/* $NetBSD: fdt_subr.c,v 1.30 2019/06/14 11:08:18 hkenken Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2015 Jared D. McNeill <jmcneill@invisible.ca> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: fdt_subr.c,v 1.30 2019/06/14 11:08:18 hkenken Exp $"); #include "opt_fdt.h" #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <libfdt.h> #include <dev/fdt/fdtvar.h> static const void *fdt_data; static struct fdt_conslist fdt_console_list = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(fdt_console_list); bool fdtbus_set_data(const void *data) { KASSERT(fdt_data == NULL); if (fdt_check_header(data) != 0) { return false; } fdt_data = data; return true; } const void * fdtbus_get_data(void) { return fdt_data; } int fdtbus_offset2phandle(int offset) { if (offset < 0) return 0; return offset + fdt_off_dt_struct(fdt_data); } int fdtbus_phandle2offset(int phandle) { const int dtoff = fdt_off_dt_struct(fdt_data); if (phandle == -1) phandle = dtoff; if (phandle < dtoff) return -1; return phandle - dtoff; } static bool fdtbus_decoderegprop = true; void fdtbus_set_decoderegprop(bool decode) { fdtbus_decoderegprop = decode; } static int fdtbus_get_addr_cells(int phandle) { uint32_t addr_cells; if (of_getprop_uint32(phandle, "#address-cells", &addr_cells)) addr_cells = 2; return addr_cells; } static int fdtbus_get_size_cells(int phandle) { uint32_t size_cells; if (of_getprop_uint32(phandle, "#size-cells", &size_cells)) size_cells = 0; return size_cells; } int fdtbus_get_phandle(int phandle, const char *prop) { u_int phandle_ref; const u_int *buf; int len; buf = fdt_getprop(fdtbus_get_data(), fdtbus_phandle2offset(phandle), prop, &len); if (buf == NULL || len < sizeof(phandle_ref)) return -1; phandle_ref = be32dec(buf); return fdtbus_get_phandle_from_native(phandle_ref); } int fdtbus_get_phandle_with_data(int phandle, const char *prop, const char *cells, int index, struct fdt_phandle_data *data) { int len; const int offset = 1; const u_int *p = fdtbus_get_prop(phandle, prop, &len); if (p == NULL || len <= 0) return EINVAL; for (int i = 0; len > 0; i++) { u_int phandle_ref = be32toh(*p); const u_int iparent = fdtbus_get_phandle_from_native(phandle_ref); uint32_t cells_num; of_getprop_uint32(iparent, cells, &cells_num); if (index == i) { if (data != NULL) { data->phandle = iparent; data->count = cells_num; data->values = p + offset; } goto done; } const u_int reclen = offset + cells_num; len -= reclen * sizeof(u_int); p += reclen; } return EINVAL; done: return 0; } int fdtbus_get_phandle_from_native(int phandle) { const int off = fdt_node_offset_by_phandle(fdt_data, phandle); if (off < 0) { return -1; } return fdtbus_offset2phandle(off); } bool fdtbus_get_path(int phandle, char *buf, size_t buflen) { const int off = fdtbus_phandle2offset(phandle); if (off < 0) { return false; } if (fdt_get_path(fdt_data, off, buf, (int)buflen) != 0) { return false; } return true; } static uint64_t fdtbus_get_cells(const uint8_t *buf, int cells) { switch (cells) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return be32dec(buf); case 2: return ((uint64_t)be32dec(buf)<<32)|be32dec(buf+4); default: panic("fdtbus_get_cells: bad cells val %d\n", cells); } } static uint64_t fdtbus_decode_range(int phandle, uint64_t paddr) { const int parent = OF_parent(phandle); if (parent == -1) return paddr; if (!fdtbus_decoderegprop) return paddr; const uint8_t *buf; int len; buf = fdt_getprop(fdtbus_get_data(), fdtbus_phandle2offset(phandle), "ranges", &len); if (buf == NULL) return paddr; if (len == 0) { /* pass through to parent */ return fdtbus_decode_range(parent, paddr); } const int addr_cells = fdtbus_get_addr_cells(phandle); const int size_cells = fdtbus_get_size_cells(phandle); const int paddr_cells = fdtbus_get_addr_cells(OF_parent(parent)); if (addr_cells == -1 || size_cells == -1 || paddr_cells == -1) return paddr; while (len > 0) { uint64_t cba, pba, cl; cba = fdtbus_get_cells(buf, addr_cells); buf += addr_cells * 4; pba = fdtbus_get_cells(buf, paddr_cells); buf += paddr_cells * 4; cl = fdtbus_get_cells(buf, size_cells); buf += size_cells * 4; if (paddr >= cba && paddr < cba + cl) return fdtbus_decode_range(parent, pba) + (paddr - cba); len -= (addr_cells + paddr_cells + size_cells) * 4; } /* No mapping found */ return paddr; } int fdtbus_get_reg_byname(int phandle, const char *name, bus_addr_t *paddr, bus_size_t *psize) { u_int index; int error; error = fdtbus_get_index(phandle, "reg-names", name, &index); if (error != 0) return ENOENT; return fdtbus_get_reg(phandle, index, paddr, psize); } int fdtbus_get_reg(int phandle, u_int index, bus_addr_t *paddr, bus_size_t *psize) { uint64_t addr, size; int error; error = fdtbus_get_reg64(phandle, index, &addr, &size); if (error) return error; if (sizeof(bus_addr_t) == 4 && (addr + size) > 0x100000000) return ERANGE; if (paddr) *paddr = (bus_addr_t)addr; if (psize) *psize = (bus_size_t)size; return 0; } int fdtbus_get_reg64(int phandle, u_int index, uint64_t *paddr, uint64_t *psize) { uint64_t addr, size; const uint8_t *buf; int len; const int addr_cells = fdtbus_get_addr_cells(OF_parent(phandle)); const int size_cells = fdtbus_get_size_cells(OF_parent(phandle)); if (addr_cells == -1 || size_cells == -1) return EINVAL; buf = fdt_getprop(fdtbus_get_data(), fdtbus_phandle2offset(phandle), "reg", &len); if (buf == NULL || len <= 0) return EINVAL; const u_int reglen = size_cells * 4 + addr_cells * 4; if (reglen == 0) return EINVAL; if (index >= len / reglen) return ENXIO; buf += index * reglen; addr = fdtbus_get_cells(buf, addr_cells); buf += addr_cells * 4; size = fdtbus_get_cells(buf, size_cells); if (paddr) { *paddr = fdtbus_decode_range(OF_parent(phandle), addr); #ifdef FDTBUS_DEBUG const char *name = fdt_get_name(fdtbus_get_data(), fdtbus_phandle2offset(phandle), NULL); printf("fdt: [%s] decoded addr #%u: %" PRIx64 " -> %" PRIx64 "\n", name, index, addr, *paddr); #endif } if (psize) *psize = size; return 0; } #if defined(FDT) const struct fdt_console * fdtbus_get_console(void) { static const struct fdt_console_info *booted_console = NULL; if (booted_console == NULL) { __link_set_decl(fdt_consoles, struct fdt_console_info); struct fdt_console_info * const *info; const struct fdt_console_info *best_info = NULL; const int phandle = fdtbus_get_stdout_phandle(); int best_match = 0; __link_set_foreach(info, fdt_consoles) { const int match = (*info)->ops->match(phandle); if (match > best_match) { best_match = match; best_info = *info; } } booted_console = best_info; } return booted_console == NULL ? NULL : booted_console->ops; } #endif const char * fdtbus_get_stdout_path(void) { const char *prop; const int off = fdt_path_offset(fdtbus_get_data(), "/chosen"); if (off < 0) return NULL; prop = fdt_getprop(fdtbus_get_data(), off, "stdout-path", NULL); if (prop != NULL) return prop; /* If the stdout-path property is not found, assume serial0 */ return "serial0:115200n8"; } int fdtbus_get_stdout_phandle(void) { const char *prop, *p; int off, len; prop = fdtbus_get_stdout_path(); if (prop == NULL) return -1; p = strchr(prop, ':'); len = p == NULL ? strlen(prop) : (p - prop); if (*prop != '/') { /* Alias */ prop = fdt_get_alias_namelen(fdtbus_get_data(), prop, len); if (prop == NULL) return -1; len = strlen(prop); } off = fdt_path_offset_namelen(fdtbus_get_data(), prop, len); if (off < 0) return -1; return fdtbus_offset2phandle(off); } int fdtbus_get_stdout_speed(void) { const char *prop, *p; prop = fdtbus_get_stdout_path(); if (prop == NULL) return -1; p = strchr(prop, ':'); if (p == NULL) return -1; return (int)strtoul(p + 1, NULL, 10); } tcflag_t fdtbus_get_stdout_flags(void) { const char *prop, *p; tcflag_t flags = TTYDEF_CFLAG; char *ep; prop = fdtbus_get_stdout_path(); if (prop == NULL) return flags; p = strchr(prop, ':'); if (p == NULL) return flags; ep = NULL; (void)strtoul(p + 1, &ep, 10); if (ep == NULL) return flags; /* <baud>{<parity>{<bits>{<flow>}}} */ while (*ep) { switch (*ep) { /* parity */ case 'n': flags &= ~(PARENB|PARODD); break; case 'e': flags &= ~PARODD; flags |= PARENB; break; case 'o': flags |= (PARENB|PARODD); break; /* bits */ case '5': flags &= ~CSIZE; flags |= CS5; break; case '6': flags &= ~CSIZE; flags |= CS6; break; case '7': flags &= ~CSIZE; flags |= CS7; break; case '8': flags &= ~CSIZE; flags |= CS8; break; /* flow */ case 'r': flags |= CRTSCTS; break; } ep++; } return flags; } bool fdtbus_status_okay(int phandle) { const int off = fdtbus_phandle2offset(phandle); const char *prop = fdt_getprop(fdtbus_get_data(), off, "status", NULL); if (prop == NULL) return true; return strncmp(prop, "ok", 2) == 0; } const void * fdtbus_get_prop(int phandle, const char *prop, int *plen) { const int off = fdtbus_phandle2offset(phandle); return fdt_getprop(fdtbus_get_data(), off, prop, plen); } const char * fdtbus_get_string(int phandle, const char *prop) { const int off = fdtbus_phandle2offset(phandle); if (strcmp(prop, "name") == 0) return fdt_get_name(fdtbus_get_data(), off, NULL); else return fdt_getprop(fdtbus_get_data(), off, prop, NULL); } const char * fdtbus_get_string_index(int phandle, const char *prop, u_int index) { const char *names, *name; int len, cur; if ((len = OF_getproplen(phandle, prop)) < 0) return NULL; names = fdtbus_get_string(phandle, prop); for (name = names, cur = 0; len > 0; len -= strlen(name) + 1, name += strlen(name) + 1, cur++) { if (index == cur) return name; } return NULL; } int fdtbus_get_index(int phandle, const char *prop, const char *name, u_int *idx) { const char *p; size_t pl; u_int index; int len; p = fdtbus_get_prop(phandle, prop, &len); if (p == NULL || len <= 0) return -1; for (index = 0; len > 0; pl = strlen(p) + 1, len -= pl, p += pl, index++) { if (strcmp(p, name) == 0) { *idx = index; return 0; } } return -1; }