_clusters[0].size - 1; } else sc->sc_slave[VME1_SLAVE_A32].vr_am = MVMEBUS_AM_DISABLED; vme_pcc_attached = 1; mvmebus_attach(&sc->sc_mvmebus); } void vme_pcc_intr_establish(void *csc, int prior, int level, int vector, int first, int (*func)(void *), void *arg, struct evcnt *evcnt) { struct vme_pcc_softc *sc = csc; if (prior != level) panic("vme_pcc_intr_establish: CPU priority != VMEbus irq level"); isrlink_vectored(func, arg, prior, vector, evcnt); if (first) { evcnt_attach_dynamic(evcnt, EVCNT_TYPE_INTR, isrlink_evcnt(prior), device_xname(sc->sc_mvmebus.sc_dev), mvmebus_irq_name[level]); /* * There had better not be another VMEbus master responding * to this interrupt level... */ vme1_reg_write(sc, VME1REG_IRQEN, vme1_reg_read(sc, VME1REG_IRQEN) | VME1_IRQ_VME(level)); } } void vme_pcc_intr_disestablish(void *csc, int level, int vector, int last, struct evcnt *evcnt) { struct vme_pcc_softc *sc = csc; isrunlink_vectored(vector); if (last) { vme1_reg_write(sc, VME1REG_IRQEN, vme1_reg_read(sc, VME1REG_IRQEN) & ~VME1_IRQ_VME(level)); evcnt_detach(evcnt); } }