/* $NetBSD: ar5315.c,v 1.10 2012/10/27 17:18:02 chs Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2006 Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center. * Copyright (c) 2006 Garrett D'Amore. * All rights reserved. * * Portions of this code were written by Garrett D'Amore for the * Champaign-Urbana Community Wireless Network Project. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this * software must display the following acknowledgements: * This product includes software developed by the Urbana-Champaign * Independent Media Center. * This product includes software developed by Garrett D'Amore. * 4. Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center's name and Garrett * D'Amore's name may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INDEPENDENT * MEDIA CENTER AND GARRETT D'AMORE ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INDEPENDENT * MEDIA CENTER OR GARRETT D'AMORE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * This file includes a bunch of implementation specific bits for * AR5315, which differs these from other members of the AR531X * family. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: ar5315.c,v 1.10 2012/10/27 17:18:02 chs Exp $"); #include "opt_ddb.h" #include "opt_kgdb.h" #include "opt_memsize.h" #define __INTR_PRIVATE #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/buf.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <mips/cache.h> #include <mips/locore.h> #include <mips/cpuregs.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_ether.h> #include <prop/proplib.h> #include <ah_soc.h> /* XXX really doesn't belong in hal */ #include <mips/atheros/include/ar5315reg.h> #include <mips/atheros/include/platform.h> #include <mips/atheros/include/arbusvar.h> #include <mips/locore.h> /* helper macro for accessing system registers without bus space */ #define REGVAL(x) *((volatile uint32_t *)(MIPS_PHYS_TO_KSEG1((x)))) #define GETSYSREG(x) REGVAL((x) + AR5315_SYSREG_BASE) #define PUTSYSREG(x,v) (REGVAL((x) + AR5315_SYSREG_BASE)) = (v) #define GETPCIREG(x) REGVAL((x) + AR5315_PCI_BASE) #define PUTPCIREG(x,v) (REGVAL((x) + AR5315_PCI_BASE)) = (v) #define GETSDRAMREG(x) REGVAL((x) + AR5315_SDRAMCTL_BASE) static uint32_t ar5315_get_memsize(void) { #ifndef MEMSIZE uint32_t memsize = 0; uint32_t memcfg, cw, rw, dw; /* * Determine the memory size. We query the board info. */ memcfg = GETSDRAMREG(AR5315_SDRAMCTL_MEM_CFG); cw = __SHIFTOUT(memcfg, AR5315_MEM_CFG_COL_WIDTH); cw += 1; rw = __SHIFTOUT(memcfg, AR5315_MEM_CFG_ROW_WIDTH); rw += 1; /* XXX: according to redboot, this could be wrong if DDR SDRAM */ dw = __SHIFTOUT(memcfg, AR5315_MEM_CFG_DATA_WIDTH); dw += 1; dw *= 8; /* bits */ /* not too sure about this math, but it _seems_ to add up */ memsize = (1 << cw) * (1 << rw) * dw; #if 0 printf("SDRAM_MEM_CFG =%x, cw=%d rw=%d dw=%d xmemsize=%d\n", memcfg, cw, rw, dw, memsize); #endif return (memsize); #else /* compile time value forced */ return MEMSIZE; #endif } static void ar5315_wdog_reload(uint32_t period) { if (period == 0) { PUTSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_WDOG_CTL, AR5315_WDOG_CTL_IGNORE); PUTSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_WDOG_TIMER, 0); } else { PUTSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_WDOG_TIMER, period); PUTSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_WDOG_CTL, AR5315_WDOG_CTL_RESET); } } static void ar5315_bus_init(void) { /* * Set CCA of KSEG0 access to 3 (actually any value other than * 2 & 7 means that KSEG0 accesses are cached but 3 is standard * value for writeback