/** * Copyright © 2009 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* Test relies on assert() */ #undef NDEBUG #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <stdint.h> #include "inputstr.h" #include "eventstr.h" #include "eventconvert.h" #include "exevents.h" #include "inpututils.h" #include <X11/extensions/XI2proto.h> #include "protocol-common.h" static void test_values_XIRawEvent(RawDeviceEvent *in, xXIRawEvent * out, BOOL swap) { int i; unsigned char *ptr; FP3232 *value, *raw_value; int nvals = 0; int bits_set; int len; uint32_t flagmask = 0; if (swap) { swaps(&out->sequenceNumber); swapl(&out->length); swaps(&out->evtype); swaps(&out->deviceid); swapl(&out->time); swapl(&out->detail); swaps(&out->valuators_len); swapl(&out->flags); } assert(out->type == GenericEvent); assert(out->extension == 0); /* IReqCode defaults to 0 */ assert(out->evtype == GetXI2Type(in->type)); assert(out->time == in->time); assert(out->detail == in->detail.button); assert(out->deviceid == in->deviceid); assert(out->valuators_len >= bytes_to_int32(bits_to_bytes(sizeof(in->valuators.mask)))); switch (in->type) { case ET_RawMotion: case ET_RawButtonPress: case ET_RawButtonRelease: flagmask = XIPointerEmulated; break; default: flagmask = 0; } assert((out->flags & ~flagmask) == 0); ptr = (unsigned char *) &out[1]; bits_set = 0; for (i = 0; out->valuators_len && i < sizeof(in->valuators.mask) * 8; i++) { if (i >= MAX_VALUATORS) assert(!XIMaskIsSet(in->valuators.mask, i)); assert(XIMaskIsSet(in->valuators.mask, i) == XIMaskIsSet(ptr, i)); if (XIMaskIsSet(in->valuators.mask, i)) bits_set++; } /* length is len of valuator mask (in 4-byte units) + the number of bits * set. Each bit set represents 2 8-byte values, hence the * 'bits_set * 4' */ len = out->valuators_len + bits_set * 4; assert(out->length == len); nvals = 0; for (i = 0; out->valuators_len && i < MAX_VALUATORS; i++) { assert(XIMaskIsSet(in->valuators.mask, i) == XIMaskIsSet(ptr, i)); if (XIMaskIsSet(in->valuators.mask, i)) { FP3232 vi, vo; value = (FP3232 *) (((unsigned char *) &out[1]) + out->valuators_len * 4); value += nvals; vi = double_to_fp3232(in->valuators.data[i]); vo.integral = value->integral; vo.frac = value->frac; if (swap) { swapl(&vo.integral); swapl(&vo.frac); } assert(vi.integral == vo.integral); assert(vi.frac == vo.frac); raw_value = value + bits_set; vi = double_to_fp3232(in->valuators.data_raw[i]); vo.integral = raw_value->integral; vo.frac = raw_value->frac; if (swap) { swapl(&vo.integral); swapl(&vo.frac); } assert(vi.integral == vo.integral); assert(vi.frac == vo.frac); nvals++; } } } static void test_XIRawEvent(RawDeviceEvent *in) { xXIRawEvent *out, *swapped; int rc; rc = EventToXI2((InternalEvent *) in, (xEvent **) &out); assert(rc == Success); test_values_XIRawEvent(in, out, FALSE); swapped = calloc(1, sizeof(xEvent) + out->length * 4); XI2EventSwap((xGenericEvent *) out, (xGenericEvent *) swapped); test_values_XIRawEvent(in, swapped, TRUE); free(out); free(swapped); } static void test_convert_XIFocusEvent(void) { xEvent *out; DeviceEvent in; int rc; in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_Enter; rc = EventToXI2((InternalEvent *) &in, &out); assert(rc == Success); assert(out == NULL); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_FocusIn; rc = EventToXI2((InternalEvent *) &in, &out); assert(rc == Success); assert(out == NULL); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_FocusOut; rc = EventToXI2((InternalEvent *) &in, &out); assert(rc == BadImplementation); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_Leave; rc = EventToXI2((InternalEvent *) &in, &out); assert(rc == BadImplementation); } static void test_convert_XIRawEvent(void) { RawDeviceEvent in; int i; memset(&in, 0, sizeof(in)); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_RawMotion; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_RawKeyPress; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_RawKeyRelease; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_RawButtonPress; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_RawButtonRelease; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.detail.button = 1L; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.detail.button = 1L << 8; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.detail.button = 1L << 16; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.detail.button = 1L << 24; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.detail.button = ~0L; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.detail.button = 0; in.time = 1L; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.time = 1L << 8; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.time = 1L << 16; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.time = 1L << 24; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.time = ~0L; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.deviceid = 1; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.deviceid = 1 << 8; test_XIRawEvent(&in); in.deviceid = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIRawEvent(&in); for (i = 0; i < MAX_VALUATORS; i++) { XISetMask(in.valuators.mask, i); test_XIRawEvent(&in); XIClearMask(in.valuators.mask, i); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_VALUATORS; i++) { XISetMask(in.valuators.mask, i); in.valuators.data[i] = i + (i * 0.0010); in.valuators.data_raw[i] = (i + 10) + (i * 0.0030); test_XIRawEvent(&in); XIClearMask(in.valuators.mask, i); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_VALUATORS; i++) { XISetMask(in.valuators.mask, i); test_XIRawEvent(&in); } } static void test_values_XIDeviceEvent(DeviceEvent *in, xXIDeviceEvent * out, BOOL swap) { int buttons, valuators; int i; unsigned char *ptr; uint32_t flagmask = 0; FP3232 *values; if (swap) { swaps(&out->sequenceNumber); swapl(&out->length); swaps(&out->evtype); swaps(&out->deviceid); swaps(&out->sourceid); swapl(&out->time); swapl(&out->detail); swapl(&out->root); swapl(&out->event); swapl(&out->child); swapl(&out->root_x); swapl(&out->root_y); swapl(&out->event_x); swapl(&out->event_y); swaps(&out->buttons_len); swaps(&out->valuators_len); swapl(&out->mods.base_mods); swapl(&out->mods.latched_mods); swapl(&out->mods.locked_mods); swapl(&out->mods.effective_mods); swapl(&out->flags); } assert(out->extension == 0); /* IReqCode defaults to 0 */ assert(out->evtype == GetXI2Type(in->type)); assert(out->time == in->time); assert(out->detail == in->detail.button); assert(out->length >= 12); assert(out->deviceid == in->deviceid); assert(out->sourceid == in->sourceid); switch (in->type) { case ET_ButtonPress: case ET_Motion: case ET_ButtonRelease: flagmask = XIPointerEmulated; break; case ET_KeyPress: flagmask = XIKeyRepeat; break; default: flagmask = 0; break; } assert((out->flags & ~flagmask) == 0); assert(out->root == in->root); assert(out->event == None); /* set in FixUpEventFromWindow */ assert(out->child == None); /* set in FixUpEventFromWindow */ assert(out->mods.base_mods == in->mods.base); assert(out->mods.latched_mods == in->mods.latched); assert(out->mods.locked_mods == in->mods.locked); assert(out->mods.effective_mods == in->mods.effective); assert(out->group.base_group == in->group.base); assert(out->group.latched_group == in->group.latched); assert(out->group.locked_group == in->group.locked); assert(out->group.effective_group == in->group.effective); assert(out->event_x == 0); /* set in FixUpEventFromWindow */ assert(out->event_y == 0); /* set in FixUpEventFromWindow */ assert(out->root_x == double_to_fp1616(in->root_x + in->root_x_frac)); assert(out->root_y == double_to_fp1616(in->root_y + in->root_y_frac)); buttons = 0; for (i = 0; i < bits_to_bytes(sizeof(in->buttons)); i++) { if (XIMaskIsSet(in->buttons, i)) { assert(out->buttons_len >= bytes_to_int32(bits_to_bytes(i))); buttons++; } } ptr = (unsigned char *) &out[1]; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(in->buttons) * 8; i++) assert(XIMaskIsSet(in->buttons, i) == XIMaskIsSet(ptr, i)); valuators = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VALUATORS; i++) if (XIMaskIsSet(in->valuators.mask, i)) valuators++; assert(out->valuators_len >= bytes_to_int32(bits_to_bytes(valuators))); ptr += out->buttons_len * 4; values = (FP3232 *) (ptr + out->valuators_len * 4); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(in->valuators.mask) * 8 || i < (out->valuators_len * 4) * 8; i++) { if (i >= MAX_VALUATORS) { assert(!XIMaskIsSet(in->valuators.mask, i)); assert(!XIMaskIsSet(ptr, i)); } else if (i > sizeof(in->valuators.mask) * 8) assert(!XIMaskIsSet(ptr, i)); else if (i > out->valuators_len * 4 * 8) assert(!XIMaskIsSet(in->valuators.mask, i)); else { assert(XIMaskIsSet(in->valuators.mask, i) == XIMaskIsSet(ptr, i)); if (XIMaskIsSet(ptr, i)) { FP3232 vi, vo; vi = double_to_fp3232(in->valuators.data[i]); vo = *values; if (swap) { swapl(&vo.integral); swapl(&vo.frac); } assert(vi.integral == vo.integral); assert(vi.frac == vo.frac); values++; } } } } static void test_XIDeviceEvent(DeviceEvent *in) { xXIDeviceEvent *out, *swapped; int rc; rc = EventToXI2((InternalEvent *) in, (xEvent **) &out); assert(rc == Success); test_values_XIDeviceEvent(in, out, FALSE); swapped = calloc(1, sizeof(xEvent) + out->length * 4); XI2EventSwap((xGenericEvent *) out, (xGenericEvent *) swapped); test_values_XIDeviceEvent(in, swapped, TRUE); free(out); free(swapped); } static void test_convert_XIDeviceEvent(void) { DeviceEvent in; int i; memset(&in, 0, sizeof(in)); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_Motion; in.length = sizeof(DeviceEvent); in.time = 0; in.deviceid = 1; in.sourceid = 2; in.root = 3; in.root_x = 