/* $NetBSD: ausoc.c,v 2019/11/16 16:48:25 martin Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2018 Jared McNeill <jmcneill@invisible.ca> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: ausoc.c,v 2019/11/16 16:48:25 martin Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <sys/cpu.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/kmem.h> #include <sys/gpio.h> #include <sys/audioio.h> #include <dev/audio/audio_if.h> #include <dev/audio/audio_dai.h> #include <dev/fdt/fdtvar.h> static const char *compatible[] = { "simple-audio-card", NULL }; struct ausoc_link { const char *link_name; audio_dai_tag_t link_cpu; audio_dai_tag_t link_codec; audio_dai_tag_t *link_aux; u_int link_naux; u_int link_mclk_fs; kmutex_t link_lock; kmutex_t link_intr_lock; }; struct ausoc_softc { device_t sc_dev; int sc_phandle; const char *sc_name; struct ausoc_link *sc_link; u_int sc_nlink; }; static void ausoc_close(void *priv) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; u_int aux; for (aux = 0; aux < link->link_naux; aux++) audio_dai_close(link->link_aux[aux]); audio_dai_close(link->link_codec); audio_dai_close(link->link_cpu); } static int ausoc_open(void *priv, int flags) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; u_int aux; int error; error = audio_dai_open(link->link_cpu, flags); if (error) goto failed; error = audio_dai_open(link->link_codec, flags); if (error) goto failed; for (aux = 0; aux < link->link_naux; aux++) { error = audio_dai_open(link->link_aux[aux], flags); if (error) goto failed; } return 0; failed: ausoc_close(priv); return error; } static int ausoc_query_format(void *priv, audio_format_query_t *afp) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; return audio_dai_query_format(link->link_cpu, afp); } static int ausoc_set_format(void *priv, int setmode, const audio_params_t *play, const audio_params_t *rec, audio_filter_reg_t *pfil, audio_filter_reg_t *rfil) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; const audio_params_t *params = (setmode & AUMODE_PLAY) != 0 ? play : rec; int error; if (link->link_mclk_fs) { const u_int rate = params->sample_rate * link->link_mclk_fs; error = audio_dai_set_sysclk(link->link_codec, rate, AUDIO_DAI_CLOCK_IN); if (error) return error; error = audio_dai_set_sysclk(link->link_cpu, rate, AUDIO_DAI_CLOCK_OUT); if (error) return error; } error = audio_dai_mi_set_format(link->link_cpu, setmode, play, rec, pfil, rfil); if (error) return error; return audio_dai_mi_set_format(link->link_codec, setmode, play, rec, pfil, rfil); } static int ausoc_set_port(void *priv, mixer_ctrl_t *mc) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; return audio_dai_set_port(link->link_codec, mc); } static int ausoc_get_port(void *priv, mixer_ctrl_t *mc) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; return audio_dai_get_port(link->link_codec, mc); } static int ausoc_query_devinfo(void *priv, mixer_devinfo_t *di) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; return audio_dai_query_devinfo(link->link_codec, di); } static void * ausoc_allocm(void *priv, int dir, size_t size) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; return audio_dai_allocm(link->link_cpu, dir, size); } static void ausoc_freem(void *priv, void *addr, size_t size) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; return audio_dai_freem(link->link_cpu, addr, size); } static int ausoc_getdev(void *priv, struct audio_device *adev) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; /* Defaults */ snprintf(adev->name, sizeof(adev->name), "%s", link->link_name); snprintf(adev->version, sizeof(adev->version), ""); snprintf(adev->config, sizeof(adev->config), "ausoc"); /* Codec can override */ (void)audio_dai_getdev(link->link_codec, adev); return 0; } static int ausoc_get_props(void *priv) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; return audio_dai_get_props(link->link_cpu); } static int ausoc_round_blocksize(void *priv, int bs, int mode, const audio_params_t *params) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; return audio_dai_round_blocksize(link->link_cpu, bs, mode, params); } static size_t ausoc_round_buffersize(void *priv, int dir, size_t bufsize) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; return audio_dai_round_buffersize(link->link_cpu, dir, bufsize); } static int ausoc_halt_output(void *priv) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; u_int n; for (n = 0; n < link->link_naux; n++) audio_dai_halt(link->link_aux[n], AUMODE_PLAY); audio_dai_halt(link->link_codec, AUMODE_PLAY); return audio_dai_halt(link->link_cpu, AUMODE_PLAY); } static int ausoc_halt_input(void *priv) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; u_int