/************************************************************ Copyright (c) 1995 by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Silicon Graphics not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Silicon Graphics makes no representation about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SILICON GRAPHICS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ #include #include #include "xkbevd.h" /***====================================================================***/ #ifndef DFLT_XKBEVD_CONFIG #define DFLT_XKBEVD_CONFIG "%s/.xkb/xkbevd.cf" #endif /* DFLT_XKBEVD_CONFIG */ #ifndef DFLT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT #define DFLT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT "/usr/share/X11/xkb" #endif #ifndef DFLT_SYS_XKBEVD_CONFIG #define DFLT_SYS_XKBEVD_CONFIG "%s/xkbevd.cf" #endif /* DFLT_SYS_XKBEVD_CONFIG */ #ifndef DFLT_SOUND_CMD #define DFLT_SOUND_CMD "/usr/sbin/sfplay -q" #endif /* DFLT_SOUND_CMD */ #ifndef DFLT_SOUND_DIR #define DFLT_SOUND_DIR "/usr/share/data/sounds/prosonus/" #endif /* DFLT_SOUND_DIR */ /***====================================================================***/ static char * dpyName = NULL; Display * dpy = NULL; static const char *cfgFileName = NULL; int xkbOpcode = 0; int xkbEventCode = 0; static CfgEntryPtr config = NULL; static unsigned long eventMask = 0; static Bool synch = False; static int verbose = 0; static Bool background = False; static const char *soundCmd = NULL; static const char *soundDir = NULL; XkbDescPtr xkb = NULL; /***====================================================================***/ static void Usage(int argc, char *argv[]) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options]...\n%s", argv[0], "Legal options:\n" "-?, -help Print this message\n" "-cfg Specify a config file\n" "-sc Specify the command to play sounds\n" "-sd Specify the root directory for sound files\n" "-d[isplay] Specify the display to watch\n" "-bg Run in background\n" "-synch Force synchronization\n" "-v Print verbose messages\n" "-version Print program version\n" ); return; } /***====================================================================***/ static Bool parseArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) { register int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-bg") == 0) { background = True; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cfg") == 0) { if (i >= (argc - 1)) { uError("No configuration file specified on command line\n"); uAction("Trailing %s argument ignored\n", argv[i]); } else { char *name = argv[++i]; if (cfgFileName != NULL) { if (uStringEqual(cfgFileName, name)) uWarning("Config file \"%s\" specified twice!\n", name); else { uWarning("Multiple config files on command line\n"); uAction("Using \"%s\", ignoring \"%s\"\n", name, cfgFileName); } } cfgFileName = name; } } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-display") == 0)) { if (i >= (argc - 1)) { uError("No display specified on command line\n"); uAction("Trailing %s argument ignored\n", argv[i]); } else { char *name = argv[++i]; if (dpyName != NULL) { if (uStringEqual(dpyName, name)) uWarning("Display \"%s\" specified twice!\n", name); else { uWarning("Multiple displays on command line\n"); uAction("Using \"%s\", ignoring \"%s\"\n", name, dpyName); } } dpyName = name; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sc") == 0) { if (i >= (argc - 1)) { uError("No sound command specified on command line\n"); uAction("Trailing %s argument ignored\n", argv[i]); } else { char *name = argv[++i]; if (soundCmd != NULL) { if (uStringEqual(soundCmd, name)) uWarning("Sound command \"%s\" specified twice!\n", name); else { uWarning("Multiple sound commands on command line\n"); uAction("Using \"%s\", ignoring \"%s\"\n", name, soundCmd); } } soundCmd = name; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sd") == 0) { if (i >= (argc - 1)) { uError("No sound directory specified on command line\n"); uAction("Trailing %s argument ignored\n", argv[i]); } else { char *name = argv[++i]; if (soundDir != NULL) { if (uStringEqual(soundDir, name)) uWarning("Sound directory \"%s\" specified twice!\n", name); else { uWarning("Multiple sound dirs on command line\n"); uAction("Using \"%s\", ignoring \"%s\"\n", name, soundDir); } } soundDir = name; } } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-synch") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0)) { synch = True; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) { verbose++; } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-version") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0)) { puts(PACKAGE_STRING); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-?") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0)) { Usage(argc, argv); exit(0); } else { uError("Unknown flag \"%s\" on command line\n", argv[i]); Usage(argc, argv); return False; } } if (background == False) { eventMask = XkbAllEventsMask; verbose++; } return True; } static Display * GetDisplay(const char *program, const char *displayName, int *opcodeRtrn, int *evBaseRtrn) { int mjr, mnr, error; Display *display; mjr = XkbMajorVersion; mnr = XkbMinorVersion; display = XkbOpenDisplay(displayName, evBaseRtrn, NULL, &mjr, &mnr, &error); if (display == NULL) { switch (error) { case XkbOD_BadLibraryVersion: uInformation("%s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d\n", program, XkbMajorVersion, XkbMinorVersion); uError("X library supports incompatible version %d.%02d\n", mjr, mnr); break; case XkbOD_ConnectionRefused: uError("Cannot open display \"%s\"\n", displayName); break; case XkbOD_NonXkbServer: uError("XKB extension not present on %s\n", displayName); break; case XkbOD_BadServerVersion: uInformation("%s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d\n", program, XkbMajorVersion, XkbMinorVersion); uError("Server %s uses incompatible version %d.%02d\n", displayName, mjr, mnr); break; default: uInternalError("Unknown error %d from XkbOpenDisplay\n", error); } } else if (synch) XSynchronize(display, True); if (opcodeRtrn) XkbQueryExtension(display, opcodeRtrn, evBaseRtrn, NULL, &mjr, &mnr); return display; } /***====================================================================***/ void InterpretConfigs(CfgEntryPtr cfg) { config = cfg; while (cfg != NULL) { char *name = cfg->name.str; if (cfg->entry_type == VariableDef) { if (uStrCaseEqual(name, "sounddirectory") || uStrCaseEqual(name, "sounddir")) { if (soundDir == NULL) { soundDir = cfg->action.text; cfg->name.str = NULL; cfg->action.text = NULL; } } else if (uStrCaseEqual(name, "soundcommand") || uStrCaseEqual(name, "soundcmd")) { if (soundCmd == NULL) { soundCmd = cfg->action.text; cfg->name.str = NULL; cfg->action.text = NULL; } } else { uWarning("Assignment to unknown variable \"%s\"\n", name); uAction("Ignored\n"); } } else if (cfg->entry_type == EventDef) { unsigned int priv; switch (cfg->event_type) { case XkbBellNotify: if (name != NULL) cfg->name.atom = XInternAtom(dpy, name, False); else cfg->name.atom = None; if (name) free(name); break; case XkbAccessXNotify: priv = 0; if (name == NULL) priv = XkbAllNewKeyboardEventsMask; else if (uStrCaseEqual(name, "skpress")) priv = XkbAXN_SKPressMask; else if (uStrCaseEqual(name, "skaccept")) priv = XkbAXN_SKAcceptMask; else if (uStrCaseEqual(name, "skreject")) priv = XkbAXN_SKRejectMask; else if (uStrCaseEqual(name, "skrelease")) priv = XkbAXN_SKReleaseMask; else if (uStrCaseEqual(name, "bkaccept")) priv = XkbAXN_BKAcceptMask; else if (uStrCaseEqual(name, "bkreject")) priv = XkbAXN_BKRejectMask; else if (uStrCaseEqual(name, "warning")) priv = XkbAXN_AXKWarningMask; if (name) free(name); cfg->name.priv = priv; break; case XkbActionMessage: /* nothing to do */ break; } } eventMask |= (1L << cfg->event_type); cfg = cfg->next; } while ((config) && (config->entry_type != EventDef)) { CfgEntryPtr next; if (config->name.str) free(config->name.str); if (config->action.text) free(config->action.text); config->name.str = NULL; config->action.text = NULL; next = config->next; free(config); config = next; } cfg = config; while ((cfg != NULL) && (cfg->next != NULL)) { CfgEntryPtr next; next = cfg->next; if (next->entry_type != EventDef) { if (next->name.str) free(config->name.str); if (next->action.text) free(config->action.text); next->name.str = NULL; next->action.text = NULL; cfg->next = next->next; next->next = NULL; free(next); } else cfg = next; } return; } static CfgEntryPtr FindMatchingConfig(XkbEvent * ev) { CfgEntryPtr cfg, dflt; dflt = NULL; for (cfg = config; (cfg != NULL); cfg = cfg->next) { if ((ev->type != xkbEventCode) || (cfg->event_type != ev->any.xkb_type)) continue; switch (ev->any.xkb_type) { case XkbBellNotify: if (ev->bell.name == cfg->name.atom) return cfg; else if ((cfg->name.atom == None) && (dflt == NULL)) dflt = cfg; break; case XkbAccessXNotify: if (cfg->name.priv & (1L << ev->accessx.detail)) return cfg; break; case XkbActionMessage: if (cfg->name.str == NULL) dflt = cfg; else if (strncmp(cfg->name.str, ev->message.message, XkbActionMessageLength) == 0) return cfg; break; default: uInternalError("Can't handle type %d XKB events yet, Sorry.