4; in.root_x_frac = 5; in.root_y = 6; in.root_y_frac = 7; in.detail.button = 8; in.mods.base = 9; in.mods.latched = 10; in.mods.locked = 11; in.mods.effective = 11; in.group.base = 12; in.group.latched = 13; in.group.locked = 14; in.group.effective = 15; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); /* 32 bit */ in.detail.button = 1L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.detail.button = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.detail.button = 1L << 16; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.detail.button = 1L << 24; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.detail.button = ~0L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); /* 32 bit */ in.time = 1L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.time = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.time = 1L << 16; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.time = 1L << 24; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.time = ~0L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); /* 16 bit */ in.deviceid = 1; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.deviceid = 1 << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.deviceid = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); /* 16 bit */ in.sourceid = 1; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.deviceid = 1 << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.deviceid = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); /* 32 bit */ in.root = 1L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root = 1L << 16; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root = 1L << 24; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root = ~0L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); /* 16 bit */ in.root_x = 1; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_x = 1 << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_x = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_x_frac = 1; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_x_frac = 1 << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_x_frac = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_y = 1; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_y = 1 << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_y = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_y_frac = 1; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_y_frac = 1 << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.root_y_frac = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); /* 32 bit */ in.mods.base = 1L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.base = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.base = 1L << 16; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.base = 1L << 24; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.base = ~0L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.latched = 1L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.latched = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.latched = 1L << 16; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.latched = 1L << 24; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.latched = ~0L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.locked = 1L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.locked = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.locked = 1L << 16; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.locked = 1L << 24; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.locked = ~0L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.effective = 1L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.effective = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.effective = 1L << 16; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.effective = 1L << 24; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.effective = ~0L; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); /* 8 bit */ in.group.base = 1; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.group.base = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.group.latched = 1; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.group.latched = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.group.locked = 1; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.group.locked = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.effective = 1; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); in.mods.effective = ~0 & 0xFF; test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(in.buttons) * 8; i++) { XISetMask(in.buttons, i); test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); XIClearMask(in.buttons, i); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(in.buttons) * 