/* * nsd-mem.c -- nsd-mem(8) * * Copyright (c) 2013, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * See LICENSE for the license. * */ #include "config.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include "nsd.h" #include "tsig.h" #include "options.h" #include "namedb.h" #include "difffile.h" #include "util.h" struct nsd nsd; /* * Print the help text. * */ static void usage (void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: nsd-mem [-c configfile]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Version %s. Report bugs to <%s>.\n", PACKAGE_VERSION, PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); } /* zone memory structure */ struct zone_mem { /* size of data (allocated in db.region) */ size_t data; /* unused space (in db.region) due to alignment */ size_t data_unused; /* count of number of domains */ size_t domaincount; }; /* total memory structure */ struct tot_mem { /* size of data (allocated in db.region) */ size_t data; /* unused space (in db.region) due to alignment */ size_t data_unused; /* count of number of domains */ size_t domaincount; /* options data */ size_t opt_data; /* unused in options region */ size_t opt_unused; /* dname compression table */ size_t compresstable; #ifdef RATELIMIT /* size of rrl tables */ size_t rrl; #endif /* total ram usage */ size_t ram; }; static void account_zone(struct namedb* db, struct zone_mem* zmem) { zmem->data = region_get_mem(db->region); zmem->data_unused = region_get_mem_unused(db->region); zmem->domaincount = domain_table_count(db->domains); } static void pretty_mem(size_t x, const char* s) { char buf[32]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if(snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%12lld", (long long)x) > 12) { printf("%12lld %s\n", (long long)x, s); return; } printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c %s\n", buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], (buf[2]==' '?' ':'.'), buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], (buf[5]==' '?' ':'.'), buf[6], buf[7], buf[8], (buf[8]==' '?' ':'.'), buf[9], buf[10], buf[11], s); } static void print_zone_mem(struct zone_mem* z) { pretty_mem(z->data, "zone data"); pretty_mem(z->data_unused, "zone unused space (due to alignment)"); } static void account_total(struct nsd_options* opt, struct tot_mem* t) { t->opt_data = region_get_mem(opt->region); t->opt_unused = region_get_mem_unused(opt->region); t->compresstable = sizeof(uint16_t) * (t->domaincount + 1 + EXTRA_DOMAIN_NUMBERS); t->compresstable *= opt->server_count; #ifdef RATELIMIT #define SIZE_RRL_BUCKET (8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2) t->rrl = opt->rrl_size * SIZE_RRL_BUCKET; t->rrl *= opt->server_count; #endif t->ram = t->data + t->data_unused + t->opt_data + t->opt_unused + t->compresstable; #ifdef RATELIMIT t->ram += t->rrl; #endif } static void print_tot_mem(struct tot_mem* t) { printf("\ntotal\n"); pretty_mem(t->data, "data"); pretty_mem(t->data_unused, "unused space (due to alignment)"); pretty_mem(t->opt_data, "options"); pretty_mem(t->opt_unused, "options unused space (due to alignment)"); pretty_mem(t->compresstable, "name table (depends on servercount)"); #ifdef RATELIMIT pretty_mem(t->rrl, "RRL table (depends on servercount)"); #endif printf("\nsummary\n"); pretty_mem(t->ram, "ram usage (excl space for buffers)"); } static void add_mem(struct tot_mem* t, struct zone_mem* z) { t->data += z->data; t->data_unused += z->data_unused; t->domaincount += z->domaincount; } static void check_zone_mem(const char* tf, struct zone_options* zo, struct nsd_options* opt, struct tot_mem* totmem) { struct nsd nsd; struct namedb* db; const dname_type* dname = (const dname_type*)zo->node.key; zone_type* zone; struct udb_base* taskudb; udb_ptr last_task; struct zone_mem zmem; printf("zone %s\n", zo->name); /* init*/ memset(&zmem, 0, sizeof(zmem)); memset(&nsd, 0, sizeof(nsd)); nsd.db = db = namedb_open(opt); if(!db) error("cannot open namedb"); zone = namedb_zone_create(db, dname, zo); taskudb = task_file_create(tf); udb_ptr_init(&last_task, taskudb); /* read the zone */ namedb_read_zonefile(&nsd, zone, taskudb, &last_task); /* account the memory for this zone */ account_zone(db, &zmem); /* pretty print the memory for this zone */ print_zone_mem(&zmem); /* delete the zone from memory */ namedb_close(db); udb_base_free(taskudb); unlink(tf); /* add up totals */ add_mem(totmem, &zmem); } static void check_mem(struct nsd_options* opt) { struct tot_mem totmem; struct zone_options* zo; char tf[512]; memset(&totmem, 0, sizeof(totmem)); snprintf(tf, sizeof(tf), "./nsd-mem-task-%u.db", (unsigned)getpid()); /* read all zones and account memory */ RBTREE_FOR(zo, struct zone_options*, opt->zone_options) { check_zone_mem(tf, zo, opt, &totmem); } /* calculate more total statistics */ account_total(opt, &totmem); /* print statistics */ print_tot_mem(&totmem); } /* dummy functions to link */ struct nsd; int writepid(struct nsd * ATTR_UNUSED(nsd)) { return 0; } void unlinkpid(const char * ATTR_UNUSED(file)) { } void bind8_stats(struct nsd * ATTR_UNUSED(nsd)) { } void sig_handler(int ATTR_UNUSED(sig)) { } extern char *optarg; extern int optind; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Scratch variables... */ int c; struct nsd nsd; const char *configfile = CONFIGFILE; memset(&nsd, 0, sizeof(nsd)); log_init("nsd-mem"); /* Parse the command line... */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:h" )) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'c': configfile = optarg; break; case 'h': usage(); exit(0); case '?': default: usage(); exit(1); } } argc -= optind; /* argv += optind; move along argv for positional arguments */ /* Commandline parse error */ if (argc != 0) { usage(); exit(1); } /* Read options */ nsd.options = nsd_options_create(region_create_custom(xalloc, free, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, DEFAULT_LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE, DEFAULT_INITIAL_CLEANUP_SIZE, 1)); tsig_init(nsd.options->region); if(!parse_options_file(nsd.options, configfile, NULL, NULL)) { error("could not read config: %s\n", configfile); } if(!parse_zone_list_file(nsd.options)) { error("could not read zonelist file %s\n", nsd.options->zonelistfile); } if (verbosity == 0) verbosity = nsd.options->verbosity; #ifdef HAVE_CHROOT if(nsd.chrootdir == 0) nsd.chrootdir = nsd.options->chroot; #ifdef CHROOTDIR /* if still no chrootdir, fallback to default */ if(nsd.chrootdir == 0) nsd.chrootdir = CHROOTDIR; #endif /* CHROOTDIR */ #endif /* HAVE_CHROOT */ if(nsd.options->zonesdir && nsd.options->zonesdir[0]) { if(chdir(nsd.options->zonesdir)) { error("cannot chdir to '%s': %s", nsd.options->zonesdir, strerror(errno)); } DEBUG(DEBUG_IPC,1, (LOG_INFO, "changed directory to %s", nsd.options->zonesdir)); } /* Chroot */ #ifdef HAVE_CHROOT if (nsd.chrootdir && strlen(nsd.chrootdir)) { if(chdir(nsd.chrootdir)) { error("unable to chdir to chroot: %s", strerror(errno)); } DEBUG(DEBUG_IPC,1, (LOG_INFO, "changed root directory to %s", nsd.chrootdir)); } #endif /* HAVE_CHROOT */ check_mem(nsd.options); exit(0); }