/* $NetBSD: iscsid_driverif.c,v 1.8 2016/05/29 13:35:45 mlelstv Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2011 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Wasabi Systems, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "iscsid_globals.h" #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <netdb.h> /* Global node name (Initiator Name and Alias) */ iscsid_set_node_name_req_t node_name; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * set_node_name: * Handle set_node_name request. Copy names into our own buffers and * set the driver's info as well. * * Parameter: * par The request parameter * * Returns: Status. */ uint32_t set_node_name(iscsid_set_node_name_req_t * par) { iscsi_set_node_name_parameters_t snp; (void) memset(&snp, 0x0, sizeof(snp)); if (!par->InitiatorName[0]) return ISCSID_STATUS_NO_INITIATOR_NAME; if (strlen((char *)par->InitiatorName) > ISCSI_STRING_LENGTH || strlen((char *)par->InitiatorAlias) > ISCSI_STRING_LENGTH) return ISCSID_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID; if (!par->InitiatorAlias[0]) gethostname((char *)node_name.InitiatorAlias, sizeof(node_name.InitiatorAlias)); node_name = *par; strlcpy((char *)snp.InitiatorName, (char *)par->InitiatorName, sizeof(snp.InitiatorName)); strlcpy((char *)snp.InitiatorAlias, (char *)par->InitiatorAlias, sizeof(snp.InitiatorAlias)); memcpy(snp.ISID, par->ISID, 6); DEB(10, ("Setting Node Name: %s (%s)", snp.InitiatorName, snp.InitiatorAlias)); (void)ioctl(driver, ISCSI_SET_NODE_NAME, &snp); return snp.status; } /* * bind_socket: * Bind socket to initiator portal. * * Parameter: * sock The socket * addr The initiator portal address * * Returns: * TRUE on success, FALSE on error. */ static int bind_socket(int sock, uint8_t * addr) { struct sockaddr_in serverAddress; struct hostent *host; DEB(8, ("Binding to <%s>", addr)); (void) memset(&serverAddress, 0x0, sizeof(serverAddress)); host = gethostbyname((char *)addr); if (host == NULL) return FALSE; if (host->h_length > (int)sizeof(serverAddress.sin_addr)) return FALSE; serverAddress.sin_family = host->h_addrtype; serverAddress.sin_port = 0; serverAddress.sin_len = host->h_length; memcpy(&serverAddress.sin_addr, host->h_addr_list[0], host->h_length); return bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)(void *)&serverAddress, (socklen_t)sizeof(serverAddress)) >= 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * find_free_portal: * Find the Portal with the least number of connections. * * Parameter: the portal group * * Returns: The pointer to the first free portal (or NULL if none found) */ static portal_t * find_free_portal(portal_group_t * group) { portal_t *curr, *m; uint32_t n; if ((curr = TAILQ_FIRST(&group->portals)) == NULL) return NULL; m = curr; n = curr->active_connections; while ((curr = TAILQ_NEXT(curr, group_list)) != NULL) if (curr->active_connections < n) { m = curr; n = curr->active_connections; } return m; } /* * make_connection: * Common routine for login and add_connection. Creates the connection * structure, connects the socket, and executes the login. * * Parameter: * sess The associated session. NULL for a send_targets request. * req The request parameters. NULL for send_targets. * res The response buffer. For SendTargets, only the status * is set. For a "real" login, the login response * is filled in. * stid Send target request only, else NULL. Pointer to uint32: * On Input, contains send target ID * On Output, receives session ID * * Returns: The connection structure on successful login, else NULL. * * NOTE: Session list must be locked on entry. */ static connection_t * make_connection(session_t * sess, iscsid_login_req_t * req, iscsid_response_t * res, uint32_t * stid) { connection_t *conn; iscsi_login_parameters_t loginp; int sock; int ret; int yes = 1; target_t *target; portal_t *portal = NULL; iscsi_portal_address_t *addr; struct sockaddr_in serverAddress; struct hostent *host; initiator_t *init; DEB(9, ("Make