/* $NetBSD: cuda.c,v 1.30 2023/09/06 08:14:42 macallan Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Lorenz * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: cuda.c,v 1.30 2023/09/06 08:14:42 macallan Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/proc.h> #include <sys/mutex.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <machine/autoconf.h> #include <machine/pio.h> #include <dev/clock_subr.h> #include <dev/i2c/i2cvar.h> #include <macppc/dev/viareg.h> #include <macppc/dev/cudavar.h> #include <dev/ofw/openfirm.h> #include <dev/adb/adbvar.h> #include "opt_cuda.h" #ifdef CUDA_DEBUG #define DPRINTF printf #else #define DPRINTF while (0) printf #endif #define CUDA_NOTREADY 0x1 /* has not been initialized yet */ #define CUDA_IDLE 0x2 /* the bus is currently idle */ #define CUDA_OUT 0x3 /* sending out a command */ #define CUDA_IN 0x4 /* receiving data */ #define CUDA_POLLING 0x5 /* polling - II only */ static void cuda_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); static int cuda_match(device_t, struct cfdata *, void *); static void cuda_autopoll(void *, int); static int cuda_intr(void *); typedef struct _cuda_handler { int (*handler)(void *, int, uint8_t *); void *cookie; } CudaHandler; struct cuda_softc { device_t sc_dev; void *sc_ih; CudaHandler sc_handlers[16]; struct todr_chip_handle sc_todr; struct adb_bus_accessops sc_adbops; struct i2c_controller sc_i2c; bus_space_tag_t sc_memt; bus_space_handle_t sc_memh; int sc_node; int sc_state; int sc_waiting; int sc_polling; int sc_sent; int sc_out_length; int sc_received; int sc_iic_done; int sc_error; /* time */ uint32_t sc_tod; uint32_t sc_autopoll; kcondvar_t sc_todev; kmutex_t sc_todevmtx; /* ADB */ void (*sc_adb_handler)(void *, int, uint8_t *); void *sc_adb_cookie; uint32_t sc_i2c_read_len; /* internal buffers */ uint8_t sc_in[256]; uint8_t sc_out[256]; }; CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(cuda, sizeof(struct cuda_softc), cuda_match, cuda_attach, NULL, NULL); static inline void cuda_write_reg(struct cuda_softc *, int, uint8_t); static inline uint8_t cuda_read_reg(struct cuda_softc *, int); static void cuda_idle(struct cuda_softc *); static void cuda_tip(struct cuda_softc *); static void cuda_clear_tip(struct cuda_softc *); static void cuda_in(struct cuda_softc *); static void cuda_out(struct cuda_softc *); static void cuda_toggle_ack(struct cuda_softc *); static void cuda_ack_off(struct cuda_softc *); static int cuda_intr_state(struct cuda_softc *); static void cuda_init(struct cuda_softc *); /* * send a message to Cuda. */ /* cookie, flags, length, data */ static int cuda_send(void *, int, int, uint8_t *); static void cuda_poll(void *); static void cuda_adb_poll(void *); static int cuda_set_handler(void *, int, int (*)(void *, int, uint8_t *), void *); static int cuda_error_handler(void *, int, uint8_t *); static int cuda_todr_handler(void *, int, uint8_t *); static int cuda_todr_set(todr_chip_handle_t, struct timeval *); static int cuda_todr_get(todr_chip_handle_t, struct timeval *); static int cuda_adb_handler(void *, int, uint8_t *); static void cuda_final(device_t); static struct cuda_attach_args *cuda0 = NULL; /* ADB bus attachment stuff */ static int cuda_adb_send(void *, int, int, int, uint8_t *); static int cuda_adb_set_handler(void *, void (*)(void *, int, uint8_t *), void *); /* i2c stuff */ static int cuda_i2c_exec(void *, i2c_op_t, i2c_addr_t, const void *, size_t, void *, size_t, int); static int cuda_match(device_t parent, struct cfdata *cf, void *aux) { struct confargs *ca = aux; if (ca->ca_nreg < 8) return 0; if (ca->ca_nintr < 4) return 0; if (strcmp(ca->ca_name, "via-cuda") == 