/* * Copyright 1989 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Copyright 1992 Claude Lecommandeur. */ /********************************************************************** * * $XConsortium: icons.c,v 1.22 91/07/12 09:58:38 dave Exp $ * * Icon releated routines * * 10-Apr-89 Tom LaStrange Initial Version. * * Do the necessary modification to be integrated in ctwm. * Can no longer be used for the standard twm. * * 22-April-92 Claude Lecommandeur. * * **********************************************************************/ #include "ctwm.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <X11/extensions/shape.h> #include "drawing.h" #include "screen.h" #include "iconmgr.h" #include "icons.h" #include "otp.h" #include "list.h" #include "parse.h" #include "util.h" #include "animate.h" #include "image.h" #include "win_utils.h" #include "workspace_manager.h" #include "xparsegeometry.h" static void splitIconRegionEntry(IconEntry *ie, RegGravity grav1, RegGravity grav2, int w, int h); static void PlaceIcon(TwmWindow *tmp_win, int def_x, int def_y, int *final_x, int *final_y); static IconEntry *FindIconEntry(TwmWindow *tmp_win, IconRegion **irp); static IconEntry *prevIconEntry(IconEntry *ie, IconRegion *ir); static void mergeEntries(IconEntry *old, IconEntry *ie); static void ReshapeIcon(Icon *icon); static int roundUp(int v, int multiple); static Image *LookupIconNameOrClass(TwmWindow *tmp_win, Icon *icon, char **pattern); /* **************************************************************** * * First some bits related to figuring out where icons go. Lots of * IconRegion handling stuff, handling of IconEntry tracking, etc. * **************************************************************** */ /* * This function operates in very weird and obtuse ways, especially in * how it handles vertical vs. horizontal in weird recursive calls. Part * of this is what previously allowed specs with "hgrav vgrav" instead of * the proper "vgrav hgrav" to sorta-work. This should be broken up at * some point into clean h/v functions, but because of the recursion it's * not exactly trivial. The parsing code now enforces v/h, so at least * things can be known to come in in the right order initially. Revisit * someday. */ static void splitIconRegionEntry(IconEntry *ie, RegGravity grav1, RegGravity grav2, int w, int h) { switch(grav1) { case GRAV_NORTH: case GRAV_SOUTH: if(w != ie->w) { splitIconRegionEntry(ie, grav2, grav1, w, ie->h); } if(h != ie->h) { IconEntry *new = calloc(1, sizeof(IconEntry)); new->next = ie->next; ie->next = new; new->x = ie->x; new->h = (ie->h - h); new->w = ie->w; ie->h = h; if(grav1 == GRAV_SOUTH) { new->y = ie->y; ie->y = new->y + new->h; } else { new->y = ie->y + ie->h; } } break; case GRAV_EAST: case GRAV_WEST: if(h != ie->h) { splitIconRegionEntry(ie, grav2, grav1, ie->w, h); } if(w != ie->w) { IconEntry *new = calloc(1, sizeof(IconEntry)); new->next = ie->next; ie->next = new; new->y = ie->y; new->w = (ie->w - w); new->h = ie->h; ie->w = w; if(grav1 == GRAV_EAST) { new->x = ie->x; ie->x = new->x + new->w; } else { new->x = ie->x + ie->w; } } break; } } /* * Backend for parsing IconRegion config */ name_list ** AddIconRegion(const char *geom, RegGravity grav1, RegGravity grav2, int stepx, int stepy, const char *ijust, const char *just, const char *align) { IconRegion *ir; int mask, tmp; ir = malloc(sizeof(IconRegion)); ir->next = NULL; if(Scr->LastRegion) { Scr->LastRegion->next = ir; } Scr->LastRegion = ir; if(!Scr->FirstRegion) { Scr->FirstRegion = ir; } ir->entries = NULL; ir->clientlist = NULL; ir->grav1 = grav1; ir->grav2 = grav2; if(stepx <= 0) { stepx = 1; } if(stepy <= 0) { stepy = 1; } ir->stepx = stepx; ir->stepy = stepy; ir->x = ir->y = ir->w = ir->h = 0; mask = RLayoutXParseGeometry(Scr->Layout, geom, &ir->x, &ir->y, (unsigned int *)&ir->w, (unsigned int *)&ir->h); if(mask & XNegative) { ir->x += Scr->rootw - ir->w; } if(mask & YNegative) { ir->y += Scr->rooth - ir->h; } ir->entries = calloc(1, sizeof(IconEntry)); ir->entries->x = ir->x; ir->entries->y = ir->y; ir->entries->w = ir->w; ir->entries->h = ir->h; if((tmp = ParseTitleJustification(ijust)) < 0) { twmrc_error_prefix(); fprintf(stderr, "ignoring invalid IconRegion argument \"%s\"\n", ijust); tmp = TJ_UNDEF; } ir->TitleJustification = tmp; if((tmp = ParseIRJustification(just)) < 0) { twmrc_error_prefix(); fprintf(stderr, "ignoring invalid IconRegion argument \"%s\"\n", just); tmp = IRJ_UNDEF; } ir->Justification = tmp; if((tmp = ParseAlignement(align)) < 0) { twmrc_error_prefix(); fprintf(stderr, "ignoring invalid IconRegion argument \"%s\"\n", align); tmp = IRA_UNDEF; } ir->Alignement = tmp; return(&(ir->clientlist)); } /* * Figure out where to put a window's icon based on the IconRegion * specifications given in config. Passed def_[xy] which are used * if we don't find a better location ourselves. Returns the chosen * location in final_[xy], and also sets the IconRegion in tmp_win->icon * if we chose one. */ static void PlaceIcon(TwmWindow *tmp_win, int def_x, int def_y, int *final_x, int *final_y) { IconRegion *ir, *oldir; IconEntry *ie; int w, h; const int iconWidth = tmp_win->icon->border_width * 2 + (Scr->ShrinkIconTitles ? tmp_win->icon->width : tmp_win->icon->w_width); const int iconHeight = tmp_win->icon->border_width * 2 + tmp_win->icon->w_height; /* * First, check to see if the window is in a region's client list * (i.e., the win-list on an IconRegion specifier in the config). */ ie = NULL; for(ir = Scr->FirstRegion; ir; ir = ir->next) { if(LookInList(ir->clientlist, tmp_win->name, &tmp_win->class)) { /* * Found one that claims it. Figure the necessary local * size, based on the icon's side itself and the grid for * this IR. */ w = roundUp(iconWidth, ir->stepx); h = roundUp(iconHeight, ir->stepy); /* Find a currently-unused region that's big enough */ for(ie = ir->entries; ie; ie = ie->next) { if(ie->used) { continue; } if(ie->w >= w && ie->h >= h) { /* Bingo */ break; } } /* If we found one, we're done here */ if(ie) { break; } } } /* * If we found a slot in a region claiming it, ie is set to the * IconEntry. If not, start over and find the first available berth. */ if(!ie) { for(ir = Scr->FirstRegion; ir; ir = ir->next) { w = roundUp(iconWidth, ir->stepx); h = roundUp(iconHeight, ir->stepy); for(ie = ir->entries; ie; ie = ie->next) { if(ie->used) { continue; } if(ie->w >= w && ie->h >= h) { /* Bingo */ break; } } if(ie) { break; } } } /* Stash for comparison */ oldir = tmp_win->icon->ir; /* * If we found an appropriate region, use it. Else, we have no * better idea, so use the x/y coords the caller passed us as our * basis. */ if(ie) { /* XXX whatever sIRE() does */ splitIconRegionEntry(ie, ir->grav1, ir->grav2, w, h); /* Adjust horizontal positioning based on IconRegionJustification */ switch(ir->Justification) { case IRJ_LEFT: *final_x = ie->x; break; case IRJ_UNDEF: case IRJ_CENTER: *final_x = ie->x + (ie->w - iconWidth) / 2; break; case IRJ_RIGHT: *final_x = ie->x + ie->w - iconWidth; break; case IRJ_BORDER: if(ir->grav2 == GRAV_EAST) { *final_x = ie->x + ie->w - iconWidth; } else { *final_x = ie->x; } break; } /* And vertical based on IconRegionAlignement */ switch(ir->Alignement) { case IRA_TOP : *final_y = ie->y; break; case IRA_UNDEF : case IRA_CENTER : *final_y = ie->y + (ie->h - iconHeight) / 2; break; case IRA_BOTTOM : *final_y = ie->y + ie->h - iconHeight; break; case IRA_BORDER : if(ir->grav1 == GRAV_SOUTH) { *final_y = ie->y + ie->h - iconHeight; } else { *final_y = ie->y; } break; } /* Tell the win/icon what region it's in, and the entry what's in it */ tmp_win->icon->ir = ir; ie->used = true; ie->twm_win = tmp_win; } else { /* No better idea, tell caller to use theirs */ *final_x = def_x; *final_y = def_y; tmp_win->icon->ir = NULL; return; /* XXX Should we be doing the below in this case too? */ } /* Alterations if ShrinkIconTitles is set */ if(Scr->ShrinkIconTitles && tmp_win->icon->has_title) { *final_x -= GetIconOffset(tmp_win->icon); if(tmp_win->icon->ir != oldir) { ReshapeIcon(tmp_win->icon); } } return; } /* * Look up an IconEntry holding the icon for a given window, and * optionally stash its IconRegion in irp. Used internally in * IconDown(). */ static IconEntry * FindIconEntry(TwmWindow *tmp_win, IconRegion **irp) { IconRegion *ir; IconEntry *ie; for(ir = Scr->FirstRegion; ir; ir = ir->next) { for(ie = ir->entries; ie; ie = ie->next) if(ie->twm_win == tmp_win) { if(irp) { *irp = ir; } return ie; } } return NULL; } /* * Find prior IE in list. Used internally in IconDown(). */ static IconEntry * prevIconEntry(IconEntry *ie, IconRegion *ir) { IconEntry *ip; if(ie == ir->entries) { return NULL; } for(ip = ir->entries; ip->next != ie; ip = ip->next) ; return ip; } /* * Merge two adjacent IconEntry's. old is being freed; and is adjacent * to ie. Merge regions together. */ static void mergeEntries(IconEntry *old, IconEntry *ie) { if(old->y == ie->y) { ie->w = old->w + ie->w; if(old->x < ie->x) { ie->x = old->x; } } else { ie->h = old->h + ie->h; if(old->y < ie->y) { ie->y = old->y; } } } /* **************************************************************** * * Next, the bits related to creating and putting together the icon * windows, as well as destroying them. * **************************************************************** */ /* * Create the window scaffolding for an icon. Called when we need to * make one, e.g. the first time a window is iconified. */ void CreateIconWindow(TwmWindow *tmp_win, int def_x, int def_y) { unsigned long event_mask; unsigned long valuemask; /* mask for create windows */ XSetWindowAttributes attributes; /* attributes for create windows */ int final_x, final_y; int x; Icon *icon; Image *image = NULL; char *pattern; icon = malloc(sizeof(struct Icon)); icon->otp = NULL; icon->border = Scr->IconBorderColor; icon->iconc.fore = Scr->IconC.fore; icon->iconc.back = Scr->IconC.back; icon->title_shrunk = false; GetColorFromList(Scr->IconBorderColorL, tmp_win->name, &tmp_win->class, &icon->border); GetColorFromList(Scr->IconForegroundL, tmp_win->name, &tmp_win->class, &icon->iconc.fore); GetColorFromList(Scr->IconBackgroundL, tmp_win->name, &tmp_win->class, &icon->iconc.back); if(Scr->use3Diconmanagers && !Scr->BeNiceToColormap) { GetShadeColors(&icon->iconc); } FB(icon->iconc.fore, icon->iconc.back); icon->match = match_none; icon->image = NULL; icon->ir = NULL; tmp_win->forced = false; icon->w_not_ours = false; pattern = NULL; /* now go through the steps to get an icon window, if ForceIcon is * set, then no matter what else is defined, the bitmap from the * .twmrc file is used */ if(Scr->ForceIcon) { image = LookupIconNameOrClass(tmp_win, icon, &pattern); } #ifdef EWMH /* * Look to see if there is a _NET_WM_ICON property to provide an icon. */ if(image == NULL) { image = EwmhGetIcon(Scr, tmp_win); if(image != NULL) { icon->match = match_net_wm_icon; icon->width = image->width; icon->height = image->height; icon->image = image; } } #endif /* EWMH */ /* if the pixmap is still NULL, we didn't get one from the above code, * that could mean that ForceIcon was not set, or that the window * was not in the Icons list, now check the WM hints for an icon */ if(image == NULL && tmp_win->wmhints->flags & IconPixmapHint) { unsigned int IconDepth, IconWidth, IconHeight; if(XGetGeometry(dpy, tmp_win->wmhints->icon_pixmap, &JunkRoot, &JunkX, &JunkY, &IconWidth, &IconHeight, &JunkBW, &IconDepth)) { image = AllocImage(); image->width = IconWidth; image->height = IconHeight; image->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, Scr->Root, image->width, image->height, Scr->d_depth); if(IconDepth == Scr->d_depth) XCopyArea(dpy, tmp_win->wmhints->icon_pixmap, image->pixmap, Scr->NormalGC, 0, 0, image->width, image->height, 0, 0); else XCopyPlane(dpy, tmp_win->wmhints->icon_pixmap, image->pixmap, Scr->NormalGC, 0, 0, image->width, image->height, 0, 0, 1); icon->width = image->width; icon->height = image->height; icon->match = match_icon_pixmap_hint; if((tmp_win->wmhints->flags & IconMaskHint) && XGetGeometry(dpy, tmp_win->wmhints->icon_mask, &JunkRoot, &JunkX, &JunkY, &IconWidth, &IconHeight, &JunkBW, &IconDepth) && (IconDepth == 1)) { GC gc; image->mask = XCreatePixmap(dpy, Scr->Root, IconWidth, IconHeight, 1); if(image->mask) { gc = XCreateGC(dpy, image->mask, 0, NULL); if(gc) { XCopyArea(dpy, tmp_win->wmhints->icon_mask, image->mask, gc, 0, 0, IconWidth, IconHeight, 0, 0); XFreeGC(dpy, gc); } } } icon->image = image; } } /* if we still haven't got an icon, let's look in the Icon list * if ForceIcon is not set */ if(image == NULL && !Scr->ForceIcon) { image = LookupIconNameOrClass(tmp_win, icon, &pattern); } /* if we still don't have an icon, assign the UnknownIcon */ if(image == NULL && Scr->UnknownImage != NULL) { image = Scr->UnknownImage; icon->match = match_unknown_default; icon->width = image->width; icon->height = image->height; icon->image = image; } if(image == NULL) { icon->height = 0; icon->width = 0; valuemask = 0; } else { valuemask = CWBackPixmap; attributes.background_pixmap = image->pixmap; } icon->border_width = Scr->IconBorderWidth; if(Scr->NoIconTitlebar || LookInNameList(Scr->NoIconTitle, tmp_win->icon_name) || LookInList(Scr->NoIconTitle, tmp_win->name, &tmp_win->class)) { icon->w_width = icon->width; icon->w_height = icon->height; icon->x = 0; icon->y = 0; icon->has_title = false; } else { XRectangle inc_rect; XRectangle logical_rect; XmbTextExtents(Scr->IconFont.font_set, tmp_win->icon_name, strlen(tmp_win->icon_name), &inc_rect, &logical_rect); icon->w_width = logical_rect.width; icon->w_width += 2 * (Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER); if(icon->w_width > Scr->MaxIconTitleWidth) { icon->w_width = Scr->MaxIconTitleWidth; } if(icon->w_width < icon->width) { icon->x = (icon->width - icon->w_width) / 2; icon->x += Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER; icon->w_width = icon->width; } else { icon->x = Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER; } icon->y = icon->height + Scr->IconFont.height + Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth; icon->w_height = icon->height + Scr->IconFont.height + 2 * (Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER); icon->has_title = true; if(icon->height) { icon->border_width = 0; } } event_mask = 0; if(tmp_win->wmhints->flags & IconWindowHint) { icon->w = tmp_win->wmhints->icon_window; if(tmp_win->forced || XGetGeometry(dpy, icon->w, &JunkRoot, &JunkX, &JunkY, (unsigned int *)&icon->w_width, (unsigned int *)&icon->w_height, &JunkBW, &JunkDepth) == 0) { icon->w = None; tmp_win->wmhints->flags &= ~IconWindowHint; } else { image = NULL; icon->w_not_ours = true; icon->width = icon->w_width; icon->height = icon->w_height; icon->image = image; icon->has_title = false; event_mask = 0; } } else { icon->w = None; } if((image != NULL) && image->mask != None && !(tmp_win->wmhints->flags & IconWindowHint)) { icon->border_width = 0; } if(icon->w == None) { icon->w = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, Scr->Root, 0, 0, icon->w_width, icon->w_height, icon->border_width, icon->border, icon->iconc.back); event_mask = ExposureMask; } if(Scr->AutoRaiseIcons || Scr->ShrinkIconTitles) { event_mask |= EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask; } event_mask |= KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask; if(icon->w_not_ours) { XWindowAttributes wattr; XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, icon->w, &wattr); if(wattr.all_event_masks & ButtonPressMask) { event_mask &= ~ButtonPressMask; } } XSelectInput(dpy, icon->w, event_mask); if(icon->width == 0) { icon->width = icon->w_width; } icon->bm_w = None; if(image && !