//===--- ScopeInfo.cpp - Information about a semantic context -------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file implements FunctionScopeInfo and its subclasses, which contain // information about a single function, block, lambda, or method body. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Sema/ScopeInfo.h" #include "clang/AST/Decl.h" #include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h" #include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h" #include "clang/AST/Expr.h" #include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h" #include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h" using namespace clang; using namespace sema; void FunctionScopeInfo::Clear() { HasBranchProtectedScope = false; HasBranchIntoScope = false; HasIndirectGoto = false; HasDroppedStmt = false; HasOMPDeclareReductionCombiner = false; HasFallthroughStmt = false; UsesFPIntrin = false; HasPotentialAvailabilityViolations = false; ObjCShouldCallSuper = false; ObjCIsDesignatedInit = false; ObjCWarnForNoDesignatedInitChain = false; ObjCIsSecondaryInit = false; ObjCWarnForNoInitDelegation = false; FirstReturnLoc = SourceLocation(); FirstCXXTryLoc = SourceLocation(); FirstSEHTryLoc = SourceLocation(); // Coroutine state FirstCoroutineStmtLoc = SourceLocation(); CoroutinePromise = nullptr; CoroutineParameterMoves.clear(); NeedsCoroutineSuspends = true; CoroutineSuspends.first = nullptr; CoroutineSuspends.second = nullptr; SwitchStack.clear(); Returns.clear(); ErrorTrap.reset(); PossiblyUnreachableDiags.clear(); WeakObjectUses.clear(); ModifiedNonNullParams.clear(); Blocks.clear(); ByrefBlockVars.clear(); } static const NamedDecl *getBestPropertyDecl(const ObjCPropertyRefExpr *PropE) { if (PropE->isExplicitProperty()) return PropE->getExplicitProperty(); return PropE->getImplicitPropertyGetter(); } FunctionScopeInfo::WeakObjectProfileTy::BaseInfoTy FunctionScopeInfo::WeakObjectProfileTy::getBaseInfo(const Expr *E) { E = E->IgnoreParenCasts(); const NamedDecl *D = nullptr; bool IsExact = false; switch (E->getStmtClass()) { case Stmt::DeclRefExprClass: D = cast(E)->getDecl(); IsExact = isa(D); break; case Stmt::MemberExprClass: { const MemberExpr *ME = cast(E); D = ME->getMemberDecl(); IsExact = isa(ME->getBase()->IgnoreParenImpCasts()); break; } case Stmt::ObjCIvarRefExprClass: { const ObjCIvarRefExpr *IE = cast(E); D = IE->getDecl(); IsExact = IE->getBase()->isObjCSelfExpr(); break; } case Stmt::PseudoObjectExprClass: { const PseudoObjectExpr *POE = cast(E); const ObjCPropertyRefExpr *BaseProp = dyn_cast(POE->getSyntacticForm()); if (BaseProp) { D = getBestPropertyDecl(BaseProp); if (BaseProp->isObjectReceiver()) { const Expr *DoubleBase = BaseProp->getBase(); if (const OpaqueValueExpr *OVE = dyn_cast(DoubleBase)) DoubleBase = OVE->getSourceExpr(); IsExact = DoubleBase->isObjCSelfExpr(); } } break; } default: break; } return BaseInfoTy(D, IsExact); } FunctionScopeInfo::WeakObjectProfileTy::WeakObjectProfileTy( const ObjCPropertyRefExpr *PropE) : Base(nullptr, true), Property(getBestPropertyDecl(PropE)) { if (PropE->isObjectReceiver()) { const OpaqueValueExpr *OVE = cast(PropE->getBase()); const Expr *E = OVE->getSourceExpr(); Base = getBaseInfo(E); } else if (PropE->isClassReceiver()) { Base.setPointer(PropE->getClassReceiver()); } else { assert(PropE->isSuperReceiver()); } } FunctionScopeInfo::WeakObjectProfileTy::WeakObjectProfileTy(const Expr *BaseE, const ObjCPropertyDecl *Prop) : Base(nullptr, true), Property(Prop) { if (BaseE) Base = getBaseInfo(BaseE); // else, this is a message accessing a property on super. } FunctionScopeInfo::WeakObjectProfileTy::WeakObjectProfileTy( const DeclRefExpr *DRE) : Base(nullptr, true), Property(DRE->getDecl()) { assert(isa(Property)); } FunctionScopeInfo::WeakObjectProfileTy::WeakObjectProfileTy( const ObjCIvarRefExpr *IvarE) : Base(getBaseInfo(IvarE->getBase())), Property(IvarE->getDecl()) { } void FunctionScopeInfo::recordUseOfWeak(const ObjCMessageExpr *Msg, const ObjCPropertyDecl *Prop) { assert(Msg && Prop); WeakUseVector &Uses = WeakObjectUses[WeakObjectProfileTy(Msg->getInstanceReceiver(), Prop)]; Uses.push_back(WeakUseTy(Msg, Msg->getNumArgs() == 0)); } void FunctionScopeInfo::markSafeWeakUse(const Expr *E) { E = E->IgnoreParenCasts(); if (const PseudoObjectExpr *POE = dyn_cast(E)) { markSafeWeakUse(POE->getSyntacticForm()); return; } if (const ConditionalOperator *Cond = dyn_cast(E)) { markSafeWeakUse(Cond->getTrueExpr()); markSafeWeakUse(Cond->getFalseExpr()); return; } if (const BinaryConditionalOperator *Cond = dyn_cast(E)) { markSafeWeakUse(Cond->getCommon()); markSafeWeakUse(Cond->getFalseExpr()); return; } // Has this weak object been seen before? FunctionScopeInfo::WeakObjectUseMap::iterator Uses = WeakObjectUses.end(); if (const ObjCPropertyRefExpr *RefExpr = dyn_cast(E)) { if (!RefExpr->isObjectReceiver()) return; if (isa(RefExpr->getBase())) Uses = WeakObjectUses.find(WeakObjectProfileTy(RefExpr)); else { markSafeWeakUse(RefExpr->getBase()); return; } } else if (const ObjCIvarRefExpr *IvarE = dyn_cast(E)) Uses = WeakObjectUses.find(WeakObjectProfileTy(IvarE)); else if (const DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast(E)) { if (isa(DRE->getDecl())) Uses = WeakObjectUses.find(WeakObjectProfileTy(DRE)); } else if (const ObjCMessageExpr *MsgE = dyn_cast(E)) { if (const ObjCMethodDecl *MD = MsgE->getMethodDecl()) { if (const ObjCPropertyDecl *Prop = MD->findPropertyDecl()) { Uses = WeakObjectUses.find(WeakObjectProfileTy(MsgE->getInstanceReceiver(), Prop)); } } } else return; if (Uses == WeakObjectUses.end()) return; // Has there been a read from the object using this Expr? FunctionScopeInfo::WeakUseVector::reverse_iterator ThisUse = llvm::find(llvm::reverse(Uses->second), WeakUseTy(E, true)); if (ThisUse == Uses->second.rend()) return; ThisUse->markSafe(); } bool Capture::isInitCapture() const { // Note that a nested capture of an init-capture is not itself an // init-capture. return !isNested() && isVariableCapture() && getVariable()->isInitCapture(); } bool CapturingScopeInfo::isVLATypeCaptured(const VariableArrayType *VAT) const { for (auto &Cap : Captures) if (Cap.isVLATypeCapture() && Cap.getCapturedVLAType() == VAT) return true; return false; } void LambdaScopeInfo::visitPotentialCaptures( llvm::function_ref Callback) const { for (Expr *E : PotentiallyCapturingExprs) { if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast(E)) { Callback(cast(DRE->getFoundDecl()), E); } else if (auto *ME = dyn_cast(E)) { Callback(cast(ME->getMemberDecl()), E); } else if (auto *FP = dyn_cast(E)) { for (VarDecl *VD : *FP) Callback(VD, E); } else { llvm_unreachable("unexpected expression in potential captures list"); } } } FunctionScopeInfo::~FunctionScopeInfo() { } BlockScopeInfo::~BlockScopeInfo() { } CapturedRegionScopeInfo::~CapturedRegionScopeInfo() { }