0) { return 10; /* beat adb* at obio? */ } return 0; } static void cuda_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct confargs *ca = aux; struct cuda_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct i2cbus_attach_args iba; static struct cuda_attach_args caa; prop_dictionary_t dict = device_properties(self); prop_dictionary_t dev; prop_array_t cfg; int irq = ca->ca_intr[0]; int node, i, child; char name[32]; sc->sc_dev = self; node = of_getnode_byname(OF_parent(ca->ca_node), "extint-gpio1"); if (node) OF_getprop(node, "interrupts", &irq, 4); aprint_normal(" irq %d", irq); sc->sc_node = ca->ca_node; sc->sc_memt = ca->ca_tag; sc->sc_sent = 0; sc->sc_received = 0; sc->sc_waiting = 0; sc->sc_polling = 0; sc->sc_state = CUDA_NOTREADY; sc->sc_error = 0; sc->sc_i2c_read_len = 0; cv_init(&sc->sc_todev, "cuda_event"); mutex_init(&sc->sc_todevmtx, MUTEX_DEFAULT, IPL_NONE); if (bus_space_map(sc->sc_memt, ca->ca_reg[0] + ca->ca_baseaddr, ca->ca_reg[1], 0, &sc->sc_memh) != 0) { aprint_normal(": unable to map registers\n"); return; } sc->sc_ih = intr_establish_xname(irq, IST_EDGE, IPL_TTY, cuda_intr, sc, device_xname(self)); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sc->sc_handlers[i].handler = NULL; sc->sc_handlers[i].cookie = NULL; } cuda_init(sc); /* now attach children */ config_interrupts(self, cuda_final); cuda_set_handler(sc, CUDA_ERROR, cuda_error_handler, sc); cuda_set_handler(sc, CUDA_PSEUDO, cuda_todr_handler, sc); child = OF_child(ca->ca_node); while (child != 0) { if (OF_getprop(child, "name", name, 32) == 0) continue; if (strncmp(name, "adb", 4) == 0) { cuda_set_handler(sc, CUDA_ADB, cuda_adb_handler, sc); sc->sc_adbops.cookie = sc; sc->sc_adbops.send = cuda_adb_send; sc->sc_adbops.poll = cuda_adb_poll; sc->sc_adbops.autopoll = cuda_autopoll; sc->sc_adbops.set_handler = cuda_adb_set_handler; config_found(self, &sc->sc_adbops, nadb_print, CFARGS(.iattr = "adb_bus")); } else if (strncmp(name, "rtc", 4) == 0) { sc->sc_todr.todr_gettime = cuda_todr_get; sc->sc_todr.todr_settime = cuda_todr_set; sc->sc_todr.cookie = sc; todr_attach(&sc->sc_todr); } child = OF_peer(child); } caa.cookie = sc; caa.set_handler = cuda_set_handler; caa.send = cuda_send; caa.poll = cuda_poll; #if notyet config_found(self, &caa, cuda_print, CFARGS_NONE); #endif cfg = prop_array_create(); prop_dictionary_set(dict, "i2c-child-devices", cfg); prop_object_release(cfg); /* we don't have OF nodes for i2c devices so we have to make our own */ node = OF_finddevice("/valkyrie"); if (node != -1) { dev = prop_dictionary_create(); prop_dictionary_set_string(dev, "name", "videopll"); prop_dictionary_set_uint32(dev, "addr", 0x50); prop_array_add(cfg, dev); prop_object_release(dev); } node = OF_finddevice("/perch"); if (node != -1) { dev = prop_dictionary_create(); prop_dictionary_set_string(dev, "name", "sgsmix"); prop_dictionary_set_uint32(dev, "addr", 0x8a); prop_array_add(cfg, dev); prop_object_release(dev); } memset(&iba, 0, sizeof(iba)); iba.iba_tag = &sc->sc_i2c; iic_tag_init(&sc->sc_i2c); sc->sc_i2c.ic_cookie = sc; sc->sc_i2c.ic_exec = cuda_i2c_exec; config_found(self, &iba, iicbus_print, CFARGS(.iattr = "i2cbus")); if (cuda0 == NULL) cuda0 = &caa; } static void cuda_init(struct cuda_softc *sc) { uint8_t reg; reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vDirB); reg |= 0x30; /* register B bits 4 and 5: outputs */ cuda_write_reg(sc, vDirB, reg); reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vDirB); reg &= 0xf7; /* register B bit 3: input */ cuda_write_reg(sc, vDirB, reg); reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vACR); reg &= ~vSR_OUT; /* make sure SR is set to IN */ cuda_write_reg(sc, vACR, reg); cuda_write_reg(sc, vACR, (cuda_read_reg(sc, vACR) | 0x0c) & ~0x10); sc->sc_state = CUDA_IDLE; /* used by all types of hardware */ cuda_write_reg(sc, vIER, 0x84); /* make sure VIA interrupts are on */ cuda_idle(sc); /* set ADB bus state to idle */ /* sort of a device reset */ (void)cuda_read_reg(sc, vSR); /* clear interrupt */ cuda_write_reg(sc, vIER, 0x04); /* no interrupts while clearing */ cuda_idle(sc); /* reset state to idle */ delay(150); cuda_tip(sc); /* signal start of frame */ delay(150); cuda_toggle_ack(sc); delay(150); cuda_clear_tip(sc); delay(150); cuda_idle(sc); /* back to idle state */ (void)cuda_read_reg(sc, vSR); /* clear interrupt */ cuda_write_reg(sc, vIER, 0x84); /* ints ok now */ } static void cuda_final(device_t dev) { struct cuda_softc *sc = device_private(dev); sc->sc_polling = 0; } static inline void cuda_write_reg(struct cuda_softc *sc, int offset, uint8_t value) { bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_memh, offset, value); } static inline uint8_t cuda_read_reg(struct cuda_softc *sc, int offset) { return bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_memh, offset); } static int cuda_set_handler(void *cookie, int type, int (*handler)(void *, int, uint8_t *), void *hcookie) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; CudaHandler *me; if ((type >= 0) && (type < 16)) { me = &sc->sc_handlers[type]; me->handler = handler; me->cookie = hcookie; return 0; } return -1; } static int cuda_send(void *cookie, int poll, int length, uint8_t *msg) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; int s; DPRINTF("cuda_send %08x\n", (uint32_t)cookie); if (sc->sc_state == CUDA_NOTREADY) return -1; s = splhigh(); if (sc->sc_state == CUDA_IDLE /*&& (cuda_read_reg(sc, vBufB) & vPB3) == vPB3*/) { /* fine */ DPRINTF("chip is idle\n"); } else { DPRINTF("cuda state is %d\n", sc->sc_state); if (sc->sc_waiting == 0) { sc->sc_waiting = 1; } else { splx(s); return -1; } } sc->sc_error = 0; memcpy(sc->sc_out, msg, length); sc->sc_out_length = length; sc->sc_sent = 0; if (sc->sc_waiting != 1) { delay(150); sc->sc_state = CUDA_OUT; cuda_out(sc); cuda_write_reg(sc, vSR, sc->sc_out[0]); cuda_ack_off(sc); cuda_tip(sc); } sc->sc_waiting = 1; if (sc->sc_polling || poll || cold) { cuda_poll(sc); } splx(s); return 0; } static void cuda_poll(void *cookie) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; int s; DPRINTF("polling\n"); while ((sc->sc_state != CUDA_IDLE) || (cuda_intr_state(sc)) || (sc->sc_waiting == 1)) { if ((cuda_read_reg(sc, vIFR) & vSR_INT) == vSR_INT) { s = splhigh(); cuda_intr(sc); splx(s); } } } static void cuda_adb_poll(void *cookie) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; int s; s = splhigh(); cuda_intr(sc); splx(s); } static void cuda_idle(struct cuda_softc *sc) { uint8_t reg; reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vBufB); reg |= (vPB4 | vPB5); cuda_write_reg(sc, vBufB, reg); } static void cuda_tip(struct cuda_softc *sc) { uint8_t reg; reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vBufB); reg &= ~vPB5; cuda_write_reg(sc, vBufB, reg); } static void cuda_clear_tip(struct cuda_softc *sc) { uint8_t reg; reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vBufB); reg |= vPB5; cuda_write_reg(sc, vBufB, reg); } static void cuda_in(struct cuda_softc *sc) { uint8_t reg; reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vACR); reg &= ~vSR_OUT; cuda_write_reg(sc, vACR, reg); } static void cuda_out(struct cuda_softc *sc) { uint8_t reg; reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vACR); reg |= vSR_OUT; cuda_write_reg(sc, vACR, reg); } static void cuda_toggle_ack(struct