#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* (c) Itai Nahshon */ #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86_OSproc.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "xf86Pci.h" #include "vgaHW.h" #include "cir.h" #define _ALP_PRIVATE_ #include "alp.h" #define CURSORWIDTH pAlp->CursorWidth #define CURSORHEIGHT pAlp->CursorHeight #define CURSORSIZE (CURSORWIDTH*CURSORHEIGHT/8) #define MAXCURSORSIZE (64*64>>3) static void AlpSetCursorColors(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int bg, int fg) { const AlpPtr pAlp = ALPPTR(CIRPTR(pScrn)); vgaHWPtr hwp = VGAHWPTR(pScrn); #ifdef ALP_DEBUG ErrorF("AlpSetCursorColors\n"); #endif hwp->writeSeq(hwp, 0x12, pAlp->ModeReg.ExtVga[SR12]|0x02); hwp->writeDacWriteAddr(hwp, 0x00); hwp->writeDacData(hwp, 0x3f & (bg >> 18)); hwp->writeDacData(hwp, 0x3f & (bg >> 10)); hwp->writeDacData(hwp, 0x3f & (bg >> 2)); hwp->writeDacWriteAddr(hwp, 0x0F); hwp->writeDacData(hwp, 0x3F & (fg >> 18)); hwp->writeDacData(hwp, 0x3F & (fg >> 10)); hwp->writeDacData(hwp, 0x3F & (fg >> 2)); hwp->writeSeq(hwp, 0x12, pAlp->ModeReg.ExtVga[SR12]); } static void AlpLoadSkewedCursor(CirPtr pCir, int x, int y) { const AlpPtr pAlp = ALPPTR(pCir); unsigned char *memx = pAlp->HWCursorBits; unsigned char *CursorBits = pAlp->CursorBits; unsigned char mem[2*MAXCURSORSIZE]; unsigned char *p1, *p2; int i, j, m, a, b; Bool cur64 = (CURSORWIDTH == 64); int shift = (cur64? 1 : 0); if (x > 0) x = 0; else x = -x; if (y > 0) y = 0; else y = -y; a = ((y*CURSORWIDTH<<shift)+x)>>3; b = x & 7; /* Copy the skewed mask bits */ p1 = mem; p2 = CursorBits + a; for (i = 0; i < (CURSORSIZE << shift)-a-1; i++) { *p1++ = (p2[0] << b) | (p2[1] >> (8-b)); p2++; } /* last mask byte */ *p1++ = (p2[0] << b); /* Clear to end (bottom) of mask. */ for (i = i+1; i < (CURSORSIZE << shift); i++) *p1++ = 0; if (!cur64) { /* Now copy the cursor bits */ /* p1 is already right */ p2 = CursorBits+CURSORSIZE+a; for (i = 0; i < CURSORSIZE-a-1; i++) { *p1++ = (p2[0] << b) | (p2[1] >> (8-b)); p2++; } /* last cursor byte */ *p1++ = (p2[0] << b); } /* Clear to end (bottom) of cursor. */ for (i = i+1; i < CURSORSIZE; i++) *p1++ = 0; /* Clear the right unused area of the mask and cyrsor bits. */ p2 = mem + CURSORWIDTH/8 - (x>>3) - 1; for (i = 0; i < 2*CURSORHEIGHT; i++) { m = (-1)<<(x&7); p1 = p2; p2 += CURSORWIDTH/8; for (j = x>>3; j >= 0; j--) { *p1 &= m; m = 0; p1++; } } memcpy(memx, mem, 2*CURSORSIZE); } static void AlpSetCursorPosition(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x, int y) { const CirPtr pCir = CIRPTR(pScrn); const AlpPtr pAlp = ALPPTR(pCir); vgaHWPtr hwp = VGAHWPTR(pScrn); #if 0 #ifdef ALP_DEBUG ErrorF("AlpSetCursorPosition %d %d\n", x, y); #endif #endif if (x < 0 || y < 0) { if (x+CURSORWIDTH <= 0 || y+CURSORHEIGHT <= 0) { hwp->writeSeq(hwp, 0x12, pAlp->ModeReg.ExtVga[SR12] & ~0x01); return; } AlpLoadSkewedCursor(pCir, x, y); pCir->CursorIsSkewed = TRUE; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; } else if (pCir->CursorIsSkewed) { memcpy(pAlp->HWCursorBits, pAlp->CursorBits, 