/* $NetBSD: mgx.c,v 1.14 2018/09/03 16:29:33 riastradh Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2014 Michael Lorenz * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* a console driver for the SSB 4096V-MGX graphics card */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: mgx.c,v 1.14 2018/09/03 16:29:33 riastradh Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/buf.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/conf.h> #include <sys/kmem.h> #include <sys/kauth.h> #include <sys/atomic.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <machine/autoconf.h> #include <dev/sbus/sbusvar.h> #include <dev/sun/fbio.h> #include <dev/sun/fbvar.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsdisplayvar.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsconsio.h> #include <dev/wsfont/wsfont.h> #include <dev/rasops/rasops.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsdisplay_vconsvar.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsdisplay_glyphcachevar.h> #include <dev/ic/vgareg.h> #include <dev/sbus/mgxreg.h> #include "ioconf.h" #include "opt_wsemul.h" #include "opt_mgx.h" struct mgx_softc { device_t sc_dev; struct fbdevice sc_fb; /* frame buffer device */ bus_space_tag_t sc_tag; bus_space_handle_t sc_blith; bus_space_handle_t sc_vgah; bus_addr_t sc_paddr, sc_rpaddr; void *sc_fbaddr; uint8_t *sc_cursor; int sc_width; int sc_height; int sc_stride; int sc_depth; int sc_fbsize; int sc_mode; char sc_name[8]; uint32_t sc_dec; u_char sc_cmap_red[256]; u_char sc_cmap_green[256]; u_char sc_cmap_blue[256]; int sc_cursor_x, sc_cursor_y; int sc_hotspot_x, sc_hotspot_y; int sc_video, sc_buf; void (*sc_putchar)(void *, int, int, u_int, long); struct vcons_screen sc_console_screen; struct wsscreen_descr sc_defaultscreen_descr; const struct wsscreen_descr *sc_screens[1]; struct wsscreen_list sc_screenlist; struct vcons_data vd; glyphcache sc_gc; uint8_t sc_in[256]; }; static int mgx_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static void mgx_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); static int mgx_ioctl(void *, void *, u_long, void *, int, struct lwp*); static paddr_t mgx_mmap(void *, void *, off_t, int); static void mgx_init_screen(void *, struct vcons_screen *, int, long *); static void mgx_write_dac(struct mgx_softc *, int, int, int, int); static void mgx_setup(struct mgx_softc *, int); static void mgx_init_palette(struct mgx_softc *); static int mgx_putcmap(struct mgx_softc *, struct wsdisplay_cmap *); static int mgx_getcmap(struct mgx_softc *, struct wsdisplay_cmap *); static int mgx_wait_engine(struct mgx_softc *); __unused static int mgx_wait_host(struct mgx_softc *); /*static*/ int mgx_wait_fifo(struct mgx_softc *, unsigned int); static void mgx_bitblt(void *, int, int, int, int, int, int, int); static void mgx_rectfill(void *, int, int, int, int, long); static void mgx_putchar_aa(void *, int, int, u_int, long); static void mgx_putchar_mono(void *, int, int, u_int, long); static void mgx_cursor(void *, int, int, int); static void mgx_copycols(void *, int, int, int, int); static void mgx_erasecols(void *, int, int, int, long); static void mgx_copyrows(void *, int, int, int); static void mgx_eraserows(void *, int, int, long); static void mgx_adapt(struct vcons_screen *, void *); static int mgx_do_cursor(struct mgx_softc *, struct wsdisplay_cursor *); static void mgx_set_cursor(struct mgx_softc *); static void mgx_set_video(struct mgx_softc *, int); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(mgx, sizeof(struct mgx_softc), mgx_match, mgx_attach, NULL, NULL); struct wsdisplay_accessops mgx_accessops = { mgx_ioctl, mgx_mmap, NULL, /* vcons_alloc_screen */ NULL, /* vcons_free_screen */ NULL, /* vcons_show_screen */ NULL, /* load_font */ NULL, /* polls */ NULL, /* scroll */ }; static void mgx_unblank(device_t); dev_type_open(mgxopen); dev_type_close(mgxclose); dev_type_ioctl(mgxioctl); dev_type_mmap(mgxmmap); const struct cdevsw mgx_cdevsw = { .d_open = mgxopen, .d_close = mgxclose, .d_read = noread, .d_write = nowrite, .d_ioctl = mgxioctl, .d_stop = nostop, .d_tty = notty, .d_poll = nopoll, .d_mmap = mgxmmap, .d_kqfilter = nokqfilter, .d_discard = nodiscard, .d_flag = D_OTHER }; /* frame buffer generic driver */ static struct fbdriver mgx_fbdriver = { mgx_unblank, mgxopen, mgxclose, mgxioctl, nopoll, mgxmmap, nokqfilter }; static inline void mgx_write_vga(struct mgx_softc *sc, uint32_t reg, uint8_t val) { bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_vgah, reg ^ 3, val); } static inline uint8_t mgx_read_vga(struct mgx_softc *sc, uint32_t reg) { return bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_vgah, reg ^ 3); } static inline void mgx_write_1(struct mgx_softc *sc, uint32_t reg, uint8_t val) { bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_blith, reg ^ 3, val); } static inline uint8_t mgx_read_1(struct mgx_softc *sc, uint32_t reg) { return bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_blith, reg ^ 3); } #if 0 static inline uint32_t mgx_read_4(struct mgx_softc *sc, uint32_t reg) { return bus_space_read_4(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_blith, reg); } #endif static inline void mgx_write_2(struct mgx_softc *sc, uint32_t reg, uint16_t val) { bus_space_write_2(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_blith, reg ^ 2, val); } static inline void mgx_write_4(struct mgx_softc *sc, uint32_t reg, uint32_t val) { bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_blith, reg, val); } static int mgx_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct sbus_attach_args *sa = aux; if (strcmp("SMSI,mgx", sa->sa_name) == 0) return 100; return 0; } /* * Attach a display. We need to notice if it is the console, too. */ static void mgx_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *args) { struct mgx_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct sbus_attach_args *sa = args; struct wsemuldisplaydev_attach_args aa; struct fbdevice *fb = &sc->sc_fb; struct rasops_info *ri; unsigned long defattr; bus_space_handle_t bh; int node = sa->sa_node, bsize; int isconsole; aprint_normal("\n"); sc->sc_dev = self; sc->sc_tag = sa->sa_bustag; sc->sc_paddr = sbus_bus_addr(sa->sa_bustag, sa->sa_slot, sa->sa_reg[8].oa_base); sc->sc_rpaddr = sbus_bus_addr(sa->sa_bustag, sa->sa_slot, sa->sa_reg[5].oa_base + MGX_REG_ATREG_OFFSET); /* read geometry information from the device tree */ sc->sc_width = prom_getpropint(sa->sa_node, "width", 1152); sc->sc_height = prom_getpropint(sa->sa_node, "height", 900); sc->sc_stride = prom_getpropint(sa->sa_node, "linebytes", 1152); sc->sc_fbsize = prom_getpropint(sa->sa_node, "fb_size", 0x00400000); sc->sc_fbaddr = NULL; if (sc->sc_fbaddr == NULL) { if (sbus_bus_map(sa->sa_bustag, sa->sa_slot, sa->sa_reg[8].oa_base, sc->sc_fbsize, BUS_SPACE_MAP_LINEAR | BUS_SPACE_MAP_LARGE, &bh) != 0) { aprint_error_dev(self, "couldn't map framebuffer\n"); return; } sc->sc_fbaddr = bus_space_vaddr(sa->sa_bustag, bh); } if (sbus_bus_map(sa->sa_bustag, sa->sa_slot, sa->sa_reg[4].oa_base, 0x1000, 0, &sc->sc_vgah) != 0) { aprint_error("%s: couldn't map VGA registers\n", device_xname(sc->sc_dev)); return; } if (sbus_bus_map(sa->sa_bustag, sa->sa_slot, sa->sa_reg[5].oa_base + MGX_REG_ATREG_OFFSET, 0x1000, 0, &sc->sc_blith) != 0) { aprint_error("%s: couldn't map blitter registers\n", device_xname(sc->sc_dev)); return; } mgx_setup(sc, MGX_DEPTH); aprint_normal_dev(self, "[%s] %d MB framebuffer, %d x %d\n", sc->sc_name, sc->sc_fbsize >> 20, sc->sc_width, sc->sc_height); sc->sc_defaultscreen_descr = (struct wsscreen_descr) { "default", 0, 0, NULL, 8, 16, WSSCREEN_WSCOLORS | WSSCREEN_HILIT | WSSCREEN_UNDERLINE | WSSCREEN_RESIZE, NULL }; sc->sc_cursor_x = 0; sc->sc_cursor_y = 0; sc->sc_hotspot_x = 0; sc->sc_hotspot_y = 0; sc->sc_video = WSDISPLAYIO_VIDEO_ON; sc->sc_screens[0] = &sc->sc_defaultscreen_descr; sc->sc_screenlist = (struct wsscreen_list){1, sc->sc_screens}; isconsole = fb_is_console(node); sc->sc_mode = WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL; wsfont_init(); vcons_init(&sc->vd, sc, &sc->sc_defaultscreen_descr, &mgx_accessops); sc->vd.init_screen = mgx_init_screen; sc->vd.show_screen_cookie = sc; sc->vd.show_screen_cb = mgx_adapt; vcons_init_screen(&sc->vd, &sc->sc_console_screen, 1, &defattr); sc->sc_console_screen.scr_flags |= VCONS_SCREEN_IS_STATIC; ri = &sc->sc_console_screen.scr_ri; sc->sc_defaultscreen_descr.nrows = ri->ri_rows; sc->sc_defaultscreen_descr.ncols = ri->ri_cols; sc->sc_defaultscreen_descr.textops = &ri->ri_ops; sc->sc_defaultscreen_descr.capabilities = ri->ri_caps; sc->sc_gc.gc_bitblt = mgx_bitblt; sc->sc_gc.gc_rectfill = mgx_rectfill; sc->sc_gc.gc_blitcookie = sc; sc->sc_gc.gc_rop = ROP_SRC; /* * leave some room between visible screen and glyph cache for upload * buffers used by putchar_mono() */ bsize = (32 * 1024 * sc->sc_stride - 1) / sc->sc_stride; glyphcache_init(&sc->sc_gc, sc->sc_height + bsize, (0x400000 / sc->sc_stride) - (sc->sc_height + bsize), sc->sc_width, ri->ri_font->fontwidth, ri->ri_font->fontheight, defattr); mgx_init_palette(sc); if(isconsole) { wsdisplay_cnattach(&sc->sc_defaultscreen_descr, ri, 0, 0, defattr); vcons_replay_msgbuf(&sc->sc_console_screen); } aa.console = isconsole; aa.scrdata = &sc->sc_screenlist; aa.accessops = &mgx_accessops; aa.accesscookie = &sc->vd; config_found(self, &aa, wsemuldisplaydevprint); /* now the Sun fb goop */ fb->fb_driver = &mgx_fbdriver; fb->fb_device = sc->sc_dev; fb->fb_flags = device_cfdata(sc->sc_dev)->cf_flags & FB_USERMASK; fb->fb_type.fb_type = FBTYPE_MGX; fb->fb_pixels = NULL; fb->fb_type.fb_depth = 32; fb->fb_type.fb_width = sc->sc_width; fb->fb_type.fb_height = sc->sc_height; fb->fb_linebytes = sc->sc_stride * 4; fb->fb_type.fb_cmsize = 256; fb->fb_type.fb_size = sc->sc_fbsize; fb_attach(&sc->sc_fb, isconsole); } static void mgx_write_dac(struct mgx_softc *sc, int idx, int r, int g, int b) { mgx_write_vga(sc, VGA_BASE + VGA_DAC_ADDRW, idx); mgx_write_vga(sc, VGA_BASE + VGA_DAC_PALETTE, r); mgx_write_vga(sc, VGA_BASE + VGA_DAC_PALETTE, g); mgx_write_vga(sc, VGA_BASE + VGA_DAC_PALETTE, b); } static void mgx_init_palette(struct mgx_softc *sc) { struct rasops_info *ri = &sc->sc_console_screen.scr_ri; int i, j = 0; uint8_t cmap[768]; if (sc->sc_depth == 8) { rasops_get_cmap(ri, cmap, sizeof(cmap)); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { sc->sc_cmap_red[i] = cmap[j]; sc->sc_cmap_green[i] = cmap[j + 1]; sc->sc_cmap_blue[i] = cmap[j + 2]; mgx_write_dac(sc, i, cmap[j], cmap[j + 1], cmap[j + 2]); j += 3; } } else { /* linear ramp for true colour modes */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { mgx_write_dac(sc, i, i, i, i); } } } static int mgx_putcmap(struct mgx_softc *sc, struct wsdisplay_cmap *cm) { u_char *r, *g, *b; u_int index = cm->index; u_int count = cm->count; int i, error; u_char rbuf[256], gbuf[256], bbuf[256]; if (cm->index >= 256 || cm->count > 256 || (cm->index + cm->count) > 256) return EINVAL; error = copyin(cm->red, &rbuf[index], count); if (error) return error; error = copyin(cm->green, &gbuf[index], count); if (error) return error; error = copyin(cm->blue, &bbuf[index], count); if (error) return error; memcpy(&sc->sc_cmap_red[index], &rbuf[index], count); memcpy(&sc->sc_cmap_green[index], &gbuf[index], count); memcpy(&sc->sc_cmap_blue[index], &bbuf[index], count); r = &sc->sc_cmap_red[index]; g = &sc->sc_cmap_green[index]; b = &sc->sc_cmap_blue[index]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { mgx_write_dac(sc, index, *r, *g, *b); index++; r++, g++, b++; } return 0; } static int mgx_getcmap(struct mgx_softc *sc, struct wsdisplay_cmap *cm) { u_int index = cm->index; u_int count = cm->count; int error; if (index >= 255 || count > 256 || index + count > 256) return EINVAL; error = copyout(&sc->sc_cmap_red[index], cm->red, count); if (error) return error; error = copyout(&sc->sc_cmap_green[index], cm->green, count); if (error) return error; error = copyout(&sc->sc_cmap_blue[index], cm->blue, count); if (error) return error; return 0; } static int mgx_wait_engine(struct mgx_softc *sc) { unsigned int i; uint8_t stat; for (i = 100000; i != 0; i--) { stat = mgx_read_1(sc, ATR_BLT_STATUS); if ((stat & (BLT_HOST_BUSY | BLT_ENGINE_BUSY)) == 0) break; } return i; } static inline int mgx_wait_host(struct mgx_softc *sc) { unsigned int i; uint8_t stat; for (i = 10000; i != 0; i--) { stat = mgx_read_1(sc, ATR_BLT_STATUS); if ((stat & BLT_HOST_BUSY) == 0) break; } return i; } /*static inline*/ int mgx_wait_fifo(struct