/************************************************************ Copyright 1989, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. Author: Bob Scheifler, MIT X Consortium ********************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <math.h> #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xprotostr.h> #include "regionstr.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "mi.h" #include "mifillarc.h" #define QUADRANT (90 * 64) #define HALFCIRCLE (180 * 64) #define QUADRANT3 (270 * 64) #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #define Dsin(d) sin((double)d*(M_PI/11520.0)) #define Dcos(d) cos((double)d*(M_PI/11520.0)) static void miFillArcSetup(xArc * arc, miFillArcRec * info) { info->y = arc->height >> 1; info->dy = arc->height & 1; info->yorg = arc->y + info->y; info->dx = arc->width & 1; info->xorg = arc->x + (arc->width >> 1) + info->dx; info->dx = 1 - info->dx; if (arc->width == arc->height) { /* (2x - 2xorg)^2 = d^2 - (2y - 2yorg)^2 */ /* even: xorg = yorg = 0 odd: xorg = .5, yorg = -.5 */ info->ym = 8; info->xm = 8; info->yk = info->y << 3; if (!info->dx) { info->xk = 0; info->e = -1; } else { info->y++; info->yk += 4; info->xk = -4; info->e = -(info->y << 3); } } else { /* h^2 * (2x - 2xorg)^2 = w^2 * h^2 - w^2 * (2y - 2yorg)^2 */ /* even: xorg = yorg = 0 odd: xorg = .5, yorg = -.5 */ info->ym = (arc->width * arc->width) << 3; info->xm = (arc->height * arc->height) << 3; info->yk = info->y * info->ym; if (!info->dy) info->yk -= info->ym >> 1; if (!info->dx) { info->xk = 0; info->e = -(info->xm >> 3); } else { info->y++; info->yk += info->ym; info->xk = -(info->xm >> 1); info->e = info->xk - info->yk; } } } static void miFillArcDSetup(xArc * arc, miFillArcDRec * info) { /* h^2 * (2x - 2xorg)^2 = w^2 * h^2 - w^2 * (2y - 2yorg)^2 */ /* even: xorg = yorg = 0 odd: xorg = .5, yorg = -.5 */ info->y = arc->height >> 1; info->dy = arc->height & 1; info->yorg = arc->y + info->y; info->dx = arc->width & 1; info->xorg = arc->x + (arc->width >> 1) + info->dx; info->dx = 1 - info->dx; info->ym = ((double) arc->width) * (arc->width * 8); info->xm = ((double) arc->height) * (arc->height * 8); info->yk = info->y * info->ym; if (!info->dy) info->yk -= info->ym / 2.0; if (!info->dx) { info->xk = 0; info->e = -(info->xm / 8.0); } else { info->y++; info->yk += info->ym; info->xk = -info->xm / 2.0; info->e = info->xk - info->yk; } } static void miGetArcEdge(xArc * arc, miSliceEdgePtr edge, int k, Bool top, Bool left) { int xady, y; y = arc->height >> 1; if (!(arc->width & 1)) y++; if (!top) { y = -y; if (arc->height & 1) y--; } xady = k + y * edge->dx; if (xady <= 0) edge->x = -((-xady) / edge->dy + 1); else edge->x = (xady - 1) / edge->dy; edge->e = xady - edge->x * edge->dy; if ((top && (edge->dx < 0)) || (!top && (edge->dx > 0))) edge->e = edge->dy - edge->e + 1; if (left) edge->x++; edge->x += arc->x + (arc->width >> 1); if (edge->dx > 0) { edge->deltax = 1; edge->stepx = edge->dx / edge->dy; edge->dx = edge->dx % edge->dy; } else { edge->deltax = -1; edge->stepx = -((-edge->dx) / edge->dy); edge->dx = (-edge->dx) % edge->dy; } if (!top) { edge->deltax = -edge->deltax; edge->stepx = -edge->stepx; } } static void miEllipseAngleToSlope(int angle, int width, int height, int *dxp, int *dyp, double *d_dxp, double *d_dyp) { int dx, dy; double d_dx, d_dy, scale; Bool negative_dx, negative_dy; switch (angle) { case 0: *dxp = -1; *dyp = 0; if (d_dxp) { *d_dxp = width / 2.0; *d_dyp = 0; } break; case