(tmp_win->wmhints->flags & IconWindowHint)) { XRectangle rect; x = GetIconOffset(icon); icon->bm_w = XCreateWindow(dpy, icon->w, x, 0, icon->width, icon->height, 0, Scr->d_depth, CopyFromParent, Scr->d_visual, valuemask, &attributes); if(image->mask) { XShapeCombineMask(dpy, icon->bm_w, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, image->mask, ShapeSet); XShapeCombineMask(dpy, icon->w, ShapeBounding, x, 0, image->mask, ShapeSet); } else if(icon->has_title) { rect.x = x; rect.y = 0; rect.width = icon->width; rect.height = icon->height; XShapeCombineRectangles(dpy, icon->w, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeSet, 0); } if(icon->has_title) { if(Scr->ShrinkIconTitles) { rect.x = x; rect.y = icon->height; rect.width = icon->width; rect.height = icon->w_height - icon->height; icon->title_shrunk = true; } else { rect.x = 0; rect.y = icon->height; rect.width = icon->w_width; rect.height = icon->w_height - icon->height; icon->title_shrunk = false; } XShapeCombineRectangles(dpy, icon->w, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeUnion, 0); } } if(pattern != NULL) { AddToList(&tmp_win->iconslist, pattern, icon); } tmp_win->icon = icon; /* I need to figure out where to put the icon window now, because * getting here means that I am going to make the icon visible */ final_x = final_y = 0; if(tmp_win->wmhints->flags & IconPositionHint) { final_x = tmp_win->wmhints->icon_x; final_y = tmp_win->wmhints->icon_y; } else { if(visible(tmp_win)) { PlaceIcon(tmp_win, def_x, def_y, &final_x, &final_y); } } if(visible(tmp_win) || (tmp_win->wmhints->flags & IconPositionHint)) { if(final_x > Scr->rootw) { final_x = Scr->rootw - icon->w_width - (2 * Scr->IconBorderWidth); } if(Scr->ShrinkIconTitles && icon->bm_w) { if(final_x + (icon->w_width - icon->width) < 0) { final_x = 0; } } else { if(final_x < 0) { final_x = 0; } } if(final_y > Scr->rooth) final_y = Scr->rooth - icon->height - Scr->IconFont.height - 6 - (2 * Scr->IconBorderWidth); if(final_y < 0) { final_y = 0; } XMoveWindow(dpy, icon->w, final_x, final_y); icon->w_x = final_x; icon->w_y = final_y; } tmp_win->iconified = true; OtpAdd(tmp_win, IconWin); XMapSubwindows(dpy, icon->w); XSaveContext(dpy, icon->w, TwmContext, (XPointer)tmp_win); XSaveContext(dpy, icon->w, ScreenContext, (XPointer)Scr); XDefineCursor(dpy, icon->w, Scr->IconCursor); MaybeAnimate = true; } /* * Delete TwmWindow.iconslist. * Call it before deleting TwmWindow.icon, since we need to check * that we're not deleting that Icon. */ void DeleteIconsList(TwmWindow *tmp_win) { /* * Only the list itself needs to be freed, since the pointers it * contains point into various lists that belong to Scr. * * Rhialto: Hmmmm not quite sure about that! CreateIconWindow() above * always allocates a struct Icon, and doesn't attach it to Scr... * It is probably correct for the Image pointers inside those Icons though. */ name_list *nptr; name_list *next; for(nptr = tmp_win->iconslist; nptr != NULL;) { next = nptr->next; Icon *icon = (Icon *)nptr->ptr; if(icon != tmp_win->icon) { DeleteIcon(icon); } free(nptr->name); free(nptr); nptr = next; } tmp_win->iconslist = NULL; } /* * Delete a single Icon. Called iteratively from DeleteIconList(), and * directly during window destruction. */ void DeleteIcon(Icon *icon) { if(icon->w && !icon->w_not_ours) { XDestroyWindow(dpy, icon->w); } ReleaseIconImage(icon); free(icon); } /* * Delete the Image from an icon, if it is not a shared one. match_list * ands match_unknown_default need not be freed. * * Formerly ReleaseImage() */ void ReleaseIconImage(Icon *icon) { if(icon->match == match_icon_pixmap_hint || icon->match == match_net_wm_icon) { FreeImage(icon->image); } } /* **************************************************************** * * Bringing an icon up or down. * **************************************************************** */ /* * Show up an icon. Note that neither IconUp nor IconDown actually map * or unmap the icon window; that's handled by the callers. These * functions limit themselves to figuring out where it should be, moving * it (still unmapped) there, and linking/unlinking it from the iconentry * lists. */ void IconUp(TwmWindow *tmp_win) { int x, y; int defx, defy; /* * If the client specified a particular location, let's