// // Automated Testing Framework (atf) // // Copyright (c) 2007 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND // CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, // INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE // GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR // OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN // IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // extern "C" { #include <sys/time.h> } #include <cctype> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "application.hpp" #include "fs.hpp" #include "reader.hpp" #include "text.hpp" #include "ui.hpp" typedef std::unique_ptr< std::ostream > ostream_ptr; static ostream_ptr open_outfile(const tools::fs::path& path) { ostream_ptr osp; if (path.str() == "-") osp = ostream_ptr(new std::ofstream("/dev/stdout")); else osp = ostream_ptr(new std::ofstream(path.c_str())); if (!(*osp)) throw std::runtime_error("Could not create file " + path.str()); return osp; } static std::string format_tv(struct timeval* tv) { std::ostringstream output; output << static_cast< long >(tv->tv_sec) << '.' << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(6) << static_cast< long >(tv->tv_usec); return output.str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The "writer" interface. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! //! \brief A base class that defines an output format. //! //! The writer base class defines a generic interface to output formats. //! This is meant to be subclassed, and each subclass can redefine any //! method to format the information as it wishes. //! //! This class is not tied to a output stream nor a file because, depending //! on the output format, we will want to write to a single file or to //! multiple ones. //! class writer { public: writer(void) {} virtual ~writer(void) {} virtual void write_info(const std::string&, const std::string&) {} virtual void write_ntps(size_t) {} virtual void write_tp_start(const std::string&, size_t) {} virtual void write_tp_end(struct timeval*, const std::string&) {} virtual void write_tc_start(const std::string&) {} virtual void write_tc_stdout_line(const std::string&) {} virtual void write_tc_stderr_line(const std::string&) {} virtual void write_tc_end(const std::string&, struct timeval*, const std::string&) {} virtual void write_eof(void) {} }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The "csv_writer" class. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! //! \brief A very simple plain-text output format. //! //! The csv_writer class implements a very simple plain-text output //! format that summarizes the results of each executed test case. The //! results are meant to be easily parseable by third-party tools, hence //! they are formatted as a CSV file. //! class csv_writer : public writer { ostream_ptr m_os; bool m_failed; std::string m_tpname; std::string m_tcname; public: csv_writer(const tools::fs::path& p) : m_os(open_outfile(p)) { } virtual void write_tp_start(const std::string& name, size_t ntcs __attribute__((__unused__))) { m_tpname = name; m_failed = false; } virtual void write_tp_end(struct timeval* tv, const std::string& reason) { const std::string timestamp = format_tv(tv); if (!reason.empty()) (*m_os) << "tp, " << timestamp << ", " << m_tpname << ", bogus, " << reason << "\n"; else if (m_failed) (*m_os) << "tp, " << timestamp << ", "<< m_tpname << ", failed\n"; else (*m_os) << "tp, " << timestamp << ", "<< m_tpname << ", passed\n"; } virtual void write_tc_start(const std::string& name) { m_tcname = name; } virtual void write_tc_end(const std::string& state, struct timeval* tv, const std::string& reason) { std::string str = m_tpname + ", " + m_tcname + ", " + state; if (!reason.empty()) str += ", " + reason; (*m_os) << "tc, " << format_tv(tv) << ", " << str << "\n"; if (state == "failed") m_failed = true; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The "ticker_writer" class. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! //! \brief A console-friendly output format. //! //! The ticker_writer class implements a formatter that is user-friendly //! in the sense that it shows the execution of test cases in an easy to //! read format. It is not meant to be parseable and its format can //! freely change across releases. //! class ticker_writer : public writer { ostream_ptr m_os; size_t m_curtp, m_ntps; size_t m_tcs_passed, m_tcs_failed, m_tcs_skipped, m_tcs_expected_failures; std::string m_tcname, m_tpname; std::vector< std::string > m_failed_tcs; std::map< std::string, std::string > m_expected_failures_tcs; std::vector< std::string > m_failed_tps; void write_info(const std::string& what, const std::string& val) { if (what == "tests.root") { (*m_os) << "Tests root: " << val << "\n\n"; } } void write_ntps(size_t ntps) { m_curtp = 1; m_tcs_passed = 0; m_tcs_failed = 0; m_tcs_skipped = 0; m_tcs_expected_failures = 0; m_ntps = ntps; } void write_tp_start(const std::string& tp, size_t ntcs) { using tools::text::to_string; using tools::ui::format_text; m_tpname = tp; (*m_os) << format_text(tp + " (" + to_string(m_curtp) + "/" + to_string(m_ntps) + "): " + to_string(ntcs) + " test cases") << "\n"; (*m_os).flush(); } void write_tp_end(struct timeval* tv, const std::string& reason) { using tools::ui::format_text_with_tag; m_curtp++; if (!reason.empty()) { (*m_os) << format_text_with_tag("BOGUS TEST PROGRAM: Cannot " "trust its results because " "of `" + reason + "'", m_tpname + ": ", false) << "\n"; m_failed_tps.push_back(m_tpname); } (*m_os) << "[" << format_tv(tv) << "s]\n\n"; (*m_os).flush(); m_tpname.clear(); } void write_tc_start(const std::string& tcname) { m_tcname = tcname; (*m_os) << " " + tcname + ": "; (*m_os).flush(); } void write_tc_end(const std::string& state, struct timeval* tv, const std::string& reason) { std::string str; (*m_os) << "[" << format_tv(tv) << "s] "; if (state == "expected_death" || state == "expected_exit" || state == "expected_failure" || state == "expected_signal" || state == "expected_timeout") { str = "Expected failure: " + reason; m_tcs_expected_failures++; m_expected_failures_tcs[m_tpname + ":" + m_tcname] = reason; } else if (state == "failed") { str = "Failed: " + reason; m_tcs_failed++; m_failed_tcs.push_back(m_tpname + ":" + m_tcname); } else if (state == "passed") { str = "Passed."; m_tcs_passed++; } else if (state == "skipped") { str = "Skipped: " + reason; m_tcs_skipped++; } else std::abort(); // XXX Wrap text. format_text_with_tag does not currently allow // to specify the current column, which is needed because we have // already printed the tc's name. (*m_os) << str << '\n'; m_tcname = ""; } static void write_expected_failures(const std::map< std::string, std::string >& xfails, std::ostream& os) { using tools::ui::format_text; using tools::ui::format_text_with_tag; os << format_text("Test cases for known bugs:") << "\n"; for (std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_iterator iter = xfails.begin(); iter != xfails.end(); iter++) { const std::string& name = (*iter).first; const std::string& reason = (*iter).second; os << format_text_with_tag(reason, " " + name + ": ", false) << "\n"; } } void write_eof(void) { using tools::text::join; using tools::text::to_string; using tools::ui::format_text; using tools::ui::format_text_with_tag; if (!m_failed_tps.empty()) { (*m_os) << format_text("Failed (bogus) test programs:") << "\n"; (*m_os) << format_text_with_tag(join(m_failed_tps, ", "), " ", false) << "\n\n"; } if (!m_expected_failures_tcs.empty()) { write_expected_failures(m_expected_failures_tcs, *m_os); (*m_os) << "\n"; } if (!m_failed_tcs.empty()) { (*m_os) << format_text("Failed test cases:") << "\n"; (*m_os) << format_text_with_tag(join(m_failed_tcs, ", "), " ", false) << "\n\n"; } (*m_os) << format_text("Summary for " + to_string(m_ntps) + " test programs:") << "\n"; (*m_os) << format_text_with_tag(to_string(m_tcs_passed) + " passed test cases.", " ", false) << "\n"; (*m_os) << format_text_with_tag(to_string(m_tcs_failed) + " failed test cases.", " ", false) << "\n"; (*m_os) << format_text_with_tag(to_string(m_tcs_expected_failures) + " expected failed test cases.", " ", false) << "\n"; (*m_os) << format_text_with_tag(to_string(m_tcs_skipped) + " skipped test cases.", " ", false) << "\n"; } public: ticker_writer(const tools::fs::path& p) : m_os(open_outfile(p)) { } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The "xml" class. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! //! \brief A single-file XML output format. //! //! The xml_writer class implements a formatter that prints the results //! of test cases in an XML format easily parseable later on by other //! utilities. //! class xml_writer : public writer { ostream_ptr m_os; std::string m_tcname, m_tpname; static std::string attrval(const std::string& str) { return str; } static std::string elemval(const std::string& str) { std::ostringstream buf; for (std::string::const_iterator iter = str.begin(); iter != str.end(); iter++) { const int character = static_cast< unsigned char >(*iter); if (character == '&') { buf << "&"; } else if (character == '<') { buf << "<"; } else if (character == '>') { buf << ">"; } else if (std::isalnum(character) || std::ispunct(character) || std::isspace(character)) { buf << static_cast< char >(character); } else { buf << "&#" << character << ";"; } } return buf.str(); } void write_info(const std::string& what, const std::string& val) { (*m_os) << "<info class=\"" << what << "\">" << val << "</info>\n"; } void write_tp_start(const std::string& tp, size_t ntcs __attribute__((__unused__))) { (*m_os) << "<tp id=\"" << attrval(tp) << "\">\n"; } void write_tp_end(struct timeval* tv, const std::string& reason) { if (!reason.empty()) (*m_os) << "<failed>" << elemval(reason) << "</failed>\n"; (*m_os) << "<tp-time>" << format_tv(tv) << "</tp-time>"; (*m_os) << "</tp>\n"; } void write_tc_start(const std::string& tcname) { (*m_os) << "<tc id=\"" << attrval(tcname) << "\">\n"; } void write_tc_stdout_line(const std::string& line) { (*m_os) << "<so>" << elemval(line) << "</so>\n"; } void write_tc_stderr_line(const std::string& line) { (*m_os) << "<se>" << elemval(line) << "</se>\n"; } void write_tc_end(const std::string& state, struct timeval* tv, const std::string& reason) { std::string str; if (state == "expected_death" || state == "expected_exit" || state == "expected_failure" || state == "expected_signal" || state == "expected_timeout") { (*m_os) << "<" << state << ">" << elemval(reason) << "</" << state << ">\n"; } else if (state == "passed") { (*m_os) << "<passed />\n"; } else if (state == "failed") { (*m_os) << "<failed>" << elemval(reason) << "</failed>\n"; } else if (state == "skipped") { (*m_os) << "<skipped>" << elemval(reason) << "</skipped>\n"; } else std::abort(); (*m_os) << "<tc-time>" << format_tv(tv) << "</tc-time>"; (*m_os) << "</tc>\n"; } void write_eof(void) { (*m_os) << "</tests-results>\n"; } public: xml_writer(const tools::fs::path& p) : m_os(open_outfile(p)) { (*m_os) << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" << "<!DOCTYPE tests-results PUBLIC " "\"-//NetBSD//DTD ATF Tests Results 0.1//EN\" " "\"http://www.NetBSD.org/XML/atf/tests-results.dtd\">\n\n" "<tests-results>\n"; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The "converter" class. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! //! \brief A reader that redirects events to multiple writers. //! //! The converter class implements an atf_tps_reader that, for each event //! raised by the parser, redirects it to multiple writers so that they //! can reformat it according to their output rules. //! class converter : public tools::atf_report::atf_tps_reader { typedef std::vector< writer* > outs_vector; outs_vector m_outs; void got_info(const std::string& what, const std::string& val) { for (outs_vector::iterator iter = m_outs.begin(); iter != m_outs.end(); iter++) (*iter)->write_info(what, val); } void got_ntps(size_t ntps) { for (outs_vector::iterator iter = m_outs.begin(); iter != m_outs.end(); iter++) (*iter)->write_ntps(ntps); } void got_tp_start(const