/** * Copyright © 2009 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* Test relies on assert() */ #undef NDEBUG #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif /* * Protocol testing for XISelectEvents request. * * Test approach: * * Wrap XISetEventMask to intercept when the server tries to apply the event * mask. Ensure that the mask passed in is equivalent to the one supplied by * the client. Ensure that invalid devices and invalid masks return errors * as appropriate. * * Tests included: * BadValue for num_masks < 0 * BadWindow for invalid windows * BadDevice for non-existing devices * BadImplemenation for devices >= 0xFF * BadValue if HierarchyChanged bit is set for devices other than * XIAllDevices * BadValue for invalid mask bits * Sucecss for excessive mask lengths * */ #include <stdint.h> #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include <X11/extensions/XI2proto.h> #include "inputstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "extinit.h" /* for XInputExtensionInit */ #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "exglobals.h" #include "xiselectev.h" #include "protocol-common.h" static unsigned char *data[4096 * 20]; /* the request data buffer */ extern ClientRec client_window; int __real_XISetEventMask(DeviceIntPtr dev, WindowPtr win, ClientPtr client, int len, unsigned char *mask); int __wrap_XISetEventMask(DeviceIntPtr dev, WindowPtr win, ClientPtr client, int len, unsigned char *mask) { if (!enable_XISetEventMask_wrap) return __real_XISetEventMask(dev, win, client, len, mask); return Success; } static void request_XISelectEvent(xXISelectEventsReq * req, int error) { int i; int rc; ClientRec client; xXIEventMask *mask, *next; req->length = (sz_xXISelectEventsReq / 4); mask = (xXIEventMask *) &req[1]; for (i = 0; i < req->num_masks; i++) { req->length += sizeof(xXIEventMask) / 4 + mask->mask_len; mask = (xXIEventMask *) ((char *) &mask[1] + mask->mask_len * 4); } client = init_client(req->length, req); rc = ProcXISelectEvents(&client); assert(rc == error); client.swapped = TRUE; mask = (xXIEventMask *) &req[1]; for (i = 0; i < req->num_masks; i++) { next = (xXIEventMask *) ((char *) &mask[1] + mask->mask_len * 4); swaps(&mask->deviceid); swaps(&mask->mask_len); mask = next; } swapl(&req->win); swaps(&req->length); swaps(&req->num_masks); rc = SProcXISelectEvents(&client); assert(rc == error); } static void _set_bit(unsigned char *bits, int bit) { SetBit(bits, bit); if (bit >= XI_TouchBegin && bit <= XI_TouchOwnership) { SetBit(bits, XI_TouchBegin); SetBit(bits, XI_TouchUpdate); SetBit(bits, XI_TouchEnd); } if (bit >= XI_GesturePinchBegin && bit <= XI_GesturePinchEnd) { SetBit(bits, XI_GesturePinchBegin); SetBit(bits, XI_GesturePinchUpdate); SetBit(bits, XI_GesturePinchEnd); } if (bit >= XI_GestureSwipeBegin && bit <= XI_GestureSwipeEnd) { SetBit(bits, XI_GestureSwipeBegin); SetBit(bits, XI_GestureSwipeUpdate); SetBit(bits, XI_GestureSwipeEnd); } } static void _clear_bit(unsigned char *bits, int bit) { ClearBit(bits, bit); if (bit >= XI_TouchBegin && bit <= XI_TouchOwnership) { ClearBit(bits, XI_TouchBegin); ClearBit(bits, XI_TouchUpdate); ClearBit(bits, XI_TouchEnd); } if (bit >= XI_GesturePinchBegin && bit <= XI_GesturePinchEnd) { ClearBit(bits, XI_GesturePinchBegin); ClearBit(bits, XI_GesturePinchUpdate); ClearBit(bits, XI_GesturePinchEnd); } if (bit >= XI_GestureSwipeBegin && bit <= XI_GestureSwipeEnd) { ClearBit(bits, XI_GestureSwipeBegin); ClearBit(bits, XI_GestureSwipeUpdate); ClearBit(bits, XI_GestureSwipeEnd); } } static void request_XISelectEvents_masks(xXISelectEventsReq * req) { int i, j; xXIEventMask *mask; int nmasks = XI2MASKSIZE; unsigned char *bits; mask = (xXIEventMask *) &req[1]; req->win = ROOT_WINDOW_ID; /* if a clients submits more than 100 masks, consider it insane and untested */ for (i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) { req->num_masks = i; mask->deviceid = XIAllDevices; /* Test 0: * mask_len is 0 -> Success */ mask->mask_len = 0; request_XISelectEvent(req, Success); /* Test 1: * mask may be larger than needed for XI2LASTEVENT. * Test setting each valid mask bit, while leaving unneeded bits 0. * -> Success */ bits = (unsigned char *) &mask[1]; mask->mask_len = (nmasks + 3) / 4 * 10; memset(bits, 0, mask->mask_len * 4); for (j = 0; j <= XI2LASTEVENT; j++) { _set_bit(bits, j); request_XISelectEvent(req, Success); _clear_bit(bits, j); } /* Test 2: * mask may be larger than