\n", ev->any.xkb_type); break; } } return dflt; } static Bool ProcessMatchingConfig(XkbEvent * ev) { CfgEntryPtr cfg; char buf[1024]; const char *cmd; int ok; cfg = FindMatchingConfig(ev); if (!cfg) { if (verbose) PrintXkbEvent(stdout, ev); return False; } if (cfg->action.type == UnknownAction) { if (cfg->action.text == NULL) cfg->action.type = NoAction; else if (cfg->action.text[0] == '!') { char *tmp; cfg->action.type = ShellAction; tmp = uStringDup(&cfg->action.text[1]); free(cfg->action.text); cfg->action.text = tmp; } else cfg->action.type = SoundAction; } switch (cfg->action.type) { case NoAction: return True; case EchoAction: if (cfg->action.text != NULL) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", cfg->action.text); cmd = SubstituteEventArgs(buf, ev); printf("%s", cmd); } return True; case PrintEvAction: PrintXkbEvent(stdout, ev); return True; case ShellAction: if (cfg->action.text == NULL) { uWarning("Empty shell command!\n"); uAction("Ignored\n"); return True; } cmd = cfg->action.text; break; case SoundAction: if (cfg->action.text == NULL) { uWarning("Empty sound command!\n"); uAction("Ignored\n"); return True; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s%s", soundCmd, soundDir, cfg->action.text); cmd = buf; break; default: uInternalError("Unknown error action type %d\n", cfg->action.type); return False; } cmd = SubstituteEventArgs(cmd, ev); if (verbose) uInformation("Executing shell command \"%s\"\n", cmd); ok = (system(cmd) == 0); return ok; } /***====================================================================***/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE * file; static char buf[1024]; XkbEvent ev; Bool ok; yyin = stdin; uSetErrorFile(NullString); if (!parseArgs(argc, argv)) exit(1); file = NULL; XkbInitAtoms(NULL); if (cfgFileName == NULL) { char *home = getenv("HOME"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), DFLT_XKBEVD_CONFIG, (home ? home : "")); cfgFileName = buf; } if (uStringEqual(cfgFileName, "-")) { static const char *in = "stdin"; file = stdin; cfgFileName = in; } else { file = fopen(cfgFileName, "r"); if (file == NULL) { /* no personal config, try for a system one */ if (cfgFileName != buf) { /* user specified a file. bail */ uError("Can't open config file \"%s\n", cfgFileName); uAction("Exiting\n"); exit(1); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), DFLT_SYS_XKBEVD_CONFIG, DFLT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT); file = fopen(cfgFileName, "r"); if (file == NULL && !eventMask) { if (verbose) { uError("Couldn't find a config file anywhere\n"); uAction("Exiting\n"); exit(1); } exit(0); } } } if (background) { if (fork() != 0) { if (verbose) uInformation("Running in the background\n"); exit(0); } } dpy = GetDisplay(argv[0], dpyName, &xkbOpcode, &xkbEventCode); if (!dpy) goto BAILOUT; ok = True; setScanState(cfgFileName, 1); CFGParseFile(file); if (!config && !eventMask) { uError("No configuration specified in \"%s\"\n", cfgFileName); goto BAILOUT; } if (eventMask == 0) { uError("No events to watch in \"%s\"\n", cfgFileName); goto BAILOUT; } if (!XkbSelectEvents(dpy, XkbUseCoreKbd, eventMask, eventMask)) { uError("Couldn't select desired XKB events\n"); goto BAILOUT; } xkb = XkbGetKeyboard(dpy, XkbGBN_AllComponentsMask, XkbUseCoreKbd); if (eventMask & XkbBellNotifyMask) { unsigned ctrls, vals; if (verbose) uInformation("Temporarily disabling the audible bell\n"); if (!XkbChangeEnabledControls (dpy, XkbUseCoreKbd, XkbAudibleBellMask, 0)) { uError("Couldn't disable audible bell\n"); goto BAILOUT; } ctrls = vals = XkbAudibleBellMask; if (!XkbSetAutoResetControls(dpy, XkbAudibleBellMask, &ctrls, &vals)) { uWarning("Couldn't configure audible bell to reset on exit\n"); uAction("Audible bell might remain off\n"); } } if (soundCmd == NULL) soundCmd = DFLT_SOUND_CMD; if (soundDir == NULL) soundDir = DFLT_SOUND_DIR; XkbStdBellEvent(dpy, None, 0, XkbBI_ImAlive); while (1) { XNextEvent(dpy, &ev.core); if ((!ProcessMatchingConfig(&ev)) && (ev.type == xkbEventCode) && (ev.any.xkb_type == XkbBellNotify)) { XkbForceDeviceBell(dpy, ev.bell.device, ev.bell.bell_class, ev.bell.bell_id, ev.bell.percent); } } XCloseDisplay(dpy); return (ok == 0); BAILOUT: uAction("Exiting\n"); if (dpy != NULL) XCloseDisplay(dpy); exit(1); }