/* * Copyright 2003 through 2004 by Marc Aurele La France (TSI @ UQV), tsi@xfree86.org * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and * that the name of Marc Aurele La France not be used in advertising or * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, * written prior permission. Marc Aurele La France makes no representations * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided * "as-is" without express or implied warranty. * * MARC AURELE LA FRANCE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO * EVENT SHALL MARC AURELE LA FRANCE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <string.h> #include "ati.h" #include "atichip.h" #include "atimach64accel.h" #include "atimach64io.h" #include "atixv.h" #include "atimach64version.h" #include <X11/extensions/Xv.h> #include "fourcc.h" #include "xf86xv.h" #define MAKE_ATOM(string) MakeAtom(string, strlen(string), TRUE) #define MaxScale (CARD32)(CARD16)(-1) static unsigned long ATIMach64XVAtomGeneration = (unsigned long)(-1); static XF86VideoEncodingRec ATIMach64VideoEncoding[] = { { 0, "XV_IMAGE", 720, 2048, {1, 1} } }; #define nATIMach64VideoEncoding NumberOf(ATIMach64VideoEncoding) static XF86VideoFormatRec ATIMach64VideoFormat[] = { { 8, TrueColor}, { 8, DirectColor}, { 8, PseudoColor}, { 8, GrayScale}, { 8, StaticGray}, { 8, StaticColor}, {15, TrueColor}, {16, TrueColor}, {24, TrueColor}, {15, DirectColor}, {16, DirectColor}, {24, DirectColor} }; #define nATIMach64VideoFormat NumberOf(ATIMach64VideoFormat) static XF86AttributeRec ATIMach64Attribute[] = { /* These are only supported on the Rage Pro and later ... */ { XvSettable | XvGettable, -1000, 1000, "XV_SATURATION" }, { XvSettable | XvGettable, -1000, 1000, "XV_BRIGHTNESS" }, { XvSettable | XvGettable, -1000, 1000, "XV_COLOUR" }, { XvSettable | XvGettable, -1000, 1000, "XV_COLOR" }, /* Local attributes, odds and ends for compatibility, etc... */ { XvSettable | XvGettable, 0, 1, "XV_AUTOPAINT_COLOURKEY" }, { XvSettable | XvGettable, 0, 1, "XV_AUTOPAINT_COLORKEY" }, { XvSettable | XvGettable, 0, (1 << 24) - 1, "XV_COLOURKEY" }, { XvSettable | XvGettable, 0, (1 << 24) - 1, "XV_COLORKEY" }, { XvSettable | XvGettable, 0, (1 << 24) - 1, "XV_COLOURKEY_MASK" }, { XvSettable | XvGettable, 0, (1 << 24) - 1, "XV_COLORKEY_MASK" }, { XvSettable, 0, 0, "XV_SET_DEFAULTS" }, { /* Keep last */ XvSettable | XvGettable, 0, 1, "XV_DOUBLE_BUFFER" } }; #define nATIMach64Attribute NumberOf(ATIMach64Attribute) static XF86ImageRec ATIMach64Image[] = { XVIMAGE_YUY2, XVIMAGE_UYVY, XVIMAGE_YV12, XVIMAGE_I420 }; #define nATIMach64Image NumberOf(ATIMach64Image) /* A local XVideo adaptor attribute record */ typedef struct _ATIMach64Attribute { Atom AttributeID; INT32 MaxValue; /* ... for the hardware */ void (*SetAttribute) (ATIPtr, INT32); INT32 (*GetAttribute) (ATIPtr); } ATIMach64AttributeRec, *ATIMach64AttributePtr; /* Functions to get/set XVideo adaptor attributes */ static void ATIMach64SetSaturationAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI, INT32 Value ) { /* Set the register */ pATI->NewHW.scaler_colour_cntl &= ~(SCALE_SATURATION_U | SCALE_SATURATION_V); pATI->NewHW.scaler_colour_cntl |= SetBits(Value, SCALE_SATURATION_U) | SetBits(Value, SCALE_SATURATION_V); outf(SCALER_COLOUR_CNTL, pATI->NewHW.scaler_colour_cntl); } static INT32 ATIMach64GetSaturationAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI ) { return (INT32)GetBits(pATI->NewHW.scaler_colour_cntl, SCALE_SATURATION_U); } static void ATIMach64SetBrightnessAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI, INT32 Value ) { /* Set the register */ pATI->NewHW.scaler_colour_cntl &= ~SCALE_BRIGHTNESS; pATI->NewHW.scaler_colour_cntl |= SetBits(Value, SCALE_BRIGHTNESS); outf(SCALER_COLOUR_CNTL, pATI->NewHW.scaler_colour_cntl); } static INT32 ATIMach64GetBrightnessAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI ) { return (INT32)GetBits(pATI->NewHW.scaler_colour_cntl, SCALE_BRIGHTNESS); } static void ATIMach64SetDoubleBufferAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI, INT32 Value ) { pATI->DoubleBuffer = Value; } static INT32 ATIMach64GetDoubleBufferAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI ) { return (int)pATI->DoubleBuffer; } static void ATIMach64SetAutoPaintAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI, INT32 