//===- ClangScanDeps.cpp - Implementation of clang-scan-deps --------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h" #include "clang/Tooling/CommonOptionsParser.h" #include "clang/Tooling/DependencyScanning/DependencyScanningService.h" #include "clang/Tooling/DependencyScanning/DependencyScanningTool.h" #include "clang/Tooling/DependencyScanning/DependencyScanningWorker.h" #include "clang/Tooling/JSONCompilationDatabase.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h" #include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h" #include "llvm/Support/JSON.h" #include "llvm/Support/Program.h" #include "llvm/Support/Signals.h" #include "llvm/Support/ThreadPool.h" #include "llvm/Support/Threading.h" #include #include using namespace clang; using namespace tooling::dependencies; namespace { class SharedStream { public: SharedStream(raw_ostream &OS) : OS(OS) {} void applyLocked(llvm::function_ref Fn) { std::unique_lock LockGuard(Lock); Fn(OS); OS.flush(); } private: std::mutex Lock; raw_ostream &OS; }; class ResourceDirectoryCache { public: /// findResourceDir finds the resource directory relative to the clang /// compiler being used in Args, by running it with "-print-resource-dir" /// option and cache the results for reuse. \returns resource directory path /// associated with the given invocation command or empty string if the /// compiler path is NOT an absolute path. StringRef findResourceDir(const tooling::CommandLineArguments &Args, bool ClangCLMode) { if (Args.size() < 1) return ""; const std::string &ClangBinaryPath = Args[0]; if (!llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(ClangBinaryPath)) return ""; const std::string &ClangBinaryName = std::string(llvm::sys::path::filename(ClangBinaryPath)); std::unique_lock LockGuard(CacheLock); const auto &CachedResourceDir = Cache.find(ClangBinaryPath); if (CachedResourceDir != Cache.end()) return CachedResourceDir->second; std::vector PrintResourceDirArgs{ClangBinaryName}; if (ClangCLMode) PrintResourceDirArgs.push_back("/clang:-print-resource-dir"); else PrintResourceDirArgs.push_back("-print-resource-dir"); llvm::SmallString<64> OutputFile, ErrorFile; llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("print-resource-dir-output", "" /*no-suffix*/, OutputFile); llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("print-resource-dir-error", "" /*no-suffix*/, ErrorFile); llvm::FileRemover OutputRemover(OutputFile.c_str()); llvm::FileRemover ErrorRemover(ErrorFile.c_str()); llvm::Optional Redirects[] = { {""}, // Stdin StringRef(OutputFile), StringRef(ErrorFile), }; if (const int RC = llvm::sys::ExecuteAndWait( ClangBinaryPath, PrintResourceDirArgs, {}, Redirects)) { auto ErrorBuf = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(ErrorFile.c_str()); llvm::errs() << ErrorBuf.get()->getBuffer(); return ""; } auto OutputBuf = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(OutputFile.c_str()); if (!OutputBuf) return ""; StringRef Output = OutputBuf.get()->getBuffer().rtrim('\n'); Cache[ClangBinaryPath] = Output.str(); return Cache[ClangBinaryPath]; } private: std::map Cache; std::mutex CacheLock; }; llvm::cl::opt Help("h", llvm::cl::desc("Alias for -help"), llvm::cl::Hidden); llvm::cl::OptionCategory DependencyScannerCategory("Tool options"); static llvm::cl::opt ScanMode( "mode", llvm::cl::desc("The preprocessing mode used to compute the dependencies"), llvm::cl::values( clEnumValN(ScanningMode::MinimizedSourcePreprocessing, "preprocess-minimized-sources", "The set of dependencies is computed by preprocessing the " "source files that were minimized to only include the " "contents