2*CURSORSIZE); pCir->CursorIsSkewed = FALSE; } hwp->writeSeq(hwp, 0x12, pAlp->ModeReg.ExtVga[SR12]); hwp->writeSeq(hwp, ((x << 5)|0x10)&0xff, x >> 3); hwp->writeSeq(hwp, ((y << 5)|0x11)&0xff, y >> 3); } static void AlpLoadCursorImage(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, unsigned char *bits) { const AlpPtr pAlp = ALPPTR(CIRPTR(pScrn)); vgaHWPtr hwp = VGAHWPTR(pScrn); #ifdef ALP_DEBUG ErrorF("AlpLoadCursorImage\n"); #endif pAlp->CursorBits = bits; memcpy(pAlp->HWCursorBits, bits, 2*CURSORSIZE); /* this should work for both 64 and 32 bit cursors */ pAlp->ModeReg.ExtVga[SR13] = 0x3f; hwp->writeSeq(hwp, 0x13, pAlp->ModeReg.ExtVga[SR13]); } static void AlpHideCursor(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn) { AlpPtr pAlp = ALPPTR(CIRPTR(pScrn)); vgaHWPtr hwp = VGAHWPTR(pScrn); #ifdef ALP_DEBUG ErrorF("AlpHideCursor\n"); #endif pAlp->ModeReg.ExtVga[SR12] &= ~0x01; hwp->writeSeq(hwp, 0x12, pAlp->ModeReg.ExtVga[SR12]); } static void AlpShowCursor(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn) { AlpPtr pAlp = ALPPTR(CIRPTR(pScrn)); vgaHWPtr hwp = VGAHWPTR(pScrn); #ifdef ALP_DEBUG ErrorF("AlpShowCursor\n"); #endif pAlp->ModeReg.ExtVga[SR12] |= 0x01; hwp->writeSeq(hwp, 0x12, pAlp->ModeReg.ExtVga[SR12]); } static Bool AlpUseHWCursor(ScreenPtr pScreen, CursorPtr pCurs) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86ScreenToScrn(pScreen); #ifdef ALP_DEBUG ErrorF("AlpUseHWCursor\n"); #endif if (pScrn->bitsPerPixel < 8) return FALSE; return TRUE; } Bool AlpHWCursorInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, int size) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86ScreenToScrn(pScreen); const CirPtr pCir = CIRPTR(pScrn); const AlpPtr pAlp = ALPPTR(pCir); xf86CursorInfoPtr infoPtr; #ifdef ALP_DEBUG ErrorF("AlpHWCursorInit\n"); #endif if (!size) return FALSE; infoPtr = xf86CreateCursorInfoRec(); if (!infoPtr) return FALSE; pCir->CursorInfoRec = infoPtr; pCir->CursorIsSkewed = FALSE; pAlp->CursorBits = NULL; if (size == 64) CURSORWIDTH = CURSORHEIGHT = 64; else CURSORWIDTH = CURSORHEIGHT = 32; pAlp->HWCursorBits = pCir->FbBase + 1024*pScrn->videoRam - 2*CURSORSIZE; infoPtr->MaxWidth = CURSORWIDTH; infoPtr->MaxHeight = CURSORHEIGHT; if (CURSORWIDTH == 64) infoPtr->Flags = #if X_BYTE_ORDER == X_LITTLE_ENDIAN HARDWARE_CURSOR_BIT_ORDER_MSBFIRST | #endif HARDWARE_CURSOR_SOURCE_MASK_INTERLEAVE_64 | HARDWARE_CURSOR_TRUECOLOR_AT_8BPP; else infoPtr->Flags = #if X_BYTE_ORDER == X_LITTLE_ENDIAN HARDWARE_CURSOR_BIT_ORDER_MSBFIRST | #endif HARDWARE_CURSOR_TRUECOLOR_AT_8BPP; infoPtr->SetCursorColors = AlpSetCursorColors; infoPtr->SetCursorPosition = AlpSetCursorPosition; infoPtr->LoadCursorImage = AlpLoadCursorImage; infoPtr->HideCursor = AlpHideCursor; infoPtr->ShowCursor = AlpShowCursor; infoPtr->UseHWCursor = AlpUseHWCursor; #ifdef ALP_DEBUG ErrorF("AlpHWCursorInit before xf86InitCursor\n"); #endif xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"Hardware cursor: %ix%i\n", CURSORWIDTH,CURSORHEIGHT); return(xf86InitCursor(pScreen, infoPtr)); }