caching). */ mips3_cp0_config_write((mips3_cp0_config_read() & -8) | 3); PUTSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_AHB_ERR0, AR5315_AHB_ERROR_DET); GETSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_AHB_ERR1); } static void ar5315_get_freqs(struct arfreqs *freqs) { static const uint8_t pll_divide_table[] = { 2, 3, 4, 6, 3, /* * these entries are bogus, but it avoids a possible * bad table dereference */ 1, 1, 1 }; static const uint8_t pre_divide_table[] = { 1, 2, 4, 5 }; const uint32_t pllc = GETSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_PLLC_CTL); const uint32_t refdiv = pre_divide_table[AR5315_PLLC_REF_DIV(pllc)]; const uint32_t fbdiv = AR5315_PLLC_FB_DIV(pllc); const uint32_t div2 = (AR5315_PLLC_DIV_2(pllc) + 1) * 2; /* results in 2 or 4 */ freqs->freq_ref = 40000000; /* 40MHz reference clk, reference and feedback dividers */ freqs->freq_pll = (freqs->freq_ref / refdiv) * div2 * fbdiv; const uint32_t pllout[4] = { /* CLKM select */ [0] = freqs->freq_pll / pll_divide_table[AR5315_PLLC_CLKM(pllc)], [1] = freqs->freq_pll / pll_divide_table[AR5315_PLLC_CLKM(pllc)], /* CLKC select */ [2] = freqs->freq_pll / pll_divide_table[AR5315_PLLC_CLKC(pllc)], /* ref_clk select */ [3] = freqs->freq_ref, /* use original reference clock */ }; const uint32_t amba_clkctl = GETSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_AMBACLK); uint32_t ambadiv = AR5315_CLOCKCTL_DIV(amba_clkctl); ambadiv = ambadiv ? (ambadiv * 2) : 1; freqs->freq_bus = pllout[AR5315_CLOCKCTL_SELECT(amba_clkctl)] / ambadiv; const uint32_t cpu_clkctl = GETSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_CPUCLK); uint32_t cpudiv = AR5315_CLOCKCTL_DIV(cpu_clkctl); cpudiv = cpudiv ? (cpudiv * 2) : 1; freqs->freq_cpu = pllout[AR5315_CLOCKCTL_SELECT(cpu_clkctl)] / cpudiv; freqs->freq_mem = 0; } static void addprop_data(device_t dev, const char *name, const uint8_t *data, int len) { prop_data_t pd; pd = prop_data_create_data(data, len); KASSERT(pd != NULL); if (prop_dictionary_set(device_properties(dev), name, pd) == false) { printf("WARNING: unable to set %s property for %s\n", name, device_xname(dev)); } prop_object_release(pd); } static void addprop_integer(device_t dev, const char *name, uint32_t val) { prop_number_t pn; pn = prop_number_create_integer(val); KASSERT(pn != NULL); if (prop_dictionary_set(device_properties(dev), name, pn) == false) { printf("WARNING: unable to set %s property for %s", name, device_xname(dev)); } prop_object_release(pn); } static void ar5315_device_register(device_t dev, void *aux) { const struct arbus_attach_args * const aa = aux; const struct ar531x_boarddata * const info = atheros_get_board_info(); if (device_is_a(dev, "com")) { addprop_integer(dev, "frequency", atheros_get_bus_freq()); } if (info == NULL) { /* nothing known about this board! */ return; } /* * We don't ever know the boot device. But that's because the * firmware only loads from the network. */ /* Fetch the MAC addresses. */ if (device_is_a(dev, "ae")) { const uint8_t *enet; if (aa->aa_addr == AR5315_ENET_BASE) enet = info->enet0Mac; else return; addprop_data(dev, "mac-address", enet, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); } if (device_is_a(dev, "ath")) { const uint8_t *enet; if (aa->aa_addr == AR5315_WLAN_BASE) enet = info->wlan0Mac; else return; addprop_data(dev, "mac-address", enet, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); addprop_integer(dev, "wmac-rev", GETSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_SREV)); } if (device_is_a(dev, "argpio")) { if (info->config & BD_RSTFACTORY) { addprop_integer(dev, "reset-pin", info->resetConfigGpio); } if (info->config & BD_SYSLED) { addprop_integer(dev, "sysled-pin", info->sysLedGpio); } } } static int ar5315_enable_device(const struct atheros_device *adv) { if (adv->adv_addr == AR5315_WLAN_BASE) { /* enable arbitration for wlan */ PUTSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_AHB_ARB_CTL, GETSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_AHB_ARB_CTL) | AR5315_ARB_WLAN); /* set WLAN for big endian */ PUTSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_ENDIAN, GETSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_ENDIAN) | AR5315_ENDIAN_WLAN); /* wake up the mac */ PUTPCIREG(AR5315_PCI_MAC_SCR, (GETPCIREG(AR5315_PCI_MAC_SCR) & ~PCI_MAC_SCR_SLM_MASK) | PCI_MAC_SCR_SLM_FWAKE); /* wait for it to wake up */ while (GETPCIREG(AR5315_PCI_MAC_PCICFG) & PCI_MAC_PCICFG_SPWR_DN); } return 0; } static void ar5315_intr_init(void) { atheros_intr_init(); } static void ar5315_reset(void) { PUTSYSREG(AR5315_SYSREG_COLDRESET, AR5315_COLD_AHB | AR5315_COLD_APB | AR5315_COLD_CPU); } const static struct atheros_device ar5315_devices[] = { { .adv_name = "com", .adv_addr = AR5315_UART_BASE, .adv_size = 0x1000, .adv_cirq = AR5315_CPU_IRQ_MISC, .adv_mirq = AR5315_MISC_IRQ_UART, }, { .adv_name = "ae", .adv_addr = AR5315_ENET_BASE, .adv_size = 0x100000, .adv_cirq = AR5315_CPU_IRQ_ENET, .adv_mirq = -1, }, { .adv_name = "ath", .adv_addr = AR5315_WLAN_BASE, .adv_size = 0x100000, .adv_cirq = AR5315_CPU_IRQ_WLAN, .adv_mirq = -1, }, { .adv_name = "arspi", .adv_addr = AR5315_SPI_BASE, .adv_size = 0x10, .adv_cirq = AR5315_CPU_IRQ_MISC, .adv_mirq = AR5315_MISC_IRQ_SPI, }, { .adv_name = NULL } }; static const struct ipl_sr_map ar5315_ipl_sr_map = { .sr_bits = { [IPL_NONE] = 0, [IPL_SOFTCLOCK] = MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK_0, [IPL_SOFTBIO] = MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK_0, [IPL_SOFTNET] = MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK, [IPL_SOFTSERIAL] = MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK, [IPL_VM] = MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK | MIPS_INT_MASK_0 | MIPS_INT_MASK_1 | MIPS_INT_MASK_2, [IPL_SCHED] = MIPS_INT_MASK, [IPL_DDB] = MIPS_INT_MASK, [IPL_HIGH] = MIPS_INT_MASK, }, }; static const char * const ar5315_cpu_intrnames[] = { "int 0 (misc)", "int 1 (wlan)", "int 2 (enet)", }; static const char * const ar5315_misc_intrnames[] = { "misc 0 (uart)", "misc 1 (i2c)", "misc 2 (spi)", "misc 3 (ahb error)", "misc 4 (apb error)", "misc 5 (timer)", "misc 6 (gpio)", "misc 7 (watchdog)", "misc 8 (ir)" }; const struct atheros_platformsw ar5315_platformsw = { .apsw_intrsw = &atheros_intrsw, .apsw_intr_init = ar5315_intr_init, .apsw_cpu_intrnames = ar5315_cpu_intrnames, .apsw_misc_intrnames = ar5315_misc_intrnames, .apsw_cpu_nintrs = __arraycount(ar5315_cpu_intrnames), .apsw_misc_nintrs = __arraycount(ar5315_misc_intrnames), .apsw_cpuirq_misc = AR5315_CPU_IRQ_MISC, .apsw_ipl_sr_map = &ar5315_ipl_sr_map, .apsw_revision_id_addr = AR5315_SYSREG_BASE + AR5315_SYSREG_SREV, .apsw_uart0_base = AR5315_UART_BASE, .apsw_misc_intstat = AR5315_SYSREG_BASE + AR5315_SYSREG_MISC_INTSTAT, .apsw_misc_intmask = AR5315_SYSREG_BASE + AR5315_SYSREG_MISC_INTMASK, /* * CPU specific routines. */ .apsw_get_memsize = ar5315_get_memsize, .apsw_wdog_reload = ar5315_wdog_reload, .apsw_bus_init = ar5315_bus_init, .apsw_reset = ar5315_reset, .apsw_get_freqs = ar5315_get_freqs, .apsw_device_register = ar5315_device_register, .apsw_enable_device = ar5315_enable_device, .apsw_devices = ar5315_devices, };