n; for (n = 0; n < link->link_naux; n++) audio_dai_halt(link->link_aux[n], AUMODE_RECORD); audio_dai_halt(link->link_codec, AUMODE_RECORD); return audio_dai_halt(link->link_cpu, AUMODE_RECORD); } static int ausoc_trigger_output(void *priv, void *start, void *end, int blksize, void (*intr)(void *), void *intrarg, const audio_params_t *params) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; int error; u_int n; for (n = 0; n < link->link_naux; n++) { error = audio_dai_trigger(link->link_aux[n], start, end, blksize, intr, intrarg, params, AUMODE_PLAY); if (error) goto failed; } error = audio_dai_trigger(link->link_codec, start, end, blksize, intr, intrarg, params, AUMODE_PLAY); if (error) goto failed; return audio_dai_trigger(link->link_cpu, start, end, blksize, intr, intrarg, params, AUMODE_PLAY); failed: ausoc_halt_output(priv); return error; } static int ausoc_trigger_input(void *priv, void *start, void *end, int blksize, void (*intr)(void *), void *intrarg, const audio_params_t *params) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; int error; u_int n; for (n = 0; n < link->link_naux; n++) { error = audio_dai_trigger(link->link_aux[n], start, end, blksize, intr, intrarg, params, AUMODE_RECORD); if (error) goto failed; } error = audio_dai_trigger(link->link_codec, start, end, blksize, intr, intrarg, params, AUMODE_RECORD); if (error) goto failed; return audio_dai_trigger(link->link_cpu, start, end, blksize, intr, intrarg, params, AUMODE_RECORD); failed: ausoc_halt_input(priv); return error; } static void ausoc_get_locks(void *priv, kmutex_t **intr, kmutex_t **thread) { struct ausoc_link * const link = priv; return audio_dai_get_locks(link->link_cpu, intr, thread); } static const struct audio_hw_if ausoc_hw_if = { .open = ausoc_open, .close = ausoc_close, .query_format = ausoc_query_format, .set_format = ausoc_set_format, .allocm = ausoc_allocm, .freem = ausoc_freem, .getdev = ausoc_getdev, .set_port = ausoc_set_port, .get_port = ausoc_get_port, .query_devinfo = ausoc_query_devinfo, .get_props = ausoc_get_props, .round_blocksize = ausoc_round_blocksize, .round_buffersize = ausoc_round_buffersize, .trigger_output = ausoc_trigger_output, .trigger_input = ausoc_trigger_input, .halt_output = ausoc_halt_output, .halt_input = ausoc_halt_input, .get_locks = ausoc_get_locks, }; static int ausoc_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct fdt_attach_args * const faa = aux; return of_match_compatible(faa->faa_phandle, compatible); } static struct { const char *name; u_int fmt; } ausoc_dai_formats[] = { { "i2s", AUDIO_DAI_FORMAT_I2S }, { "right_j", AUDIO_DAI_FORMAT_RJ }, { "left_j", AUDIO_DAI_FORMAT_LJ }, { "dsp_a", AUDIO_DAI_FORMAT_DSPA }, { "dsp_b", AUDIO_DAI_FORMAT_DSPB }, { "ac97", AUDIO_DAI_FORMAT_AC97 }, { "pdm", AUDIO_DAI_FORMAT_PDM }, }; static int ausoc_link_format(struct ausoc_softc *sc, struct ausoc_link *link, int phandle, int dai_phandle, bool single_link, u_int *format) { const char *format_prop = single_link ? "simple-audio-card,format" : "format"; const char *frame_master_prop = single_link ? "simple-audio-card,frame-master" : "frame-master"; const char *bitclock_master_prop = single_link ? "simple-audio-card,bitclock-master" : "bitclock-master"; const char *bitclock_inversion_prop = single_link ? "simple-audio-card,bitclock-inversion" : "bitclock-inversion"; const char *frame_inversion_prop = single_link ? "simple-audio-card,frame-inversion" : "frame-inversion"; u_int fmt, pol, clk; const char *s; u_int n; s = fdtbus_get_string(phandle, format_prop); if (s) { for (n = 0; n < __arraycount(ausoc_dai_formats); n++) { if (strcmp(s, ausoc_dai_formats[n].name) == 0) { fmt = ausoc_dai_formats[n].fmt; break; } } if (n == __arraycount(ausoc_dai_formats)) return EINVAL; } else { fmt = AUDIO_DAI_FORMAT_I2S; } const bool frame_master = dai_phandle == fdtbus_get_phandle(phandle, frame_master_prop); const bool bitclock_master = dai_phandle == fdtbus_get_phandle(phandle, bitclock_master_prop); if (frame_master) { clk = bitclock_master ? AUDIO_DAI_CLOCK_CBM_CFM : AUDIO_DAI_CLOCK_CBS_CFM; } else { clk = bitclock_master ? AUDIO_DAI_CLOCK_CBM_CFS : AUDIO_DAI_CLOCK_CBS_CFS; } const bool bitclock_inversion = of_hasprop(phandle, bitclock_inversion_prop); const bool frame_inversion = of_hasprop(phandle, frame_inversion_prop); if (bitclock_inversion) { pol = frame_inversion ? AUDIO_DAI_POLARITY_IB_IF : AUDIO_DAI_POLARITY_IB_NF; } else { pol = frame_inversion ? AUDIO_DAI_POLARITY_NB_IF : AUDIO_DAI_POLARITY_NB_NF; } *format = __SHIFTIN(fmt, AUDIO_DAI_FORMAT_MASK) | __SHIFTIN(pol, AUDIO_DAI_POLARITY_MASK) | __SHIFTIN(clk, AUDIO_DAI_CLOCK_MASK); return 0; } static void ausoc_attach_link(struct ausoc_softc *sc, struct