/* $NetBSD: ipf.c,v 1.4 2022/06/03 21:43:37 gutteridge Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012 by Darren Reed. * * See the IPFILTER.LICENCE file for details on licencing. */ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ # ifndef __FreeBSD_cc_version # include <osreldate.h> # else # if __FreeBSD_cc_version < 430000 # include <osreldate.h> # endif # endif #endif #include "ipf.h" #include <fcntl.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include "netinet/ipl.h" #if !defined(lint) static __attribute__((__used__)) const char sccsid[] = "@(#)ipf.c 1.23 6/5/96 (C) 1993-2000 Darren Reed"; static __attribute__((__used__)) const char rcsid[] = "@(#)Id: ipf.c,v 2012/07/22 13:44:51 darrenr Exp $"; #endif #if !defined(__SVR4) && defined(__GNUC__) extern char *index __P((const char *, int)); #endif extern char *optarg; extern int optind; extern frentry_t *frtop; void ipf_frsync __P((void)); void zerostats __P((void)); int main __P((int, char *[])); int opts = 0; int outputc = 0; int use_inet6 = 0; int exitstatus = 0; static void procfile __P((char *)); static void flushfilter __P((char *, int *)); static void set_state __P((u_int)); static void showstats __P((friostat_t *)); static void packetlogon __P((char *)); static void swapactive __P((void)); static int opendevice __P((char *, int)); static void closedevice __P((void)); static char *ipfname = IPL_NAME; static void usage __P((void)); static int showversion __P((void)); static int get_flags __P((void)); static int ipf_interceptadd __P((int, ioctlfunc_t, void *)); static int fd = -1; static ioctlfunc_t iocfunctions[IPL_LOGSIZE] = { ioctl, ioctl, ioctl, ioctl, ioctl, ioctl, ioctl, ioctl }; static void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "usage: ipf [-6AdDEInoPrRsvVyzZ] %s %s %s\n", "[-l block|pass|nomatch|none|state|nat]", "[-cc] [-F i|o|a|s|S|u]", "[-f filename] [-T <tuneopts>]"); exit(1); } int main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int c, *filter = NULL; if (argc < 2) usage(); assigndefined(getenv("IPF_PREDEFINED")); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "46Ac:dDEf:F:Il:m:noPrRsT:vVyzZ")) != -1) { switch (c) { case '?' : usage(); break; case '4' : use_inet6 = -1; break; case '6' : use_inet6 = 1; break; case 'A' : opts &= ~OPT_INACTIVE; break; case 'c' : if (strcmp(optarg, "c") == 0) outputc = 1; break; case 'E' : set_state((u_int)1); break; case 'D' : set_state((u_int)0); break; case 'd' : opts ^= OPT_DEBUG; break; case 'f' : procfile(optarg); break; case 'F' : flushfilter(optarg, filter); break; case 'I' : opts ^= OPT_INACTIVE; break; case 'l' : packetlogon(optarg); break; case 'm' : filter = parseipfexpr(optarg, NULL); break; case 'n' : opts ^= OPT_DONOTHING|OPT_DONTOPEN; break; case 'o' : break; case 'P' : ipfname = IPAUTH_NAME; break; case 'R' : opts ^= OPT_NORESOLVE; break; case 'r' : opts ^= OPT_REMOVE; break; case 's' : swapactive(); break; case 'T' : if (opendevice(ipfname, 1) >= 0) ipf_dotuning(fd, optarg, ioctl); break; case 'v' : opts += OPT_VERBOSE; break; case 'V' : if (showversion()) exit(1); break; case 'y' : ipf_frsync(); break; case 'z' : opts ^= OPT_ZERORULEST; break; case 'Z' : zerostats(); break; } } if (optind < 2) usage(); if (fd != -1) (void) close(fd); return(exitstatus); /* NOTREACHED */ } static int opendevice(ipfdev, check) char *ipfdev; int check; { if (opts & OPT_DONOTHING) return -2; if (check && checkrev(ipfname) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "User/kernel version check failed\n"); return -2; } if (!ipfdev) ipfdev = ipfname; if (fd == -1) if ((fd = open(ipfdev, O_RDWR)) == -1) if ((fd = open(ipfdev, O_RDONLY)) == -1) ipferror(fd, "open device"); return fd; } static