QUADRANT: *dxp = 0; *dyp = 1; if (d_dxp) { *d_dxp = 0; *d_dyp = -height / 2.0; } break; case HALFCIRCLE: *dxp = 1; *dyp = 0; if (d_dxp) { *d_dxp = -width / 2.0; *d_dyp = 0; } break; case QUADRANT3: *dxp = 0; *dyp = -1; if (d_dxp) { *d_dxp = 0; *d_dyp = height / 2.0; } break; default: d_dx = Dcos(angle) * width; d_dy = Dsin(angle) * height; if (d_dxp) { *d_dxp = d_dx / 2.0; *d_dyp = -d_dy / 2.0; } negative_dx = FALSE; if (d_dx < 0.0) { d_dx = -d_dx; negative_dx = TRUE; } negative_dy = FALSE; if (d_dy < 0.0) { d_dy = -d_dy; negative_dy = TRUE; } scale = d_dx; if (d_dy > d_dx) scale = d_dy; dx = floor((d_dx * 32768) / scale + 0.5); if (negative_dx) dx = -dx; *dxp = dx; dy = floor((d_dy * 32768) / scale + 0.5); if (negative_dy) dy = -dy; *dyp = dy; break; } } static void miGetPieEdge(xArc * arc, int angle, miSliceEdgePtr edge, Bool top, Bool left) { int k; int dx, dy; miEllipseAngleToSlope(angle, arc->width, arc->height, &dx, &dy, 0, 0); if (dy == 0) { edge->x = left ? -65536 : 65536; edge->stepx = 0; edge->e = 0; edge->dx = -1; return; } if (dx == 0) { edge->x = arc->x + (arc->width >> 1); if (left && (arc->width & 1)) edge->x++; else if (!left && !(arc->width & 1)) edge->x--; edge->stepx = 0; edge->e = 0; edge->dx = -1; return; } if (dy < 0) { dx = -dx; dy = -dy; } k = (arc->height & 1) ? dx : 0; if (arc->width & 1) k += dy; edge->dx = dx << 1; edge->dy = dy << 1; miGetArcEdge(arc, edge, k, top, left); } static void miFillArcSliceSetup(xArc * arc, miArcSliceRec * slice, GCPtr pGC) { int angle1, angle2; angle1 = arc->angle1; if (arc->angle2 < 0) { angle2 = angle1; angle1 += arc->angle2; } else angle2 = angle1 + arc->angle2; while (angle1 < 0) angle1 += FULLCIRCLE; while (angle1 >= FULLCIRCLE) angle1 -= FULLCIRCLE; while (angle2 < 0) angle2 += FULLCIRCLE; while (angle2 >= FULLCIRCLE) angle2 -= FULLCIRCLE; slice->min_top_y = 0; slice->max_top_y = arc->height >> 1; slice->min_bot_y = 1 - (arc->height & 1); slice->max_bot_y = slice->max_top_y - 1; slice->flip_top = FALSE; slice->flip_bot = FALSE; if (pGC->arcMode == ArcPieSlice) { slice->edge1_top = (angle1 < HALFCIRCLE); slice->edge2_top = (angle2 <= HALFCIRCLE); if ((angle2 == 0) || (angle1 == HALFCIRCLE)) { if (angle2 ? slice->edge2_top : slice->edge1_top) slice->min_top_y = slice->min_bot_y; else slice->min_top_y = arc->height; slice->min_bot_y = 0; } else if ((angle1 == 0) || (angle2 == HALFCIRCLE)) { slice->min_top_y = slice->min_bot_y; if (angle1 ? slice->edge1_top : slice->edge2_top) slice->min_bot_y = arc->height; else slice->min_bot_y = 0; } else if (slice->edge1_top == slice->edge2_top) { if (angle2 < angle1) { slice->flip_top = slice->edge1_top; slice->flip_bot = !slice->edge1_top; } else if (slice->edge1_top) { slice->min_top_y = 1; slice->min_bot_y = arc->height; } else { slice->min_bot_y = 0; slice->min_top_y = arc->height; } } miGetPieEdge(arc, angle1, &slice->edge1, slice->edge1_top, !slice->edge1_top); miGetPieEdge(arc, angle2, &slice->edge2, slice->edge2_top, slice->edge2_top); } else { double w2, h2, x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, scale; int signdx, signdy, y, k; Bool isInt1 = TRUE, isInt2 = TRUE; w2 = (double) arc->width / 2.0; h2 = (double) arc->height / 2.0; if ((angle1 == 0) || (angle1 == HALFCIRCLE)) { x1 = angle1 ? -w2 : w2; y1 = 0.0; } else if ((angle1 == QUADRANT) || (angle1 == QUADRANT3)) { x1 = 0.0; y1 = (angle1 == QUADRANT) ? h2 : -h2; } else { isInt1 = FALSE; x1 = Dcos(angle1) * w2; y1 = Dsin(angle1) * h2; } if ((angle2 == 0) || (angle2 == HALFCIRCLE)) { x2 = angle2 ? -w2 : w2; y2 = 0.0; } else if ((angle2 == QUADRANT) || (angle2 == QUADRANT3)) { x2 = 0.0; y2 = (angle2 == QUADRANT) ? h2 : -h2; } else { isInt2 = FALSE; x2 = Dcos(angle2) * w2; y2 = Dsin(angle2) * h2; } dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; if (arc->height & 1) { y1 -= 0.5; y2 -= 0.5; } if (arc->width & 1) { x1 += 0.5; x2 += 0.5; } if (dy < 0.0) { dy = -dy; signdy = -1; } else signdy = 1; if (dx < 0.0) { dx = -dx; signdx = -1; } else signdx = 1; if (isInt1 && isInt2) { slice->edge1.dx = dx * 2; slice->edge1.dy = dy * 2; } else { scale = (dx > dy) ? dx : dy; slice->edge1.dx = floor((dx * 32768) / scale + .5); slice->edge1.dy = floor((dy * 32768) / scale + .5); } if (!slice->edge1.dy) { if (signdx < 0) { y = floor(y1 + 1.0); if (y >= 0) { slice->min_top_y = y; slice->min_bot_y = arc->height; } else { slice->max_bot_y = -y - (arc->height & 1); } } else { y = floor(y1); if (y >= 0) slice->max_top_y = y; else { slice->min_top_y = arc->height; slice->min_bot_y = -y - (arc->height & 1); } } slice->edge1_top = TRUE; slice->edge1.x = 65536; slice->edge1.stepx = 0; slice->edge1.e = 0; slice->edge1.dx = -1; slice->edge2 = slice->edge1; slice->edge2_top = FALSE; } else if (!slice->edge1.dx) { if (signdy < 0) x1 -= 1.0; slice->edge1.x = ceil(x1); slice->edge1_top = signdy < 0; slice->edge1.x += arc->x + (arc->width >> 1); slice->edge1.stepx = 0; slice->edge1.e = 0; slice->edge1.dx = -1; slice->edge2_top = !slice->edge1_top; slice->edge2 = slice->edge1; } else { if (signdx < 0) slice->edge1.dx = -slice->edge1.dx; if (signdy < 0) slice->edge1.dx = -slice->edge1.dx; k = ceil(((x1 + x2) * slice->edge1.dy - (y1 + y2) * slice->edge1.dx) / 2.0); slice->edge2.dx = slice->edge1.dx; slice->edge2.dy = slice->edge1.dy; slice->edge1_top = signdy < 0; slice->edge2_top = !slice->edge1_top; miGetArcEdge(arc, &slice->edge1, k, slice->edge1_top, !slice->edge1_top); miGetArcEdge(arc, &slice->edge2, k, slice->edge2_top, slice->edge2_top); } } } #define ADDSPANS() \ pts->x = xorg - x; \ pts->y = yorg - y; \ *wids = slw; \ pts++; \ wids++; \ if (miFillArcLower(slw)) \ { \ pts->x = xorg - x; \ pts->y = yorg + y + dy; \ pts++; \ *wids++ = slw; \ } static int miFillEllipseI(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, xArc * arc, DDXPointPtr points, int *widths) { int x, y, e; int yk, xk, ym, xm, dx, dy, xorg, yorg; int slw; miFillArcRec info; DDXPointPtr pts; int *wids; miFillArcSetup(arc, &info); MIFILLARCSETUP(); if (pGC->miTranslate) { xorg += pDraw->x; yorg += pDraw->y; } pts = points; wids = widths; while (y > 0) { MIFILLARCSTEP(slw); ADDSPANS(); } return pts - points; } static int miFillEllipseD(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, xArc * arc, DDXPointPtr points, int *widths) { int x, y; int xorg, yorg, dx, dy, slw; double e, yk, xk, ym, xm; miFillArcDRec info; DDXPointPtr pts; int *wids; miFillArcDSetup(arc, &info); MIFILLARCSETUP(); if (pGC->miTranslate) { xorg += pDraw->x; yorg += pDraw->y; } pts = points; wids = widths; while (y > 0) { MIFILLARCSTEP(slw); ADDSPANS(); } return pts - points; } #define ADDSPAN(l,r) \ if (r >= l) \ { \ pts->x = l; \ pts->y = ya; \ pts++; \ *wids++ = r - l + 1; \ } #define ADDSLICESPANS(flip) \ if (!flip) \ { \ ADDSPAN(xl, xr); \ } \ else \ { \ xc = xorg - x; \ ADDSPAN(xc, xr); \ xc += slw - 1; \ ADDSPAN(xl, xc); \ } static int miFillArcSliceI(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, xArc * arc, DDXPointPtr points, int *widths) { int yk, xk, ym, xm, dx, dy, xorg, yorg, slw; int x, y, e; miFillArcRec info; miArcSliceRec slice; int ya, xl, xr, xc; DDXPointPtr pts; int *wids; miFillArcSetup(arc, &info); miFillArcSliceSetup(arc, &slice, pGC); MIFILLARCSETUP(); slw = arc->height; if (slice.flip_top || slice.flip_bot) slw += (arc->height >> 1) + 1; if (pGC->miTranslate) { xorg += pDraw->x; yorg += pDraw->y; slice.edge1.x += pDraw->x; slice.edge2.x += pDraw->x; } pts = points; wids = widths; while (y > 0) { MIFILLARCSTEP(slw); MIARCSLICESTEP(slice.edge1); MIARCSLICESTEP(slice.edge2); if (miFillSliceUpper(slice)) { ya = yorg - y; MIARCSLICEUPPER(xl, xr, slice, slw); ADDSLICESPANS(slice.flip_top); } if (miFillSliceLower(slice)) { ya = yorg + y + dy; MIARCSLICELOWER(xl, xr, slice, slw); ADDSLICESPANS(slice.flip_bot); } } return pts - points; } static int miFillArcSliceD(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, xArc * arc, DDXPointPtr points, int *widths) { int x, y; int dx, dy, xorg, yorg, slw; double e, yk, xk, ym, xm; miFillArcDRec info; miArcSliceRec slice; int ya, xl, xr, xc; DDXPointPtr pts; int *wids; miFillArcDSetup(arc, &info); miFillArcSliceSetup(arc, &slice, pGC); MIFILLARCSETUP(); slw = arc->height; if (slice.flip_top || slice.flip_bot) slw += (arc->height >> 1) + 1; if (pGC->miTranslate) { xorg += pDraw->x; yorg += pDraw->y; slice.edge1.x += pDraw->x; slice.edge2.x += pDraw->x; } pts = points; wids = widths; while (y > 0) { MIFILLARCSTEP(slw); MIARCSLICESTEP(slice.edge1); MIARCSLICESTEP(slice.edge2); if (miFillSliceUpper(slice)) { ya = yorg - y; MIARCSLICEUPPER(xl, xr, slice, slw); ADDSLICESPANS(slice.flip_top); } if (miFillSliceLower(slice)) { ya = yorg + y + dy; MIARCSLICELOWER(xl, xr, slice, slw); ADDSLICESPANS(slice.flip_bot); } } return pts - points; } /* MIPOLYFILLARC -- The public entry for the PolyFillArc request. * Since we don't have to worry about overlapping segments, we can just * fill each arc as it comes. */ /* Limit the number of spans in a single draw request to avoid integer * overflow in the computation of the span buffer size. */ #define MAX_SPANS_PER_LOOP (4 * 1024 * 1024) void miPolyFillArc(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int narcs_all, xArc * parcs) { while (narcs_all > 0) { int narcs; int i; xArc *arc; int nspans = 0; DDXPointPtr pts, points; int *wids, *widths; int n; for (narcs = 0, arc = parcs; narcs < narcs_all; narcs++, arc++) { if (narcs && nspans + arc->height > MAX_SPANS_PER_LOOP) break; nspans += arc->height; /* A pie-slice arc may add another pile of spans */ if (pGC->arcMode == ArcPieSlice && (-FULLCIRCLE < arc->angle2 && arc->angle2 < FULLCIRCLE)) nspans += (arc->height + 1) >> 1; } pts = points = malloc (sizeof (DDXPointRec) * nspans + sizeof(int) * nspans); if (points) { wids = widths = (int *) (points + nspans); for (i = 0, arc = parcs; i < narcs; arc++, i++) { if (miFillArcEmpty(arc)) continue; if ((arc->angle2 >= FULLCIRCLE) || (arc->angle2 <= -FULLCIRCLE)) { if (miCanFillArc(arc)) n = miFillEllipseI(pDraw, pGC, arc, pts, wids); else n = miFillEllipseD(pDraw, pGC, arc, pts, wids); } else { if (miCanFillArc(arc)) n = miFillArcSliceI(pDraw, pGC, arc, pts, wids); else n = miFillArcSliceD(pDraw, pGC, arc, pts, wids); } pts += n; wids += n; } nspans = pts - points; if (nspans) (*pGC->ops->FillSpans) (pDraw, pGC, nspans, points, widths, FALSE); free (points); } parcs += narcs; narcs_all -= narcs; } }