Value ) { pATI->AutoPaint = Value; } static INT32 ATIMach64GetAutoPaintAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI ) { return (int)pATI->AutoPaint; } static void ATIMach64SetColourKeyAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI, INT32 Value ) { pATI->NewHW.overlay_graphics_key_clr = (CARD32)(Value & ((1 << pATI->depth) - 1)); outf(OVERLAY_GRAPHICS_KEY_CLR, pATI->NewHW.overlay_graphics_key_clr); } static INT32 ATIMach64GetColourKeyAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI ) { return (INT32)pATI->NewHW.overlay_graphics_key_clr; } static void ATIMach64SetColourKeyMaskAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI, INT32 Value ) { pATI->NewHW.overlay_graphics_key_msk = (CARD32)(Value & ((1 << pATI->depth) - 1)); outf(OVERLAY_GRAPHICS_KEY_MSK, pATI->NewHW.overlay_graphics_key_msk); } static INT32 ATIMach64GetColourKeyMaskAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI ) { return (INT32)pATI->NewHW.overlay_graphics_key_msk; } /* * ATIMach64SetDefaultAttributes -- * * This function calls other functions to set default values for the various * attributes of an XVideo port. */ static void ATIMach64SetDefaultAttributes ( ATIPtr pATI, INT32 Value ) { ATIMach64SetAutoPaintAttribute(pATI, TRUE); ATIMach64SetDoubleBufferAttribute(pATI, FALSE); ATIMach64SetColourKeyMaskAttribute(pATI, (1 << pATI->depth) - 1); ATIMach64SetColourKeyAttribute(pATI, (3 << ((2 * pATI->depth) / 3)) | (2 << ((1 * pATI->depth) / 3)) | (1 << ((0 * pATI->depth) / 3))); if (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264GTPRO) return; ATIMach64SetBrightnessAttribute(pATI, 32); ATIMach64SetSaturationAttribute(pATI, 16); } /* * There is a one-to-one correspondence between elements of the following array * and those of ATIMach64Attribute. */ static ATIMach64AttributeRec ATIMach64AttributeInfo[nATIMach64Attribute] = { { /* SATURATION */ 0, 23, ATIMach64SetSaturationAttribute, ATIMach64GetSaturationAttribute }, { /* BRIGHTNESS */ 0, 63, ATIMach64SetBrightnessAttribute, ATIMach64GetBrightnessAttribute }, { /* COLOUR */ 0, 23, ATIMach64SetSaturationAttribute, ATIMach64GetSaturationAttribute }, { /* COLOR */ 0, 23, ATIMach64SetSaturationAttribute, ATIMach64GetSaturationAttribute }, { /* AUTOPAINT_COLOURKEY */ 0, 1, ATIMach64SetAutoPaintAttribute, ATIMach64GetAutoPaintAttribute }, { /* AUTOPAINT_COLORKEY */ 0, 1, ATIMach64SetAutoPaintAttribute, ATIMach64GetAutoPaintAttribute }, { /* COLOURKEY */ 0, (1 << 24) - 1, ATIMach64SetColourKeyAttribute, ATIMach64GetColourKeyAttribute }, { /* COLORKEY */ 0, (1 << 24) - 1, ATIMach64SetColourKeyAttribute, ATIMach64GetColourKeyAttribute }, { /* COLOURKEY_MASK */ 0, (1 << 24) - 1, ATIMach64SetColourKeyMaskAttribute, ATIMach64GetColourKeyMaskAttribute }, { /* COLORKEY_MASK */ 0, (1 << 24) - 1, ATIMach64SetColourKeyMaskAttribute, ATIMach64GetColourKeyMaskAttribute }, { /* SET_DEFAULTS */ 0, 0, ATIMach64SetDefaultAttributes, NULL }, { /* DOUBLE_BUFFER */ 0, 1, ATIMach64SetDoubleBufferAttribute, ATIMach64GetDoubleBufferAttribute } }; /* * ATIMach64FindAttribute -- * * This function is called to locate an Xv attribute's table entry. */ static int ATIMach64FindPortAttribute ( ATIPtr pATI, Atom AttributeID ) { int iAttribute; if (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264GTPRO) iAttribute = 4; else iAttribute = 0; for (; iAttribute < nATIMach64Attribute; iAttribute++) if (AttributeID == ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].AttributeID) return iAttribute; return -1; } /* * ATIMach64SetPortAttribute -- * * This function sets the value of a particular port's attribute. */ static int ATIMach64SetPortAttribute ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, Atom AttributeID, INT32 Value, pointer pATI ) { INT32 Range; int iAttribute; if (((iAttribute = ATIMach64FindPortAttribute(pATI, AttributeID)) < 0) || !ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].SetAttribute) return BadMatch; Range = ATIMach64Attribute[iAttribute].max_value - ATIMach64Attribute[iAttribute].min_value; if (Range >= 0) { /* Limit and scale the value */ Value -= ATIMach64Attribute[iAttribute].min_value; if (Value < 0) Value = 0; else if (Value > Range) Value = Range; if (Range != ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].MaxValue) { if (ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].MaxValue > 0) Value *= ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].MaxValue; if (Range > 0) Value /= Range; } } (*ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].SetAttribute)(pATI, Value); return Success; } /* * ATIMach64SetPortAttribute -- * * This function retrieves the value of a particular port's attribute. */ static int ATIMach64GetPortAttribute ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, Atom AttributeID, INT32 *Value, pointer pATI ) { INT32 Range; int iAttribute; if (!Value || ((iAttribute = ATIMach64FindPortAttribute(pATI, AttributeID)) < 0) || !ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].GetAttribute) return BadMatch; *Value = (*ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].GetAttribute)(pATI); Range = ATIMach64Attribute[iAttribute].max_value - ATIMach64Attribute[iAttribute].min_value; if (Range >= 0) { if (Range != ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].MaxValue) { /* (Un-)scale the value */ if (Range > 0) *Value *= Range; if (ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].MaxValue > 0) *Value /= ATIMach64AttributeInfo[iAttribute].MaxValue; } *Value += ATIMach64Attribute[iAttribute].min_value; } return Success; } static pointer ATIMach64XVMemAlloc ( ScreenPtr pScreen, pointer pVideo, int size, int *offset, ATIPtr pATI ); static void ATIMach64XVMemFree ( ScreenPtr pScreen, pointer pVideo, ATIPtr pATI ); #ifdef USE_XAA /* * ATIMach64RemoveLinearCallback -- * * This is called by the framebuffer manager to release the offscreen XVideo * buffer after the video has been temporarily disabled due to its window being * iconified or completely occluded. */ static void ATIMach64RemoveLinearCallback ( FBLinearPtr pLinear ) { ATIPtr pATI = ATIPTR(xf86ScreenToScrn(pLinear->pScreen)); pATI->pXVBuffer = NULL; outf(OVERLAY_SCALE_CNTL, SCALE_EN); } #endif /* USE_XAA */ /* * ATIMach64StopVideo -- * * This is called to stop displaying a video. Note that, to prevent jittering * this doesn't actually turn off the overlay unless 'Cleanup' is TRUE, i.e. * when the video is to be actually stopped rather than temporarily disabled. */ static void ATIMach64StopVideo ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, pointer Data, Bool Cleanup ) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pScreenInfo->pScreen; ATIPtr pATI = Data; if (pATI->ActiveSurface) return; REGION_EMPTY(pScreen, &pATI->VideoClip); #ifdef USE_XAA if (!pATI->useEXA && !Cleanup) { /* * Free offscreen buffer if/when its allocation is needed by XAA's * pixmap cache. */ FBLinearPtr linear = (FBLinearPtr)pATI->pXVBuffer; if (linear) linear->RemoveLinearCallback = ATIMach64RemoveLinearCallback; return; } #endif /* USE_XAA */ ATIMach64XVMemFree(pScreen, pATI->pXVBuffer, pATI); pATI->pXVBuffer = NULL; outf(OVERLAY_SCALE_CNTL, SCALE_EN); } /* * ATIMach64QueryBestSize -- * * Quoting XVideo docs: * * This function provides the client with a way to query what the destination * dimensions would end up being if they were to request that an area * VideoWidth by VideoHeight from the video stream be scaled to rectangle of * DrawableWidth by DrawableHeight on the screen. Since it is not expected * that all hardware will be able to get the target dimensions exactly, it is * important that the driver provide this function. */ static void ATIMach64QueryBestSize ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, Bool Motion, short VideoWidth, short VideoHeight, short DrawableWidth, short DrawableHeight, unsigned int *Width, unsigned int *Height, pointer pATI ) { *Width = DrawableWidth; *Height = DrawableHeight; } /* * ATIMach64QueryImageAttributes -- * * Quoting XVideo docs: * * This function is called to let the driver specify how data for a particular * image of size Width by Height should be stored. Sometimes only the size and * corrected width and height are needed. In that case pitches and offsets are * NULL. The size of the memory required for the image is returned by this * function. The width and height of the requested image can be altered by the * driver to reflect format limitations (such as component sampling periods * that are larger than one). If pPitch and pOffset are not NULL, these will * be arrays with as many elements in them