8; i++) { XISetMask(in.buttons, i); test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_VALUATORS; i++) { XISetMask(in.valuators.mask, i); test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); XIClearMask(in.valuators.mask, i); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_VALUATORS; i++) { XISetMask(in.valuators.mask, i); in.valuators.data[i] = i + (i * 0.0020); test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); XIClearMask(in.valuators.mask, i); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_VALUATORS; i++) { XISetMask(in.valuators.mask, i); test_XIDeviceEvent(&in); } } static void test_values_XIDeviceChangedEvent(DeviceChangedEvent *in, xXIDeviceChangedEvent * out, BOOL swap) { int i, j; unsigned char *ptr; if (swap) { swaps(&out->sequenceNumber); swapl(&out->length); swaps(&out->evtype); swaps(&out->deviceid); swaps(&out->sourceid); swapl(&out->time); swaps(&out->num_classes); } assert(out->type == GenericEvent); assert(out->extension == 0); /* IReqCode defaults to 0 */ assert(out->evtype == GetXI2Type(in->type)); assert(out->time == in->time); assert(out->deviceid == in->deviceid); assert(out->sourceid == in->sourceid); ptr = (unsigned char *) &out[1]; for (i = 0; i < out->num_classes; i++) { xXIAnyInfo *any = (xXIAnyInfo *) ptr; if (swap) { swaps(&any->length); swaps(&any->type); swaps(&any->sourceid); } switch (any->type) { case XIButtonClass: { xXIButtonInfo *b = (xXIButtonInfo *) any; Atom *names; if (swap) { swaps(&b->num_buttons); } assert(b->length == bytes_to_int32(sizeof(xXIButtonInfo)) + bytes_to_int32(bits_to_bytes(b->num_buttons)) + b->num_buttons); assert(b->num_buttons == in->buttons.num_buttons); names = (Atom *) ((char *) &b[1] + pad_to_int32(bits_to_bytes(b->num_buttons))); for (j = 0; j < b->num_buttons; j++) { if (swap) { swapl(&names[j]); } assert(names[j] == in->buttons.names[j]); } } break; case XIKeyClass: { xXIKeyInfo *k = (xXIKeyInfo *) any; uint32_t *kc; if (swap) { swaps(&k->num_keycodes); } assert(k->length == bytes_to_int32(sizeof(xXIKeyInfo)) + k->num_keycodes); assert(k->num_keycodes == in->keys.max_keycode - in->keys.min_keycode + 1); kc = (uint32_t *) &k[1]; for (j = 0; j < k->num_keycodes; j++) { if (swap) { swapl(&kc[j]); } assert(kc[j] >= in->keys.min_keycode); assert(kc[j] <= in->keys.max_keycode); } } break; case XIValuatorClass: { xXIValuatorInfo *v = (xXIValuatorInfo *) any; assert(v->length == bytes_to_int32(sizeof(xXIValuatorInfo))); } break; case XIScrollClass: { xXIScrollInfo *s = (xXIScrollInfo *) any; assert(s->length == bytes_to_int32(sizeof(xXIScrollInfo))); assert(s->sourceid == in->sourceid); assert(s->number < in->num_valuators); switch (s->type) { case XIScrollTypeVertical: assert(in->valuators[s->number].scroll.type == SCROLL_TYPE_VERTICAL); break; case XIScrollTypeHorizontal: assert(in->valuators[s->number].scroll.type == SCROLL_TYPE_HORIZONTAL); break; } if (s->flags & XIScrollFlagPreferred) assert(in->valuators[s->number].scroll. flags & SCROLL_FLAG_PREFERRED); } default: printf("Invalid class type.\n\n"); assert(1); break; } ptr += any->length * 4; } } static void test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(DeviceChangedEvent *in) { xXIDeviceChangedEvent *out, *swapped; int rc; rc = EventToXI2((InternalEvent *) in, (xEvent **) &out); assert(rc == Success); test_values_XIDeviceChangedEvent(in, out, FALSE); swapped = calloc(1, sizeof(xEvent) + out->length * 4); XI2EventSwap((xGenericEvent *) out, (xGenericEvent *) swapped); test_values_XIDeviceChangedEvent(in, swapped, TRUE); free(out); free(swapped); } static void test_convert_XIDeviceChangedEvent(void) { DeviceChangedEvent in; int i; memset(&in, 0, sizeof(in)); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_DeviceChanged; in.length = sizeof(DeviceChangedEvent); in.time = 0; in.deviceid = 1; in.sourceid = 2; in.masterid = 3; in.num_valuators = 4; in.flags = DEVCHANGE_SLAVE_SWITCH | DEVCHANGE_POINTER_EVENT | DEVCHANGE_KEYBOARD_EVENT; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BUTTONS; i++) in.buttons.names[i] = i + 10; in.keys.min_keycode = 8; in.keys.max_keycode = 255; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.time = 1L; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.time = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.time = 1L << 16; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.time = 1L << 24; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.time = ~0L; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.deviceid = 1L; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.deviceid = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.deviceid = ~0 & 0xFFFF; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.sourceid = 1L; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.sourceid = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.sourceid = ~0 & 0xFFFF; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.masterid = 1L; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.masterid = 1L << 8; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.masterid = ~0 & 0xFFFF; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.buttons.num_buttons = 0; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.buttons.num_buttons = 1; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.buttons.num_buttons = MAX_BUTTONS; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.keys.min_keycode = 0; in.keys.max_keycode = 0; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.keys.max_keycode = 1 << 8; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.keys.max_keycode = 0xFFFC; /* highest range, above that the length field gives up */ test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.keys.min_keycode = 1 << 8; in.keys.max_keycode = 1 << 8; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.keys.min_keycode = 1 << 8; in.keys.max_keycode = 0; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.num_valuators = 0; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.num_valuators = 1; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.num_valuators = MAX_VALUATORS; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); for (i = 0; i < MAX_VALUATORS; i++) { in.valuators[i].min = 0; in.valuators[i].max = 0; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].max = 1 << 8; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].max = 1 << 16; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].max = 1 << 24; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].max = abs(~0); test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].resolution = 1 << 8; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].resolution = 1 << 16; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].resolution = 1 << 24; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].resolution = abs(~0); test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].name = i; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].mode = Relative; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); in.valuators[i].mode = Absolute; test_XIDeviceChangedEvent(&in); } } static void test_values_XITouchOwnershipEvent(TouchOwnershipEvent *in, xXITouchOwnershipEvent * out, BOOL swap) { if (swap) { swaps(&out->sequenceNumber); swapl(&out->length); swaps(&out->evtype); swaps(&out->deviceid); swaps(&out->sourceid); swapl(&out->time); swapl(&out->touchid); swapl(&out->root); swapl(&out->event); swapl(&out->child); swapl(&out->time); } assert(out->type == GenericEvent); assert(out->extension == 0); /* IReqCode defaults to 0 */ assert(out->evtype == GetXI2Type(in->type)); assert(out->time == in->time); assert(out->deviceid == in->deviceid); assert(out->sourceid == in->sourceid); assert(out->touchid == in->touchid); assert(out->flags == in->reason); } static void test_XITouchOwnershipEvent(TouchOwnershipEvent *in) { xXITouchOwnershipEvent *out, *swapped; int rc; rc = EventToXI2((InternalEvent *) in, (xEvent **) &out); assert(rc == Success); test_values_XITouchOwnershipEvent(in, out, FALSE); swapped = calloc(1, sizeof(xEvent) + out->length * 4); XI2EventSwap((xGenericEvent *) out, (xGenericEvent *) swapped); test_values_XITouchOwnershipEvent(in, swapped, TRUE); free(out); free(swapped); } static void test_convert_XITouchOwnershipEvent(void) { TouchOwnershipEvent in; long i; memset(&in, 0, sizeof(in)); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_TouchOwnership; in.length = sizeof(in); in.time = 0; in.deviceid = 1; in.sourceid = 2; in.touchid = 0; in.reason = 0; in.resource = 0; in.flags = 0; test_XITouchOwnershipEvent(&in); in.flags = XIAcceptTouch; test_XITouchOwnershipEvent(&in); in.flags = XIRejectTouch; test_XITouchOwnershipEvent(&in); for (i = 1; i <= 0xFFFF; i <<= 1) { in.deviceid = i; test_XITouchOwnershipEvent(&in); } for (i = 1; i <= 0xFFFF; i <<= 1) { in.sourceid = i; test_XITouchOwnershipEvent(&in); } for (i = 1;; i <<= 1) { in.touchid = i; test_XITouchOwnershipEvent(&in); if (i == ((long) 1 << 31)) break; } } static void test_XIBarrierEvent(BarrierEvent *in) { xXIBarrierEvent *out, *swapped; int count; int rc; int eventlen; FP3232 value; rc = EventToXI((InternalEvent*)in, (xEvent**)&out, &count); assert(rc == BadMatch); rc = EventToCore((InternalEvent*)in, (xEvent**)&out, &count); assert(rc == BadMatch); rc = EventToXI2((InternalEvent*)in, (xEvent**)&out); assert(out->type == GenericEvent); assert(out->extension == 0); /* IReqCode defaults to 0 */ assert(out->evtype == GetXI2Type(in->type)); assert(out->time == in->time); assert(out->deviceid == in->deviceid); assert(out->sourceid == in->sourceid); assert(out->barrier == in->barrierid); assert(out->flags == in->flags); assert(out->event == in->window); assert(out->root == in->root); assert(out->dtime == in->dt); assert(out->eventid == in->event_id); assert(out->root_x == double_to_fp1616(in->root_x)); assert(out->root_y == double_to_fp1616(in->root_y)); value = double_to_fp3232(in->dx); assert(out->dx.integral == value.integral); assert(out->dx.frac == value.frac); value = double_to_fp3232(in->dy); assert(out->dy.integral == value.integral); assert(out->dy.frac == value.frac); eventlen = sizeof(xEvent) + out->length * 4; swapped = calloc(1, eventlen); XI2EventSwap((xGenericEvent *) out, (xGenericEvent *) swapped); swaps(&swapped->sequenceNumber); swapl(&swapped->length); swaps(&swapped->evtype); swaps(&swapped->deviceid); swapl(&swapped->time); swapl(&swapped->eventid); swapl(&swapped->root); swapl(&swapped->event); swapl(&swapped->barrier); swapl(&swapped->dtime); swaps(&swapped->sourceid); swapl(&swapped->root_x); swapl(&swapped->root_y); swapl(&swapped->dx.integral); swapl(&swapped->dx.frac); swapl(&swapped->dy.integral); swapl(&swapped->dy.frac); assert(memcmp(swapped, out, eventlen) == 0); free(swapped); free(out); } static void test_convert_XIBarrierEvent(void) { BarrierEvent in; memset(&in, 0, sizeof(in)); in.header = ET_Internal; in.type = ET_BarrierHit; in.length = sizeof(in); in.time = 0; in.deviceid = 1; in.sourceid = 2; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.deviceid = 1; while(in.deviceid & 0xFFFF) { test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.deviceid <<= 1; } in.deviceid = 0; in.sourceid = 1; while(in.sourceid & 0xFFFF) { test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.sourceid <<= 1; } in.sourceid = 0; in.flags = 1; while(in.flags) { test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.flags <<= 1; } in.barrierid = 1; while(in.barrierid) { test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.barrierid <<= 1; } in.dt = 1; while(in.dt) { test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dt <<= 1; } in.event_id = 1; while(in.event_id) { test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.event_id <<= 1; } in.window = 1; while(in.window) { test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.window <<= 1; } in.root = 1; while(in.root) { test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root <<= 1; } /* pseudo-random 16 bit numbers */ in.root_x = 1; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_x = 1.3; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_x = 264.908; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_x = 35638.292; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_x = -1; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_x = -1.3; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_x = -264.908; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_x = -35638.292; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_y = 1; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_y = 1.3; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_y = 264.908; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_y = 35638.292; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_y = -1; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_y = -1.3; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_y = -264.908; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.root_y = -35638.292; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); /* equally pseudo-random 32 bit numbers */ in.dx = 1; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dx = 1.3; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dx = 264.908; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dx = 35638.292; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dx = 2947813871.2342; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dx = -1; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dx = -1.3; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dx = -264.908; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dx = -35638.292; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dx = -2947813871.2342; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dy = 1; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dy = 1.3; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dy = 264.908; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dy = 35638.292; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dy = 2947813871.2342; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dy = -1; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dy = -1.3; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dy = -264.908; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dy = -35638.292; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); in.dy = -2947813871.2342; test_XIBarrierEvent(&in); } int protocol_eventconvert_test(void) { test_convert_XIRawEvent(); test_convert_XIFocusEvent(); test_convert_XIDeviceEvent(); test_convert_XIDeviceChangedEvent(); test_convert_XITouchOwnershipEvent(); test_convert_XIBarrierEvent(); return 0; }