cuda_softc *sc) { uint8_t reg; reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vBufB); reg ^= vPB4; cuda_write_reg(sc, vBufB, reg); } static void cuda_ack_off(struct cuda_softc *sc) { uint8_t reg; reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vBufB); reg |= vPB4; cuda_write_reg(sc, vBufB, reg); } static int cuda_intr_state(struct cuda_softc *sc) { return ((cuda_read_reg(sc, vBufB) & vPB3) == 0); } static int cuda_intr(void *arg) { struct cuda_softc *sc = arg; int ending, type; uint8_t reg; reg = cuda_read_reg(sc, vIFR); /* Read the interrupts */ DPRINTF("["); if ((reg & 0x80) == 0) { DPRINTF("irq %02x]", reg); return 0; /* No interrupts to process */ } DPRINTF(":"); cuda_write_reg(sc, vIFR, 0x7f); /* Clear 'em */ switch_start: switch (sc->sc_state) { case CUDA_IDLE: /* * This is an unexpected packet, so grab the first (dummy) * byte, set up the proper vars, and tell the chip we are * starting to receive the packet by setting the TIP bit. */ sc->sc_in[1] = cuda_read_reg(sc, vSR); DPRINTF("start: %02x", sc->sc_in[1]); if (cuda_intr_state(sc) == 0) { /* must have been a fake start */ DPRINTF(" ... fake start\n"); if (sc->sc_waiting) { /* start over */ delay(150); sc->sc_state = CUDA_OUT; sc->sc_sent = 0; cuda_out(sc); cuda_write_reg(sc, vSR, sc->sc_out[1]); cuda_ack_off(sc); cuda_tip(sc); } break; } cuda_in(sc); cuda_tip(sc); sc->sc_received = 1; sc->sc_state = CUDA_IN; DPRINTF(" CUDA_IN"); break; case CUDA_IN: sc->sc_in[sc->sc_received] = cuda_read_reg(sc, vSR); DPRINTF(" %02x", sc->sc_in[sc->sc_received]); ending = 0; if (sc->sc_received > 255) { /* bitch only once */ if (sc->sc_received == 256) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "input overflow\n"); ending = 1; } } else sc->sc_received++; if (sc->sc_received > 3) { if ((sc->sc_in[3] == CMD_IIC) && (sc->sc_received > (sc->sc_i2c_read_len + 4))) { ending = 1; } } /* intr off means this is the last byte (end of frame) */ if (cuda_intr_state(sc) == 0) { ending = 1; DPRINTF(".\n"); } else { cuda_toggle_ack(sc); } if (ending == 1) { /* end of message? */ sc->sc_in[0] = sc->sc_received - 1; /* reset vars and signal the end of this frame */ cuda_idle(sc); /* check if we have a handler for this message */ type = sc->sc_in[1]; if ((type >= 0) && (type < 16)) { CudaHandler *me = &sc->sc_handlers[type]; if (me->handler != NULL) { me->handler(me->cookie, sc->sc_received - 1, &sc->sc_in[1]); } else { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "no handler for type %02x\n", type); panic("barf"); } } DPRINTF("CUDA_IDLE"); sc->sc_state = CUDA_IDLE; sc->sc_received = 0; /* * If there is something waiting to be sent out, * set everything up and send the first byte. */ if (sc->sc_waiting == 1) { DPRINTF("pending write\n"); delay(1500); /* required */ sc->sc_sent = 0; sc->sc_state = CUDA_OUT; /* * If the interrupt is on, we were too slow * and the chip has already started to send * something to us, so back out of the write * and start a read cycle. */ if (cuda_intr_state(sc)) { cuda_in(sc); cuda_idle(sc); sc->sc_sent = 0; sc->sc_state = CUDA_IDLE; sc->sc_received = 0; delay(150); DPRINTF("too slow - incoming message\n"); goto switch_start; } /* * If we got here, it's ok to start sending * so load the first byte and tell the chip * we want to send. */ DPRINTF("sending "); cuda_out(sc); cuda_write_reg(sc, vSR, sc->sc_out[sc->sc_sent]); cuda_ack_off(sc); cuda_tip(sc); } } break; case CUDA_OUT: (void)cuda_read_reg(sc, vSR); /* reset SR-intr in IFR */ sc->sc_sent++; if (cuda_intr_state(sc)) { /* ADB intr low during write */ DPRINTF("incoming msg during send\n"); cuda_in(sc); /* make sure SR is set to IN */ cuda_idle(sc); sc->sc_sent = 0; /* must start all over */ sc->sc_state = CUDA_IDLE; /* new state */ sc->sc_received = 0; sc->sc_waiting = 1; /* must retry when done with * read */ delay(150); goto switch_start; /* process next state right * now */ break; } if (sc->sc_out_length == sc->sc_sent) { /* check for done */ sc->sc_waiting = 0; /* done writing */ sc->sc_state = CUDA_IDLE; /* signal bus is idle */ cuda_in(sc); cuda_idle(sc); DPRINTF("done sending\n"); } else { /* send next byte */ cuda_write_reg(sc, vSR, sc->sc_out[sc->sc_sent]); DPRINTF("%02x", sc->sc_out[sc->sc_sent]); cuda_toggle_ack(sc); /* signal byte ready to * shift */ } break; case CUDA_NOTREADY: DPRINTF("adb: not yet initialized\n"); break; default: DPRINTF("intr: unknown ADB state\n"); break; } DPRINTF("]"); return 1; } static int cuda_error_handler(void *cookie, int len, uint8_t *data) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; /* * something went wrong * byte 3 seems to be the failed command */ sc->sc_error = 1; DPRINTF("cuda error %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]); cv_signal(&sc->sc_todev); return 0; } /* real time clock */ static int cuda_todr_handler(void *cookie, int len, uint8_t *data) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; #ifdef CUDA_DEBUG int i; printf("msg: %02x", data[0]); for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { printf(" %02x", data[i]); } printf("\n"); #endif switch(data[2]) { case CMD_READ_RTC: memcpy(&sc->sc_tod, &data[3], 4); break; case CMD_WRITE_RTC: sc->sc_tod = 0xffffffff; break; case CMD_AUTOPOLL: sc->sc_autopoll = 1; break; case CMD_IIC: sc->sc_iic_done = len; break; } cv_signal(&sc->sc_todev); return 0; } #define DIFF19041970 2082844800 static int cuda_todr_get(todr_chip_handle_t tch, struct timeval *tvp) { struct cuda_softc *sc = tch->cookie; int cnt = 0; uint8_t cmd[] = { CUDA_PSEUDO, CMD_READ_RTC}; sc->sc_tod = 0; while (sc->sc_tod == 0) { cuda_send(sc, 0, 2, cmd); while ((sc->sc_tod == 0) && (cnt < 10)) { mutex_enter(&sc->sc_todevmtx); cv_timedwait(&sc->sc_todev, &sc->sc_todevmtx, hz); mutex_exit(&sc->sc_todevmtx); cnt++; } if (sc->sc_tod == 0) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "unable to read a sane RTC value\n"); return EIO; } if ((sc->sc_tod > 0xf0000000UL) || (sc->sc_tod < DIFF19041970)) { /* huh? try again */ sc->sc_tod = 0; aprint_verbose_dev(sc->sc_dev, "got garbage reading RTC, trying again\n"); } } tvp->tv_sec = sc->sc_tod - DIFF19041970; DPRINTF("tod: %" PRIo64 "\n", tvp->tv_sec); tvp->tv_usec = 0; return 0; } static int cuda_todr_set(todr_chip_handle_t tch, struct timeval *tvp) { struct cuda_softc *sc = tch->cookie; uint32_t sec; uint8_t cmd[] = {CUDA_PSEUDO, CMD_WRITE_RTC, 0, 0, 0, 0}; sec = tvp->tv_sec + DIFF19041970; memcpy(&cmd[2], &sec, 4); sc->sc_tod = 0; if (cuda_send(sc, 0, 6, cmd) == 0) { while (sc->sc_tod == 0) { mutex_enter(&sc->sc_todevmtx); cv_timedwait(&sc->sc_todev, &sc->sc_todevmtx, hz); mutex_exit(&sc->sc_todevmtx); } return 0; } aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "%s failed\n", __func__); return -1; } /* poweroff and reboot */ void cuda_poweroff(void) { struct cuda_softc *sc; uint8_t cmd[] = {CUDA_PSEUDO, CMD_POWEROFF}; if (cuda0 == NULL) return; sc = cuda0->cookie; sc->sc_polling = 1; cuda0->poll(sc); if (cuda0->send(sc, 1, 2, cmd) == 0) while (1); } void cuda_restart(void) { struct cuda_softc *sc; uint8_t cmd[] = {CUDA_PSEUDO, CMD_RESET}; if (cuda0 == NULL) return; sc = cuda0->cookie; sc->sc_polling = 1; cuda0->poll(sc); if (cuda0->send(sc, 1, 2, cmd) == 0) while (1); } /* ADB message handling */ static void cuda_autopoll(void *cookie, int flag) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; uint8_t