that might affect the dependencies"), clEnumValN(ScanningMode::CanonicalPreprocessing, "preprocess", "The set of dependencies is computed by preprocessing the " "unmodified source files")), llvm::cl::init(ScanningMode::MinimizedSourcePreprocessing), llvm::cl::cat(DependencyScannerCategory)); static llvm::cl::opt Format( "format", llvm::cl::desc("The output format for the dependencies"), llvm::cl::values(clEnumValN(ScanningOutputFormat::Make, "make", "Makefile compatible dep file"), clEnumValN(ScanningOutputFormat::Full, "experimental-full", "Full dependency graph suitable" " for explicitly building modules. This format " "is experimental and will change.")), llvm::cl::init(ScanningOutputFormat::Make), llvm::cl::cat(DependencyScannerCategory)); // This mode is mostly useful for development of explicitly built modules. // Command lines will contain arguments specifying modulemap file paths and // absolute paths to PCM files in the module cache directory. // // Build tools that want to put the PCM files in a different location should use // the C++ APIs instead, of which there are two flavors: // // 1. APIs that generate arguments with paths to modulemap and PCM files via // callbacks provided by the client: // * ModuleDeps::getCanonicalCommandLine(LookupPCMPath, LookupModuleDeps) // * FullDependencies::getAdditionalArgs(LookupPCMPath, LookupModuleDeps) // // 2. APIs that don't generate arguments with paths to modulemap or PCM files // and instead expect the client to append them manually after the fact: // * ModuleDeps::getCanonicalCommandLineWithoutModulePaths() // * FullDependencies::getAdditionalArgsWithoutModulePaths() // static llvm::cl::opt GenerateModulesPathArgs( "generate-modules-path-args", llvm::cl::desc( "With '-format experimental-full', include arguments specifying " "modules-related paths in the generated command lines: " "'-fmodule-file=', '-o', '-fmodule-map-file='."), llvm::cl::init(false), llvm::cl::cat(DependencyScannerCategory)); llvm::cl::opt NumThreads("j", llvm::cl::Optional, llvm::cl::desc("Number of worker threads to use (default: use " "all concurrent threads)"), llvm::cl::init(0), llvm::cl::cat(DependencyScannerCategory)); llvm::cl::opt CompilationDB("compilation-database", llvm::cl::desc("Compilation database"), llvm::cl::Required, llvm::cl::cat(DependencyScannerCategory)); llvm::cl::opt ReuseFileManager( "reuse-filemanager", llvm::cl::desc("Reuse the file manager and its cache between invocations."), llvm::cl::init(true), llvm::cl::cat(DependencyScannerCategory)); llvm::cl::opt SkipExcludedPPRanges( "skip-excluded-pp-ranges", llvm::cl::desc( "Use the preprocessor optimization that skips excluded conditionals by " "bumping the buffer pointer in the lexer instead of lexing the tokens " "until reaching the end directive."), llvm::cl::init(true), llvm::cl::cat(DependencyScannerCategory)); llvm::cl::opt Verbose("v", llvm::cl::Optional, llvm::cl::desc("Use verbose output."), llvm::cl::init(false), llvm::cl::cat(DependencyScannerCategory)); } // end anonymous namespace /// \returns object-file path derived from source-file path. static std::string getObjFilePath(StringRef SrcFile) { SmallString<128> ObjFileName(SrcFile); llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(ObjFileName, "o"); return std::string(ObjFileName.str()); } class SingleCommandCompilationDatabase : public tooling::CompilationDatabase { public: SingleCommandCompilationDatabase(tooling::CompileCommand Cmd) : Command(std::move(Cmd)) {} std::vector getCompileCommands(StringRef FilePath) const override { return {Command}; } std::vector getAllCompileCommands() const override { return {Command}; } private: tooling::CompileCommand Command; }; /// Takes the result of a dependency scan and prints error / dependency files /// based on the result. /// /// \returns True on error. static bool handleMakeDependencyToolResult(const std::string &Input, llvm::Expected &MaybeFile, SharedStream &OS, SharedStream &Errs) { if (!MaybeFile) { llvm::handleAllErrors( MaybeFile.takeError(), [&Input, &Errs](llvm::StringError &Err) { Errs.applyLocked([&](raw_ostream &OS) { OS << "Error while scanning dependencies for " << Input << ":\n"; OS << Err.getMessage(); }); }); return true; } OS.applyLocked([&](raw_ostream &OS) { OS << *MaybeFile; }); return false; } static llvm::json::Array toJSONSorted(const llvm::StringSet<> &Set) { std::vector Strings; for (auto &&I : Set) Strings.push_back(I.getKey()); llvm::sort(Strings); return llvm::json::Array(Strings); } static llvm::json::Array toJSONSorted(std::vector V) { llvm::sort(V, [](const ModuleID &A, const ModuleID &B) { return std::tie(A.ModuleName, A.ContextHash) < std::tie(B.ModuleName, B.ContextHash); }); llvm::json::Array Ret; for (const ModuleID &MID : V) Ret.push_back(llvm::json::Object( {{"module-name", MID.ModuleName}, {"context-hash", MID.ContextHash}})); return Ret; } // Thread safe. class FullDeps { public: void mergeDeps(StringRef Input, FullDependenciesResult FDR, size_t InputIndex) { const FullDependencies &FD = FDR.FullDeps; InputDeps ID; ID.FileName = std::string(Input); ID.ContextHash = std::move(FD.ID.ContextHash); ID.FileDeps = std::move(FD.FileDeps); ID.ModuleDeps = std::move(FD.ClangModuleDeps); std::unique_lock ul(Lock); for (const ModuleDeps &MD : FDR.DiscoveredModules) { auto I = Modules.find({MD.ID, 0}); if (I != Modules.end()) { I->first.InputIndex = std::min(I->first.InputIndex, InputIndex); continue; } Modules.insert(I, {{MD.ID, InputIndex}, std::move(MD)}); } ID.AdditionalCommandLine = GenerateModulesPathArgs ? FD.getAdditionalArgs( [&](ModuleID MID) { return lookupPCMPath(MID); }, [&](ModuleID MID) -> const ModuleDeps & { return lookupModuleDeps(MID); }) : FD.getAdditionalArgsWithoutModulePaths(); Inputs.push_back(std::move(ID)); } void printFullOutput(raw_ostream &OS) { // Sort the modules by name to get a deterministic order. std::vector ModuleIDs; for (auto &&M : Modules) ModuleIDs.push_back(M.first); llvm::sort(ModuleIDs, [](const IndexedModuleID &A, const IndexedModuleID &B) { return std::tie(A.ID.ModuleName, A.InputIndex) < std::tie(B.ID.ModuleName, B.InputIndex); }); llvm::sort(Inputs, [](const InputDeps &A, const InputDeps &B) { return A.FileName < B.FileName; }); using namespace llvm::json; Array OutModules; for (auto &&ModID : ModuleIDs) { auto &MD = Modules[ModID]; Object O{ {"name", MD.ID.ModuleName}, {"context-hash", MD.ID.ContextHash}, {"file-deps", toJSONSorted(MD.FileDeps)}, {"clang-module-deps", toJSONSorted(MD.ClangModuleDeps)}, {"clang-modulemap-file", MD.ClangModuleMapFile}, {"command-line", GenerateModulesPathArgs ? MD.getCanonicalCommandLine( [&](ModuleID MID) { return lookupPCMPath(MID); }, [&](ModuleID MID) -> const ModuleDeps & { return lookupModuleDeps(MID); }) : MD.getCanonicalCommandLineWithoutModulePaths()}, }; OutModules.push_back(std::move(O)); } Array TUs; for (auto &&I : Inputs) { Object O{ {"input-file", I.FileName}, {"clang-context-hash", I.ContextHash}, {"file-deps", I.FileDeps}, {"clang-module-deps", toJSONSorted(I.ModuleDeps)}, {"command-line", I.AdditionalCommandLine}, }; TUs.push_back(std::move(O)); } Object Output{ {"modules", std::move(OutModules)}, {"translation-units", std::move(TUs)}, }; OS << llvm::formatv("{0:2}\n", Value(std::move(Output))); } private: StringRef lookupPCMPath(ModuleID MID) { return Modules[IndexedModuleID{MID, 0}].ImplicitModulePCMPath; } const ModuleDeps &lookupModuleDeps(ModuleID MID) { auto I = Modules.find(IndexedModuleID{MID, 0}); assert(I != Modules.end()); return I->second; }; struct IndexedModuleID { ModuleID ID; mutable size_t InputIndex; bool operator==(const IndexedModuleID &Other) const { return ID.ModuleName == Other.ID.ModuleName && ID.ContextHash == Other.ID.ContextHash; } }; struct IndexedModuleIDHasher { std::size_t operator()(const IndexedModuleID &IMID) const { using llvm::hash_combine; return hash_combine(IMID.ID.ModuleName, IMID.ID.ContextHash); } }; struct InputDeps { std::string FileName; std::string ContextHash; std::vector FileDeps; std::vector ModuleDeps; std::vector AdditionalCommandLine; }; std::mutex Lock; std::unordered_map Modules; std::vector Inputs; }; static bool handleFullDependencyToolResult( const std::string &Input, llvm::Expected &MaybeFullDeps, FullDeps &FD, size_t InputIndex, SharedStream &OS, SharedStream &Errs) { if (!MaybeFullDeps) { llvm::handleAllErrors( MaybeFullDeps.takeError(), [&Input, &Errs](llvm::StringError &Err) { Errs.applyLocked([&](raw_ostream &OS) { OS << "Error while scanning dependencies for " << Input << ":\n"; OS << Err.getMessage(); }); }); return true; } FD.mergeDeps(Input, std::move(*MaybeFullDeps), InputIndex); return false; } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { llvm::InitLLVM X(argc, argv); llvm::cl::HideUnrelatedOptions(DependencyScannerCategory); if (!llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv)) return 1; std::string ErrorMessage; std::unique_ptr Compilations = tooling::JSONCompilationDatabase::loadFromFile( CompilationDB, ErrorMessage, tooling::JSONCommandLineSyntax::AutoDetect); if (!Compilations) { llvm::errs() << "error: " << ErrorMessage << "\n"; return 1; } llvm::cl::PrintOptionValues(); // The command options are rewritten to run Clang in preprocessor only mode. auto AdjustingCompilations = std::make_unique( std::move(Compilations)); ResourceDirectoryCache ResourceDirCache; AdjustingCompilations->appendArgumentsAdjuster( [&ResourceDirCache](const tooling::CommandLineArguments &Args, StringRef FileName) { std::string LastO = ""; bool HasMT = false; bool HasMQ = false; bool HasMD = false; bool HasResourceDir = false; bool ClangCLMode = false; auto FlagsEnd = llvm::find(Args, "--"); if (FlagsEnd != Args.begin()) { ClangCLMode = llvm::sys::path::stem(Args[0]).contains_lower("clang-cl") || llvm::is_contained(Args, "--driver-mode=cl"); // Reverse scan, starting at the end or at the element before "--". auto R = llvm::make_reverse_iterator(FlagsEnd); for (auto I = R, E = Args.rend(); I != E; ++I) { StringRef Arg = *I; if (ClangCLMode) { // Ignore arguments that are preceded by "-Xclang". if ((I + 1) != E && I[1] == "-Xclang") continue; if (LastO.empty()) { // With clang-cl, the output obj file can be specified with // "/opath", "/o path", "/Fopath", and the dash counterparts. // Also, clang-cl adds ".obj" extension if none is found. if ((Arg == "-o" || Arg == "/o") && I != R) LastO = I[-1]; // Next argument (reverse iterator) else if (Arg.startswith("/Fo") || Arg.startswith("-Fo")) LastO = Arg.drop_front(3).str(); else if (Arg.startswith("/o") || Arg.startswith("-o")) LastO = Arg.drop_front(2).str(); if (!LastO.empty() && !llvm::sys::path::has_extension(LastO)) LastO.append(".obj"); } if (Arg == "/clang:-MT") HasMT = true; if (Arg == "/clang:-MQ") HasMQ = true; if (Arg == "/clang:-MD") HasMD = true; } else { if (LastO.empty()) { if (Arg == "-o" && I != R) LastO = I[-1]; // Next