/* * Copyright 2008 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* code to handle UMS modesetting */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "qxl.h" /* These constants govern which modes are reported to X as preferred */ #define DEFAULT_WIDTH 1024 #define DEFAULT_HEIGHT 768 static void qxl_update_monitors_config (qxl_screen_t *qxl); static DisplayModePtr screen_create_mode (ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int width, int height, int type) { DisplayModePtr mode; mode = xnfcalloc (1, sizeof (DisplayModeRec)); mode->status = MODE_OK; mode->type = type; mode->HDisplay = width; mode->HSyncStart = (width * 105 / 100 + 7) & ~7; mode->HSyncEnd = (width * 115 / 100 + 7) & ~7; mode->HTotal = (width * 130 / 100 + 7) & ~7; mode->VDisplay = height; mode->VSyncStart = height + 1; mode->VSyncEnd = height + 4; mode->VTotal = height * 1035 / 1000; mode->Clock = mode->HTotal * mode->VTotal * 60 / 1000; mode->Flags = V_NHSYNC | V_PVSYNC; xf86SetModeDefaultName (mode); xf86SetModeCrtc (mode, pScrn->adjustFlags); /* needed? xf86-video-modesetting does this */ return mode; } static DisplayModePtr qxl_add_mode (qxl_screen_t *qxl, ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int width, int height, int type) { DisplayModePtr mode; mode = screen_create_mode (pScrn, width, height, type); pScrn->modes = qxl->x_modes = xf86ModesAdd (qxl->x_modes, mode); return mode; } static int check_crtc (qxl_screen_t *qxl) { int i, count = 0; xf86CrtcPtr crtc; if (qxl->crtcs == NULL) { return 0; } for (i = 0 ; i < qxl->num_heads; ++i) { crtc = qxl->crtcs[i]; if (!crtc->enabled || crtc->mode.CrtcHDisplay == 0 || crtc->mode.CrtcVDisplay == 0) { continue; } count++; } #if 0 if (count == 0) { ErrorF ("check crtc failed, count == 0!!\n"); BREAKPOINT (); } #endif return count; } static void qxl_update_monitors_config (qxl_screen_t *qxl) { int i; QXLHead *head; xf86CrtcPtr crtc; qxl_output_private *qxl_output; QXLRam * ram = get_ram_header (qxl); if (check_crtc (qxl) == 0) return; qxl->monitors_config->count = 0; qxl->monitors_config->max_allowed = qxl->num_heads; for (i = 0 ; i < qxl->num_heads; ++i) { head = &qxl->monitors_config->heads[qxl->monitors_config->count]; crtc = qxl->crtcs[i]; qxl_output = qxl->outputs[i]->driver_private; head->id = i; head->surface_id = 0; head->flags = 0; if (!crtc->enabled || crtc->mode.CrtcHDisplay == 0 || crtc->mode.CrtcVDisplay == 0) { head->width = head->height = head->x = head->y = 0; qxl_output->status = XF86OutputStatusDisconnected; } else { head->width = crtc->mode.CrtcHDisplay; head->height = crtc->mode.CrtcVDisplay; head->x = crtc->x; head->y = crtc->y; qxl->monitors_config->count++; qxl_output->status = XF86OutputStatusConnected; } } /* initialize when actually used, memslots should be initialized by now */ if (ram->monitors_config == 0) { ram->monitors_config = physical_address (qxl, qxl->monitors_config, qxl->main_mem_slot); } qxl_io_monitors_config_async (qxl); } static Bool crtc_set_mode_major (xf86CrtcPtr crtc, DisplayModePtr mode, Rotation rotation, int x, int y) { qxl_crtc_private *crtc_private = crtc->driver_private; qxl_screen_t * qxl = crtc_private->qxl; if (crtc == qxl->crtcs[0] && mode == NULL) { /* disallow disabling of monitor 0 mode */ ErrorF ("%s: not allowing crtc 0 disablement\n", __func__); return FALSE; } crtc->mode = *mode; crtc->x = x; crtc->y = y; crtc->rotation = rotation; #if XORG_VERSION_CURRENT >= XORG_VERSION_NUMERIC (1, 5, 99, 0, 0) crtc->transformPresent = FALSE; #endif /* TODO set EDID here */ return TRUE; } Bool qxl_create_desired_modes (qxl_screen_t *qxl) { int i; xf86CrtcConfigPtr config = XF86_CRTC_CONFIG_PTR (qxl->pScrn); CHECK_POINT (); for (i = 0 ; i < config->num_crtc; ++i) { xf86CrtcPtr crtc = config->crtc[i]; if (!crtc->enabled) continue; if (!crtc_set_mode_major ( crtc, &crtc->desiredMode, crtc->desiredRotation, crtc->desiredX, crtc->desiredY)) { return FALSE; } } qxl_update_monitors_config(qxl); return TRUE; } void qxl_update_edid (qxl_screen_t *qxl) { xf86CrtcConfigPtr config = XF86_CRTC_CONFIG_PTR (qxl->pScrn); int i; for (i = 0; i < config->num_crtc; ++i) { xf86CrtcPtr crtc = config->crtc[i]; if (!crtc->enabled) continue; /* TODO set EDID here */ } } static DisplayModePtr qxl_output_get_modes (xf86OutputPtr output) { qxl_output_private *qxl_output = output->driver_private; DisplayModePtr modes = xf86DuplicateModes (qxl_output->qxl->pScrn, qxl_output->qxl->x_modes); /* xf86ProbeOutputModes owns this memory */ return modes; } static void qxl_output_destroy (xf86OutputPtr output) { qxl_output_private *qxl_output = output->driver_private; xf86DrvMsg (qxl_output->qxl->pScrn->scrnIndex, X_INFO, "%s", __func__); } static void qxl_output_dpms (xf86OutputPtr output, int mode) { } static void qxl_output_create_resources (xf86OutputPtr output) { } static Bool qxl_output_set_property (xf86OutputPtr output, Atom property, RRPropertyValuePtr value) { /* EDID data is stored in the "EDID" atom property, we must return * TRUE here for that. No penalty to say ok to everything else. */ return TRUE; } static Bool qxl_output_get_property (xf86OutputPtr output, Atom property) { return TRUE; } static xf86OutputStatus qxl_output_detect (xf86OutputPtr output) { qxl_output_private *qxl_output = output->driver_private; return qxl_output->status; } static Bool qxl_output_mode_valid (xf86OutputPtr output, DisplayModePtr pModes) { return MODE_OK; } static const xf86OutputFuncsRec qxl_output_funcs = { .dpms = qxl_output_dpms, .create_resources = qxl_output_create_resources, #ifdef RANDR_12_INTERFACE .set_property = qxl_output_set_property, .get_property = qxl_output_get_property, #endif .detect = qxl_output_detect, .mode_valid = qxl_output_mode_valid, .get_modes = qxl_output_get_modes, .destroy = qxl_output_destroy }; static void qxl_crtc_dpms (xf86CrtcPtr crtc, int mode) { } static Bool qxl_crtc_set_mode_major (xf86CrtcPtr crtc, DisplayModePtr mode, Rotation rotation, int x, int y) { qxl_crtc_private *crtc_private = crtc->driver_private; qxl_screen_t * qxl = crtc_private->qxl; CHECK_POINT (); if (!crtc_set_mode_major (crtc, mode, rotation, x, y)) return FALSE; qxl_update_monitors_config (qxl); return TRUE; } static void qxl_crtc_set_cursor_colors (xf86CrtcPtr crtc, int bg, int fg) { } static void qxl_crtc_set_cursor_position (xf86CrtcPtr crtc, int x, int y) { } static void qxl_crtc_load_cursor_argb (xf86CrtcPtr crtc, CARD32 *image) { } static void qxl_crtc_hide_cursor (xf86CrtcPtr crtc) { } static void qxl_crtc_show_cursor (xf86CrtcPtr crtc) { } static void qxl_crtc_gamma_set (xf86CrtcPtr crtc, uint16_t *red, uint16_t *green, uint16_t *blue, int size) { } static void qxl_crtc_destroy (xf86CrtcPtr crtc) { qxl_crtc_private *crtc_private = crtc->driver_private; qxl_screen_t * qxl = crtc_private->qxl; xf86DrvMsg (qxl->pScrn->scrnIndex, X_INFO, "%s\n", __func__); } static Bool qxl_crtc_lock (xf86CrtcPtr crtc) { qxl_crtc_private *crtc_private = crtc->driver_private; qxl_screen_t * qxl = crtc_private->qxl; xf86DrvMsg (qxl->pScrn->scrnIndex, X_INFO, "%s\n", __func__); return TRUE; } static void qxl_crtc_unlock (xf86CrtcPtr crtc) { qxl_crtc_private *crtc_private = crtc->driver_private; qxl_screen_t * qxl = crtc_private->qxl; xf86DrvMsg (qxl->pScrn->scrnIndex, X_INFO, "%s\n", __func__); qxl_update_monitors_config (qxl); } static const xf86CrtcFuncsRec