ausoc_link *link, int card_phandle, int link_phandle) { const bool single_link = card_phandle == link_phandle; const char *cpu_prop = single_link ? "simple-audio-card,cpu" : "cpu"; const char *codec_prop = single_link ? "simple-audio-card,codec" : "codec"; const char *mclk_fs_prop = single_link ? "simple-audio-card,mclk-fs" : "mclk-fs"; const char *node_name = fdtbus_get_string(link_phandle, "name"); u_int n, format; const int cpu_phandle = of_find_firstchild_byname(link_phandle, cpu_prop); if (cpu_phandle <= 0) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "missing %s prop on %s node\n", cpu_prop, node_name); return; } link->link_cpu = fdtbus_dai_acquire(cpu_phandle, "sound-dai"); if (!link->link_cpu) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "couldn't acquire cpu dai on %s node\n", node_name); return; } const int codec_phandle = of_find_firstchild_byname(link_phandle, codec_prop); if (codec_phandle <= 0) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "missing %s prop on %s node\n", codec_prop, node_name); return; } link->link_codec = fdtbus_dai_acquire(codec_phandle, "sound-dai"); if (!link->link_codec) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "couldn't acquire codec dai on %s node\n", node_name); return; } for (;;) { if (fdtbus_dai_acquire_index(card_phandle, "simple-audio-card,aux-devs", link->link_naux) == NULL) break; link->link_naux++; } if (link->link_naux) { link->link_aux = kmem_zalloc(sizeof(audio_dai_tag_t) * link->link_naux, KM_SLEEP); for (n = 0; n < link->link_naux; n++) { link->link_aux[n] = fdtbus_dai_acquire_index(card_phandle, "simple-audio-card,aux-devs", n); KASSERT(link->link_aux[n] != NULL); /* Attach aux devices to codec */ audio_dai_add_device(link->link_codec, link->link_aux[n]); } } of_getprop_uint32(link_phandle, mclk_fs_prop, &link->link_mclk_fs); if (ausoc_link_format(sc, link, link_phandle, codec_phandle, single_link, &format) != 0) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "couldn't parse format properties\n"); return; } if (audio_dai_set_format(link->link_cpu, format) != 0) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "couldn't set cpu format\n"); return; } if (audio_dai_set_format(link->link_codec, format) != 0) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "couldn't set codec format\n"); return; } aprint_normal_dev(sc->sc_dev, "codec: %s, cpu: %s", device_xname(audio_dai_device(link->link_codec)), device_xname(audio_dai_device(link->link_cpu))); for (n = 0; n < link->link_naux; n++) { if (n == 0) aprint_normal(", aux:"); aprint_normal(" %s", device_xname(audio_dai_device(link->link_aux[n]))); } aprint_normal("\n"); audio_attach_mi(&ausoc_hw_if, link, sc->sc_dev); } static void ausoc_attach_cb(device_t self) { struct ausoc_softc * const sc = device_private(self); const int phandle = sc->sc_phandle; const char *name; int child, n; size_t len; /* * If the root node defines a cpu and codec, there is only one link. For * cards with multiple links, there will be simple-audio-card,dai-link * child nodes for each one. */ if (of_find_firstchild_byname(phandle, "simple-audio-card,cpu") > 0 && of_find_firstchild_byname(phandle, "simple-audio-card,codec") > 0) { sc->sc_nlink = 1; sc->sc_link = kmem_zalloc(sizeof(*sc->sc_link), KM_SLEEP); sc->sc_link[0].link_name = sc->sc_name; ausoc_attach_link(sc, &sc->sc_link[0], phandle, phandle); } else { for (child = OF_child(phandle); child; child = OF_peer(child)) { name = fdtbus_get_string(child, "name"); len = strlen("simple-audio-card,dai-link"); if (strncmp(name, "simple-audio-card,dai-link", len) != 0) continue; sc->sc_nlink++; } if (sc->sc_nlink == 0) return; sc->sc_link = kmem_zalloc(sizeof(*sc->sc_link) * sc->sc_nlink, KM_SLEEP); for (child = OF_child(phandle), n = 0; child; child = OF_peer(child)) { name = fdtbus_get_string(child, "name"); len = strlen("simple-audio-card,dai-link"); if (strncmp(name, "simple-audio-card,dai-link", len) != 0) continue; sc->sc_link[n].link_name = sc->sc_name; ausoc_attach_link(sc, &sc->sc_link[n], phandle, child); n++; } } } static void ausoc_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct ausoc_softc * const sc = device_private(self); struct fdt_attach_args * const faa = aux; const int phandle = faa->faa_phandle; sc->sc_dev = self; sc->sc_phandle = phandle; sc->sc_name = fdtbus_get_string(phandle, "simple-audio-card,name"); if (!sc->sc_name) sc->sc_name = "SoC Audio"; aprint_naive("\n"); aprint_normal(": %s\n", sc->sc_name); /* * Defer attachment until all other drivers are ready. */ config_defer(self, ausoc_attach_cb); } CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(ausoc, sizeof(struct ausoc_softc), ausoc_match, ausoc_attach, NULL, NULL);