mgx_softc *sc, unsigned int nfifo) { unsigned int i; uint8_t stat; for (i = 100000; i != 0; i--) { stat = mgx_read_1(sc, ATR_FIFO_STATUS); stat = (stat & FIFO_MASK) >> FIFO_SHIFT; if (stat >= nfifo) break; mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_FIFO_STATUS, 0); } return i; } static void mgx_setup(struct mgx_softc *sc, int depth) { uint32_t stride; int i; uint8_t reg; /* wait for everything to go idle */ if (mgx_wait_engine(sc) == 0) return; if (mgx_wait_fifo(sc, FIFO_AT24) == 0) return; sc->sc_buf = 0; /* read name from sequencer */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { mgx_write_vga(sc, SEQ_INDEX, i + 0x11); sc->sc_name[i] = mgx_read_vga(sc, SEQ_DATA); } sc->sc_name[7] = 0; reg = mgx_read_1(sc, ATR_PIXEL); reg &= ~PIXEL_DEPTH_MASK; switch (depth) { case 8: sc->sc_dec = DEC_DEPTH_8 << DEC_DEPTH_SHIFT; reg |= PIXEL_8; break; case 15: sc->sc_dec = DEC_DEPTH_16 << DEC_DEPTH_SHIFT; reg |= PIXEL_15; break; case 16: sc->sc_dec = DEC_DEPTH_16 << DEC_DEPTH_SHIFT; reg |= PIXEL_16; break; case 32: sc->sc_dec = DEC_DEPTH_32 << DEC_DEPTH_SHIFT; reg |= PIXEL_32; break; default: return; /* not supported */ } /* the chip wants stride in units of 8 bytes */ sc->sc_stride = sc->sc_width * (depth >> 3); stride = sc->sc_stride >> 3; #ifdef MGX_DEBUG sc->sc_height -= 150; #endif sc->sc_depth = depth; switch (sc->sc_width) { case 640: sc->sc_dec |= DEC_WIDTH_640 << DEC_WIDTH_SHIFT; break; case 800: sc->sc_dec |= DEC_WIDTH_800 << DEC_WIDTH_SHIFT; break; case 1024: sc->sc_dec |= DEC_WIDTH_1024 << DEC_WIDTH_SHIFT; break; case 1152: sc->sc_dec |= DEC_WIDTH_1152 << DEC_WIDTH_SHIFT; break; case 1280: sc->sc_dec |= DEC_WIDTH_1280 << DEC_WIDTH_SHIFT; break; case 1600: sc->sc_dec |= DEC_WIDTH_1600 << DEC_WIDTH_SHIFT; break; default: return; /* not supported */ } mgx_wait_fifo(sc, 4); mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_CLIP_CONTROL, 0); mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_BYTEMASK, 0xff); mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_PIXEL, reg); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_OFFSET, 0); mgx_wait_fifo(sc, 4); mgx_write_vga(sc, CRTC_INDEX, 0x13); mgx_write_vga(sc, CRTC_DATA, stride & 0xff); mgx_write_vga(sc, CRTC_INDEX, 0x1c); mgx_write_vga(sc, CRTC_DATA, (stride & 0xf00) >> 4); /* clean up the screen if we're switching to != 8bit */ if (depth != MGX_DEPTH) mgx_rectfill(sc, 0, 0, sc->sc_width, sc->sc_height, 0); mgx_wait_fifo(sc, 4); /* initialize hardware cursor stuff */ mgx_write_2(sc, ATR_CURSOR_ADDRESS, (sc->sc_fbsize - 1024) >> 10); mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_CURSOR_ENABLE, 0); sc->sc_cursor = (uint8_t *)sc->sc_fbaddr + sc->sc_fbsize - 1024; memset(sc->sc_cursor, 0xf0, 1024); memset(sc->sc_in, 0, sizeof(sc->sc_in)); } static void mgx_bitblt(void *cookie, int xs, int ys, int xd, int yd, int wi, int he, int rop) { struct mgx_softc *sc = cookie; uint32_t dec = sc->sc_dec; dec |= (DEC_COMMAND_BLT << DEC_COMMAND_SHIFT) | (DEC_START_DIMX << DEC_START_SHIFT); if (xs < xd) { xs += wi - 1; xd += wi - 1; dec |= DEC_DIR_X_REVERSE; } if (ys < yd) { ys += he - 1; yd += he - 1; dec |= DEC_DIR_Y_REVERSE; } mgx_wait_fifo(sc, 5); mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_ROP, rop); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_DEC, dec); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_SRC_XY, (ys << 16) | xs); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_DST_XY, (yd << 16) | xd); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_WH, (he << 16) | wi); } static void mgx_rectfill(void *cookie, int x, int y, int wi, int he, long fg) { struct mgx_softc *sc = cookie; struct vcons_screen *scr = sc->vd.active; uint32_t dec = sc->sc_dec; uint32_t col; if (scr == NULL) return; col = scr->scr_ri.ri_devcmap[fg]; dec = sc->sc_dec; dec |= (DEC_COMMAND_RECT << DEC_COMMAND_SHIFT) | (DEC_START_DIMX << DEC_START_SHIFT); mgx_wait_fifo(sc, 5); mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_ROP, ROP_SRC); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_FG, col); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_DEC, dec); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_DST_XY, (y << 16) | x); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_WH, (he << 16) | wi); } static void mgx_putchar_aa(void *cookie, int row, int col, u_int c, long attr) { struct rasops_info *ri = cookie; struct wsdisplay_font *font = PICK_FONT(ri, c); struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct mgx_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; uint32_t fg, bg; int x, y, wi, he, rv; wi = font->fontwidth; he = font->fontheight; bg = (attr >> 16) & 0xf; fg = (attr >> 24) & 0xf; x = ri->ri_xorigin + col * wi; y = ri->ri_yorigin + row * he; if (c == 0x20) { mgx_rectfill(sc, x, y, wi, he, bg); if (attr & 1) mgx_rectfill(sc, x, y + he - 2, wi, 1, fg); return; } rv = glyphcache_try(&sc->sc_gc, c, x, y, attr); if (rv != GC_OK) { volatile uint32_t junk; mgx_wait_engine(sc); sc->sc_putchar(cookie, row, col, c, attr & ~1); if (rv == GC_ADD) { /* * try to make sure the glyph made it all the way to * video memory before trying to blit it into the cache */ junk = *(uint32_t *)sc->sc_fbaddr; __USE(junk); glyphcache_add(&sc->sc_gc, c, x, y); } } if (attr & 1) mgx_rectfill(sc, x, y + he - 2, wi, 1, fg); } static void mgx_putchar_mono(void *cookie, int row, int col, u_int c, long attr) { struct rasops_info *ri = cookie; struct wsdisplay_font *font = PICK_FONT(ri, c); struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct mgx_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; uint8_t *s, *d; uint32_t fg, bg, scratch = ((sc->sc_stride * sc->sc_height) + 7) & ~7; int x, y, wi, he, len, i; wi = font->fontwidth; he = font->fontheight; bg = (attr >> 16) & 0xf; fg = (attr >> 24) & 0xf; x = ri->ri_xorigin + col * wi; y = ri->ri_yorigin + row * he; if (!CHAR_IN_FONT(c, font)) { c = 0x20; #ifdef MGX_DEBUG bg = WSCOL_LIGHT_BLUE; #endif } if (c == 0x20) { mgx_rectfill(sc, x, y, wi, he, bg); if (attr & 1) mgx_rectfill(sc, x, y + he - 2, wi, 1, fg); return; } mgx_wait_fifo(sc, 3); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_FG, ri->ri_devcmap[fg]); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_BG, ri->ri_devcmap[bg]); mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_ROP, ROP_SRC); /* * do hardware colour expansion * there has to be an upload port somewhere, since there are host blit * commands, but it's not used or mentioned in the xf86-video-apm driver * so for now we use the vram-to-vram blits to draw characters. * stash most of the font in vram for speed, also: * - the sbus-pci bridge doesn't seem to support 64bit accesses, * they will cause occasional data corruption and all sorts of weird * side effects, so copy font bitmaps byte-wise * - at least it doesn't seem to need any kind of buffer flushing * - still use rotation buffers for characters that don't fall into the * 8 bit range */ len = (ri->ri_fontscale + 7) & ~7; s = WSFONT_GLYPH(c, font); if ((c > 32) && (c < 256)) { scratch += len * c; if (sc->sc_in[c] == 0) { d = (uint8_t *)sc->sc_fbaddr + scratch; for (i = 0; i < ri->ri_fontscale; i++) d[i] = s[i]; sc->sc_in[c] = 1; } } else { sc->sc_buf = (sc->sc_buf + 1) & 7; /* rotate through 8 buffers */ scratch += sc->sc_buf * len; d = (uint8_t *)sc->sc_fbaddr + scratch; for (i = 0; i < ri->ri_fontscale; i++) d[i] = s[i]; } mgx_wait_fifo(sc, 5); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_DEC, sc->sc_dec | (DEC_COMMAND_BLT << DEC_COMMAND_SHIFT) | (DEC_START_DIMX << DEC_START_SHIFT) | DEC_SRC_LINEAR | DEC_SRC_CONTIGUOUS | DEC_MONOCHROME); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_SRC_XY, ((scratch & 0xfff000) << 4) | (scratch & 0xfff)); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_DST_XY, (y << 16) | x); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_WH, (he << 16) | wi); if (attr & 1) mgx_rectfill(sc, x, y + he - 2, wi, 1, fg); } static void mgx_cursor(void *cookie, int on, int row, int col) { struct rasops_info *ri = cookie; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct mgx_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; int x, y, wi,he; wi = ri->ri_font->fontwidth; he = ri->ri_font->fontheight; if (ri->ri_flg & RI_CURSOR) { x = ri->ri_ccol * wi + ri->ri_xorigin; y = ri->ri_crow * he + ri->ri_yorigin; mgx_bitblt(sc, x, y, x, y, wi, he, ROP_INV); ri->ri_flg &= ~RI_CURSOR; } ri->ri_crow = row; ri->ri_ccol = col; if (on) { x = ri->ri_ccol * wi + ri->ri_xorigin; y = ri->ri_crow * he + ri->ri_yorigin; mgx_bitblt(sc, x, y, x, y, wi, he, ROP_INV); ri->ri_flg |= RI_CURSOR; } } static void mgx_copycols(void *cookie, int row, int srccol, int dstcol, int ncols) { struct rasops_info *ri = cookie; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct mgx_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; int32_t xs, xd, y, width, height; xs = ri->ri_xorigin + ri->ri_font->fontwidth * srccol; xd = ri->ri_xorigin + ri->ri_font->fontwidth * dstcol; y = ri->ri_yorigin + ri->ri_font->fontheight * row; width = ri->ri_font->fontwidth * ncols; height = ri->ri_font->fontheight; mgx_bitblt(sc, xs, y, xd, y, width, height, ROP_SRC); } static void mgx_erasecols(void *cookie, int row, int startcol, int ncols, long fillattr) { struct rasops_info *ri = cookie; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct mgx_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; int32_t x, y, width, height, bg; x = ri->ri_xorigin + ri->ri_font->fontwidth * startcol; y = ri->ri_yorigin + ri->ri_font->fontheight * row; width = ri->ri_font->fontwidth * ncols; height = ri->ri_font->fontheight; bg = (fillattr >> 16) & 0xff; mgx_rectfill(sc, x, y, width, height, bg); } static void mgx_copyrows(void *cookie, int srcrow, int dstrow, int nrows) { struct rasops_info *ri = cookie; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct mgx_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; int32_t x, ys, yd, width, height; x = ri->ri_xorigin; ys = ri->ri_yorigin + ri->ri_font->fontheight * srcrow; yd = ri->ri_yorigin + ri->ri_font->fontheight * dstrow; width = ri->ri_emuwidth; height = ri->ri_font->fontheight * nrows; mgx_bitblt(sc, x, ys, x, yd, width, height, ROP_SRC); } static void mgx_eraserows(void *cookie, int row, int nrows, long fillattr) { struct rasops_info *ri = cookie; struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw; struct mgx_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie; int32_t x, y, width, height, bg; if ((row == 0) && (nrows == ri->ri_rows)) { x = y = 0; width = ri->ri_width; height = ri->ri_height; } else { x = ri->ri_xorigin; y = ri->ri_yorigin + ri->ri_font->fontheight * row; width = ri->ri_emuwidth; height = ri->ri_font->fontheight * nrows; } bg = (fillattr >> 16) & 0xff; mgx_rectfill(sc, x, y, width, height, bg); } static void mgx_adapt(struct vcons_screen *scr, void *cookie) { struct mgx_softc *sc = cookie; memset(sc->sc_in, 0, sizeof(sc->sc_in)); glyphcache_adapt(scr, &sc->sc_gc); } static void mgx_init_screen(void *cookie, struct vcons_screen *scr, int existing, long *defattr) { struct mgx_softc *sc = cookie; struct rasops_info *ri = &scr->scr_ri; ri->ri_depth = sc->sc_depth; ri->ri_width = sc->sc_width; ri->ri_height = sc->sc_height; ri->ri_stride = sc->sc_stride; ri->ri_flg = RI_CENTER | RI_ENABLE_ALPHA; if (ri->ri_depth == 8) ri->ri_flg |= RI_8BIT_IS_RGB; #ifdef MGX_NOACCEL scr->scr_flags |= VCONS_DONT_READ; #endif scr->scr_flags |= VCONS_LOADFONT; ri->ri_rnum = 8; ri->ri_rpos = 0; ri->ri_gnum = 8; ri->ri_gpos = 8; ri->ri_bnum = 8; ri->ri_bpos = 16; ri->ri_bits = sc->sc_fbaddr; rasops_init(ri, 0, 0); ri->ri_caps = WSSCREEN_REVERSE | WSSCREEN_WSCOLORS | WSSCREEN_UNDERLINE | WSSCREEN_RESIZE; rasops_reconfig(ri, ri->ri_height / ri->ri_font->fontheight, ri->ri_width / ri->ri_font->fontwidth); ri->ri_hw = scr; #ifdef MGX_NOACCEL if (0) #endif { if (FONT_IS_ALPHA(ri->ri_font)) { sc->sc_putchar = ri->ri_ops.putchar; ri->ri_ops.putchar = mgx_putchar_aa; } else { ri->ri_ops.putchar = mgx_putchar_mono; } ri->ri_ops.cursor = mgx_cursor; ri->ri_ops.copyrows = mgx_copyrows; ri->ri_ops.eraserows = mgx_eraserows; ri->ri_ops.copycols = mgx_copycols; ri->ri_ops.erasecols = mgx_erasecols; } } static int mgx_ioctl(void *v, void *vs, u_long cmd, void *data, int flag, struct lwp *l) { struct vcons_data *vd = v; struct mgx_softc *sc = vd->cookie; struct wsdisplay_fbinfo *wdf; struct vcons_screen *ms = vd->active; switch (cmd) { case WSDISPLAYIO_GTYPE: *(u_int *)data = WSDISPLAY_TYPE_MGX; return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_GINFO: wdf = (void *)data; wdf->height = sc->sc_height; wdf->width = sc->sc_width; wdf->depth = 8; wdf->cmsize = 256; return 0; case FBIOGTYPE: *(struct fbtype *)data = sc->sc_fb.fb_type; break; case FBIOGATTR: #define fba ((struct fbgattr *)data) fba->real_type = sc->sc_fb.fb_type.fb_type; fba->owner = 0; /* XXX ??? */ fba->fbtype = sc->sc_fb.fb_type; fba->sattr.flags = 0; fba->sattr.emu_type = sc->sc_fb.fb_type.fb_type; fba->sattr.dev_specific[0] = -1; fba->emu_types[0] = sc->sc_fb.fb_type.fb_type; fba->emu_types[1] = -1; #undef fba break; case FBIOGVIDEO: case WSDISPLAYIO_GVIDEO: *(int *)data = sc->sc_video; return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_SVIDEO: case FBIOSVIDEO: mgx_set_video(sc, *(int *)data); return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_LINEBYTES: { int *ret = (int *)data; *ret = sc->sc_stride; } return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_SMODE: { int new_mode = *(int*)data; if (new_mode != sc->sc_mode) { sc->sc_mode = new_mode; if (new_mode == WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL) { mgx_setup(sc, MGX_DEPTH); glyphcache_wipe(&sc->sc_gc); mgx_init_palette(sc); vcons_redraw_screen(ms); } else { mgx_setup(sc, 32); mgx_init_palette(sc); } } } return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_GETCMAP: return mgx_getcmap(sc, (struct wsdisplay_cmap *)data); case WSDISPLAYIO_PUTCMAP: return mgx_putcmap(sc, (struct wsdisplay_cmap *)data); case WSDISPLAYIO_GCURPOS: { struct wsdisplay_curpos *cp = (void *)data; cp->x = sc->sc_cursor_x; cp->y = sc->sc_cursor_y; } return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_SCURPOS: { struct wsdisplay_curpos *cp = (void *)data; sc->sc_cursor_x = cp->x; sc->sc_cursor_y = cp->y; mgx_set_cursor(sc); } return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_GCURMAX: { struct wsdisplay_curpos *cp = (void *)data; cp->x = 64; cp->y = 64; } return 0; case WSDISPLAYIO_SCURSOR: { struct wsdisplay_cursor *cursor = (void *)data; return mgx_do_cursor(sc, cursor); } case WSDISPLAYIO_GET_FBINFO: { struct wsdisplayio_fbinfo *fbi = data; fbi->fbi_fbsize = sc->sc_fbsize - 1024; fbi->fbi_width = sc->sc_width; fbi->fbi_height = sc->sc_height; fbi->fbi_bitsperpixel = sc->sc_depth; fbi->fbi_stride = sc->sc_stride; fbi->fbi_pixeltype = WSFB_RGB; fbi->fbi_subtype.fbi_rgbmasks.red_offset = 8; fbi->fbi_subtype.fbi_rgbmasks.red_size = 8; fbi->fbi_subtype.fbi_rgbmasks.green_offset = 16; fbi->fbi_subtype.fbi_rgbmasks.green_size = 8; fbi->fbi_subtype.fbi_rgbmasks.blue_offset = 24; fbi->fbi_subtype.fbi_rgbmasks.blue_size = 8; fbi->fbi_subtype.fbi_rgbmasks.alpha_offset = 0; fbi->fbi_subtype.fbi_rgbmasks.alpha_size = 8; return 0; } } return EPASSTHROUGH; } static paddr_t mgx_mmap(void *v, void *vs, off_t offset, int prot) { struct vcons_data *vd = v; struct mgx_softc *sc = vd->cookie; /* regular fb mapping at 0 */ if ((offset >= 0) && (offset < sc->sc_fbsize)) { return bus_space_mmap(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_paddr, offset, prot, BUS_SPACE_MAP_LINEAR); } /* * Blitter registers at 0x80000000, only in mapped mode. * Restrict to root, even though I'm fairly sure the DMA engine lives * elsewhere ( and isn't documented anyway ) */ if (kauth_authorize_machdep(kauth_cred_get(), KAUTH_MACHDEP_UNMANAGEDMEM, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0) { aprint_normal("%s: mmap() rejected.\n", device_xname(sc->sc_dev)); return -1; } if ((sc->sc_mode == WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_MAPPED) && (offset >= 0x80000000) && (offset < 0x80001000)) { return bus_space_mmap(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_rpaddr, offset, prot, BUS_SPACE_MAP_LINEAR); } return -1; } static int mgx_do_cursor(struct mgx_softc *sc, struct wsdisplay_cursor *cur) { int i; if (cur->which & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOCUR) { if (cur->enable) { mgx_set_cursor(sc); mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_CURSOR_ENABLE, 1); } else { mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_CURSOR_ENABLE, 0); } } if (cur->which & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOHOT) { sc->sc_hotspot_x = cur->hot.x; sc->sc_hotspot_y = cur->hot.y; mgx_set_cursor(sc); } if (cur->which & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOPOS) { sc->sc_cursor_x = cur->pos.x; sc->sc_cursor_y = cur->pos.y; mgx_set_cursor(sc); } if (cur->which & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOCMAP) { int cnt = uimin(2, cur->cmap.count); uint8_t c; uint8_t r[2], g[2], b[2]; copyin(cur->cmap.red, r, cnt); copyin(cur->cmap.green, g, cnt); copyin(cur->cmap.blue, b, cnt); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { c = r[i] & 0xe0; c |= (g[i] & 0xe0) >> 3; c |= (b[i] & 0xc0) >> 6; mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_CURSOR_FG + i, c); } } if (cur->which & WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOSHAPE) { int j; uint8_t *fb = sc->sc_cursor; uint8_t temp; uint8_t im, ma, px; for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) { temp = 0; copyin(&cur->image[i], &im, 1); copyin(&cur->mask[i], &ma, 1); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { temp >>= 2; px = (ma & 1) ? 0 : 0x80; if (px == 0) px |= (im & 1) ? 0 : 0x40; temp |= px; im >>= 1; ma >>= 1; } *fb = temp; fb++; temp = 0; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { temp >>= 2; px = (ma & 1) ? 0 : 0x80; if (px == 0) px |= (im & 1) ? 0 : 0x40; temp |= px; im >>= 1; ma >>= 1; } *fb = temp; fb++; } } return 0; } static void mgx_set_cursor(struct mgx_softc *sc) { uint32_t reg; uint16_t hot; reg = (sc->sc_cursor_y << 16) | (sc->sc_cursor_x & 0xffff); mgx_write_4(sc, ATR_CURSOR_POSITION, reg); hot = (sc->sc_hotspot_y << 8) | (sc->sc_hotspot_x & 0xff); mgx_write_2(sc, ATR_CURSOR_HOTSPOT, hot); } static void mgx_set_video(struct mgx_softc *sc, int v) { uint8_t reg; if (sc->sc_video == v) return; sc->sc_video = v; reg = mgx_read_1(sc, ATR_DPMS); if (v == WSDISPLAYIO_VIDEO_ON) { reg &= ~DPMS_SYNC_DISABLE_ALL; } else { reg |= DPMS_SYNC_DISABLE_ALL; } mgx_write_1(sc, ATR_DPMS, reg); } /* Sun fb dev goop */ static void mgx_unblank(device_t dev) { struct mgx_softc *sc = device_private(dev); mgx_set_video(sc, WSDISPLAYIO_VIDEO_ON); } paddr_t mgxmmap(dev_t dev, off_t offset, int prot) { struct mgx_softc *sc = device_lookup_private(&mgx_cd, minor(dev)); /* regular fb mapping at 0 */ if ((offset >= 0) && (offset < sc->sc_fbsize)) { return bus_space_mmap(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_paddr, offset, prot, BUS_SPACE_MAP_LINEAR); } /* * Blitter registers at 0x80000000, only in mapped mode. * Restrict to root, even though I'm fairly sure the DMA engine lives * elsewhere ( and isn't documented anyway ) */ if (kauth_authorize_machdep(kauth_cred_get(), KAUTH_MACHDEP_UNMANAGEDMEM, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0) { aprint_normal("%s: mmap() rejected.\n", device_xname(sc->sc_dev)); return -1; } if ((sc->sc_mode == WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_MAPPED) && (offset >= 0x80000000) && (offset < 0x80001000)) { return bus_space_mmap(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_rpaddr, offset, prot, BUS_SPACE_MAP_LINEAR); } return -1; } int mgxopen(dev_t dev, int flags, int mode, struct lwp *l) { device_t dv = device_lookup(&mgx_cd, minor(dev)); struct mgx_softc *sc = device_private(dv); if (dv == NULL) return ENXIO; if (sc->sc_mode == WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_MAPPED) return 0; sc->sc_mode = WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_MAPPED; mgx_setup(sc, 32); mgx_init_palette(sc); return 0; } int mgxclose(dev_t dev, int flags, int mode, struct lwp *l) { device_t dv = device_lookup(&mgx_cd, minor(dev)); struct mgx_softc *sc = device_private(dv); struct vcons_screen *ms = sc->vd.active; if (sc->sc_mode == WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL) return 0; sc->sc_mode = WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL; mgx_setup(sc, MGX_DEPTH); glyphcache_wipe(&sc->sc_gc); mgx_init_palette(sc); if (ms != NULL) { vcons_redraw_screen(ms); } return 0; } int mgxioctl(dev_t dev, u_long cmd, void *data, int flags, struct lwp *l) { struct mgx_softc *sc = device_lookup_private(&mgx_cd, minor(dev)); return mgx_ioctl(&sc->vd, NULL, cmd, data, flags, l); }