/* * fontconfig/src/fcmatch.c * * Copyright © 2000 Keith Packard * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of the author(s) not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. The authors make no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * THE AUTHOR(S) DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "fcint.h" #include <float.h> #ifdef __vax__ #define SENTINEL 1e38 #else #define SENTINEL 1e99 #endif static double FcCompareNumber (const FcValue *value1, const FcValue *value2, FcValue *bestValue) { double v1, v2, v; switch ((int) value1->type) { case FcTypeInteger: v1 = (double) value1->u.i; break; case FcTypeDouble: v1 = value1->u.d; break; default: return -1.0; } switch ((int) value2->type) { case FcTypeInteger: v2 = (double) value2->u.i; break; case FcTypeDouble: v2 = value2->u.d; break; default: return -1.0; } v = v2 - v1; if (v < 0) v = -v; *bestValue = FcValueCanonicalize (value2); return v; } static double FcCompareString (const FcValue *v1, const FcValue *v2, FcValue *bestValue) { *bestValue = FcValueCanonicalize (v2); return (double) FcStrCmpIgnoreCase (FcValueString(v1), FcValueString(v2)) != 0; } static double FcCompareFamily (const FcValue *v1, const FcValue *v2, FcValue *bestValue) { /* rely on the guarantee in FcPatternObjectAddWithBinding that * families are always FcTypeString. */ const FcChar8* v1_string = FcValueString(v1); const FcChar8* v2_string = FcValueString(v2); *bestValue = FcValueCanonicalize (v2); if (FcToLower(*v1_string) != FcToLower(*v2_string) && *v1_string != ' ' && *v2_string != ' ') return 1.0; return (double) FcStrCmpIgnoreBlanksAndCase (v1_string, v2_string) != 0; } static double FcComparePostScript (const FcValue *v1, const FcValue *v2, FcValue *bestValue) { const FcChar8 *v1_string = FcValueString (v1); const FcChar8 *v2_string = FcValueString (v2); int n; size_t len1, len2, mlen; *bestValue = FcValueCanonicalize (v2); if (FcToLower (*v1_string) != FcToLower (*v2_string) && *v1_string != ' ' && *v2_string != ' ') return 1.0; n = FcStrMatchIgnoreCaseAndDelims (v1_string, v2_string, (const FcChar8 *)" -"); len1 = strlen ((const char *)v1_string); len2 = strlen ((const char *)v2_string); mlen = FC_MAX (len1, len2); return (double)(mlen - n) / (double)mlen; } static double FcCompareLang (const FcValue *v1, const FcValue *v2, FcValue *bestValue) { FcLangResult result; switch ((int) v1->type) { case FcTypeLangSet: switch ((int) v2->type) { case FcTypeLangSet: result = FcLangSetCompare (FcValueLangSet (v1), FcValueLangSet (v2)); break; case FcTypeString: result = FcLangSetHasLang (FcValueLangSet (v1), FcValueString (v2)); break; default: return -1.0; } break; case FcTypeString: switch ((int) v2->type) { case FcTypeLangSet: result = FcLangSetHasLang (FcValueLangSet (v2), FcValueString (v1)); break; case FcTypeString: result = FcLangCompare (FcValueString (v1), FcValueString (v2)); break; default: return -1.0; } break; default: return -1.0; } *bestValue = FcValueCanonicalize (v2); switch (result) { case FcLangEqual: return 0; case FcLangDifferentCountry: return 1; case FcLangDifferentLang: default: return 2; } } static double FcCompareBool (const FcValue *v1, const FcValue *v2, FcValue *bestValue) { if (v2->type != FcTypeBool || v1->type != FcTypeBool) return -1.0; bestValue->type = FcTypeBool; if (v2->u.b != FcDontCare) bestValue->u.b = v2->u.b; else bestValue->u.b = v1->u.b; return (double) ((v2->u.b ^ v1->u.b) == 