Connection sess=%p, req=%p, res=%p, stid=%p", sess, req, res, stid)); (void) memset(&loginp, 0x0, sizeof(loginp)); (void) memset(&serverAddress, 0x0, sizeof(serverAddress)); /* find the target portal */ if (stid != NULL) { send_target_t *starget; if ((starget = find_send_target_id(*stid)) == NULL) { res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_INVALID_TARGET_ID; return NULL; } addr = &starget->addr; target = (target_t *)(void *)starget; } else { if (NO_ID(&req->portal_id) || (portal = find_portal(&req->portal_id)) == NULL) { portal_group_t *group; /* if no ID was specified, use target from existing session */ if (NO_ID(&req->portal_id)) { if (!sess->num_connections || ((target = find_target_id(TARGET_LIST, sess->target.sid.id)) == NULL)) { res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_INVALID_PORTAL_ID; return NULL; } } /* if a target was given instead, use it */ else if ((target = find_target(TARGET_LIST, &req->portal_id)) == NULL) { res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_INVALID_PORTAL_ID; return NULL; } /* now get from target to portal - if this is the first connection, */ /* just use the first portal group. */ if (!sess->num_connections) { group = TAILQ_FIRST(&target->group_list); } /* if it's a second connection, use an available portal in the same */ /* portal group */ else { conn = (connection_t *)(void *) TAILQ_FIRST(&sess->connections); if (conn == NULL || (portal = find_portal_id(conn->portal.sid.id)) == NULL) { res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_INVALID_PORTAL_ID; return NULL; } group = portal->group; } if ((portal = find_free_portal(group)) == NULL) { res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_INVALID_PORTAL_ID; return NULL; } DEB(1, ("find_free_portal returns pid=%d", portal->entry.sid.id)); } else target = portal->target; addr = &portal->addr; /* symbolic name for connection? check for duplicates */ if (req->sym_name[0]) { void *p; if (sess->num_connections) p = find_connection_name(sess, req->sym_name); else p = find_session_name(req->sym_name); if (p) { res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_DUPLICATE_NAME; return NULL; } } } if (req != NULL && !NO_ID(&req->initiator_id)) { if ((init = find_initiator(&req->initiator_id)) == NULL) { res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_INVALID_INITIATOR_ID; return NULL; } } else init = select_initiator(); /* translate target address */ DEB(8, ("Connecting to <%s>, port %d", addr->address, addr->port)); host = gethostbyname((char *)addr->address); if (host == NULL) { switch (h_errno) { case HOST_NOT_FOUND: res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_HOST_NOT_FOUND; break; case TRY_AGAIN: res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_HOST_TRY_AGAIN; break; default: res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_HOST_ERROR; break; } return NULL; } if (host->h_length > (int)sizeof(serverAddress.sin_addr)) { res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_HOST_ERROR; return NULL; } DEB(8, ("Gethostbyname OK, addrtype %d, len %d, addr %x", host->h_addrtype, host->h_length, *((int *) host->h_addr_list[0]))); serverAddress.sin_family = host->h_addrtype; serverAddress.sin_port = htons((addr->port) ? addr->port : ISCSI_DEFAULT_PORT); serverAddress.sin_len = host->h_length; memcpy(&serverAddress.sin_addr, host->h_addr_list[0], host->h_length); /* alloc the connection structure */ conn = calloc(1, sizeof(*conn)); if (conn == NULL) { res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_NO_RESOURCES; return NULL; } /* create and connect the socket */ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { free(conn); res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_SOCKET_ERROR; return NULL; } if (init) { if (!bind_socket(sock, init->address)) { close(sock); free(conn); res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_INITIATOR_BIND_ERROR; return NULL; } } DEB(8, ("Connecting