use it (this might * want to be an option at some point). Otherwise, try to fit within the * icon region. */ if(tmp_win->wmhints->flags & IconPositionHint) { return; } if(tmp_win->icon_moved) { struct IconRegion *ir; unsigned int iww, iwh; if(!XGetGeometry(dpy, tmp_win->icon->w, &JunkRoot, &defx, &defy, &iww, &iwh, &JunkBW, &JunkDepth)) { return; } x = defx + ((int) iww) / 2; y = defy + ((int) iwh) / 2; for(ir = Scr->FirstRegion; ir; ir = ir->next) { if(x >= ir->x && x < (ir->x + ir->w) && y >= ir->y && y < (ir->y + ir->h)) { break; } } if(!ir) { return; /* outside icon regions, leave alone */ } } defx = -100; defy = -100; PlaceIcon(tmp_win, defx, defy, &x, &y); if(x != defx || y != defy) { XMoveWindow(dpy, tmp_win->icon->w, x, y); tmp_win->icon->w_x = x; tmp_win->icon->w_y = y; tmp_win->icon_moved = false; /* since we've restored it */ } MaybeAnimate = true; return; } /* * Remove an icon from its displayed IconEntry. x-ref comment on * IconUp(). */ void IconDown(TwmWindow *tmp_win) { IconEntry *ie, *ip, *in; IconRegion *ir; ie = FindIconEntry(tmp_win, &ir); if(ie) { ie->twm_win = NULL; ie->used = false; ip = prevIconEntry(ie, ir); in = ie->next; for(;;) { if(ip && ip->used == false && ((ip->x == ie->x && ip->w == ie->w) || (ip->y == ie->y && ip->h == ie->h))) { ip->next = ie->next; mergeEntries(ie, ip); free(ie); ie = ip; ip = prevIconEntry(ip, ir); } else if(in && in->used == false && ((in->x == ie->x && in->w == ie->w) || (in->y == ie->y && in->h == ie->h))) { ie->next = in->next; mergeEntries(in, ie); free(in); in = ie->next; } else { break; } } } } /* **************************************************************** * * Funcs related to drawing the icon. * **************************************************************** */ /* * Slightly misnamed: draws the text label under an icon. */ void PaintIcon(TwmWindow *tmp_win) { int width, twidth, mwidth, len, x; Icon *icon; XRectangle ink_rect; XRectangle logical_rect; if(!tmp_win || !tmp_win->icon) { return; } icon = tmp_win->icon; if(!icon->has_title) { return; } x = 0; width = icon->w_width; if(Scr->ShrinkIconTitles && icon->title_shrunk) { x = GetIconOffset(icon); width = icon->width; } len = strlen(tmp_win->icon_name); XmbTextExtents(Scr->IconFont.font_set, tmp_win->icon_name, len, &ink_rect, &logical_rect); twidth = logical_rect.width; mwidth = width - 2 * (Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER); if(Scr->use3Diconmanagers) { Draw3DBorder(icon->w, x, icon->height, width, Scr->IconFont.height + 2 * (Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER), Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth, icon->iconc, off, false, false); } while((len > 0) && (twidth > mwidth)) { len--; XmbTextExtents(Scr->IconFont.font_set, tmp_win->icon_name, len, &ink_rect, &logical_rect); twidth = logical_rect.width; } FB(icon->iconc.fore, icon->iconc.back); XmbDrawString(dpy, icon->w, Scr->IconFont.font_set, Scr->NormalGC, x + ((mwidth - twidth) / 2) + Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER, icon->y, tmp_win->icon_name, len); } /* * Handling for ShrinkIconTitles; when pointer is away from them, shrink * the titles down to the width of the image, and expand back out when it * enters. */ void ShrinkIconTitle(TwmWindow *tmp_win) { Icon *icon; XRectangle rect; if(!tmp_win || !tmp_win->icon) { return; } icon = tmp_win->icon; if(!icon->has_title) { return; } if(icon->w_width == icon->width) { return; } if(icon->height == 0) { return; } rect.x = GetIconOffset(icon); rect.y = 0; rect.width = icon->width; rect.height = icon->w_height; XShapeCombineRectangles(dpy, icon->w, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeIntersect, 0); icon->title_shrunk = true; XClearArea(dpy, icon->w, 0, icon->height, icon->w_width, icon->w_height - icon->height, True); } void ExpandIconTitle(TwmWindow *tmp_win) { Icon *icon; XRectangle rect; if(!tmp_win || !tmp_win->icon) { return; } icon = tmp_win->icon; if(!icon->has_title) { return; } if(icon->w_width == icon->width) { return; } if(icon->height == 0) { return; } rect.x = 0; rect.y = icon->height; rect.width = icon->w_width; rect.height = icon->w_height - icon->height; XShapeCombineRectangles(dpy, icon->w, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeUnion, 0); icon->title_shrunk = false; XClearArea(dpy, icon->w, 0, icon->height, icon->w_width, icon->w_height - icon->height, True); } /* * Setup X Shape'ing around icons and their titles. * * XXX should this be checking HasShape? It seems to be called * unconditionally... */ static void ReshapeIcon(Icon *icon) { int x; XRectangle rect; if(!icon) { return; } x = GetIconOffset(icon); XMoveWindow(dpy, icon->bm_w, x, 0); if(icon->image && icon->image->mask) { XShapeCombineMask(dpy, icon->w, ShapeBounding, x, 0, icon->image->mask, ShapeSet); } else { rect.x = x; rect.y = 0; rect.width = icon->width; rect.height = icon->height; XShapeCombineRectangles(dpy, icon->w, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeSet, 0); } rect.x = x; rect.y = icon->height; rect.width = icon->width; rect.height = icon->w_height - icon->height; XShapeCombineRectangles(dpy, icon->w, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeUnion, 0); } /* * Figure horizontal positioning/offset for the icon image within its * window. */ int GetIconOffset(Icon *icon) { TitleJust justif; if(!icon) { return 0; } justif = icon->ir ? icon->ir->TitleJustification : Scr->IconJustification; switch(justif) { case TJ_LEFT: return 0; case TJ_CENTER: return ((icon->w_width - icon->width) / 2); case TJ_RIGHT: return (icon->w_width - icon->width); default: /* Can't happen? */ fprintf(stderr, "%s(): Invalid TitleJustification %d\n", __func__, justif); return 0; } } /* * [Re-]lookup the image for an icon and [re-]layout it. */ void RedoIcon(TwmWindow *win) { Icon *icon, *old_icon; char *pattern; old_icon = win->icon; if(old_icon && (old_icon->w_not_ours || old_icon->match != match_list)) { RedoIconName(win); return; } icon = NULL; if((pattern = LookPatternInNameList(Scr->IconNames, win->icon_name))) { icon = LookInNameList(win->iconslist, pattern); } else if((pattern = LookPatternInNameList(Scr->IconNames, win->name))) { icon = LookInNameList(win->iconslist, pattern); } else if((pattern = LookPatternInList(Scr->IconNames, win->name, &win->class))) { icon = LookInNameList(win->iconslist, pattern); } if(pattern == NULL) { RedoIconName(win); return; } if(icon != NULL) { if(old_icon == icon) { RedoIconName(win); return; } if(win->icon_on && visible(win)) { IconDown(win); if(old_icon && old_icon->w) { XUnmapWindow(dpy, old_icon->w); } win->icon = icon; OtpReassignIcon(win, old_icon); IconUp(win); OtpRaise(win, IconWin); XMapWindow(dpy, win->icon->w); } else { win->icon = icon; OtpReassignIcon(win, old_icon); } RedoIconName(win); } else { if(win->icon_on && visible(win)) { IconDown(win); if(old_icon && old_icon->w) { XUnmapWindow(dpy, old_icon->w); } /* * If the icon name/class was found on one of the above lists, * the call to CreateIconWindow() will find it again there * and keep track of it on win->iconslist for eventual * deallocation. (It is now checked that the current struct * Icon is also already on that list) */ OtpFreeIcon(win); bool saveForceIcon = Scr->ForceIcon; Scr->ForceIcon = true; CreateIconWindow(win, -100, -100); Scr->ForceIcon = saveForceIcon; OtpRaise(win, IconWin); XMapWindow(dpy, win->icon->w); } else { OtpFreeIcon(win); win->icon = NULL; WMapUpdateIconName(win); } RedoIconName(win); } } /* * Resize the icon window, and reposition the image and name within it. * (a lot of the actual repositioning gets done during the later expose). */ void RedoIconName(TwmWindow *win) { int x; XRectangle ink_rect; XRectangle logical_rect; if(Scr->NoIconTitlebar || LookInNameList(Scr->NoIconTitle, win->icon_name) || LookInList(Scr->NoIconTitle, win->name, &win->class)) { WMapUpdateIconName(win); return; } if(win->iconmanagerlist) { /* let the expose event cause the repaint */ XClearArea(dpy, win->iconmanagerlist->w, 