1); } static double FcCompareCharSet (const FcValue *v1, const FcValue *v2, FcValue *bestValue) { *bestValue = FcValueCanonicalize (v2); /* TODO Improve. */ return (double) FcCharSetSubtractCount (FcValueCharSet(v1), FcValueCharSet(v2)); } static double FcCompareRange (const FcValue *v1, const FcValue *v2, FcValue *bestValue) { FcValue value1 = FcValueCanonicalize (v1); FcValue value2 = FcValueCanonicalize (v2); double b1, e1, b2, e2, d; switch ((int) value1.type) { case FcTypeInteger: b1 = e1 = value1.u.i; break; case FcTypeDouble: b1 = e1 = value1.u.d; break; case FcTypeRange: b1 = value1.u.r->begin; e1 = value1.u.r->end; break; default: return -1; } switch ((int) value2.type) { case FcTypeInteger: b2 = e2 = value2.u.i; break; case FcTypeDouble: b2 = e2 = value2.u.d; break; case FcTypeRange: b2 = value2.u.r->begin; e2 = value2.u.r->end; break; default: return -1; } if (e1 < b2) d = b2; else if (e2 < b1) d = e2; else d = (FC_MAX (b1, b2) + FC_MIN (e1, e2)) * .5; bestValue->type = FcTypeDouble; bestValue->u.d = d; /* If the ranges overlap, it's a match, otherwise return closest distance. */ if (e1 < b2 || e2 < b1) return FC_MIN (fabs (b2 - e1), fabs (b1 - e2)); else return 0.0; } static double FcCompareSize (const FcValue *v1, const FcValue *v2, FcValue *bestValue) { FcValue value1 = FcValueCanonicalize (v1); FcValue value2 = FcValueCanonicalize (v2); double b1, e1, b2, e2; switch ((int) value1.type) { case FcTypeInteger: b1 = e1 = value1.u.i; break; case FcTypeDouble: b1 = e1 = value1.u.d; break; case FcTypeRange: b1 = value1.u.r->begin; e1 = value1.u.r->end; break; default: return -1; } switch ((int) value2.type) { case FcTypeInteger: b2 = e2 = value2.u.i; break; case FcTypeDouble: b2 = e2 = value2.u.d; break; case FcTypeRange: b2 = value2.u.r->begin; e2 = value2.u.r->end; break; default: return -1; } bestValue->type = FcTypeDouble; bestValue->u.d = (b1 + e1) * .5; /* If the ranges overlap, it's a match, otherwise return closest distance. */ if (e1 < b2 || e2 < b1) return FC_MIN (fabs (b2 - e1), fabs (b1 - e2)); if (b2 != e2 && b1 == e2) /* Semi-closed interval. */ return 1e-15; else return 0.0; } static double FcCompareFilename (const FcValue *v1, const FcValue *v2, FcValue *bestValue) { const FcChar8 *s1 = FcValueString (v1), *s2 = FcValueString (v2); *bestValue = FcValueCanonicalize (v2); if (FcStrCmp (s1, s2) == 0) return 0.0; else if (FcStrCmpIgnoreCase (s1, s2) == 0) return 1.0; else if (FcStrGlobMatch (s1, s2)) return 2.0; else return 3.0; } /* Define priorities to -1 for objects that don't have a compare function. */ #define PRI_NULL(n) \ PRI_ ## n ## _STRONG = -1, \ PRI_ ## n ## _WEAK = -1, #define PRI1(n) #define PRI_FcCompareFamily(n) PRI1(n) #define PRI_FcCompareString(n) PRI1(n) #define PRI_FcCompareNumber(n) PRI1(n) #define PRI_FcCompareBool(n) PRI1(n) #define PRI_FcCompareFilename(n) PRI1(n) #define PRI_FcCompareCharSet(n) PRI1(n) #define PRI_FcCompareLang(n) PRI1(n) #define PRI_FcComparePostScript(n) PRI1(n) #define PRI_FcCompareRange(n) PRI1(n) #define PRI_FcCompareSize(n) PRI1(n) #define FC_OBJECT(NAME, Type, Cmp) PRI_##Cmp(NAME) typedef enum _FcMatcherPriorityDummy { #include "fcobjs.h" } FcMatcherPriorityDummy; #undef FC_OBJECT /* Canonical match priority order. */ #undef PRI1 #define PRI1(n) \ PRI_ ## n, \ PRI_ ## n ## _STRONG = PRI_ ## n, \ PRI_ ## n ## _WEAK = PRI_ ## n typedef enum _FcMatcherPriority { PRI1(FILE), PRI1(FONT_WRAPPER), PRI1(FONTFORMAT), PRI1(VARIABLE), PRI1(NAMED_INSTANCE), PRI1(SCALABLE), PRI1(COLOR), PRI1(FOUNDRY), PRI1(CHARSET), PRI_FAMILY_STRONG, PRI_POSTSCRIPT_NAME_STRONG, PRI1(LANG), PRI_FAMILY_WEAK, PRI_POSTSCRIPT_NAME_WEAK, PRI1(SYMBOL), PRI1(SPACING), PRI1(SIZE), PRI1(PIXEL_SIZE), PRI1(STYLE), PRI1(SLANT), PRI1(WEIGHT), PRI1(WIDTH), PRI1(FONT_HAS_HINT), PRI1(DECORATIVE), PRI1(ANTIALIAS), PRI1(RASTERIZER), PRI1(OUTLINE), PRI1(ORDER), PRI1(FONTVERSION), PRI_END } FcMatcherPriority; #undef PRI1 typedef struct _FcMatcher { FcObject object; double (*compare) (const FcValue *v1, const FcValue *v2, FcValue *bestValue); int strong, weak; } FcMatcher; /* * Order is significant, it defines the precedence of * each value, earlier values are more significant than * later values */ #define FC_OBJECT(NAME, Type, Cmp) { FC_##NAME##_OBJECT, Cmp, PRI_##NAME##_STRONG, PRI_##NAME##_WEAK }, static const FcMatcher _FcMatchers [] = { { FC_INVALID_OBJECT, NULL, -1, -1 }, #include "fcobjs.h" }; #undef FC_OBJECT static const FcMatcher* FcObjectToMatcher (FcObject object, FcBool include_lang) { if (include_lang) { switch (object) { case FC_FAMILYLANG_OBJECT: case FC_STYLELANG_OBJECT: case FC_FULLNAMELANG_OBJECT: object = FC_LANG_OBJECT; break; } } if (object > FC_MAX_BASE_OBJECT || !_FcMatchers[object].compare || _FcMatchers[object].strong == -1 || _FcMatchers[object].weak == -1) return NULL; return _FcMatchers + object; } static FcBool FcCompareValueList (FcObject object, const FcMatcher *match, FcValueListPtr v1orig, /* pattern */ FcValueListPtr v2orig, /* target */ FcValue *bestValue, double *value, int *n, FcResult *result) { FcValueListPtr v1, v2; double v, best, bestStrong, bestWeak; int j, k, pos = 0; int weak, strong; if (!match) { if (bestValue) *bestValue = FcValueCanonicalize(&v2orig->value); if (n) *n = 0; return FcTrue; } weak = match->weak; strong = match->strong; best = DBL_MAX; bestStrong = DBL_MAX; bestWeak = DBL_MAX; for (v1 = v1orig, j = 0; v1; v1 = FcValueListNext(v1), j++) { for (v2 = v2orig, k = 0; v2; v2 = FcValueListNext(v2), k++) { FcValue matchValue; v = (match->compare) (&v1->value, &v2->value, &matchValue); if (v < 0) { *result = FcResultTypeMismatch; return FcFalse; } v = v * 1000 + j * 100 + k * (v2->value.type == FcTypeString ? 1 : 0); if (v < best) { if (bestValue) *bestValue = matchValue; best = v; pos = k; } if (weak == strong) { /* found the best possible match */ if (best < 1000) goto done; } else if (v1->binding == FcValueBindingStrong) { if (v < bestStrong) bestStrong = v; } else { if (v < bestWeak) bestWeak = v; } } } done: if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCHV) { printf (" %s: %g ", FcObjectName (object), best); FcValueListPrint (v1orig); printf (", "); FcValueListPrint (v2orig); printf ("\n"); } if (value) { if (weak == strong) value[strong] += best; else { value[weak] += bestWeak; value[strong] += bestStrong; } } if (n) *n = pos; return FcTrue; } /* The bulk of the time in FcFontMatch and FcFontSort goes to * walking long lists of family names. We speed this up with a * hash table. */ typedef struct { double strong_value; double weak_value; } FamilyEntry; typedef struct { FcHashTable *family_hash; } FcCompareData; static void FcCompareDataClear (FcCompareData *data) { FcHashTableDestroy (data->family_hash); } static void FcCompareDataInit (FcPattern *pat, FcCompareData *data) { FcHashTable *table; FcPatternElt *elt; FcValueListPtr l; int i; const void *key; FamilyEntry *e; table = FcHashTableCreate ((FcHashFunc)FcStrHashIgnoreBlanksAndCase, (FcCompareFunc)FcStrCmpIgnoreBlanksAndCase, NULL, NULL, NULL, free); elt = FcPatternObjectFindElt (pat, FC_FAMILY_OBJECT); if (elt) { for (l = FcPatternEltValues(elt), i = 0; l; l = FcValueListNext(l), i++) { key = FcValueString (&l->value); if (!FcHashTableFind (table, key, (void **)&e)) { e = malloc (sizeof (FamilyEntry)); e->strong_value = SENTINEL; e->weak_value = SENTINEL; FcHashTableAdd (table, (void *)key, e); } if (l->binding == FcValueBindingWeak) { if (i < e->weak_value) e->weak_value = i; } else { if (i < e->strong_value) e->strong_value = i; } } } data->family_hash = table; } static FcBool FcCompareFamilies (FcPattern *pat, FcValueListPtr v1orig, FcPattern *fnt, FcValueListPtr v2orig, double *value, FcResult *result, FcHashTable *table) { FcValueListPtr v2; double strong_value; double weak_value; const void *key; FamilyEntry *e; assert (table != NULL); strong_value = SENTINEL; weak_value = SENTINEL; for (v2 = v2orig; v2; v2 = FcValueListNext(v2)) { key = FcValueString (&v2->value); if (FcHashTableFind (table, key, (void **)&e)) { if (e->strong_value < strong_value) strong_value = e->strong_value; if (e->weak_value < weak_value) weak_value = e->weak_value; } } if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCHV) { printf ("%s: %g ", FcObjectName (FC_FAMILY_OBJECT), strong_value); FcValueListPrint (v1orig); printf (", "); FcValueListPrint (v2orig); printf ("\n"); } value[PRI_FAMILY_STRONG] = strong_value; value[PRI_FAMILY_WEAK] = weak_value; return FcTrue; } /* * Return a value indicating the distance between the two lists of * values */ static FcBool FcCompare (FcPattern *pat, FcPattern *fnt, double *value, FcResult *result, FcCompareData *data) { int i, i1, i2; for (i = 0; i < PRI_END; i++) value[i] = 0.0; i1 = 0; i2 = 0; while (i1 < pat->num && i2 < fnt->num) { FcPatternElt *elt_i1 = &FcPatternElts(pat)[i1]; FcPatternElt *elt_i2 = &FcPatternElts(fnt)[i2]; i = FcObjectCompare(elt_i1->object, elt_i2->object); if (i > 0) i2++; else if (i < 0) i1++; else if (elt_i1->object == FC_FAMILY_OBJECT && data->family_hash) { if (!FcCompareFamilies (pat, FcPatternEltValues(elt_i1), fnt, FcPatternEltValues(elt_i2), value, result, data->family_hash)) return FcFalse; i1++; i2++; } else { const FcMatcher *match = FcObjectToMatcher (elt_i1->object, FcFalse); if (!FcCompareValueList (elt_i1->object, match, FcPatternEltValues(elt_i1), FcPatternEltValues(elt_i2), NULL, value, NULL, result)) return FcFalse; i1++; i2++; } } return FcTrue; } FcPattern * FcFontRenderPrepare (FcConfig *config, FcPattern *pat, FcPattern *font) { FcPattern *new; int i; FcPatternElt *fe, *pe; FcValue v; FcResult result; FcBool variable = FcFalse; FcStrBuf variations; assert (pat != NULL); assert (font != NULL); FcPatternObjectGetBool (font, FC_VARIABLE_OBJECT, 0, &variable); assert (variable != FcDontCare); if (variable) FcStrBufInit (&variations, NULL, 0); new = FcPatternCreate (); if (!new) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < font->num; i++) { fe = &FcPatternElts(font)[i]; if (fe->object == FC_FAMILYLANG_OBJECT || fe->object == FC_STYLELANG_OBJECT || fe->object == FC_FULLNAMELANG_OBJECT) { /* ignore those objects. we need to deal with them * another way */ continue; } if (fe->object == FC_FAMILY_OBJECT || fe->object == FC_STYLE_OBJECT || fe->object == FC_FULLNAME_OBJECT) { FcPatternElt *fel, *pel; FC_ASSERT_STATIC ((FC_FAMILY_OBJECT + 1) == FC_FAMILYLANG_OBJECT); FC_ASSERT_STATIC ((FC_STYLE_OBJECT + 1) == FC_STYLELANG_OBJECT); FC_ASSERT_STATIC ((FC_FULLNAME_OBJECT + 1) == FC_FULLNAMELANG_OBJECT); fel = FcPatternObjectFindElt (font, fe->object + 1); pel = FcPatternObjectFindElt (pat, fe->object + 1); if (fel && pel) { /* The font has name languages, and pattern asks for specific language(s). * Match on language and and prefer that result. * Note: Currently the code only give priority to first matching language. */ int n = 1, j; FcValueListPtr l1, l2, ln = NULL, ll = NULL; const FcMatcher *match = FcObjectToMatcher (pel->object, FcTrue); if (!FcCompareValueList (pel->object, match, FcPatternEltValues (pel), FcPatternEltValues (fel), NULL, NULL, &n, &result)) { FcPatternDestroy (new); return NULL; } for (j = 0, l1 = FcPatternEltValues (fe), l2 = FcPatternEltValues (fel); l1 != NULL || l2 != NULL; j++, l1 = l1 ? FcValueListNext (l1) : NULL, l2 = l2 ? FcValueListNext (l2) : NULL) { FcValueListPtr (* func) (FcValueListPtr, FcValue, FcValueBinding); FcValueBinding binding = FcValueBindingEnd; if (j == n) { binding = FcValueBindingStrong; func = FcValueListPrepend; } else func = FcValueListAppend; if (l1) { ln = func (ln, FcValueCanonicalize (&l1->value), l1->binding); } if (l2) { if (binding == FcValueBindingEnd) binding = l2->binding; ll = func (ll, FcValueCanonicalize (&l2->value), binding); } } FcPatternObjectListAdd (new, fe->object, ln, FcFalse); FcPatternObjectListAdd (new, fel->object, ll, FcFalse); continue; } else if (fel) { /* Pattern doesn't ask for specific language. Copy all for name and * lang. */ FcValueListPtr l1, l2; l1 = FcValueListDuplicate (FcPatternEltValues (fe)); l2 = FcValueListDuplicate (FcPatternEltValues (fel)); FcPatternObjectListAdd (new, fe->object, l1, FcFalse); FcPatternObjectListAdd (new, fel->object, l2, FcFalse); continue; } } pe = FcPatternObjectFindElt (pat, fe->object); if (pe) { const FcMatcher *match = FcObjectToMatcher (pe->object, FcFalse); if (!FcCompareValueList (pe->object, match, FcPatternEltValues(pe), FcPatternEltValues(fe), &v, NULL, NULL, &result)) { FcPatternDestroy (new); return NULL; } FcPatternObjectAdd (new, fe->object, v, FcFalse); /* Set font-variations settings for standard axes in variable fonts. */ if (variable && FcPatternEltValues(fe)->value.type == FcTypeRange && (fe->object == FC_WEIGHT_OBJECT || fe->object == FC_WIDTH_OBJECT || fe->object == FC_SIZE_OBJECT)) { double num; FcChar8 temp[128]; const char *tag = " "; assert (v.type == FcTypeDouble); num = v.u.d; if (variations.len) FcStrBufChar (&variations, ','); switch (fe->object) { case FC_WEIGHT_OBJECT: tag = "wght"; num = FcWeightToOpenType (num); break; case FC_WIDTH_OBJECT: tag = "wdth"; break; case FC_SIZE_OBJECT: tag = "opsz"; break; } sprintf ((char *) temp, "%4s=%g", tag, num); FcStrBufString (&variations, temp); } } else { FcPatternObjectListAdd (new, fe->object, FcValueListDuplicate (FcPatternEltValues (fe)), FcTrue); } } for (i = 0; i < pat->num; i++) { pe = &FcPatternElts(pat)[i]; fe = FcPatternObjectFindElt (font, pe->object); if (!fe && pe->object != FC_FAMILYLANG_OBJECT && pe->object != FC_STYLELANG_OBJECT && pe->object != FC_FULLNAMELANG_OBJECT) { FcPatternObjectListAdd (new, pe->object, FcValueListDuplicate (FcPatternEltValues(pe)), FcFalse); } } if (variable && variations.len) { FcChar8 *vars = NULL; if (FcPatternObjectGetString (new, FC_FONT_VARIATIONS_OBJECT, 