/* $NetBSD: battery.c,v 1.15 2011/07/26 08:37:45 macallan Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2007 Michael Lorenz * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: battery.c,v 1.15 2011/07/26 08:37:45 macallan Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/proc.h> #include <dev/sysmon/sysmonvar.h> #include <dev/sysmon/sysmon_taskq.h> #include <macppc/dev/pmuvar.h> #include <macppc/dev/batteryvar.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <machine/pio.h> #include "opt_battery.h" #ifdef BATTERY_DEBUG #define DPRINTF printf #else #define DPRINTF while (0) printf #endif #define BTYPE_COMET 1 #define BTYPE_HOOPER 2 #define BAT_CPU_TEMPERATURE 0 #define BAT_AC_PRESENT 1 #define BAT_PRESENT 2 #define BAT_VOLTAGE 3 #define BAT_CURRENT 4 #define BAT_MAX_CHARGE 5 #define BAT_CHARGE 6 #define BAT_CHARGING 7 #define BAT_FULL 8 #define BAT_TEMPERATURE 9 #define BAT_NSENSORS 10 /* number of sensors */ struct battery_softc { device_t sc_dev; struct pmu_ops *sc_pmu_ops; int sc_type; /* envsys stuff */ struct sysmon_envsys *sc_sme; envsys_data_t sc_sensor[BAT_NSENSORS]; struct sysmon_pswitch sc_sm_acpower; /* battery status */ int sc_flags; int sc_oflags; int sc_voltage; int sc_charge; int sc_current; int sc_time; int sc_cpu_temp; int sc_bat_temp; int sc_vmax_charged; int sc_vmax_charging; uint32_t sc_timestamp; }; static void battery_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); static int battery_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static int battery_update(struct battery_softc *, int); static void battery_setup_envsys(struct battery_softc *); static void battery_refresh(struct sysmon_envsys *, envsys_data_t *); static void battery_poll(void *); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(battery, sizeof(struct battery_softc), battery_match, battery_attach, NULL, NULL); static int battery_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct battery_attach_args *baa = aux; if (baa->baa_type == BATTERY_TYPE_LEGACY) return 1; return 0; } static void battery_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct battery_attach_args *baa = aux; struct battery_softc *sc = device_private(self); uint32_t reg; sc->sc_dev = self; sc->sc_pmu_ops = baa->baa_pmu_ops; aprint_normal(": legacy battery "); reg = in32rb(0xf3000034); DPRINTF("reg: %08x\n", reg); if (reg & 0x20000000) { sc->sc_type = BTYPE_HOOPER; sc->sc_vmax_charged = 330; sc->sc_vmax_charging = 365; printf("[hooper]\n"); } else { sc->sc_type = BTYPE_COMET; sc->sc_vmax_charged = 189; sc->sc_vmax_charging = 213; printf("[comet]\n"); } battery_update(sc, 1); /* trigger a status update */ sc->sc_oflags = ~sc->sc_flags; battery_setup_envsys(sc); sc->sc_pmu_ops->register_callback(sc->sc_pmu_ops->cookie, battery_poll, sc); memset(&sc->sc_sm_acpower, 0, sizeof(struct sysmon_pswitch)); sc->sc_sm_acpower.smpsw_name = "AC Power"; sc->sc_sm_acpower.smpsw_type = PSWITCH_TYPE_ACADAPTER; if (sysmon_pswitch_register(&sc->sc_sm_acpower) != 0) aprint_error_dev(self, "unable to register AC power status with sysmon\n"); } static int battery_update(struct battery_softc *sc, int out) { int len, vmax, pcharge, vb; uint8_t buf[16]; if (sc->sc_timestamp == time_second) return 0; sc->sc_timestamp = time_second; len = sc->sc_pmu_ops->do_command(sc->sc_pmu_ops->cookie, PMU_BATTERY_STATE, 0, NULL, 16, buf); if (len != 9) return -1; sc->sc_flags = buf[1]; if (out) { if (buf[1] & PMU_PWR_AC_PRESENT) printf(" AC"); if (buf[1] & PMU_PWR_BATT_CHARGING) printf(" charging"); if (buf[1] & PMU_PWR_BATT_PRESENT) printf(" present"); if (buf[1] & PMU_PWR_BATT_FULL) printf(" full"); printf("\n"); } sc->sc_cpu_temp = buf[4]; if ((sc->sc_flags & PMU_PWR_BATT_PRESENT) == 0) { sc->sc_voltage = 0; sc->sc_current = 0; sc->sc_bat_temp = 0; sc->sc_charge = 0; sc->sc_time = 0; return 0; } vmax = sc->sc_vmax_charged; vb = (buf[2] << 8) | buf[3]; sc->sc_voltage = (vb * 265 + 72665) / 10; sc->sc_current = buf[6]; if ((sc->sc_flags & PMU_PWR_AC_PRESENT) == 0) { if (sc->sc_current > 200) vb += ((sc->sc_current - 200) * 15) / 100; } else { vmax = sc->sc_vmax_charging; } sc->sc_charge = (100 * vb) / vmax; if (sc->sc_flags & PMU_PWR_PCHARGE_RESET) { pcharge = (buf[7] << 8) | buf[8]; if (pcharge > 6500) pcharge = 6500; pcharge = 100 - pcharge * 100 / 6500; if (pcharge < sc->sc_charge) sc->sc_charge = pcharge; } if (sc->sc_current > 0) { sc->sc_time = (sc->sc_charge * 16440) / sc->sc_current; } else sc->sc_time = 0; sc->sc_bat_temp = buf[5]; if (out) { printf("voltage: %d.%03d\n", sc->sc_voltage / 1000, sc->sc_voltage % 1000); printf("charge: %d%%\n", sc->sc_charge); if (sc->sc_time > 0) printf("time: %d:%02d\n", sc->sc_time / 60, sc->sc_time % 60); } return 0; } #define INITDATA(index, unit, string) \ sc->sc_sensor[index].units = unit; \ sc->sc_sensor[index].state = ENVSYS_SINVALID; \ snprintf(sc->sc_sensor[index].desc, \ sizeof(sc->sc_sensor[index].desc), "%s", string); static void battery_setup_envsys(struct battery_softc *sc) { int i; sc->sc_sme = sysmon_envsys_create(); INITDATA(BAT_CPU_TEMPERATURE, ENVSYS_STEMP, "CPU temperature"); INITDATA(BAT_AC_PRESENT, ENVSYS_INDICATOR, "AC present"); INITDATA(BAT_PRESENT, ENVSYS_INDICATOR, "Battery present"); INITDATA(BAT_VOLTAGE, ENVSYS_SVOLTS_DC, "Battery voltage"); INITDATA(BAT_CHARGE, ENVSYS_SAMPHOUR, "Battery charge"); INITDATA(BAT_MAX_CHARGE, ENVSYS_SAMPHOUR, "Battery design cap"); INITDATA(BAT_CURRENT, ENVSYS_SAMPS, "Battery current"); INITDATA(BAT_TEMPERATURE, ENVSYS_STEMP, "Battery temperature"); INITDATA(BAT_CHARGING, ENVSYS_BATTERY_CHARGE, "Battery charging"); INITDATA(BAT_FULL, ENVSYS_INDICATOR, "Battery full"); #undef INITDATA for (i = 0; i < BAT_NSENSORS; i++) { if (sysmon_envsys_sensor_attach(sc->sc_sme, &sc->sc_sensor[i])) { sysmon_envsys_destroy(sc->sc_sme); return; } } sc->sc_sme->sme_name = device_xname(sc->sc_dev); sc->sc_sme->sme_cookie = sc; sc->sc_sme->sme_refresh = battery_refresh; if (sysmon_envsys_register(sc->sc_sme)) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "unable to register with sysmon\n"); sysmon_envsys_destroy(sc->sc_sme); } } static void battery_refresh(struct sysmon_envsys *sme, envsys_data_t *edata) { struct battery_softc *sc = sme->sme_cookie; int which = edata->sensor; battery_update(sc, 0); switch (which) { case BAT_CPU_TEMPERATURE: edata->value_cur = sc->sc_cpu_temp * 1000000 + 273150000; break; case BAT_AC_PRESENT: edata->value_cur = (sc->sc_flags & PMU_PWR_AC_PRESENT); break; case BAT_PRESENT: edata->value_cur = (sc->sc_flags & PMU_PWR_BATT_PRESENT); break; case BAT_VOLTAGE: edata->value_cur = sc->sc_voltage * 1000; break; case BAT_CURRENT: edata->value_cur = sc->sc_current * 1000; break; case BAT_CHARGE: edata->value_cur = sc->sc_charge; break; case BAT_MAX_CHARGE: edata->value_cur = 100; break; case BAT_TEMPERATURE: edata->value_cur = sc->sc_bat_temp * 1000000 + 273150000; break; case BAT_CHARGING: if ((sc->sc_flags & PMU_PWR_BATT_CHARGING) && (sc->sc_flags & PMU_PWR_AC_PRESENT)) edata->value_cur = 1; else edata->value_cur = 0; break; case BAT_FULL: edata->value_cur = (sc->sc_flags & PMU_PWR_BATT_FULL); break; } edata->state = ENVSYS_SVALID; } static void battery_poll(void *cookie) { struct battery_softc *sc = cookie; battery_update(sc, 0); if ((sc->sc_flags & PMU_PWR_AC_PRESENT) == sc->sc_oflags) return; sc->sc_oflags = sc->sc_flags & PMU_PWR_AC_PRESENT; sysmon_pswitch_event(&sc->sc_sm_acpower, sc->sc_oflags ? PSWITCH_EVENT_PRESSED : PSWITCH_EVENT_RELEASED); }