//===- ClangDiff.cpp - compare source files by AST nodes ------*- C++ -*- -===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file implements a tool for syntax tree based comparison using // Tooling/ASTDiff. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Tooling/ASTDiff/ASTDiff.h" #include "clang/Tooling/CommonOptionsParser.h" #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h" #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace clang; using namespace clang::tooling; static cl::OptionCategory ClangDiffCategory("clang-diff options"); static cl::opt ASTDump("ast-dump", cl::desc("Print the internal representation of the AST."), cl::init(false), cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static cl::opt ASTDumpJson( "ast-dump-json", cl::desc("Print the internal representation of the AST as JSON."), cl::init(false), cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static cl::opt PrintMatches("dump-matches", cl::desc("Print the matched nodes."), cl::init(false), cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static cl::opt HtmlDiff("html", cl::desc("Output a side-by-side diff in HTML."), cl::init(false), cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static cl::opt SourcePath(cl::Positional, cl::desc(""), cl::Required, cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static cl::opt DestinationPath(cl::Positional, cl::desc(""), cl::Optional, cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static cl::opt StopAfter("stop-diff-after", cl::desc(""), cl::Optional, cl::init(""), cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static cl::opt MaxSize("s", cl::desc(""), cl::Optional, cl::init(-1), cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static cl::opt BuildPath("p", cl::desc("Build path"), cl::init(""), cl::Optional, cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static cl::list ArgsAfter( "extra-arg", cl::desc("Additional argument to append to the compiler command line"), cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static cl::list ArgsBefore( "extra-arg-before", cl::desc("Additional argument to prepend to the compiler command line"), cl::cat(ClangDiffCategory)); static void addExtraArgs(std::unique_ptr &Compilations) { if (!Compilations) return; auto AdjustingCompilations = std::make_unique( std::move(Compilations)); AdjustingCompilations->appendArgumentsAdjuster( getInsertArgumentAdjuster(ArgsBefore, ArgumentInsertPosition::BEGIN)); AdjustingCompilations->appendArgumentsAdjuster( getInsertArgumentAdjuster(ArgsAfter, ArgumentInsertPosition::END)); Compilations = std::move(AdjustingCompilations); } static std::unique_ptr getAST(const std::unique_ptr &CommonCompilations, const StringRef Filename) { std::string ErrorMessage; std::unique_ptr Compilations; if (!CommonCompilations) { Compilations = CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromSource( BuildPath.empty() ? Filename : BuildPath, ErrorMessage); if (!Compilations) { llvm::errs() << "Error while trying to load a compilation database, running " "without flags.\n" << ErrorMessage; Compilations = std::make_unique( ".", std::vector()); } } addExtraArgs(Compilations); std::array Files = {{std::string(Filename)}}; ClangTool Tool(Compilations ? *Compilations : *CommonCompilations, Files); std::vector> ASTs; Tool.buildASTs(ASTs); if (ASTs.size() != Files.size()) return nullptr; return std::move(ASTs[0]); } static char hexdigit(int N) { return N &= 0xf, N + (N < 10 ? '0' : 'a' - 10); } static const char HtmlDiffHeader[] = R"(