as there are planes in the image * format. The driver should specify the pitch (in bytes) of each scanline in * the particular plane as well as the offset to that plane (in bytes) from the * beginning of the image. */ static int ATIMach64QueryImageAttributes ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, int ImageID, unsigned short *Width, unsigned short *Height, int *pPitch, int *pOffset ) { int Size, tmp; if (!Width || !Height) return 0; if (*Width > 2048) *Width = 2048; else *Width = (*Width + 1) & ~1; if (*Height > 2048) *Height = 2048; if (pOffset) pOffset[0] = 0; switch (ImageID) { case FOURCC_YV12: case FOURCC_I420: *Height = (*Height + 1) & ~1; Size = (*Width + 3) & ~3; if (pPitch) pPitch[0] = Size; Size *= *Height; if (pOffset) pOffset[1] = Size; tmp = ((*Width >> 1) + 3) & ~3; if (pPitch) pPitch[1] = pPitch[2] = tmp; tmp *= (*Height >> 1); Size += tmp; if (pOffset) pOffset[2] = Size; Size += tmp; break; case FOURCC_UYVY: case FOURCC_YUY2: Size = *Width << 1; if (pPitch) pPitch[0] = Size; Size *= *Height; break; default: Size = 0; break; } return Size; } /* * ATIMach64ScaleVideo -- * * This function is called to calculate overlay scaling factors. */ static void ATIMach64ScaleVideo ( ATIPtr pATI, DisplayModePtr pMode, int SrcW, int SrcH, int DstW, int DstH, CARD32 *pHScale, CARD32 *pVScale ) { int Shift; *pHScale = ATIDivide(SrcW, DstW, GetBits(pATI->NewHW.pll_vclk_cntl, PLL_ECP_DIV) + 12, 0); Shift = 12; if (pMode->Flags & V_INTERLACE) Shift++; if (pATI->OptionPanelDisplay && (pATI->LCDPanelID >= 0)) { if (pMode->VDisplay < pATI->LCDVertical) { SrcH *= pMode->VDisplay; DstH *= pATI->LCDVertical; } } else { if (pMode->Flags & V_DBLSCAN) Shift--; if (pMode->VScan > 1) DstH *= pMode->VScan; } *pVScale = ATIDivide(SrcH, DstH, Shift, 0); } /* * ATIMach64ClipVideo -- * * Clip the video (both source and destination) and make various other * adjustments. */ static Bool ATIMach64ClipVideo ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, ATIPtr pATI, int ImageID, short SrcX, short SrcY, short SrcW, short SrcH, short DstX, short DstY, short *DstW, short *DstH, short Width, short Height, RegionPtr pClip, BoxPtr pDstBox, INT32 *SrcX1, INT32 *SrcX2, INT32 *SrcY1, INT32 *SrcY2, int *SrcLeft, int *SrcTop ) { CARD32 HScale, VScale; /* Check hardware limits */ if ((Height <= 0) || (Height > 2048) || (Width <= 0) || (Width > 768) || ((Width > 384) && (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264VTB)) || ((Width > 720) && (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264GTPRO || pATI->Chip > ATI_CHIP_264LTPRO))) return FALSE; ATIMach64ScaleVideo(pATI, pScreenInfo->currentMode, SrcW, SrcH, *DstW, *DstH, &HScale, &VScale); if (!HScale || !VScale) return FALSE; if (HScale > MaxScale) *DstW = (*DstW * HScale) / MaxScale; if (VScale > MaxScale) *DstH = (*DstH * HScale) / MaxScale; /* Clip both the source and the destination */ *SrcX1 = SrcX; *SrcX2 = SrcX + SrcW; *SrcY1 = SrcY; *SrcY2 = SrcY + SrcH; pDstBox->x1 = DstX; pDstBox->x2 = DstX + *DstW; pDstBox->y1 = DstY; pDstBox->y2 = DstY + *DstH; if (!xf86XVClipVideoHelper(pDstBox, SrcX1, SrcX2, SrcY1, SrcY2, pClip, Width, Height)) return FALSE; /* * Reset overlay scaler origin. This prevents jittering during * viewport panning or while the video is being moved or gradually * obscured/unobscured. */ pDstBox->x1 = DstX; pDstBox->y1 = DstY; /* Translate to the current viewport */ pDstBox->x1 -= pScreenInfo->frameX0; pDstBox->x2 -= pScreenInfo->frameX0; pDstBox->y1 -= pScreenInfo->frameY0; pDstBox->y2 -= pScreenInfo->frameY0; *SrcLeft = *SrcTop = 0; /* * If the overlay scaler origin ends up outside the current viewport, move * it to the viewport's top left corner. This unavoidably causes a slight * jittering in the image (even with double-buffering). */ if (pDstBox->x1 < 0) { *SrcLeft = ((-pDstBox->x1 * SrcW) / *DstW) & ~1; pDstBox->x1 = 0; } if (pDstBox->y1 < 0) { *SrcTop = (-pDstBox->y1 * SrcH) / *DstH; pDstBox->y1 = 0; switch (ImageID) { case FOURCC_YV12: case FOURCC_I420: *SrcTop = (*SrcTop + 1) & ~1; break; default: break; } } return TRUE; } #ifdef ATIMove32 /* A faster intercept */ #undef xf86XVCopyPacked #define xf86XVCopyPacked ATIMach64XVCopyPacked static void ATIMach64XVCopyPacked ( const CARD8 *pSrc, CARD8 *pDst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch, int