needed for XI2LASTEVENT. * Test setting all valid mask bits, while leaving unneeded bits 0. * -> Success */ bits = (unsigned char *) &mask[1]; mask->mask_len = (nmasks + 3) / 4 * 10; memset(bits, 0, mask->mask_len * 4); for (j = 0; j <= XI2LASTEVENT; j++) { _set_bit(bits, j); request_XISelectEvent(req, Success); } /* Test 3: * mask is larger than needed for XI2LASTEVENT. If any unneeded bit * is set -> BadValue */ bits = (unsigned char *) &mask[1]; mask->mask_len = (nmasks + 3) / 4 * 10; memset(bits, 0, mask->mask_len * 4); for (j = XI2LASTEVENT + 1; j < mask->mask_len * 4; j++) { _set_bit(bits, j); request_XISelectEvent(req, BadValue); _clear_bit(bits, j); } /* Test 4: * Mask len is a sensible length, only valid bits are set -> Success */ bits = (unsigned char *) &mask[1]; mask->mask_len = (nmasks + 3) / 4; memset(bits, 0, mask->mask_len * 4); for (j = 0; j <= XI2LASTEVENT; j++) { _set_bit(bits, j); request_XISelectEvent(req, Success); } /* Test 5: * Mask len is 1 and XI_GestureSwipeEnd is set outside the mask. * That bit should be ignored -> Success */ bits = (unsigned char *) &mask[1]; mask->mask_len = 1; memset(bits, 0, 5); SetBit(bits, XI_ButtonPress); // does not matter which one SetBit(bits, XI_GestureSwipeEnd); request_XISelectEvent(req, Success); /* Test 6: * HierarchyChanged bit is BadValue for devices other than * XIAllDevices */ bits = (unsigned char *) &mask[1]; mask->mask_len = (nmasks + 3) / 4; memset(bits, 0, mask->mask_len * 4); SetBit(bits, XI_HierarchyChanged); mask->deviceid = XIAllDevices; request_XISelectEvent(req, Success); for (j = 1; j < devices.num_devices; j++) { mask->deviceid = j; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadValue); } /* Test 7: * All bits set minus hierarchy changed bit -> Success */ bits = (unsigned char *) &mask[1]; mask->mask_len = (nmasks + 3) / 4; memset(bits, 0, mask->mask_len * 4); for (j = 0; j <= XI2LASTEVENT; j++) _set_bit(bits, j); _clear_bit(bits, XI_HierarchyChanged); for (j = 1; j < 6; j++) { mask->deviceid = j; request_XISelectEvent(req, Success); } mask = (xXIEventMask *) ((char *) mask + sizeof(xXIEventMask) + mask->mask_len * 4); } } static void test_XISelectEvents(void) { int i; xXIEventMask *mask; xXISelectEventsReq *req; req = (xXISelectEventsReq *) data; request_init(req, XISelectEvents); printf("Testing for BadValue on zero-length masks\n"); /* zero masks are BadValue, regardless of the window */ req->num_masks = 0; req->win = None; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadValue); req->win = ROOT_WINDOW_ID; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadValue); req->win = CLIENT_WINDOW_ID; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadValue); printf("Testing for BadWindow.\n"); /* None window is BadWindow, regardless of the masks. * We don't actually need to set the masks here, BadWindow must occur * before checking the masks. */ req->win = None; req->num_masks = 1; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadWindow); req->num_masks = 2; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadWindow); req->num_masks = 0xFF; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadWindow); /* request size is 3, so 0xFFFC is the highest num_mask that doesn't * overflow req->length */ req->num_masks = 0xFFFC; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadWindow); printf("Triggering num_masks/length overflow\n"); req->win = ROOT_WINDOW_ID; /* Integer overflow - req->length can't hold that much */ req->num_masks = 0xFFFF; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadLength); req->win = ROOT_WINDOW_ID; req->num_masks = 1; printf("Triggering bogus mask length error\n"); mask = (xXIEventMask *) &req[1]; mask->deviceid = 0; mask->mask_len = 0xFFFF; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadLength); /* testing various device ids */ printf("Testing existing device ids.\n"); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { mask = (xXIEventMask *) &req[1]; mask->deviceid = i; mask->mask_len = 1; req->win = ROOT_WINDOW_ID; req->num_masks = 1; request_XISelectEvent(req, Success); } printf("Testing non-existing device ids.\n"); for (i = 6; i <= 0xFFFF; i++) { req->win = ROOT_WINDOW_ID; req->num_masks = 1; mask = (xXIEventMask *) &req[1]; mask->deviceid = i; mask->mask_len = 1; request_XISelectEvent(req, BadDevice); } request_XISelectEvents_masks(req); } int protocol_xiselectevents_test(void) { init_simple(); test_XISelectEvents(); return 0; }