void closedevice() { close(fd); fd = -1; } static int get_flags() { int i = 0; if ((opendevice(ipfname, 1) != -2) && (ioctl(fd, SIOCGETFF, &i) == -1)) { ipferror(fd, "SIOCGETFF"); return 0; } return i; } static void set_state(enable) u_int enable; { if (opendevice(ipfname, 0) != -2) { if (ioctl(fd, SIOCFRENB, &enable) == -1) { if (errno == EBUSY) { fprintf(stderr, "IP FIlter: already initialized\n"); } else { ipferror(fd, "SIOCFRENB"); } } } return; } static void procfile(file) char *file; { (void) opendevice(ipfname, 1); initparse(); ipf_parsefile(fd, ipf_interceptadd, iocfunctions, file); if (outputc) { printC(0); printC(1); emit(-1, -1, NULL, NULL); } } static int ipf_interceptadd(fd, ioctlfunc, ptr) int fd; ioctlfunc_t ioctlfunc; void *ptr; { if (outputc) printc(ptr); if (ipf_addrule(fd, ioctlfunc, ptr) != 0) exitstatus = 1; return 0; } static void packetlogon(opt) char *opt; { int flag, xfd, logopt, change = 0; flag = get_flags(); if (flag != 0) { if ((opts & (OPT_DONOTHING|OPT_VERBOSE)) == OPT_VERBOSE) printf("log flag is currently %#x\n", flag); } flag &= ~(FF_LOGPASS|FF_LOGNOMATCH|FF_LOGBLOCK); if (strstr(opt, "pass")) { flag |= FF_LOGPASS; if (opts & OPT_VERBOSE) printf("set log flag: pass\n"); change = 1; } if (strstr(opt, "nomatch")) { flag |= FF_LOGNOMATCH; if (opts & OPT_VERBOSE) printf("set log flag: nomatch\n"); change = 1; } if (strstr(opt, "block") || index(opt, 'd')) { flag |= FF_LOGBLOCK; if (opts & OPT_VERBOSE) printf("set log flag: block\n"); change = 1; } if (strstr(opt, "none")) { if (opts & OPT_VERBOSE) printf("disable all log flags\n"); change = 1; } if (change == 1) { if (opendevice(ipfname, 1) != -2 && (ioctl(fd, SIOCSETFF, &flag) != 0)) ipferror(fd, "ioctl(SIOCSETFF)"); } if ((opts & (OPT_DONOTHING|OPT_VERBOSE)) == OPT_VERBOSE) { flag = get_flags(); printf("log flags are now %#x\n", flag); } if (strstr(opt, "state")) { if (opts & OPT_VERBOSE) printf("set state log flag\n"); xfd = open(IPSTATE_NAME, O_RDWR); if (xfd >= 0) { logopt = 0; if (ioctl(xfd, SIOCGETLG, &logopt)) ipferror(fd, "ioctl(SIOCGETLG)"); else { logopt = 1 - logopt; if (ioctl(xfd, SIOCSETLG, &logopt)) ipferror(xfd, "ioctl(SIOCSETLG)"); } close(xfd); } } if (strstr(opt, "nat")) { if (opts & OPT_VERBOSE) printf("set nat log flag\n"); xfd = open(IPNAT_NAME, O_RDWR); if (xfd >= 0) { logopt = 0; if (ioctl(xfd, SIOCGETLG, &logopt)) ipferror(xfd, "ioctl(SIOCGETLG)"); else { logopt = 1 - logopt; if (ioctl(xfd, SIOCSETLG, &logopt)) ipferror(xfd, "ioctl(SIOCSETLG)"); } close(xfd); } } } static void flushfilter(arg, filter) char *arg; int *filter; { int fl = 0, rem; if (!arg || !*arg) return; if (!strcmp(arg, "s") || !strcmp(arg, "S") || ISDIGIT(*arg)) { if (*arg == 'S') fl = 0; else if (*arg == 's') fl = 1; else fl = atoi(arg); rem = fl; closedevice(); if (opendevice(IPSTATE_NAME, 1) == -2) exit(1); if (!(opts & OPT_DONOTHING)) { if (use_inet6) { fprintf(stderr, "IPv6 rules are no longer seperate\n"); } else if (filter != NULL) { ipfobj_t obj; obj.ipfo_rev = IPFILTER_VERSION; obj.ipfo_size = filter[0] * sizeof(int); obj.ipfo_type = IPFOBJ_IPFEXPR; obj.ipfo_ptr = filter; if (ioctl(fd, SIOCMATCHFLUSH, &obj) == -1) { ipferror(fd, "ioctl(SIOCMATCHFLUSH)"); fl = -1; } else { fl = obj.ipfo_retval; } } else { if (ioctl(fd, SIOCIPFFL, &fl) == -1) { ipferror(fd, "ioctl(SIOCIPFFL)"); exit(1); } } } if ((opts & (OPT_DONOTHING|OPT_DEBUG)) == OPT_DEBUG) { printf("remove flags %s (%d)\n", arg, rem); } if ((opts & (OPT_DONOTHING|OPT_VERBOSE)) == OPT_VERBOSE) { printf("%d state entries removed\n", fl); } closedevice(); return; } #ifdef SIOCIPFFA if (!strcmp(arg, "u")) { closedevice(); /* * Flush auth rules and packets */ if (opendevice(IPL_AUTH, 1) == -1) perror("open(IPL_AUTH)"); else { if (ioctl(fd, SIOCIPFFA, &fl) == -1) ipferror(fd, "ioctl(SIOCIPFFA)"); } closedevice(); return; } #endif if (strchr(arg, 'i') || strchr(arg, 'I')) fl = FR_INQUE; if (strchr(arg, 'o') || strchr(arg, 'O')) fl = FR_OUTQUE; if (strchr(arg, 'a') || strchr(arg, 'A')) fl = FR_OUTQUE|FR_INQUE; if (opts & OPT_INACTIVE) fl |= FR_INACTIVE; rem = fl; if (opendevice(ipfname, 1) == -2) exit(1); if (!