Height, int Width ) { Width >>= 1; while (--Height >= 0) { ATIMove32(pDst, pSrc, Width); pSrc += SrcPitch; pDst += DstPitch; } } #endif /* * ATIMach64DisplayVideo -- * * This function programmes Mach64 registers needed to display a video. */ static void ATIMach64DisplayVideo ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, ATIPtr pATI, BoxPtr pDstBox, int ImageID, int Offset, int Pitch, short SrcW, short SrcH, short DstW, short DstH, short Width, short Height ) { DisplayModePtr pMode = pScreenInfo->currentMode; CARD32 HScale, VScale; if (pMode->VScan > 1) { pDstBox->y1 *= pMode->VScan; pDstBox->y2 *= pMode->VScan; } if (pMode->Flags & V_DBLSCAN) { pDstBox->y1 <<= 1; pDstBox->y2 <<= 1; } /* Recalculate overlay scale factors */ ATIMach64ScaleVideo(pATI, pMode, SrcW, SrcH, DstW, DstH, &HScale, &VScale); pATI->NewHW.video_format &= ~SCALER_IN; if (ImageID == FOURCC_UYVY) pATI->NewHW.video_format |= SCALER_IN_YVYU422; else pATI->NewHW.video_format |= SCALER_IN_VYUY422; ATIMach64WaitForFIFO(pATI, 8); outq(OVERLAY_Y_X_START, OVERLAY_Y_X_END, OVERLAY_LOCK_START | SetWord(pDstBox->x1, 1) | SetWord(pDstBox->y1, 0), SetWord(pDstBox->x2 - 1, 1) | SetWord(pDstBox->y2 - 1, 0)); outf(OVERLAY_SCALE_INC, SetWord(HScale, 1) | SetWord(VScale, 0)); outf(SCALER_HEIGHT_WIDTH, SetWord(Width, 1) | SetWord(Height, 0)); outf(VIDEO_FORMAT, pATI->NewHW.video_format); if (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264VTB) { outf(BUF0_OFFSET, Offset); outf(BUF0_PITCH, Pitch); } else { outf(SCALER_BUF0_OFFSET, Offset); outf(SCALER_BUF_PITCH, Pitch); } outf(OVERLAY_SCALE_CNTL, SCALE_PIX_EXPAND | OVERLAY_EN | SCALE_EN); } /* * ATIMach64PutImage -- * * This function is called to put a video image on the screen. */ static int ATIMach64PutImage ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, short SrcX, short SrcY, short DstX, short DstY, short SrcW, short SrcH, short DstW, short DstH, int ImageID, unsigned char *Buffer, short Width, short Height, Bool Synchronise, RegionPtr pClip, pointer Data, DrawablePtr pDraw ) { ATIPtr pATI = Data; ScreenPtr pScreen; INT32 SrcX1, SrcX2, SrcY1, SrcY2; BoxRec DstBox; int SrcPitch, SrcPitchUV, DstPitch, DstSize; int SrcTop, SrcLeft, DstWidth, DstHeight; int Top, Bottom, Left, Right, nLine, nPixel, Offset; int OffsetV, OffsetU; int XVOffset; int tmp; CARD8 *pDst; if (pATI->ActiveSurface) return Success; if (DstH < 16) return Success; if (!ATIMach64ClipVideo(pScreenInfo, pATI, ImageID, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, DstX, DstY, &DstW, &DstH, Width, Height, pClip, &DstBox, &SrcX1, &SrcX2, &SrcY1, &SrcY2, &SrcLeft, &SrcTop)) return Success; pScreen = pScreenInfo->pScreen; DstWidth = Width - SrcLeft; DstHeight = Height - SrcTop; /* * Allocate an offscreen buffer for the entire source, even though only a * subset of the source will be copied into it. */ DstPitch = /* bytes */ (DstWidth + DstWidth + 15) & ~15; DstSize = /* bytes */ (DstPitch * DstHeight); pATI->pXVBuffer = ATIMach64XVMemAlloc(pScreen, pATI->pXVBuffer, (pATI->DoubleBuffer + 1) * DstSize, &XVOffset, pATI); if (!pATI->pXVBuffer) { if (!pATI->DoubleBuffer) return BadAlloc; pATI->pXVBuffer = ATIMach64XVMemAlloc(pScreen, pATI->pXVBuffer, DstSize, &XVOffset, pATI); if (!pATI->pXVBuffer) return BadAlloc; xf86DrvMsg(pScreenInfo->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "Video image double-buffering downgraded to single-buffering\n due" " to insufficient video memory.\n"); pATI->DoubleBuffer = pATI->CurrentBuffer = 0; } else { /* Possibly switch buffers */ pATI->CurrentBuffer = pATI->DoubleBuffer - pATI->CurrentBuffer; } /* Synchronise video memory accesses */ ATIMach64Sync(pScreenInfo); Offset = XVOffset + pATI->CurrentBuffer * DstSize; pDst = pATI->pMemoryLE; pDst += Offset; switch (ImageID) { case FOURCC_YV12: case FOURCC_I420: Left = (SrcX1 >> 16) & ~1; Right = ((SrcX2 + 0x1FFFF) >> 16) & ~1; Top = (SrcY1 >> 16) & ~1; Bottom = ((SrcY2 + 0x1FFFF) >> 16) & ~1; if ((Right < Width) && ((SrcX1 & 0x1FFFF) <= (SrcX2 & 0x1FFFF))) Right += 2; if ((Bottom < Height) && ((SrcY1 & 0x1FFFF) <= (SrcY2 & 0x1FFFF))) Bottom += 2; nPixel = Right - Left; nLine = Bottom - Top; SrcPitch = (Width + 3) & ~3; OffsetV = SrcPitch * Height; SrcPitchUV = ((Width >> 1) + 3) & ~3; OffsetU = ((Height >> 