std::string& tp, size_t ntcs) { for (outs_vector::iterator iter = m_outs.begin(); iter != m_outs.end(); iter++) (*iter)->write_tp_start(tp, ntcs); } void got_tp_end(struct timeval* tv, const std::string& reason) { for (outs_vector::iterator iter = m_outs.begin(); iter != m_outs.end(); iter++) (*iter)->write_tp_end(tv, reason); } void got_tc_start(const std::string& tcname) { for (outs_vector::iterator iter = m_outs.begin(); iter != m_outs.end(); iter++) (*iter)->write_tc_start(tcname); } void got_tc_stdout_line(const std::string& line) { for (outs_vector::iterator iter = m_outs.begin(); iter != m_outs.end(); iter++) (*iter)->write_tc_stdout_line(line); } void got_tc_stderr_line(const std::string& line) { for (outs_vector::iterator iter = m_outs.begin(); iter != m_outs.end(); iter++) (*iter)->write_tc_stderr_line(line); } void got_tc_end(const std::string& state, struct timeval* tv, const std::string& reason) { for (outs_vector::iterator iter = m_outs.begin(); iter != m_outs.end(); iter++) (*iter)->write_tc_end(state, tv, reason); } void got_eof(void) { for (outs_vector::iterator iter = m_outs.begin(); iter != m_outs.end(); iter++) (*iter)->write_eof(); } public: converter(std::istream& is) : tools::atf_report::atf_tps_reader(is) { } ~converter(void) { for (outs_vector::iterator iter = m_outs.begin(); iter != m_outs.end(); iter++) delete *iter; } void add_output(const std::string& fmt, const tools::fs::path& p) { if (fmt == "csv") { m_outs.push_back(new csv_writer(p)); } else if (fmt == "ticker") { m_outs.push_back(new ticker_writer(p)); } else if (fmt == "xml") { m_outs.push_back(new xml_writer(p)); } else throw std::runtime_error("Unknown format `" + fmt + "'"); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The "atf_report" class. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class atf_report : public tools::application::app { static const char* m_description; typedef std::pair< std::string, tools::fs::path > fmt_path_pair; std::vector< fmt_path_pair > m_oflags; void process_option(int, const char*); options_set specific_options(void) const; public: atf_report(void); int main(void); }; const char* atf_report::m_description = "atf-report is a tool that parses the output of atf-run and " "generates user-friendly reports in multiple different formats."; atf_report::atf_report(void) : app(m_description, "atf-report(1)", "atf(7)") { } void atf_report::process_option(int ch, const char* arg) { switch (ch) { case 'o': { std::string str(arg); std::string::size_type pos = str.find(':'); if (pos == std::string::npos) throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in -o option"); else { std::string fmt = str.substr(0, pos); tools::fs::path path = tools::fs::path(str.substr(pos + 1)); m_oflags.push_back(fmt_path_pair(fmt, path)); } } break; default: std::abort(); } } atf_report::options_set atf_report::specific_options(void) const { using tools::application::option; options_set opts; opts.insert(option('o', "fmt:path", "Adds a new output file; multiple " "ones can be specified, and a - " "path means stdout")); return opts; } int atf_report::main(void) { if (m_argc > 0) throw std::runtime_error("No arguments allowed"); if (m_oflags.empty()) m_oflags.push_back(fmt_path_pair("ticker", tools::fs::path("-"))); // Look for path duplicates. std::set< tools::fs::path > paths; for (std::vector< fmt_path_pair >::const_iterator iter = m_oflags.begin(); iter != m_oflags.end(); iter++) { tools::fs::path p = (*iter).second; if (p == tools::fs::path("/dev/stdout")) p = tools::fs::path("-"); if (paths.find(p) != paths.end()) throw std::runtime_error("The file `" + p.str() + "' was " "specified more than once"); paths.insert((*iter).second); } // Generate the output files. converter cnv(std::cin); for (std::vector< fmt_path_pair >::const_iterator iter = m_oflags.begin(); iter != m_oflags.end(); iter++) cnv.add_output((*iter).first, (*iter).second); cnv.read(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int main(int argc, char* const* argv) { return atf_report().run(argc, argv); }