(opts & OPT_DONOTHING)) { if (use_inet6) { if (ioctl(fd, SIOCIPFL6, &fl) == -1) { ipferror(fd, "ioctl(SIOCIPFL6)"); exit(1); } } else { if (ioctl(fd, SIOCIPFFL, &fl) == -1) { ipferror(fd, "ioctl(SIOCIPFFL)"); exit(1); } } } if ((opts & (OPT_DONOTHING|OPT_DEBUG)) == OPT_DEBUG) { printf("remove flags %s%s (%d)\n", (rem & FR_INQUE) ? "I" : "", (rem & FR_OUTQUE) ? "O" : "", rem); } if ((opts & (OPT_DONOTHING|OPT_VERBOSE)) == OPT_VERBOSE) { printf("%d filter rules removed\n", fl); } return; } static void swapactive() { int in = 2; if (opendevice(ipfname, 1) != -2 && ioctl(fd, SIOCSWAPA, &in) == -1) ipferror(fd, "ioctl(SIOCSWAPA)"); else printf("Set %d now inactive\n", in); } void ipf_frsync() { int frsyn = 0; if (opendevice(ipfname, 1) != -2 && ioctl(fd, SIOCFRSYN, &frsyn) == -1) ipferror(fd, "SIOCFRSYN"); else printf("filter sync'd\n"); } void zerostats() { ipfobj_t obj; friostat_t fio; obj.ipfo_rev = IPFILTER_VERSION; obj.ipfo_type = IPFOBJ_IPFSTAT; obj.ipfo_size = sizeof(fio); obj.ipfo_ptr = &fio; obj.ipfo_offset = 0; if (opendevice(ipfname, 1) != -2) { if (ioctl(fd, SIOCFRZST, &obj) == -1) { ipferror(fd, "ioctl(SIOCFRZST)"); exit(-1); } showstats(&fio); } } /* * read the kernel stats for packets blocked and passed */ static void showstats(fp) friostat_t *fp; { printf("bad packets:\t\tin %lu\tout %lu\n", fp->f_st[0].fr_bad, fp->f_st[1].fr_bad); printf(" input packets:\t\tblocked %lu passed %lu nomatch %lu", fp->f_st[0].fr_block, fp->f_st[0].fr_pass, fp->f_st[0].fr_nom); printf(" counted %lu\n", fp->f_st[0].fr_acct); printf("output packets:\t\tblocked %lu passed %lu nomatch %lu", fp->f_st[1].fr_block, fp->f_st[1].fr_pass, fp->f_st[1].fr_nom); printf(" counted %lu\n", fp->f_st[0].fr_acct); printf(" input packets logged:\tblocked %lu passed %lu\n", fp->f_st[0].fr_bpkl, fp->f_st[0].fr_ppkl); printf("output packets logged:\tblocked %lu passed %lu\n", fp->f_st[1].fr_bpkl, fp->f_st[1].fr_ppkl); } static int showversion() { struct friostat fio; ipfobj_t ipfo; u_32_t flags; char *s; int vfd; bzero((caddr_t)&ipfo, sizeof(ipfo)); ipfo.ipfo_rev = IPFILTER_VERSION; ipfo.ipfo_size = sizeof(fio); ipfo.ipfo_ptr = (void *)&fio; ipfo.ipfo_type = IPFOBJ_IPFSTAT; printf("ipf: %s (%d)\n", IPL_VERSION, (int)sizeof(frentry_t)); if ((vfd = open(ipfname, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { perror("open device"); return 1; } if (ioctl(vfd, SIOCGETFS, &ipfo)) { ipferror(vfd, "ioctl(SIOCGETFS)"); close(vfd); return 1; } close(vfd); flags = get_flags(); printf("Kernel: %-*.*s\n", (int)sizeof(fio.f_version), (int)sizeof(fio.f_version), fio.f_version); printf("Running: %s\n", (fio.f_running > 0) ? "yes" : "no"); printf("Log Flags: %#x = ", flags); s = ""; if (flags & FF_LOGPASS) { printf("pass"); s = ", "; } if (flags & FF_LOGBLOCK) { printf("%sblock", s); s = ", "; } if (flags & FF_LOGNOMATCH) { printf("%snomatch", s); s = ", "; } if (flags & FF_BLOCKNONIP) { printf("%snonip", s); s = ", "; } if (!*s) printf("none set"); putchar('\n'); printf("Default: "); if (FR_ISPASS(fio.f_defpass)) s = "pass"; else if (FR_ISBLOCK(fio.f_defpass)) s = "block"; else s = "nomatch -> block"; printf("%s all, Logging: %savailable\n", s, fio.f_logging ? "" : "un"); printf("Active list: %d\n", fio.f_active); printf("Feature mask: %#x\n", fio.f_features); return 0; }