1) * SrcPitchUV) + OffsetV; tmp = ((Top >> 1) * SrcPitchUV) + (Left >> 1); OffsetV += tmp; OffsetU += tmp; if (ImageID == FOURCC_I420) { tmp = OffsetV; OffsetV = OffsetU; OffsetU = tmp; } pDst += ((Top - SrcTop) * DstPitch) + ((Left - SrcLeft) << 1); xf86XVCopyYUV12ToPacked(Buffer + (Top * SrcPitch) + Left, Buffer + OffsetV, Buffer + OffsetU, pDst, SrcPitch, SrcPitchUV, DstPitch, nLine, nPixel); break; case FOURCC_UYVY: case FOURCC_YUY2: default: Left = (SrcX1 >> 16) & ~1; Right = ((SrcX2 + 0x1FFFF) >> 16) & ~1; Top = SrcY1 >> 16; Bottom = (SrcY2 + 0x0FFFF) >> 16; if ((Right < Width) && ((SrcX1 & 0x1FFFF) <= (SrcX2 & 0x1FFFF))) Right += 2; if ((Bottom < Height) && ((SrcY1 & 0x0FFFF) <= (SrcY2 & 0x0FFFF))) Bottom++; nPixel = Right - Left; nLine = Bottom - Top; SrcPitch = Width << 1; Buffer += (Top * SrcPitch) + (Left << 1); pDst += ((Top - SrcTop) * DstPitch) + ((Left - SrcLeft) << 1); xf86XVCopyPacked(Buffer, pDst, SrcPitch, DstPitch, nLine, nPixel); break; } if (!REGION_EQUAL(pScreen, &pATI->VideoClip, pClip)) { REGION_COPY(pScreen, &pATI->VideoClip, pClip); if (pATI->AutoPaint) xf86XVFillKeyHelper(pScreen, pATI->NewHW.overlay_graphics_key_clr, pClip); } ATIMach64DisplayVideo(pScreenInfo, pATI, &DstBox, ImageID, Offset, DstPitch / 2, SrcW, SrcH, DstW, DstH, DstWidth, DstHeight); return Success; } /* * ATIMach64AllocateSurface -- * * This function allocates an offscreen buffer (called a "surface") for use by * an external driver such as 'v4l'. */ static int ATIMach64AllocateSurface ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, int ImageID, unsigned short Width, unsigned short Height, XF86SurfacePtr pSurface ) { ScreenPtr pScreen; ATIPtr pATI = ATIPTR(pScreenInfo); int XVOffset; if (pATI->ActiveSurface) return BadAlloc; if ((Height <= 0) || (Height > 2048) || (Width <= 0) || (Width > 768) || ((Width > 384) && (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264VTB)) || ((Width > 720) && (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264GTPRO || pATI->Chip > ATI_CHIP_264LTPRO))) return BadValue; Width = (Width + 1) & ~1; pATI->SurfacePitch = ((Width << 1) + 15) & ~15; pScreen = pScreenInfo->pScreen; pATI->pXVBuffer = ATIMach64XVMemAlloc(pScreen, pATI->pXVBuffer, Height * pATI->SurfacePitch, &XVOffset, pATI); if (!pATI->pXVBuffer) return BadAlloc; pATI->SurfaceOffset = XVOffset; pSurface->pScrn = pScreenInfo; pSurface->id = ImageID; pSurface->width = Width; pSurface->height = Height; pSurface->pitches = &pATI->SurfacePitch; pSurface->offsets = &pATI->SurfaceOffset; pSurface->devPrivate.ptr = pATI; /* Stop the video */ outf(OVERLAY_SCALE_CNTL, SCALE_EN); REGION_EMPTY(pScreen, &pATI->VideoClip); pATI->ActiveSurface = TRUE; return Success; } /* * ATIMach64FreeSurface -- * * This function called to free a surface's offscreen buffer. */ static int ATIMach64FreeSurface ( XF86SurfacePtr pSurface ) { ATIPtr pATI = pSurface->devPrivate.ptr; if (!pATI->ActiveSurface) return Success; outf(OVERLAY_SCALE_CNTL, SCALE_EN); ATIMach64XVMemFree(pSurface->pScrn->pScreen, pATI->pXVBuffer, pATI); pATI->pXVBuffer = NULL; pATI->ActiveSurface = FALSE; return Success; } /* * ATIMach64DisplaySurface -- * * This function is called to display a video surface. */ static int ATIMach64DisplaySurface ( XF86SurfacePtr pSurface, short SrcX, short SrcY, short DstX, short DstY, short SrcW, short SrcH, short DstW, short DstH, RegionPtr pClip ) { ATIPtr pATI = pSurface->devPrivate.ptr; ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo; int ImageID; short Width, Height; BoxRec DstBox; INT32 SrcX1, SrcX2, SrcY1, SrcY2; int SrcLeft, SrcTop, SrcPitch, Offset; if (!pATI->ActiveSurface) return Success; pScreenInfo = pSurface->pScrn; ImageID = pSurface->id; Width = pSurface->width; Height = pSurface->height; if (!ATIMach64ClipVideo(pScreenInfo, pATI, ImageID, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, DstX, DstY, &DstW, &DstH, Width, Height, pClip, &DstBox, &SrcX1, &SrcX2, &SrcY1, &SrcY2, &SrcLeft, &SrcTop)) return Success; xf86XVFillKeyHelper(pScreenInfo->pScreen, pATI->NewHW.overlay_graphics_key_clr, pClip); SrcPitch = pSurface->pitches[0]; Offset = pSurface->offsets[0] + (SrcTop * SrcPitch) + (SrcLeft << 1); ATIMach64DisplayVideo(pScreenInfo, pATI, &DstBox, ImageID, Offset, SrcPitch, SrcW, SrcH, DstW, DstH, Width, Height); return