qxl_crtc_funcs = { .dpms = qxl_crtc_dpms, .set_mode_major = qxl_crtc_set_mode_major, .set_cursor_colors = qxl_crtc_set_cursor_colors, .set_cursor_position = qxl_crtc_set_cursor_position, .show_cursor = qxl_crtc_show_cursor, .hide_cursor = qxl_crtc_hide_cursor, .load_cursor_argb = qxl_crtc_load_cursor_argb, .lock = qxl_crtc_lock, .unlock = qxl_crtc_unlock, .gamma_set = qxl_crtc_gamma_set, .destroy = qxl_crtc_destroy, }; static Bool qxl_xf86crtc_resize (ScrnInfoPtr scrn, int width, int height) { qxl_screen_t *qxl = scrn->driverPrivate; xf86DrvMsg (scrn->scrnIndex, X_INFO, "%s: Placeholder resize %dx%d\n", __func__, width, height); if (!qxl_resize_primary (qxl, width, height)) return FALSE; scrn->virtualX = width; scrn->virtualY = height; // when starting, no monitor is enabled, and count == 0 // we want to avoid server/client freaking out with temporary config qxl_update_monitors_config (qxl); return TRUE; } static const xf86CrtcConfigFuncsRec qxl_xf86crtc_config_funcs = { qxl_xf86crtc_resize }; void qxl_initialize_x_modes (qxl_screen_t *qxl, ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, unsigned int *max_x, unsigned int *max_y) { int i; int size; int preferred_flag; *max_x = *max_y = 0; /* Create a list of modes used by the qxl_output_get_modes */ for (i = 0; i < qxl->num_modes; i++) { if (qxl->modes[i].orientation == 0) { size = qxl->modes[i].y_res * qxl->modes[i].stride; if (size > qxl->surface0_size) { ErrorF ("skipping mode %dx%d not fitting in surface0\n", qxl->modes[i].x_res, qxl->modes[i].y_res); continue; } if (qxl->modes[i].x_res == DEFAULT_WIDTH && qxl->modes[i].y_res == DEFAULT_HEIGHT) preferred_flag = M_T_PREFERRED; else preferred_flag = 0; qxl_add_mode (qxl, pScrn, qxl->modes[i].x_res, qxl->modes[i].y_res, M_T_DRIVER | preferred_flag); if (qxl->modes[i].x_res > *max_x) *max_x = qxl->modes[i].x_res; if (qxl->modes[i].y_res > *max_y) *max_y = qxl->modes[i].y_res; } } } void qxl_init_randr (ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, qxl_screen_t *qxl) { char name[32]; qxl_output_private *qxl_output; qxl_crtc_private * qxl_crtc; int i; xf86OutputPtr output; xf86CrtcConfigInit (pScrn, &qxl_xf86crtc_config_funcs); /* CHECKME: This is actually redundant, it's overwritten by a later call via * xf86InitialConfiguration */ xf86CrtcSetSizeRange (pScrn, 320, 200, 8192, 8192); qxl->crtcs = xnfcalloc (sizeof (xf86CrtcPtr), qxl->num_heads); qxl->outputs = xnfcalloc (sizeof (xf86OutputPtr), qxl->num_heads); for (i = 0 ; i < qxl->num_heads; ++i) { qxl->crtcs[i] = xf86CrtcCreate (pScrn, &qxl_crtc_funcs); if (!qxl->crtcs[i]) xf86DrvMsg (pScrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "failed to create Crtc %d", i); qxl_crtc = xnfcalloc (sizeof (qxl_crtc_private), 1); qxl->crtcs[i]->driver_private = qxl_crtc; qxl_crtc->head = i; qxl_crtc->qxl = qxl; snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "qxl-%d", i); qxl->outputs[i] = output = xf86OutputCreate (pScrn, &qxl_output_funcs, name); if (!output) xf86DrvMsg (pScrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "failed to create Output %d", i); output->possible_crtcs = (1 << i); /* bitrange of allowed outputs - do a 1:1 */ output->possible_clones = 0; /* TODO: not? */ qxl_output = xnfcalloc (sizeof (qxl_output_private), 1); output->driver_private = qxl_output; qxl_output->head = i; qxl_output->qxl = qxl; qxl_output->status = i ? XF86OutputStatusDisconnected : XF86OutputStatusConnected; qxl_crtc->output = output; } xf86InitialConfiguration (pScrn, TRUE); qxl->virtual_x = pScrn->virtualX; qxl->virtual_y = pScrn->virtualY; /* all crtcs are enabled here, but their mode is 0, resulting monitor config empty atm */ }