cmd[] = {CUDA_PSEUDO, CMD_AUTOPOLL, (flag != 0)}; if (cmd[2] == sc->sc_autopoll) return; sc->sc_autopoll = -1; cuda_send(sc, 0, 3, cmd); while(sc->sc_autopoll == -1) { if (sc->sc_polling || cold) { cuda_poll(sc); } else { mutex_enter(&sc->sc_todevmtx); cv_timedwait(&sc->sc_todev, &sc->sc_todevmtx, hz); mutex_exit(&sc->sc_todevmtx); } } } static int cuda_adb_handler(void *cookie, int len, uint8_t *data) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; if (sc->sc_adb_handler != NULL) { sc->sc_adb_handler(sc->sc_adb_cookie, len - 1, &data[1]); return 0; } return -1; } static int cuda_adb_send(void *cookie, int poll, int command, int len, uint8_t *data) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; int i, s = 0; uint8_t packet[16]; /* construct an ADB command packet and send it */ packet[0] = CUDA_ADB; packet[1] = command; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) packet[i + 2] = data[i]; if (poll || cold) { s = splhigh(); cuda_poll(sc); } cuda_send(sc, poll, len + 2, packet); if (poll || cold) { cuda_poll(sc); splx(s); } return 0; } static int cuda_adb_set_handler(void *cookie, void (*handler)(void *, int, uint8_t *), void *hcookie) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; /* register a callback for incoming ADB messages */ sc->sc_adb_handler = handler; sc->sc_adb_cookie = hcookie; return 0; } /* i2c message handling */ static int cuda_i2c_exec(void *cookie, i2c_op_t op, i2c_addr_t addr, const void *_send, size_t send_len, void *_recv, size_t recv_len, int flags) { struct cuda_softc *sc = cookie; const uint8_t *send = _send; uint8_t *recv = _recv; uint8_t command[16] = {CUDA_PSEUDO, CMD_IIC}; DPRINTF("cuda_i2c_exec(%02x)\n", addr); command[2] = addr; /* Copy command and output data bytes, if any, to buffer */ if (send_len > 0) memcpy(&command[3], send, uimin((int)send_len, 12)); else if (I2C_OP_READ_P(op) && (recv_len == 0)) { /* * If no data bytes in either direction, it's a "quick" * i2c operation. We don't know how to do a quick_read * since that requires us to set the low bit of the * address byte after it has been left-shifted. */ sc->sc_error = 0; return -1; } sc->sc_iic_done = 0; cuda_send(sc, sc->sc_polling, send_len + 3, command); while ((sc->sc_iic_done == 0) && (sc->sc_error == 0)) { if (sc->sc_polling || cold) { cuda_poll(sc); } else { mutex_enter(&sc->sc_todevmtx); cv_timedwait(&sc->sc_todev, &sc->sc_todevmtx, hz); mutex_exit(&sc->sc_todevmtx); } } if (sc->sc_error) { sc->sc_error = 0; aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "error doing I2C\n"); return -1; } /* see if we're supposed to do a read */ if (recv_len > 0) { sc->sc_iic_done = 0; command[2] |= 1; command[3] = 0; /* * XXX we need to do something to limit the size of the answer * - apparently the chip keeps sending until we tell it to stop */ sc->sc_i2c_read_len = recv_len; DPRINTF("rcv_len: %d\n", recv_len); cuda_send(sc, sc->sc_polling, 3, command); while ((sc->sc_iic_done == 0) && (sc->sc_error == 0)) { if (sc->sc_polling || cold) { cuda_poll(sc); } else { mutex_enter(&sc->sc_todevmtx); cv_timedwait(&sc->sc_todev, &sc->sc_todevmtx, hz); mutex_exit(&sc->sc_todevmtx); } } if (sc->sc_error) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "error trying to read from I2C\n"); sc->sc_error = 0; return -1; } } DPRINTF("received: %d\n", sc->sc_iic_done); if ((sc->sc_iic_done > 3) && (recv_len > 0)) { int rlen; /* we got an answer */ rlen = uimin(sc->sc_iic_done - 3, recv_len); memcpy(recv, &sc->sc_in[4], rlen); #ifdef CUDA_DEBUG { int i; printf("ret:"); for (i = 0; i < rlen; i++) printf(" %02x", recv[i]); printf("\n"); } #endif return rlen; } return 0; }