/********************************************** * This module implements integral arithmetic primitives that check * for out-of-range results. * This is a translation to C++ of D's core.checkedint * * Integral arithmetic operators operate on fixed width types. * Results that are not representable in those fixed widths are silently * truncated to fit. * This module offers integral arithmetic primitives that produce the * same results, but set an 'overflow' flag when such truncation occurs. * The setting is sticky, meaning that numerous operations can be cascaded * and then the flag need only be checked at the end. * Whether the operation is signed or unsigned is indicated by an 's' or 'u' * suffix, respectively. While this could be achieved without such suffixes by * using overloading on the signedness of the types, the suffix makes it clear * which is happening without needing to examine the types. * * While the generic versions of these functions are computationally expensive * relative to the cost of the operation itself, compiler implementations are free * to recognize them and generate equivalent and faster code. * * References: $(LINK2 http://blog.regehr.org/archives/1139, Fast Integer Overflow Checks) * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2014-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved * License: $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0) * Authors: Walter Bright * Source: https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/blob/master/src/root/checkedint.c */ #include "dsystem.h" #include "checkedint.h" /******************************* * Add two signed integers, checking for overflow. * * The overflow is sticky, meaning a sequence of operations can * be done and overflow need only be checked at the end. * Params: * x = left operand * y = right operand * overflow = set if an overflow occurs, is not affected otherwise * Returns: * the sum */ int adds(int x, int y, bool& overflow) { int64_t r = (int64_t)x + (int64_t)y; if (r < INT32_MIN || r > INT32_MAX) overflow = true; return (int)r; } /// ditto int64_t adds(int64_t x, int64_t y, bool& overflow) { int64_t r = (uint64_t)x + (uint64_t)y; if ((x < 0 && y < 0 && r >= 0) || (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && r < 0)) overflow = true; return r; } /******************************* * Add two unsigned integers, checking for overflow (aka carry). * * The overflow is sticky, meaning a sequence of operations can * be done and overflow need only be checked at the end. * Params: * x = left operand * y = right operand * overflow = set if an overflow occurs, is not affected otherwise * Returns: * the sum */ unsigned addu(unsigned x, unsigned y, bool& overflow) { unsigned r = x + y; if (r < x || r < y) overflow = true; return r; } /// ditto uint64_t addu(uint64_t x, uint64_t y, bool& overflow) { uint64_t r = x + y; if (r < x || r < y) overflow = true; return r; } /******************************* * Subtract two signed integers, checking for overflow. * * The overflow is sticky, meaning a sequence of operations can * be done and overflow need only be checked at the end. * Params: * x = left operand * y = right operand * overflow = set if an overflow occurs, is not affected otherwise * Returns: * the sum */ int subs(int x, int y, bool& overflow) { int64_t r = (int64_t)x - (int64_t)y; if (r < INT32_MIN || r > INT32_MAX) overflow = true; return (int)r; } /// ditto int64_t subs(int64_t x, int64_t y, bool& overflow) { int64_t r = (uint64_t)x - (uint64_t)y; if ((x < 0 && y >= 0 && r >= 0) || (x >= 0 && y < 0 && (r < 0 || y == INT64_MIN))) overflow = true; return r; } /******************************* * Subtract two unsigned integers, checking for overflow (aka borrow). * * The overflow is sticky, meaning a sequence of operations can * be done and overflow need only be checked at the end. * Params: * x = left operand * y = right operand * overflow = set if an overflow occurs, is not affected otherwise * Returns: * the sum */ unsigned subu(unsigned x, unsigned y, bool& overflow) { if (x < y) overflow = true; return x - y; } /// ditto uint64_t subu(uint64_t x, uint64_t y, bool& overflow) { if (x < y) overflow = true; return x - y; } /*********************************************** * Negate an integer. * * Params: * x = operand * overflow = set if x cannot be negated, is not affected otherwise * Returns: * the negation of x */ int negs(int x, bool& overflow) { if (x == (int)INT32_MIN) overflow = true; return -x; } /// ditto int64_t negs(int64_t x, bool& overflow) { if (x == INT64_MIN) overflow = true; return -x; } /******************************* * Multiply two signed integers, checking for overflow. * * The overflow is sticky, meaning a sequence of operations can * be done and overflow need only be checked at the end. * Params: * x = left operand * y = right operand * overflow = set if an overflow occurs, is not affected otherwise * Returns: * the sum */ int muls(int x, int y, bool& overflow) { int64_t r = (int64_t)x * (int64_t)y; if (r < INT32_MIN || r > INT32_MAX) overflow = true; return (int)r; } /// ditto int64_t muls(int64_t x, int64_t y, bool& overflow) { int64_t r = (uint64_t)x * (uint64_t)y; int64_t not0or1 = ~(int64_t)1; if ((x & not0or1) && ((r == y) ? r : (r / x) != y)) overflow = true; return r; } /******************************* * Multiply two unsigned integers, checking for overflow (aka carry). * * The overflow is sticky, meaning a sequence of operations can * be done and overflow need only be checked at the end. * Params: * x = left operand * y = right operand * overflow = set if an overflow occurs, is not affected otherwise * Returns: * the sum */ unsigned mulu(unsigned x, unsigned y, bool& overflow) { uint64_t r = (uint64_t)x * (uint64_t)y; if (r > UINT32_MAX) overflow = true; return (unsigned)r; } /// ditto uint64_t mulu(uint64_t x, uint64_t y, bool& overflow) { uint64_t r = x * y; if (x && (r / x) != y) overflow = true; return r; }