argument (reverse iterator) else if (Arg.startswith("-o")) LastO = Arg.drop_front(2).str(); } if (Arg == "-MT") HasMT = true; if (Arg == "-MQ") HasMQ = true; if (Arg == "-MD") HasMD = true; } if (Arg == "-resource-dir") HasResourceDir = true; } } // If there's no -MT/-MQ Driver would add -MT with the value of the last // -o option. tooling::CommandLineArguments AdjustedArgs(Args.begin(), FlagsEnd); AdjustedArgs.push_back("-o"); #ifdef _WIN32 AdjustedArgs.push_back("nul"); #else AdjustedArgs.push_back("/dev/null"); #endif if (!HasMT && !HasMQ) { // We're interested in source dependencies of an object file. std::string FileNameArg; if (!HasMD) { // FIXME: We are missing the directory unless the -o value is an // absolute path. FileNameArg = !LastO.empty() ? LastO : getObjFilePath(FileName); } else { FileNameArg = std::string(FileName); } if (ClangCLMode) { AdjustedArgs.push_back("/clang:-M"); AdjustedArgs.push_back("/clang:-MT"); AdjustedArgs.push_back(Twine("/clang:", FileNameArg).str()); } else { AdjustedArgs.push_back("-M"); AdjustedArgs.push_back("-MT"); AdjustedArgs.push_back(std::move(FileNameArg)); } } AdjustedArgs.push_back("-Xclang"); AdjustedArgs.push_back("-Eonly"); AdjustedArgs.push_back("-Xclang"); AdjustedArgs.push_back("-sys-header-deps"); AdjustedArgs.push_back("-Wno-error"); if (!HasResourceDir) { StringRef ResourceDir = ResourceDirCache.findResourceDir(Args, ClangCLMode); if (!ResourceDir.empty()) { AdjustedArgs.push_back("-resource-dir"); AdjustedArgs.push_back(std::string(ResourceDir)); } } AdjustedArgs.insert(AdjustedArgs.end(), FlagsEnd, Args.end()); return AdjustedArgs; }); AdjustingCompilations->appendArgumentsAdjuster( tooling::getClangStripSerializeDiagnosticAdjuster()); SharedStream Errs(llvm::errs()); // Print out the dependency results to STDOUT by default. SharedStream DependencyOS(llvm::outs()); DependencyScanningService Service(ScanMode, Format, ReuseFileManager, SkipExcludedPPRanges); llvm::ThreadPool Pool(llvm::hardware_concurrency(NumThreads)); std::vector> WorkerTools; for (unsigned I = 0; I < Pool.getThreadCount(); ++I) WorkerTools.push_back(std::make_unique(Service)); std::vector Inputs; for (tooling::CompileCommand Cmd : AdjustingCompilations->getAllCompileCommands()) Inputs.emplace_back(Cmd); std::atomic HadErrors(false); FullDeps FD; std::mutex Lock; size_t Index = 0; if (Verbose) { llvm::outs() << "Running clang-scan-deps on " << Inputs.size() << " files using " << Pool.getThreadCount() << " workers\n"; } for (unsigned I = 0; I < Pool.getThreadCount(); ++I) { Pool.async([I, &Lock, &Index, &Inputs, &HadErrors, &FD, &WorkerTools, &DependencyOS, &Errs]() { llvm::StringSet<> AlreadySeenModules; while (true) { const SingleCommandCompilationDatabase *Input; std::string Filename; std::string CWD; size_t LocalIndex; // Take the next input. { std::unique_lock LockGuard(Lock); if (Index >= Inputs.size()) return; LocalIndex = Index; Input = &Inputs[Index++]; tooling::CompileCommand Cmd = Input->getAllCompileCommands()[0]; Filename = std::move(Cmd.Filename); CWD = std::move(Cmd.Directory); } // Run the tool on it. if (Format == ScanningOutputFormat::Make) { auto MaybeFile = WorkerTools[I]->getDependencyFile(*Input, CWD); if (handleMakeDependencyToolResult(Filename, MaybeFile, DependencyOS, Errs)) HadErrors = true; } else { auto MaybeFullDeps = WorkerTools[I]->getFullDependencies( *Input, CWD, AlreadySeenModules); if (handleFullDependencyToolResult(Filename, MaybeFullDeps, FD, LocalIndex, DependencyOS, Errs)) HadErrors = true; } } }); } Pool.wait(); if (Format == ScanningOutputFormat::Full) FD.printFullOutput(llvm::outs()); return HadErrors; }