0, &vars) == FcResultMatch) { FcStrBufChar (&variations, ','); FcStrBufString (&variations, vars); FcPatternObjectDel (new, FC_FONT_VARIATIONS_OBJECT); } FcPatternObjectAddString (new, FC_FONT_VARIATIONS_OBJECT, FcStrBufDoneStatic (&variations)); FcStrBufDestroy (&variations); } FcConfigSubstituteWithPat (config, new, pat, FcMatchFont); return new; } static FcPattern * FcFontSetMatchInternal (FcFontSet **sets, int nsets, FcPattern *p, FcResult *result) { double score[PRI_END], bestscore[PRI_END]; int f; FcFontSet *s; FcPattern *best, *pat = NULL; int i; int set; FcCompareData data; const FcPatternElt *elt; for (i = 0; i < PRI_END; i++) bestscore[i] = 0; best = 0; if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCH) { printf ("Match "); FcPatternPrint (p); } FcCompareDataInit (p, &data); for (set = 0; set < nsets; set++) { s = sets[set]; if (!s) continue; for (f = 0; f < s->nfont; f++) { if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCHV) { printf ("Font %d ", f); FcPatternPrint (s->fonts[f]); } if (!FcCompare (p, s->fonts[f], score, result, &data)) { FcCompareDataClear (&data); return 0; } if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCHV) { printf ("Score"); for (i = 0; i < PRI_END; i++) { printf (" %g", score[i]); } printf ("\n"); } for (i = 0; i < PRI_END; i++) { if (best && bestscore[i] < score[i]) break; if (!best || score[i] < bestscore[i]) { for (i = 0; i < PRI_END; i++) bestscore[i] = score[i]; best = s->fonts[f]; break; } } } } FcCompareDataClear (&data); /* Update the binding according to the score to indicate how exactly values matches on. */ if (best) { pat = FcPatternCreate (); elt = FcPatternElts (best); for (i = 0; i < FcPatternObjectCount (best); i++) { const FcMatcher *match = FcObjectToMatcher (elt[i].object, FcFalse); FcValueListPtr l = FcPatternEltValues (&elt[i]); if (!match) FcPatternObjectListAdd(pat, elt[i].object, FcValueListDuplicate(l), FcTrue); else { FcValueBinding binding = FcValueBindingWeak; FcValueListPtr new = NULL, ll, t = NULL; FcValue v; /* If the value was matched exactly, update the binding to Strong. */ if (bestscore[match->strong] < 1000) binding = FcValueBindingStrong; for (ll = l; ll != NULL; ll = FcValueListNext (ll)) { if (!new) { t = new = FcValueListCreate (); } else { t->next = FcValueListCreate (); t = FcValueListNext (t); } v = FcValueCanonicalize (&ll->value); t->value = FcValueSave (v); t->binding = binding; t->next = NULL; } FcPatternObjectListAdd (pat, elt[i].object, new, FcTrue); } } } if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCH) { printf ("Best score"); for (i = 0; i < PRI_END; i++) printf (" %g", bestscore[i]); printf ("\n"); FcPatternPrint (pat); } if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCH2) { char *env = getenv ("FC_DBG_MATCH_FILTER"); FcObjectSet *os = NULL; if (env) { char *ss, *s; char *p; FcBool f = FcTrue; ss = s = strdup (env); if (ss == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Fontconfig Error: %s\n", strerror (errno)); exit (1); } os = FcObjectSetCreate (); while (f) { size_t len; char *x; if (!