Success; } /* * ATIMach64StopSurface -- * * This function is called to stop the overlaid display of a video surface. */ static int ATIMach64StopSurface ( XF86SurfacePtr pSurface ) { ATIPtr pATI = pSurface->devPrivate.ptr; if (pATI->ActiveSurface) outf(OVERLAY_SCALE_CNTL, SCALE_EN); return Success; } /* * ATIMach64GetSurfaceAttribute -- * * Retrieve the value of an XVideo attribute. */ static int ATIMach64GetSurfaceAttribute ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, Atom AttributeID, INT32 *Value ) { return ATIMach64GetPortAttribute(pScreenInfo, AttributeID, Value, ATIPTR(pScreenInfo)); } /* * ATIMach64SetSurfaceAttribute * * Set the value of an XVideo attribute. */ static int ATIMach64SetSurfaceAttribute ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, Atom AttributeID, INT32 Value ) { return ATIMach64SetPortAttribute(pScreenInfo, AttributeID, Value, ATIPTR(pScreenInfo)); } /* XVideo surface registration data */ static XF86OffscreenImageRec ATIMach64Surface[] = { { &ATIMach64Image[0], /* YUY2 */ VIDEO_OVERLAID_IMAGES | VIDEO_CLIP_TO_VIEWPORT, ATIMach64AllocateSurface, ATIMach64FreeSurface, ATIMach64DisplaySurface, ATIMach64StopSurface, ATIMach64GetSurfaceAttribute, ATIMach64SetSurfaceAttribute, 720, 2048, nATIMach64Attribute - 1, /* No double-buffering */ ATIMach64Attribute }, { &ATIMach64Image[1], /* UYVY */ VIDEO_OVERLAID_IMAGES | VIDEO_CLIP_TO_VIEWPORT, ATIMach64AllocateSurface, ATIMach64FreeSurface, ATIMach64DisplaySurface, ATIMach64StopSurface, ATIMach64GetSurfaceAttribute, ATIMach64SetSurfaceAttribute, 720, 2048, nATIMach64Attribute - 1, /* No double-buffering */ ATIMach64Attribute } }; #define nATIMach64Surface NumberOf(ATIMach64Surface) /* * ATIMach64XVInitialiseAdaptor -- * * This function is called to make a Mach64's hardware overlay support * available as an XVideo adaptor. */ static int ATIMach64XVInitialiseAdaptor ( ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, XF86VideoAdaptorPtr **pppAdaptor ) { ScreenPtr pScreen = xf86ScrnToScreen(pScreenInfo); ATIPtr pATI = ATIPTR(pScreenInfo); XF86VideoAdaptorPtr *ppAdaptor = NULL; XF86VideoAdaptorPtr pAdaptor; int Index; XF86VideoEncodingPtr enc = &(ATIMach64VideoEncoding[0]); XF86OffscreenImagePtr surf0 = &(ATIMach64Surface[0]); XF86OffscreenImagePtr surf1 = &(ATIMach64Surface[1]); if (xf86NameCmp(pScreenInfo->driverName, MACH64_DRIVER_NAME) != 0) return 0; if (pppAdaptor) *pppAdaptor = NULL; if (!pATI->Block1Base) return 0; if (!(pAdaptor = xf86XVAllocateVideoAdaptorRec(pScreenInfo))) return 0; ppAdaptor = xnfalloc(sizeof(pAdaptor)); ppAdaptor[0] = pAdaptor; pAdaptor->nPorts = 1; pAdaptor->pPortPrivates = pATI->XVPortPrivate; pATI->XVPortPrivate[0].ptr = pATI; pAdaptor->type = XvInputMask | XvImageMask | XvWindowMask; pAdaptor->flags = VIDEO_OVERLAID_IMAGES | VIDEO_CLIP_TO_VIEWPORT; pAdaptor->name = "ATI Mach64 Back-end Overlay Scaler"; if (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264VTB) { enc->width = 384; } else if (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264GTPRO || pATI->Chip > ATI_CHIP_264LTPRO) { enc->width = 720; /* default */ } else { enc->width = 768; } pAdaptor->nEncodings = nATIMach64VideoEncoding; pAdaptor->pEncodings = ATIMach64VideoEncoding; pAdaptor->nFormats = nATIMach64VideoFormat; pAdaptor->pFormats = ATIMach64VideoFormat; pAdaptor->nAttributes = nATIMach64Attribute; pAdaptor->pAttributes = ATIMach64Attribute; if (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264GTPRO) { /* Older controllers don't have brightness or saturation controls */ pAdaptor->nAttributes -= 4; pAdaptor->pAttributes += 4; } pAdaptor->nImages = nATIMach64Image; pAdaptor->pImages = ATIMach64Image; pAdaptor->StopVideo = ATIMach64StopVideo; pAdaptor->SetPortAttribute = ATIMach64SetPortAttribute; pAdaptor->GetPortAttribute = ATIMach64GetPortAttribute; pAdaptor->QueryBestSize = ATIMach64QueryBestSize; pAdaptor->PutImage = ATIMach64PutImage; pAdaptor->QueryImageAttributes = ATIMach64QueryImageAttributes; REGION_NULL(pScreen, &pATI->VideoClip); pATI->ActiveSurface = FALSE; if (ATIMach64XVAtomGeneration != serverGeneration) { /* Refresh static data */ ATIMach64XVAtomGeneration = serverGeneration; Index = nATIMach64Attribute - pAdaptor->nAttributes; for (; Index < nATIMach64Attribute; Index++) ATIMach64AttributeInfo[Index].AttributeID = MAKE_ATOM(ATIMach64Attribute[Index].name); } ATIMach64SetDefaultAttributes(pATI, 0); if (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264VTB) { surf0->max_width = 384; surf1->max_width = 384; } else if (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264GTPRO || pATI->Chip > ATI_CHIP_264LTPRO) { surf0->max_width = 720; /* default */ surf1->max_width = 720; } else { surf0->max_width = 768; surf1->max_width = 768; } if (pATI->Chip < ATI_CHIP_264GTPRO) { /* No saturation nor brightness */ surf0->num_attributes -= 4; surf1->num_attributes -= 4; surf0->attributes += 4; surf1->attributes += 4; } xf86XVRegisterOffscreenImages(pScreen, ATIMach64Surface, nATIMach64Surface); if (pppAdaptor) *pppAdaptor = ppAdaptor; else { free(ppAdaptor[0]); free(ppAdaptor); } return 1; } /* * ATIXVPreInit -- * * This function is called by ATIPreInit() to set up the environment required * to support the XVideo extension. */ void ATIXVPreInit ( ATIPtr pATI ) { (void)xf86XVRegisterGenericAdaptorDriver(ATIMach64XVInitialiseAdaptor); } /* * ATIXVFreeAdaptorInfo -- * * Free XVideo adaptor information. */ static void ATIXVFreeAdaptorInfo ( XF86VideoAdaptorPtr *ppAdaptor, int nAdaptor ) { if (!ppAdaptor) return; while (nAdaptor > 0) free(ppAdaptor[--nAdaptor]); free(ppAdaptor); } /* * ATIInitializeXVideo -- * * This function is called to initialise XVideo extension support on a screen. */ Bool ATIInitializeXVideo ( ScreenPtr pScreen, ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, ATIPtr pATI ) { XF86VideoAdaptorPtr *ppAdaptor; int nAdaptor; Bool result; pScreenInfo->memPhysBase = pATI->LinearBase; pScreenInfo->fbOffset = 0; nAdaptor = xf86XVListGenericAdaptors(pScreenInfo, &ppAdaptor); result = xf86XVScreenInit(pScreen, ppAdaptor, nAdaptor); ATIXVFreeAdaptorInfo(ppAdaptor, nAdaptor); return result; } /* * ATIMach64CloseXVideo -- * * This function is called during screen termination to clean up after * initialisation of Mach64 XVideo support. */ void ATICloseXVideo ( ScreenPtr pScreen, ScrnInfoPtr pScreenInfo, ATIPtr pATI ) { if (!pATI->Block1Base) return; ATIMach64StopVideo(pScreenInfo, pATI, TRUE); REGION_UNINIT(pScreen, &pATI->VideoClip); } /* Functions for offscreen memory management */ #ifdef USE_XAA static FBLinearPtr ATIResizeOffscreenLinear ( ScreenPtr pScreen, FBLinearPtr pLinear, int Size ) { if (Size <= 0) { xf86FreeOffscreenLinear(pLinear); return NULL; } if (pLinear) { if ((pLinear->size >= Size) || xf86ResizeOffscreenLinear(pLinear, Size)) { pLinear->MoveLinearCallback = NULL; pLinear->RemoveLinearCallback = NULL; return pLinear; } xf86FreeOffscreenLinear(pLinear); } pLinear = xf86AllocateOffscreenLinear(pScreen, Size, 16, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!pLinear) { int maxSize; xf86QueryLargestOffscreenLinear(pScreen, &maxSize, 16, PRIORITY_EXTREME); if (maxSize < Size) return NULL; xf86PurgeUnlockedOffscreenAreas(pScreen); pLinear = xf86AllocateOffscreenLinear(pScreen, Size, 16, NULL, NULL, NULL); } return pLinear; } #endif /* USE_XAA */ static pointer ATIMach64XVMemAlloc ( ScreenPtr pScreen, pointer pVideo, int size, int *offset, ATIPtr pATI ) { #ifdef USE_EXA if (pATI->useEXA) { ExaOffscreenArea *area = (ExaOffscreenArea *)pVideo; if (area != NULL) { if (area->size >= size) { *offset = area->offset; return area; } exaOffscreenFree(pScreen, area); } area = exaOffscreenAlloc(pScreen, size, 64, TRUE, NULL, NULL); if (area != NULL) { *offset = area->offset; return area; } } #endif /* USE_EXA */ #ifdef USE_XAA if (!pATI->useEXA) { FBLinearPtr linear = (FBLinearPtr)pVideo; int cpp = pATI->AdjustDepth; /* XAA allocates in units of pixels at the screen bpp, so adjust size * appropriately. */ size = (size + cpp - 1) / cpp; linear = ATIResizeOffscreenLinear(pScreen, linear, size); if (linear != NULL) { *offset = linear->offset * cpp; return linear; } } #endif /* USE_XAA */ *offset = 0; return NULL; } static void ATIMach64XVMemFree ( ScreenPtr pScreen, pointer pVideo, ATIPtr pATI ) { #ifdef USE_EXA if (pATI->useEXA) { ExaOffscreenArea *area = (ExaOffscreenArea *)pVideo; if (area != NULL) exaOffscreenFree(pScreen, area); } #endif /* USE_EXA */ #ifdef USE_XAA if (!pATI->useEXA) { FBLinearPtr linear = (FBLinearPtr)pVideo; if (linear != NULL) ATIResizeOffscreenLinear(pScreen, linear, 0); } #endif /* USE_XAA */ }