/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Torrey T. Lyons. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT * HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above * copyright holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to * promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without * prior written authorization. */ #include "sanitizedCarbon.h" #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include "quartz.h" #include "misc.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "globals.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "colormapst.h" #include "cursorstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "servermd.h" #include "swaprep.h" #include "propertyst.h" #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include "darwin.h" #define _APPLEWM_SERVER_ #include <X11/extensions/applewmproto.h> #include "applewmExt.h" #include "X11Application.h" #include "protocol-versions.h" #define DEFINE_ATOM_HELPER(func, atom_name) \ static Atom func(void) { \ static int generation; \ static Atom atom; \ if (generation != serverGeneration) { \ generation = serverGeneration; \ atom = MakeAtom(atom_name, strlen(atom_name), TRUE); \ } \ return atom; \ } DEFINE_ATOM_HELPER(xa_native_screen_origin, "_NATIVE_SCREEN_ORIGIN") DEFINE_ATOM_HELPER(xa_apple_no_order_in, "_APPLE_NO_ORDER_IN") static AppleWMProcsPtr appleWMProcs; static int WMErrorBase; static unsigned char WMReqCode = 0; static int WMEventBase = 0; static RESTYPE ClientType, EventType; /* resource types for event masks */ static XID eventResource; /* Currently selected events */ static unsigned int eventMask = 0; static int WMFreeClient(void *data, XID id); static int WMFreeEvents(void *data, XID id); static void SNotifyEvent(xAppleWMNotifyEvent *from, xAppleWMNotifyEvent *to); typedef struct _WMEvent *WMEventPtr; typedef struct _WMEvent { WMEventPtr next; ClientPtr client; XID clientResource; unsigned int mask; } WMEventRec; static inline BoxRec make_box(int x, int y, int w, int h) { BoxRec r; r.x1 = x; r.y1 = y; r.x2 = x + w; r.y2 = y + h; return r; } /* Updates the _NATIVE_SCREEN_ORIGIN property on the given root window. */ void AppleWMSetScreenOrigin(WindowPtr pWin) { int32_t data[2]; data[0] = pWin->drawable.pScreen->x + darwinMainScreenX; data[1] = pWin->drawable.pScreen->y + darwinMainScreenY; dixChangeWindowProperty(serverClient, pWin, xa_native_screen_origin(), XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, 2, data, TRUE); } /* Window managers can set the _APPLE_NO_ORDER_IN property on windows that are being genie-restored from the Dock. We want them to be mapped but remain ordered-out until the animation completes (when the Dock will order them in). */ Bool AppleWMDoReorderWindow(WindowPtr pWin) { Atom atom; PropertyPtr prop; int rc; atom = xa_apple_no_order_in(); rc = dixLookupProperty(&prop, pWin, atom, serverClient, DixReadAccess); if (Success == rc && prop->type == atom) return 0; return 1; } static int ProcAppleWMQueryVersion(register ClientPtr client) { xAppleWMQueryVersionReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMQueryVersionReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.majorVersion = SERVER_APPLEWM_MAJOR_VERSION; rep.minorVersion = SERVER_APPLEWM_MINOR_VERSION; rep.patchVersion = SERVER_APPLEWM_PATCH_VERSION; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xAppleWMQueryVersionReply),&rep); return Success; } /* events */ static inline void updateEventMask(WMEventPtr *pHead) { WMEventPtr pCur; eventMask = 0; for (pCur = *pHead; pCur != NULL; pCur = pCur->next) eventMask |= pCur->mask; } /*ARGSUSED*/ static int WMFreeClient(void *data, XID id) { WMEventPtr pEvent; WMEventPtr *pHead, pCur, pPrev; int i; pEvent = (WMEventPtr)data; i = dixLookupResourceByType( (void **)&pHead, eventResource, EventType, serverClient, DixReadAccess | DixWriteAccess | DixDestroyAccess); if (i == Success && pHead) { pPrev = 0; for (pCur = *pHead; pCur && pCur != pEvent; pCur = pCur->next) pPrev = pCur; if (pCur) { if (pPrev) pPrev->next = pEvent->next; else *pHead = pEvent->next; } updateEventMask(pHead); } free((void *)pEvent); return 1; } /*ARGSUSED*/ static int WMFreeEvents(void *data, XID id) { WMEventPtr *pHead, pCur, pNext; pHead = (WMEventPtr *)data; for (pCur = *pHead; pCur; pCur = pNext) { pNext = pCur->next; FreeResource(pCur->clientResource, ClientType); free((void *)pCur); } free((void *)pHead); eventMask = 0; return 1; } static int ProcAppleWMSelectInput(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xAppleWMSelectInputReq); WMEventPtr pEvent, pNewEvent, *pHead; XID clientResource; int i; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSelectInputReq); i = dixLookupResourceByType((void **)&pHead, eventResource, EventType, client, DixWriteAccess); if (stuff->mask != 0) { if (i == Success && pHead) { /* check for existing entry. */ for (pEvent = *pHead; pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->next) { if (pEvent->client == client) { pEvent->mask = stuff->mask; updateEventMask(pHead); return Success; } } } /* build the entry */ pNewEvent = (WMEventPtr)malloc(sizeof(WMEventRec)); if (!pNewEvent) return BadAlloc; pNewEvent->next = 0; pNewEvent->client = client; pNewEvent->mask = stuff->mask; /* * add a resource that will be deleted when * the client goes away */ clientResource = FakeClientID(client->index); pNewEvent->clientResource = clientResource; if (!AddResource(clientResource, ClientType, (void *)pNewEvent)) return BadAlloc; /* * create a resource to contain a pointer to the list * of clients selecting input. This must be indirect as * the list may be arbitrarily rearranged which cannot be * done through the resource database. */ if (i != Success || !pHead) { pHead = (WMEventPtr *)malloc(sizeof(WMEventPtr)); if (!pHead || !AddResource(eventResource, EventType, (void *)pHead)) { FreeResource(clientResource, RT_NONE); return BadAlloc; } *pHead = 0; } pNewEvent->next = *pHead; *pHead = pNewEvent; updateEventMask(pHead); } else if (stuff->mask == 0) { /* delete the interest */ if (i == Success && pHead) { pNewEvent = 0; for (pEvent = *pHead; pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->next) { if (pEvent->client == client) break; pNewEvent = pEvent; } if (pEvent) { FreeResource(pEvent->clientResource, ClientType); if (pNewEvent) pNewEvent->next = pEvent->next; else *pHead = pEvent->next; free(pEvent); updateEventMask(pHead); } } } else { client->errorValue = stuff->mask; return BadValue; } return Success; } /* * deliver the event */ void AppleWMSendEvent(int type, unsigned int mask, int which, int arg) { WMEventPtr *pHead, pEvent; xAppleWMNotifyEvent se; int i; i = dixLookupResourceByType((void **)&pHead, eventResource, EventType, serverClient, DixReadAccess); if (i != Success || !pHead) return; for (pEvent = *pHead; pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->next) { if ((pEvent->mask & mask) == 0) continue; se.type = type + WMEventBase; se.kind = which; se.arg = arg; se.time = currentTime.milliseconds; WriteEventsToClient(pEvent->client, 1, (xEvent *)&se); } } /* Safe to call from any thread. */ unsigned int AppleWMSelectedEvents(void) { return eventMask; } /* general utility functions */ static int ProcAppleWMDisableUpdate(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMDisableUpdateReq); appleWMProcs->DisableUpdate(); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMReenableUpdate(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMReenableUpdateReq); appleWMProcs->EnableUpdate(); return Success; } /* window functions */ static int ProcAppleWMSetWindowMenu(register ClientPtr client) { const char *bytes, **items; char *shortcuts; int max_len, nitems, i, j; REQUEST(xAppleWMSetWindowMenuReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xAppleWMSetWindowMenuReq); nitems = stuff->nitems; items = malloc(sizeof(char *) * nitems); shortcuts = malloc(sizeof(char) * nitems); if (!items || !shortcuts) { free(items); free(shortcuts); return BadAlloc; } max_len = (stuff->length << 2) - sizeof(xAppleWMSetWindowMenuReq); bytes = (char *)&stuff[1]; for (i = j = 0; i < max_len && j < nitems;) { shortcuts[j] = bytes[i++]; items[j++] = bytes + i; while (i < max_len) { if (bytes[i++] == 0) break; } } /* Check if we bailed out of the above loop due to a request that was too long */ if (j < nitems) { free(items); free(shortcuts); return BadRequest; } X11ApplicationSetWindowMenu(nitems, items, shortcuts); free(items); free(shortcuts); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMSetWindowMenuCheck(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xAppleWMSetWindowMenuCheckReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSetWindowMenuCheckReq); X11ApplicationSetWindowMenuCheck(stuff->index); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMSetFrontProcess(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSetFrontProcessReq); X11ApplicationSetFrontProcess(); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMSetWindowLevel(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xAppleWMSetWindowLevelReq); WindowPtr pWin; int err; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSetWindowLevelReq); if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWin, stuff->window, client, DixReadAccess)) return BadValue; if (stuff->level >= AppleWMNumWindowLevels) { return BadValue; } err = appleWMProcs->SetWindowLevel(pWin, stuff->level); if (err != Success) { return err; } return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMSendPSN(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xAppleWMSendPSNReq); int err; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSendPSNReq); if (!appleWMProcs->SendPSN) return BadRequest; err = appleWMProcs->SendPSN(stuff->psn_hi, stuff->psn_lo); if (err != Success) { return err; } return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMAttachTransient(register ClientPtr client) { WindowPtr pWinChild, pWinParent; REQUEST(xAppleWMAttachTransientReq); int err; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMAttachTransientReq); if (!appleWMProcs->AttachTransient) return BadRequest; if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWinChild, stuff->child, client, DixReadAccess)) return BadValue; if (stuff->parent) { if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWinParent, stuff->parent, client, DixReadAccess)) return BadValue; } else { pWinParent = NULL; } err = appleWMProcs->AttachTransient(pWinChild, pWinParent); if (err != Success) { return err; } return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMSetCanQuit(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xAppleWMSetCanQuitReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSetCanQuitReq); X11ApplicationSetCanQuit(stuff->state); return Success; } /* frame functions */ static int ProcAppleWMFrameGetRect(register ClientPtr client) { xAppleWMFrameGetRectReply rep; BoxRec ir, or, rr; REQUEST(xAppleWMFrameGetRectReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMFrameGetRectReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; ir = make_box(stuff->ix, stuff->iy, stuff->iw, stuff->ih); or = make_box(stuff->ox, stuff->oy, stuff->ow, stuff->oh); if (appleWMProcs->FrameGetRect(stuff->frame_rect, stuff->frame_class, &or, &ir, &rr) != Success) { return BadValue; } rep.x = rr.x1; rep.y = rr.y1; rep.w = rr.x2 - rr.x1; rep.h = rr.y2 - rr.y1; WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xAppleWMFrameGetRectReply),&rep); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMFrameHitTest(register ClientPtr client) { xAppleWMFrameHitTestReply rep; BoxRec ir, or; int ret; REQUEST(xAppleWMFrameHitTestReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMFrameHitTestReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; ir = make_box(stuff->ix, stuff->iy, stuff->iw, stuff->ih); or = make_box(stuff->ox, stuff->oy, stuff->ow, stuff->oh); if (appleWMProcs->FrameHitTest(stuff->frame_class, stuff->px, stuff->py, &or, &ir, &ret) != Success) { return BadValue; } rep.ret = ret; WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xAppleWMFrameHitTestReply),&rep); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMFrameDraw(register ClientPtr client) { BoxRec ir, or; unsigned int title_length, title_max; unsigned char *title_bytes; REQUEST(xAppleWMFrameDrawReq); WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xAppleWMFrameDrawReq); if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWin, stuff->window, client, DixReadAccess)) return BadValue; ir = make_box(stuff->ix, stuff->iy, stuff->iw, stuff->ih); or = make_box(stuff->ox, stuff->oy, stuff->ow, stuff->oh); title_length = stuff->title_length; title_max = (stuff->length << 2) - sizeof(xAppleWMFrameDrawReq); if (title_max < title_length) return BadValue; title_bytes = (unsigned char *)&stuff[1]; errno = appleWMProcs->FrameDraw(pWin, stuff->frame_class, stuff->frame_attr, &or, &ir, title_length, title_bytes); if (errno != Success) { return errno; } return Success; } /* dispatch */ static int ProcAppleWMDispatch(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_AppleWMQueryVersion: return ProcAppleWMQueryVersion(client); } if (!client->local) return WMErrorBase + AppleWMClientNotLocal; switch (stuff->data) { case X_AppleWMSelectInput: return ProcAppleWMSelectInput(client); case X_AppleWMDisableUpdate: return ProcAppleWMDisableUpdate(client); case X_AppleWMReenableUpdate: return ProcAppleWMReenableUpdate(client); case X_AppleWMSetWindowMenu: return ProcAppleWMSetWindowMenu(client); case X_AppleWMSetWindowMenuCheck: return ProcAppleWMSetWindowMenuCheck(client); case X_AppleWMSetFrontProcess: return ProcAppleWMSetFrontProcess(client); case X_AppleWMSetWindowLevel: return ProcAppleWMSetWindowLevel(client); case X_AppleWMSetCanQuit: return ProcAppleWMSetCanQuit(client); case X_AppleWMFrameGetRect: return ProcAppleWMFrameGetRect(client); case X_AppleWMFrameHitTest: return ProcAppleWMFrameHitTest(client); case X_AppleWMFrameDraw: return ProcAppleWMFrameDraw(client); case X_AppleWMSendPSN: return ProcAppleWMSendPSN(client); case X_AppleWMAttachTransient: return ProcAppleWMAttachTransient(client); default: return BadRequest; } } static void SNotifyEvent(xAppleWMNotifyEvent *from, xAppleWMNotifyEvent *to) { to->type = from->type; to->kind = from->kind; cpswaps(from->sequenceNumber, to->sequenceNumber); cpswapl(from->time, to->time); cpswapl(from->arg, to->arg); } static int SProcAppleWMQueryVersion(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xAppleWMQueryVersionReq); swaps(&stuff->length); return ProcAppleWMQueryVersion(client); } static int SProcAppleWMDispatch(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); /* It is bound to be non-local when there is byte swapping */ if (!client->local) return WMErrorBase + AppleWMClientNotLocal; /* only local clients are allowed WM access */ switch (stuff->data) { case X_AppleWMQueryVersion: return SProcAppleWMQueryVersion(client); default: return BadRequest; } } void AppleWMExtensionInit(AppleWMProcsPtr procsPtr) { ExtensionEntry* extEntry; ClientType = CreateNewResourceType(WMFreeClient, "WMClient"); EventType = CreateNewResourceType(WMFreeEvents, "WMEvent"); eventResource = FakeClientID(0); if (ClientType && EventType && (extEntry = AddExtension(APPLEWMNAME, AppleWMNumberEvents, AppleWMNumberErrors, ProcAppleWMDispatch, SProcAppleWMDispatch, NULL, StandardMinorOpcode))) { size_t i; WMReqCode = (unsigned char)extEntry->base; WMErrorBase = extEntry->errorBase; WMEventBase = extEntry->eventBase; for (i = 0; i < AppleWMNumberEvents; i++) EventSwapVector[WMEventBase + i] = (EventSwapPtr)SNotifyEvent; appleWMProcs = procsPtr; } }