socket")); if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)(void *)&serverAddress, (socklen_t)sizeof(serverAddress)) < 0) { close(sock); free(conn); res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_CONNECT_ERROR; DEB(1, ("Connecting to socket failed (error %d), returning %d", errno, res->status)); return NULL; } /* speed up socket processing */ setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &yes, (socklen_t)sizeof(yes)); /* setup login parameter structure */ loginp.socket = sock; if (target->TargetName[0]) { loginp.is_present.TargetName = 1; loginp.TargetName = target->TargetName; } if (target->options.is_present.MaxConnections) { loginp.is_present.MaxConnections = 1; loginp.MaxConnections = target->options.MaxConnections; } if (target->options.is_present.DataDigest) { loginp.is_present.DataDigest = 1; loginp.DataDigest = target->options.DataDigest; } if (target->options.is_present.HeaderDigest) { loginp.is_present.HeaderDigest = 1; loginp.HeaderDigest = target->options.HeaderDigest; } if (target->options.is_present.DefaultTime2Retain) { loginp.is_present.DefaultTime2Retain = 1; loginp.DefaultTime2Retain = target->options.DefaultTime2Retain; } if (target->options.is_present.DefaultTime2Wait) { loginp.is_present.DefaultTime2Wait = 1; loginp.DefaultTime2Wait = target->options.DefaultTime2Wait; } if (target->options.is_present.ErrorRecoveryLevel) { loginp.is_present.ErrorRecoveryLevel = 1; loginp.ErrorRecoveryLevel = target->options.ErrorRecoveryLevel; } if (target->options.is_present.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength) { loginp.is_present.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength = 1; loginp.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength = target->options.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength; } if (target->auth.auth_info.auth_number) { loginp.is_present.auth_info = 1; loginp.auth_info = target->auth.auth_info; if (target->auth.password[0]) { loginp.is_present.password = 1; loginp.password = target->auth.password; } if (target->auth.target_password[0]) { loginp.is_present.target_password = 1; loginp.target_password = target->auth.target_password; } if (target->auth.user_name[0]) { loginp.is_present.user_name = 1; loginp.user_name = target->auth.user_name; } } loginp.is_present.TargetAlias = 1; loginp.TargetAlias = target->TargetAlias; if (portal != NULL) { /* override general target options with portal options (if specified) */ if (portal->options.is_present.DataDigest) { loginp.is_present.DataDigest = 1; loginp.DataDigest = portal->options.DataDigest; } if (portal->options.is_present.HeaderDigest) { loginp.is_present.HeaderDigest = 1; loginp.HeaderDigest = portal->options.HeaderDigest; } if (portal->options.is_present.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength) { loginp.is_present.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength = 1; loginp.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength = portal->options.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength; } } if (req != NULL) { loginp.session_id = get_id(&list[SESSION_LIST].list, &req->session_id); loginp.login_type = req->login_type; } else loginp.login_type = ISCSI_LOGINTYPE_DISCOVERY; DEB(5, ("Calling Login...")); ret = ioctl(driver, (sess != NULL && sess->num_connections) ? ISCSI_ADD_CONNECTION : ISCSI_LOGIN, &loginp); res->status = loginp.status; if (ret) close(sock); if (ret || loginp.status) { free(conn); if (!res->status) res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_GENERAL_ERROR; return NULL; } /* connection established! link connection into session and return IDs */ conn->loginp = loginp; conn->entry.sid.id = loginp.connection_id; if (req != NULL) { strlcpy((char *)conn->entry.sid.name, (char *)req->sym_name, sizeof(conn->entry.sid.name)); } /* Copy important target information */ conn->target.sid = target->entry.sid; strlcpy((char *)conn->target.TargetName, (char *)target->TargetName, sizeof(conn->target.TargetName)); strlcpy((char *)conn->target.TargetAlias, (char *)target->TargetAlias, sizeof(conn->target.TargetAlias)); conn->target.options = target->options; conn->target.auth = target->auth; conn->portal.addr = *addr; conn->session = sess; if (stid == NULL) { iscsid_login_rsp_t *rsp = (iscsid_login_rsp_t *)(void *) res->parameter; sess->entry.sid.id = loginp.session_id; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sess->connections, &conn->entry, link); sess->num_connections++; res->parameter_length = sizeof(*rsp); rsp->connection_id = conn->entry.sid; rsp->session_id = sess->entry.sid; if (init != NULL) { conn->initiator_id = init->entry.sid.id; init->active_connections++; } } else *stid = loginp.session_id; /* Copy important portal information */ if (portal != NULL) { conn->portal.sid = portal->entry.sid; portal->active_connections++; } return conn; } /* * event_recover_connection: * Handle RECOVER_CONNECTION event: Attempt to re-establish connection. * * Parameter: * sid Session ID * cid Connection ID */ static void event_recover_connection(uint32_t sid, uint32_t cid) { int sock, ret; int yes = 1; session_t *sess; connection_t *conn; portal_t *portal; initiator_t *init; iscsi_portal_address_t *addr; struct sockaddr_in serverAddress; struct hostent *host; DEB(1, ("Event_Recover_Connection sid=%d, cid=%d", sid, cid)); (void) memset(&serverAddress, 0x0, sizeof(serverAddress)); LOCK_SESSIONS; sess = find_session_id(sid); if (sess == NULL) { UNLOCK_SESSIONS; return; } conn = find_connection_id(sess, cid); if (conn == NULL) { UNLOCK_SESSIONS; return; } UNLOCK_SESSIONS; conn->loginp.status = ISCSI_STATUS_CONNECTION_FAILED; /* If we can't find the portal to connect to, abort. */ if ((portal = find_portal_id(conn->portal.sid.id)) == NULL) return; init = find_initiator_id(conn->initiator_id); addr = &portal->addr; conn->portal.addr = *addr; /* translate target address */ DEB(1, ("Event_Recover_Connection Connecting to <%s>, port %d", addr->address, addr->port)); if ((host = gethostbyname((char *)addr->address)) == NULL) { DEB(1, ("GetHostByName failed (error %d)", h_errno)); return; } if (host->h_length > (int)sizeof(serverAddress.sin_addr)) { DEB(1, ("Host address length invalid (%d)", host->h_length)); return; } serverAddress.sin_family = host->h_addrtype; serverAddress.sin_port = htons((addr->port) ? addr->port : ISCSI_DEFAULT_PORT); serverAddress.sin_len = host->h_length; memcpy(&serverAddress.sin_addr, host->h_addr_list[0], host->h_length); /* create and connect the socket */ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { DEB(1, ("Creating socket failed (error %d)", errno)); return; } DEB(1, ("recover_connection: Socket = %d", sock)); if (init) { if (!bind_socket(sock, init->address)) { DEB(1, ("Binding to interface failed (error %d)", errno)); close(sock); return; } } if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)(void *)&serverAddress, (socklen_t)sizeof(serverAddress)) < 0) { DEB(1, ("Connecting to socket failed (error %d)", errno)); close(sock); return; } /* speed up socket processing */ setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &yes, (socklen_t)sizeof(yes)); conn->loginp.socket = sock; conn->loginp.status = 0; ret = ioctl(driver, ISCSI_RESTORE_CONNECTION, &conn->loginp); if (ret) close(sock); } /* * login: * Handle LOGIN request: Log into given portal. Create session, then * let make_connection do the rest. * * Parameter: * req The request parameters * res The response buffer */ void log_in(iscsid_login_req_t * req, iscsid_response_t * res) { session_t *sess; connection_t *conn; sess = calloc(1, sizeof(*sess)); if (sess == NULL) { res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_NO_RESOURCES; return; } TAILQ_INIT(&sess->connections); strlcpy((char *)sess->entry.sid.name, (char *)req->sym_name, sizeof(sess->entry.sid.name)); LOCK_SESSIONS; conn = make_connection(sess, req, res, 0); if (conn == NULL) free(sess); else { sess->target = conn->target; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&list[SESSION_LIST].list, &sess->entry, link); list[SESSION_LIST].num_entries++; } UNLOCK_SESSIONS; } /* * add_connection: * Handle ADD_CONNECTION request: Log secondary connection into given portal. * Find the session, then let make_connection do the rest. * * Parameter: * req The request parameters * res The response buffer */ void add_connection(iscsid_login_req_t * req, iscsid_response_t * res) { session_t *sess; LOCK_SESSIONS; sess = find_session(&req->session_id); if (sess == NULL) { UNLOCK_SESSIONS; res->status = ISCSID_STATUS_INVALID_SESSION_ID; return; } make_connection(sess, req, res, 0); UNLOCK_SESSIONS; } /* * logout: * Handle LOGOUT request: Log out the given session. * * Parameter: * req The request parameters * * Returns: Response status */ uint32_t log_out(iscsid_sym_id_t * req) { iscsi_logout_parameters_t logoutp; session_t *sess; int ret; (void) memset(&logoutp, 0x0, sizeof(logoutp)); LOCK_SESSIONS; sess = find_session(req); if (sess == NULL) { UNLOCK_SESSIONS; return ISCSID_STATUS_INVALID_SESSION_ID; } logoutp.session_id = sess->entry.sid.id; UNLOCK_SESSIONS; ret = ioctl(driver, ISCSI_LOGOUT, &logoutp); DEB(9, ("Logout returns %d, status = %d", ret, logoutp.status)); return logoutp.status; } /* * remove_connection: * Handle REMOVE_CONNECTION request: Log out the given connection. * * Parameter: * req The request parameters * * Returns: Response status */ uint32_t remove_connection(iscsid_remove_connection_req_t * req) { iscsi_remove_parameters_t removep; session_t *sess; connection_t *conn; int ret; LOCK_SESSIONS; sess = find_session(&req->session_id); if (sess == NULL) { UNLOCK_SESSIONS; return ISCSID_STATUS_INVALID_SESSION_ID; } conn = find_connection(sess, &req->connection_id); if (conn == NULL) { UNLOCK_SESSIONS; return ISCSID_STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION_ID; } removep.session_id = sess->entry.sid.id; removep.connection_id = conn->entry.sid.id; UNLOCK_SESSIONS; ret = ioctl(driver, ISCSI_REMOVE_CONNECTION, &removep); DEB(9, ("Remove Connection returns %d, status=%d", ret, removep.status)); return removep.status; } /* * send_targets: * Handle SEND_TARGETS request: * First login with type = discovery. * Then send the SendTargets iSCSI request to the target, which will * return a list of target portals. * Then logout. * * Parameter: * stid The send target ID * response_buffer Pointer to pointer to buffer containing response * The response contains the list of the target * portals. The caller frees the buffer after it * is done with it. * response_size Pointer to variable which upon return will hold * the size of the response buffer. * * Returns: Response status */ uint32_t send_targets(uint32_t stid, uint8_t **response_buffer, uint32_t *response_size) { iscsi_send_targets_parameters_t sendt; iscsi_logout_parameters_t logoutp; int ret; connection_t *conn; iscsid_response_t res; uint32_t rc = ISCSID_STATUS_SUCCESS; (void) memset(&sendt, 0x0, sizeof(sendt)); (void) memset(&logoutp, 0x0, sizeof(logoutp)); (void) memset(&res, 0x0, sizeof(res)); conn = make_connection(NULL, NULL, &res, &stid); DEB(9, ("Make connection returns, status = %d", res.status)); if (conn == NULL) return res.status; sendt.session_id = stid; sendt.response_buffer = NULL; sendt.response_size = 0; sendt.response_used = sendt.response_total = 0; strlcpy((char *)sendt.key, "All", sizeof(sendt.key)); /*Call once to get the size of the buffer necessary */ ret = ioctl(driver, ISCSI_SEND_TARGETS, &sendt); if (!ret && !sendt.status) { /* Allocate buffer required and call again to retrieve data */ /* We allocate one extra byte so we can place a terminating 0 */ /* at the end of the buffer. */ sendt.response_size = sendt.response_total; sendt.response_buffer = calloc(1, sendt.response_size + 1); if (sendt.response_buffer == NULL) rc = ISCSID_STATUS_NO_RESOURCES; else { ret = ioctl(driver, ISCSI_SEND_TARGETS, &sendt); ((uint8_t *)sendt.response_buffer)[sendt.response_size] = 0; if (ret || sendt.status) { free(sendt.response_buffer); sendt.response_buffer = NULL; sendt.response_used = 0; if ((rc = sendt.status) == 0) rc = ISCSID_STATUS_GENERAL_ERROR; } } } else if ((rc = sendt.status) == 0) rc = ISCSID_STATUS_GENERAL_ERROR; *response_buffer = sendt.response_buffer; *response_size = sendt.response_used; logoutp.session_id = stid; ret = ioctl(driver, ISCSI_LOGOUT, &logoutp); /* ignore logout status */ free(conn); return rc; } /* * get_version: * Handle GET_VERSION request. * * Returns: Filled get_version_rsp structure. */ void get_version(iscsid_response_t ** prsp, int *prsp_temp) { iscsid_response_t *rsp = *prsp; iscsid_get_version_rsp_t *ver; iscsi_get_version_parameters_t drv_ver; rsp = make_rsp(sizeof(iscsid_get_version_rsp_t), prsp, prsp_temp); if (rsp == NULL) return; ver = (iscsid_get_version_rsp_t *)(void *)rsp->parameter; ver->interface_version = INTERFACE_VERSION; ver->major = VERSION_MAJOR; ver->minor = VERSION_MINOR; strlcpy ((char *)ver->version_string, VERSION_STRING, sizeof(ver->version_string)); ioctl(driver, ISCSI_GET_VERSION, &drv_ver); ver->driver_interface_version = drv_ver.interface_version; ver->driver_major = drv_ver.major; ver->driver_minor = drv_ver.minor; strlcpy ((char *)ver->driver_version_string, (char *)drv_ver.version_string, sizeof (ver->driver_version_string)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ iscsi_register_event_parameters_t event_reg; /* registered event ID */ /* * register_event_handler: * Call driver to register the event handler. * * Returns: * TRUE on success. */ boolean_t register_event_handler(void) { ioctl(driver, ISCSI_REGISTER_EVENT, &event_reg); return event_reg.event_id != 0; } /* * deregister_event_handler: * Call driver to deregister the event handler. If the event handler thread * is waiting for an event, this will wake it up and cause it to exit. */ void deregister_event_handler(void) { if (event_reg.event_id) { ioctl(driver, ISCSI_DEREGISTER_EVENT, &event_reg); event_reg.event_id = 0; } } /* * event_handler: * Event handler thread. Wait for the driver to generate an event and * process it appropriately. Exits when the driver terminates or the * handler is deregistered because the daemon is terminating. * * Parameter: * par Not used. */ void * /*ARGSUSED*/ event_handler(void *par) { void (*termf)(void) = par; iscsi_wait_event_parameters_t evtp; int rc; DEB(10, ("Event handler starts")); (void) memset(&evtp, 0x0, sizeof(evtp)); evtp.event_id = event_reg.event_id; do { rc = ioctl(driver, ISCSI_WAIT_EVENT, &evtp); if (rc != 0) { DEB(10, ("event_handler ioctl failed: %s", strerror(errno))); break; } DEB(10, ("Got Event: kind %d, status %d, sid %d, cid %d, reason %d", evtp.event_kind, evtp.status, evtp.session_id, evtp.connection_id, evtp.reason)); if (evtp.status) break; switch (evtp.event_kind) { case ISCSI_SESSION_TERMINATED: event_kill_session(evtp.session_id); break; case ISCSI_CONNECTION_TERMINATED: event_kill_connection(evtp.session_id, evtp.connection_id); break; case ISCSI_RECOVER_CONNECTION: event_recover_connection(evtp.session_id, evtp.connection_id); break; default: break; } } while (evtp.event_kind != ISCSI_DRIVER_TERMINATING); if (termf != NULL) (*termf)(); DEB(10, ("Event handler exits")); return NULL; } #if 0 /* * verify_connection: * Verify that a specific connection still exists, delete it if not. * * Parameter: The connection pointer. * * Returns: The status returned by the driver. */ uint32_t verify_connection(connection_t * conn) { iscsi_conn_status_parameters_t req; session_t *sess = conn->session; req.connection_id = conn->entry.sid.id; req.session_id = sess->entry.sid.id; ioctl(driver, ISCSI_CONNECTION_STATUS, &req); if (req.status) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&sess->connections, &conn->entry, link); sess->num_connections--; free(conn); } DEB(9, ("Verify connection returns status %d", req.status)); return req.status; } #endif