)"; static void printHtml(raw_ostream &OS, char C) { switch (C) { case '&': OS << "&"; break; case '<': OS << "<"; break; case '>': OS << ">"; break; case '\'': OS << "'"; break; case '"': OS << """; break; default: OS << C; } } static void printHtml(raw_ostream &OS, const StringRef Str) { for (char C : Str) printHtml(OS, C); } static std::string getChangeKindAbbr(diff::ChangeKind Kind) { switch (Kind) { case diff::None: return ""; case diff::Delete: return "d"; case diff::Update: return "u"; case diff::Insert: return "i"; case diff::Move: return "m"; case diff::UpdateMove: return "u m"; } llvm_unreachable("Invalid enumeration value."); } static unsigned printHtmlForNode(raw_ostream &OS, const diff::ASTDiff &Diff, diff::SyntaxTree &Tree, bool IsLeft, diff::NodeId Id, unsigned Offset) { const diff::Node &Node = Tree.getNode(Id); char MyTag, OtherTag; diff::NodeId LeftId, RightId; diff::NodeId TargetId = Diff.getMapped(Tree, Id); if (IsLeft) { MyTag = 'L'; OtherTag = 'R'; LeftId = Id; RightId = TargetId; } else { MyTag = 'R'; OtherTag = 'L'; LeftId = TargetId; RightId = Id; } unsigned Begin, End; std::tie(Begin, End) = Tree.getSourceRangeOffsets(Node); const SourceManager &SrcMgr = Tree.getASTContext().getSourceManager(); auto Code = SrcMgr.getBufferOrFake(SrcMgr.getMainFileID()).getBuffer(); for (; Offset < Begin; ++Offset) printHtml(OS, Code[Offset]); OS << ""; for (diff::NodeId Child : Node.Children) Offset = printHtmlForNode(OS, Diff, Tree, IsLeft, Child, Offset); for (; Offset < End; ++Offset) printHtml(OS, Code[Offset]); if (Id == Tree.getRootId()) { End = Code.size(); for (; Offset < End; ++Offset) printHtml(OS, Code[Offset]); } OS << ""; return Offset; } static void printJsonString(raw_ostream &OS, const StringRef Str) { for (signed char C : Str) { switch (C) { case '"': OS << R"(\")"; break; case '\\': OS << R"(\\)"; break; case '\n': OS << R"(\n)"; break; case '\t': OS << R"(\t)"; break; default: if ('\x00' <= C && C <= '\x1f') { OS << R"(\u00)" << hexdigit(C >> 4) << hexdigit(C); } else { OS << C; } } } } static void printNodeAttributes(raw_ostream &OS, diff::SyntaxTree &Tree, diff::NodeId Id) { const diff::Node &N = Tree.getNode(Id); OS << R"("id":)" << int(Id); OS << R"(,"type":")" << N.getTypeLabel() << '"'; auto Offsets = Tree.getSourceRangeOffsets(N); OS << R"(,"begin":)" << Offsets.first; OS << R"(,"end":)" << Offsets.second; std::string Value = Tree.getNodeValue(N); if (!Value.empty()) { OS << R"(,"value":")"; printJsonString(OS, Value); OS << '"'; } } static void printNodeAsJson(raw_ostream &OS, diff::SyntaxTree &Tree, diff::NodeId Id) { const diff::Node &N = Tree.getNode(Id); OS << "{"; printNodeAttributes(OS, Tree, Id); auto Identifier = N.getIdentifier(); auto QualifiedIdentifier = N.getQualifiedIdentifier(); if (Identifier) { OS << R"(,"identifier":")"; printJsonString(OS, *Identifier); OS << R"(")"; if (QualifiedIdentifier && *Identifier != *QualifiedIdentifier) { OS << R"(,"qualified_identifier":")"; printJsonString(OS, *QualifiedIdentifier); OS << R"(")"; } } OS << R"(,"children":[)"; if (N.Children.size() > 0) { printNodeAsJson(OS, Tree, N.Children[0]); for (size_t I = 1, E = N.Children.size(); I < E; ++I) { OS << ","; printNodeAsJson(OS, Tree, N.Children[I]); } } OS << "]}"; } static void printNode(raw_ostream &OS, diff::SyntaxTree &Tree, diff::NodeId Id) { if (Id.isInvalid()) { OS << "None"; return; } OS << Tree.getNode(Id).getTypeLabel(); std::string Value = Tree.getNodeValue(Id); if (!Value.empty()) OS << ": " << Value; OS << "(" << Id << ")"; } static void printTree(raw_ostream &OS, diff::SyntaxTree &Tree) { for (diff::NodeId Id : Tree) { for (int I = 0; I < Tree.getNode(Id).Depth; ++I) OS << " "; printNode(OS, Tree, Id); OS << "\n"; } } static void printDstChange(raw_ostream &OS, diff::ASTDiff &Diff, diff::SyntaxTree &SrcTree, diff::SyntaxTree &DstTree, diff::NodeId Dst) { const diff::Node &DstNode = DstTree.getNode(Dst); diff::NodeId Src = Diff.getMapped(DstTree, Dst); switch (DstNode.Change) { case diff::None: break; case diff::Delete: llvm_unreachable("The destination tree can't have deletions."); case diff::Update: OS << "Update "; printNode(OS, SrcTree, Src); OS << " to " << DstTree.getNodeValue(Dst) << "\n"; break; case diff::Insert: case diff::Move: case diff::UpdateMove: if (DstNode.Change == diff::Insert) OS << "Insert"; else if (DstNode.Change == diff::Move) OS << "Move"; else if (DstNode.Change == diff::UpdateMove) OS << "Update and Move"; OS << " "; printNode(OS, DstTree, Dst); OS << " into "; printNode(OS, DstTree, DstNode.Parent); OS << " at " << DstTree.findPositionInParent(Dst) << "\n"; break; } } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { std::string ErrorMessage; std::unique_ptr CommonCompilations = FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(argc, argv, ErrorMessage); if (!CommonCompilations && !ErrorMessage.empty()) llvm::errs() << ErrorMessage; cl::HideUnrelatedOptions(ClangDiffCategory); if (!cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv)) { cl::PrintOptionValues(); return 1; } addExtraArgs(CommonCompilations); if (ASTDump || ASTDumpJson) { if (!DestinationPath.empty()) { llvm::errs() << "Error: Please specify exactly one filename.\n"; return 1; } std::unique_ptr AST = getAST(CommonCompilations, SourcePath); if (!AST) return 1; diff::SyntaxTree Tree(AST->getASTContext()); if (ASTDump) { printTree(llvm::outs(), Tree); return 0; } llvm::outs() << R"({"filename":")"; printJsonString(llvm::outs(), SourcePath); llvm::outs() << R"(","root":)"; printNodeAsJson(llvm::outs(), Tree, Tree.getRootId()); llvm::outs() << "}\n"; return 0; } if (DestinationPath.empty()) { llvm::errs() << "Error: Exactly two paths are required.\n"; return 1; } std::unique_ptr Src = getAST(CommonCompilations, SourcePath); std::unique_ptr Dst = getAST(CommonCompilations, DestinationPath); if (!Src || !Dst) return 1; diff::ComparisonOptions Options; if (MaxSize != -1) Options.MaxSize = MaxSize; if (!StopAfter.empty()) { if (StopAfter == "topdown") Options.StopAfterTopDown = true; else if (StopAfter != "bottomup") { llvm::errs() << "Error: Invalid argument for -stop-after\n"; return 1; } } diff::SyntaxTree SrcTree(Src->getASTContext()); diff::SyntaxTree DstTree(Dst->getASTContext()); diff::ASTDiff Diff(SrcTree, DstTree, Options); if (HtmlDiff) { llvm::outs() << HtmlDiffHeader << "
    llvm::outs() << "
"; printHtmlForNode(llvm::outs(), Diff, SrcTree, true, SrcTree.getRootId(), 0); llvm::outs() << "
"; llvm::outs() << "
"; printHtmlForNode(llvm::outs(), Diff, DstTree, false, DstTree.getRootId(), 0); llvm::outs() << "
"; llvm::outs() << "
\n"; return 0; } for (diff::NodeId Dst : DstTree) { diff::NodeId Src = Diff.getMapped(DstTree, Dst); if (PrintMatches && Src.isValid()) { llvm::outs() << "Match "; printNode(llvm::outs(), SrcTree, Src); llvm::outs() << " to "; printNode(llvm::outs(), DstTree, Dst); llvm::outs() << "\n"; } printDstChange(llvm::outs(), Diff, SrcTree, DstTree, Dst); } for (diff::NodeId Src : SrcTree) { if (Diff.getMapped(SrcTree, Src).isInvalid()) { llvm::outs() << "Delete "; printNode(llvm::outs(), SrcTree, Src); llvm::outs() << "\n"; } } return 0; }