(p = strchr (s, ','))) { f = FcFalse; len = strlen (s); } else { len = (p - s); } x = malloc (sizeof (char) * (len + 1)); if (x) { strcpy (x, s); if (FcObjectFromName (x) > 0) FcObjectSetAdd (os, x); s = p + 1; free (x); } } free (ss); } FcPatternPrint2 (p, pat, os); if (os) FcObjectSetDestroy (os); } /* assuming that 'result' is initialized with FcResultNoMatch * outside this function */ if (pat) *result = FcResultMatch; return pat; } FcPattern * FcFontSetMatch (FcConfig *config, FcFontSet **sets, int nsets, FcPattern *p, FcResult *result) { FcPattern *best, *ret = NULL; assert (sets != NULL); assert (p != NULL); assert (result != NULL); *result = FcResultNoMatch; config = FcConfigReference (config); if (!config) return NULL; best = FcFontSetMatchInternal (sets, nsets, p, result); if (best) { ret = FcFontRenderPrepare (config, p, best); FcPatternDestroy (best); } FcConfigDestroy (config); return ret; } FcPattern * FcFontMatch (FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcResult *result) { FcFontSet *sets[2]; int nsets; FcPattern *best, *ret = NULL; assert (p != NULL); assert (result != NULL); *result = FcResultNoMatch; config = FcConfigReference (config); if (!config) return NULL; nsets = 0; if (config->fonts[FcSetSystem]) sets[nsets++] = config->fonts[FcSetSystem]; if (config->fonts[FcSetApplication]) sets[nsets++] = config->fonts[FcSetApplication]; best = FcFontSetMatchInternal (sets, nsets, p, result); if (best) { ret = FcFontRenderPrepare (config, p, best); FcPatternDestroy (best); } FcConfigDestroy (config); return ret; } typedef struct _FcSortNode { FcPattern *pattern; double score[PRI_END]; } FcSortNode; static int FcSortCompare (const void *aa, const void *ab) { FcSortNode *a = *(FcSortNode **) aa; FcSortNode *b = *(FcSortNode **) ab; double *as = &a->score[0]; double *bs = &b->score[0]; double ad = 0, bd = 0; int i; i = PRI_END; while (i-- && (ad = *as++) == (bd = *bs++)) ; return ad < bd ? -1 : ad > bd ? 1 : 0; } static FcBool FcSortWalk (FcSortNode **n, int nnode, FcFontSet *fs, FcCharSet **csp, FcBool trim) { FcBool ret = FcFalse; FcCharSet *cs; int i; cs = 0; if (trim || csp) { cs = FcCharSetCreate (); if (cs == NULL) goto bail; } for (i = 0; i < nnode; i++) { FcSortNode *node = *n++; FcBool adds_chars = FcFalse; /* * Only fetch node charset if we'd need it */ if (cs) { FcCharSet *ncs; if (FcPatternGetCharSet (node->pattern, FC_CHARSET, 0, &ncs) != FcResultMatch) continue; if (!FcCharSetMerge (cs, ncs, &adds_chars)) goto bail; } /* * If this font isn't a subset of the previous fonts, * add it to the list */ if (!i || !trim || adds_chars) { FcPatternReference (node->pattern); if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCHV) { printf ("Add "); FcPatternPrint (node->pattern); } if (!FcFontSetAdd (fs, node->pattern)) { FcPatternDestroy (node->pattern); goto bail; } } } if (csp) { *csp = cs; cs = 0; } ret = FcTrue; bail: if (cs) FcCharSetDestroy (cs); return ret; } void FcFontSetSortDestroy (FcFontSet *fs) { FcFontSetDestroy (fs); } FcFontSet * FcFontSetSort (FcConfig *config FC_UNUSED, FcFontSet **sets, int nsets, FcPattern *p, FcBool trim, FcCharSet **csp, FcResult *result) { FcFontSet *ret; FcFontSet *s; FcSortNode *nodes; FcSortNode **nodeps, **nodep; int nnodes; FcSortNode *new; int set; int f; int i; int nPatternLang; FcBool *patternLangSat; FcValue patternLang; FcCompareData data; assert (sets != NULL); assert (p != NULL); assert (result != NULL); /* There are some implementation that relying on the result of * "result" to check if the return value of FcFontSetSort * is valid or not. * So we should initialize it to the conservative way since * this function doesn't return NULL anymore. */ if (result) *result = FcResultNoMatch; if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCH) { printf ("Sort "); FcPatternPrint (p); } nnodes = 0; for (set = 0; set < nsets; set++) { s = sets[set]; if (!s) continue; nnodes += s->nfont; } if (!nnodes) return FcFontSetCreate (); for (nPatternLang = 0; FcPatternGet (p, FC_LANG, nPatternLang, &patternLang) == FcResultMatch; nPatternLang++) ; /* freed below */ nodes = malloc (nnodes * sizeof (FcSortNode) + nnodes * sizeof (FcSortNode *) + nPatternLang * sizeof (FcBool)); if (!nodes) goto bail0; nodeps = (FcSortNode **) (nodes + nnodes); patternLangSat = (FcBool *) (nodeps + nnodes); FcCompareDataInit (p, &data); new = nodes; nodep = nodeps; for (set = 0; set < nsets; set++) { s = sets[set]; if (!s) continue; for (f = 0; f < s->nfont; f++) { if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCHV) { printf ("Font %d ", f); FcPatternPrint (s->fonts[f]); } new->pattern = s->fonts[f]; if (!FcCompare (p, new->pattern, new->score, result, &data)) goto bail1; if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCHV) { printf ("Score"); for (i = 0; i < PRI_END; i++) { printf (" %g", new->score[i]); } printf ("\n"); } *nodep = new; new++; nodep++; } } FcCompareDataClear (&data); nnodes = new - nodes; qsort (nodeps, nnodes, sizeof (FcSortNode *), FcSortCompare); for (i = 0; i < nPatternLang; i++) patternLangSat[i] = FcFalse; for (f = 0; f < nnodes; f++) { FcBool satisfies = FcFalse; /* * If this node matches any language, go check * which ones and satisfy those entries */ if (nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG] < 2000) { for (i = 0; i < nPatternLang; i++) { FcValue nodeLang; if (!patternLangSat[i] && FcPatternGet (p, FC_LANG, i, &patternLang) == FcResultMatch && FcPatternGet (nodeps[f]->pattern, FC_LANG, 0, &nodeLang) == FcResultMatch) { FcValue matchValue; double compare = FcCompareLang (&patternLang, &nodeLang, &matchValue); if (compare >= 0 && compare < 2) { if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_MATCHV) { FcChar8 *family; FcChar8 *style; if (FcPatternGetString (nodeps[f]->pattern, FC_FAMILY, 0, &family) == FcResultMatch && FcPatternGetString (nodeps[f]->pattern, FC_STYLE, 0, &style) == FcResultMatch) printf ("Font %s:%s matches language %d\n", family, style, i); } patternLangSat[i] = FcTrue; satisfies = FcTrue; break; } } } } if (!satisfies) { nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG] = 10000.0; } } /* * Re-sort once the language issues have been settled */ qsort (nodeps, nnodes, sizeof (FcSortNode *), FcSortCompare); ret = FcFontSetCreate (); if (!ret) goto bail1; if (!FcSortWalk (nodeps, nnodes, ret, csp, trim)) goto bail2; free (nodes); if (FcDebug() & FC_DBG_MATCH) { printf ("First font "); FcPatternPrint (ret->fonts[0]); } if (ret->nfont > 0) *result = FcResultMatch; return ret; bail2: FcFontSetDestroy (ret); bail1: free (nodes); bail0: return 0; } FcFontSet * FcFontSort (FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcBool trim, FcCharSet **csp, FcResult *result) { FcFontSet *sets[2], *ret; int nsets; assert (p != NULL); assert (result != NULL); *result = FcResultNoMatch; config = FcConfigReference (config); if (!config) return NULL; nsets = 0; if (config->fonts[FcSetSystem]) sets[nsets++] = config->fonts[FcSetSystem]; if (config->fonts[FcSetApplication]) sets[nsets++] = config->fonts[FcSetApplication]; ret = FcFontSetSort (config, sets, nsets, p, trim, csp, result); FcConfigDestroy (config); return ret; } #define __fcmatch__ #include "fcaliastail.h" #undef __fcmatch__