0, 0, 0, 0, True); if(Scr->SortIconMgr) { SortIconManager(win->iconmanagerlist->iconmgr); } } if(!win->icon || !win->icon->w) { WMapUpdateIconName(win); return; } if(win->icon->w_not_ours) { WMapUpdateIconName(win); return; } XmbTextExtents(Scr->IconFont.font_set, win->icon_name, strlen(win->icon_name), &ink_rect, &logical_rect); win->icon->w_width = logical_rect.width; win->icon->w_width += 2 * (Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER); if(win->icon->w_width > Scr->MaxIconTitleWidth) { win->icon->w_width = Scr->MaxIconTitleWidth; } if(win->icon->w_width < win->icon->width) { win->icon->x = (win->icon->width - win->icon->w_width) / 2; win->icon->x += Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER; win->icon->w_width = win->icon->width; } else { win->icon->x = Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER; } x = GetIconOffset(win->icon); win->icon->y = win->icon->height + Scr->IconFont.height + Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth; win->icon->w_height = win->icon->height + Scr->IconFont.height + 2 * (Scr->IconManagerShadowDepth + ICON_MGR_IBORDER); XResizeWindow(dpy, win->icon->w, win->icon->w_width, win->icon->w_height); if(win->icon->bm_w) { XRectangle rect; XMoveWindow(dpy, win->icon->bm_w, x, 0); XMapWindow(dpy, win->icon->bm_w); if(win->icon->image && win->icon->image->mask) { XShapeCombineMask(dpy, win->icon->bm_w, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, win->icon->image->mask, ShapeSet); XShapeCombineMask(dpy, win->icon->w, ShapeBounding, x, 0, win->icon->image->mask, ShapeSet); } else if(win->icon->has_title) { rect.x = x; rect.y = 0; rect.width = win->icon->width; rect.height = win->icon->height; XShapeCombineRectangles(dpy, win->icon->w, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeSet, 0); } if(win->icon->has_title) { if(Scr->ShrinkIconTitles && win->icon->title_shrunk) { rect.x = x; rect.y = win->icon->height; rect.width = win->icon->width; rect.height = win->icon->w_height - win->icon->height; } else { rect.x = 0; rect.y = win->icon->height; rect.width = win->icon->w_width; rect.height = win->icon->w_height - win->icon->height; } XShapeCombineRectangles(dpy, win->icon->w, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rect, 1, ShapeUnion, 0); } } if(Scr->ShrinkIconTitles && win->icon->title_shrunk && win->icon_on && (visible(win))) { IconDown(win); IconUp(win); } if(win->isicon) { XClearArea(dpy, win->icon->w, 0, 0, 0, 0, True); } WMapUpdateIconName(win); } /* **************************************************************** * * Misc internal utils. * **************************************************************** */ /* * What it says on the tin. */ static int roundUp(int v, int multiple) { return ((v + multiple - 1) / multiple) * multiple; } /* * Find the image set in Icons{} for a TwmWindow if possible. Return the * image, record its provenance inside *icon, and pass back what pattern * it matched in **pattern. */ static Image * LookupIconNameOrClass(TwmWindow *tmp_win, Icon *icon, char **pattern) { char *icon_name = NULL; Image *image; Matchtype matched = match_none; icon_name = LookInNameList(Scr->IconNames, tmp_win->icon_name); if(icon_name != NULL) { *pattern = LookPatternInNameList(Scr->IconNames, tmp_win->icon_name); matched = match_list; } if(matched == match_none) { icon_name = LookInNameList(Scr->IconNames, tmp_win->name); if(icon_name != NULL) { *pattern = LookPatternInNameList(Scr->IconNames, tmp_win->name); matched = match_list; } } if(matched == match_none) { icon_name = LookInList(Scr->IconNames, tmp_win->name, &tmp_win->class); if(icon_name != NULL) { *pattern = LookPatternInList(Scr->IconNames, tmp_win->name, &tmp_win->class); matched = match_list; } } if((image = GetImage(icon_name, icon->iconc)) != NULL) { icon->match = matched; icon->image = image; icon->width = image->width; icon->height = image->height; tmp_win->forced = true; } else { icon->match = match_none; *pattern = NULL; } return image; }