// // Automated Testing Framework (atf) // // Copyright (c) 2007 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND // CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, // INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE // GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR // OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN // IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // extern "C" { #include <sys/time.h> } #include <cassert> #include <cstdlib> #include <map> #include <sstream> #include <utility> #include "parser.hpp" #include "reader.hpp" #include "text.hpp" namespace impl = tools::atf_report; #define IMPL_NAME "tools::atf_report" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Auxiliary functions. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< typename Type > Type string_to_int(const std::string& str) { std::istringstream ss(str); Type s; ss >> s; return s; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The "atf_tps" auxiliary parser. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace atf_tps { static const tools::parser::token_type eof_type = 0; static const tools::parser::token_type nl_type = 1; static const tools::parser::token_type text_type = 2; static const tools::parser::token_type colon_type = 3; static const tools::parser::token_type comma_type = 4; static const tools::parser::token_type tps_count_type = 5; static const tools::parser::token_type tp_start_type = 6; static const tools::parser::token_type tp_end_type = 7; static const tools::parser::token_type tc_start_type = 8; static const tools::parser::token_type tc_so_type = 9; static const tools::parser::token_type tc_se_type = 10; static const tools::parser::token_type tc_end_type = 11; static const tools::parser::token_type passed_type = 12; static const tools::parser::token_type failed_type = 13; static const tools::parser::token_type skipped_type = 14; static const tools::parser::token_type info_type = 16; static const tools::parser::token_type expected_death_type = 17; static const tools::parser::token_type expected_exit_type = 18; static const tools::parser::token_type expected_failure_type = 19; static const tools::parser::token_type expected_signal_type = 20; static const tools::parser::token_type expected_timeout_type = 21; class tokenizer : public tools::parser::tokenizer< std::istream > { public: tokenizer(std::istream& is, size_t curline) : tools::parser::tokenizer< std::istream > (is, true, eof_type, nl_type, text_type, curline) { add_delim(':', colon_type); add_delim(',', comma_type); add_keyword("tps-count", tps_count_type); add_keyword("tp-start", tp_start_type); add_keyword("tp-end", tp_end_type); add_keyword("tc-start", tc_start_type); add_keyword("tc-so", tc_so_type); add_keyword("tc-se", tc_se_type); add_keyword("tc-end", tc_end_type); add_keyword("passed", passed_type); add_keyword("failed", failed_type); add_keyword("skipped", skipped_type); add_keyword("info", info_type); add_keyword("expected_death", expected_death_type); add_keyword("expected_exit", expected_exit_type); add_keyword("expected_failure", expected_failure_type); add_keyword("expected_signal", expected_signal_type); add_keyword("expected_timeout", expected_timeout_type); } }; } // namespace atf_tps struct timeval read_timeval(tools::parser::parser< atf_tps::tokenizer >& parser) { using namespace atf_tps; tools::parser::token t = parser.expect(text_type, "timestamp"); const std::string::size_type divider = t.text().find('.'); if (divider == std::string::npos || divider == 0 || divider == t.text().length() - 1) throw tools::parser::parse_error(t.lineno(), "Malformed timestamp value " + t.text()); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = string_to_int< long >(t.text().substr(0, divider)); tv.tv_usec = string_to_int< long >(t.text().substr(divider + 1)); return tv; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The "atf_tps_reader" class. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ impl::atf_tps_reader::atf_tps_reader(std::istream& is) : m_is(is) { } impl::atf_tps_reader::~atf_tps_reader(void) { } void impl::atf_tps_reader::got_info( const std::string& what __attribute__((__unused__)), const std::string& val __attribute__((__unused__))) { } void impl::atf_tps_reader::got_ntps(size_t ntps __attribute__((__unused__))) { } void impl::atf_tps_reader::got_tp_start( const std::string& tp __attribute__((__unused__)), size_t ntcs __attribute__((__unused__))) { } void impl::atf_tps_reader::got_tp_end( struct timeval* tv __attribute__((__unused__)), const std::string& reason __attribute__((__unused__))) { } void impl::atf_tps_reader::got_tc_start( const std::string& tcname __attribute__((__unused__))) { } void impl::atf_tps_reader::got_tc_stdout_line( const std::string& line __attribute__((__unused__))) { } void impl::atf_tps_reader::got_tc_stderr_line( const std::string& line __attribute__((__unused__))) { } void impl::atf_tps_reader::got_tc_end( const std::string& state __attribute__((__unused__)), struct timeval* tv __attribute__((__unused__)), const std::string& reason __attribute__((__unused__))) { } void impl::atf_tps_reader::got_eof(void) { } void impl::atf_tps_reader::read_info(void* pptr) { using tools::parser::parse_error; using namespace atf_tps; tools::parser::parser< tokenizer >& p = *reinterpret_cast< tools::parser::parser< tokenizer >* > (pptr); (void)p.expect(colon_type, "`:'"); tools::parser::token t = p.expect(text_type, "info property name"); (void)p.expect(comma_type, "`,'"); got_info(t.text(), tools::text::trim(p.rest_of_line())); (void)p.expect(nl_type, "new line"); } void impl::atf_tps_reader::read_tp(void* pptr) { using tools::parser::parse_error; using namespace atf_tps; tools::parser::parser< tokenizer >& p = *reinterpret_cast< tools::parser::parser< tokenizer >* > (pptr); tools::parser::token t = p.expect(tp_start_type, "start of test program"); t = p.expect(colon_type, "`:'"); struct timeval s1 = read_timeval(p); t = p.expect(comma_type, "`,'"); t = p.expect(text_type, "test program name"); std::string tpname = t.text(); t = p.expect(comma_type, "`,'"); t = p.expect(text_type, "number of test programs"); size_t ntcs = string_to_int< std::size_t >(t.text()); t = p.expect(nl_type, "new line"); ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_tp_start(tpname, ntcs)); size_t i = 0; while (p.good() && i < ntcs) { try { read_tc(&p); i++; } catch (const parse_error& pe) { p.add_error(pe); p.reset(nl_type); } } t = p.expect(tp_end_type, "end of test program"); t = p.expect(colon_type, "`:'"); struct timeval s2 = read_timeval(p); struct timeval s3; timersub(&s2, &s1, &s3); t = p.expect(comma_type, "`,'"); t = p.expect(text_type, "test program name"); if (t.text() != tpname) throw parse_error(t.lineno(), "Test program name used in " "terminator does not match " "opening"); t = p.expect(nl_type, comma_type, "new line or comma_type"); std::string reason; if (t.type() == comma_type) { reason = tools::text::trim(p.rest_of_line()); if (reason.empty()) throw parse_error(t.lineno(), "Empty reason for failed test program"); t = p.next(); } ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_tp_end(&s3, reason)); } void impl::atf_tps_reader::read_tc(void* pptr) { using tools::parser::parse_error; using namespace atf_tps; tools::parser::parser< tokenizer >& p = *reinterpret_cast< tools::parser::parser< tokenizer >* > (pptr); tools::parser::token t = p.expect(tc_start_type, "start of test case"); t = p.expect(colon_type, "`:'"); struct timeval s1 = read_timeval(p); t = p.expect(comma_type, "`,'"); t = p.expect(text_type, "test case name"); std::string tcname = t.text(); ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_tc_start(tcname)); t = p.expect(nl_type, "new line"); t = p.expect(tc_end_type, tc_so_type, tc_se_type, "end of test case or test case's stdout/stderr line"); while (t.type() != tc_end_type && (t.type() == tc_so_type || t.type() == tc_se_type)) { tools::parser::token t2 = t; t = p.expect(colon_type, "`:'"); std::string line = p.rest_of_line(); if (t2.type() == tc_so_type) { ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_tc_stdout_line(line)); } else { assert(t2.type() == tc_se_type); ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_tc_stderr_line(line)); } t = p.expect(nl_type, "new line"); t = p.expect(tc_end_type, tc_so_type, tc_se_type, "end of test case or test case's stdout/stderr line"); } t = p.expect(colon_type, "`:'"); struct timeval s2 = read_timeval(p); struct timeval s3; timersub(&s2, &s1, &s3); t = p.expect(comma_type, "`,'"); t = p.expect(text_type, "test case name"); if (t.text() != tcname) throw parse_error(t.lineno(), "Test case name used in terminator does not " "match opening"); t = p.expect(comma_type, "`,'"); t = p.expect(expected_death_type, expected_exit_type, expected_failure_type, expected_signal_type, expected_timeout_type, passed_type, failed_type, skipped_type, "expected_{death,exit,failure,signal,timeout}, failed, " "passed or skipped"); if (t.type() == passed_type) { ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_tc_end("passed", &s3, "")); } else { std::string state; if (t.type() == expected_death_type) state = "expected_death"; else if (t.type() == expected_exit_type) state = "expected_exit"; else if (t.type() == expected_failure_type) state = "expected_failure"; else if (t.type() == expected_signal_type) state = "expected_signal"; else if (t.type() == expected_timeout_type) state = "expected_timeout"; else if (t.type() == failed_type) state = "failed"; else if (t.type() == skipped_type) state = "skipped"; else std::abort(); t = p.expect(comma_type, "`,'"); std::string reason = tools::text::trim(p.rest_of_line()); if (reason.empty()) throw parse_error(t.lineno(), "Empty reason for " + state + " test case result"); ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_tc_end(state, &s3, reason)); } t = p.expect(nl_type, "new line"); } void impl::atf_tps_reader::read(void) { using tools::parser::parse_error; using namespace atf_tps; std::pair< size_t, tools::parser::headers_map > hml = tools::parser::read_headers(m_is, 1); tools::parser::validate_content_type(hml.second, "application/X-atf-tps", 3); tokenizer tkz(m_is, hml.first); tools::parser::parser< tokenizer > p(tkz); try { tools::parser::token t; while ((t = p.expect(tps_count_type, info_type, "tps-count or info " "field")).type() == info_type) read_info(&p); t = p.expect(colon_type, "`:'"); t = p.expect(text_type, "number of test programs"); size_t ntps = string_to_int< std::size_t >(t.text()); ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_ntps(ntps)); t = p.expect(nl_type, "new line"); size_t i = 0; while (p.good() && i < ntps) { try { read_tp(&p); i++; } catch (const parse_error& pe) { p.add_error(pe); p.reset(nl_type); } } while ((t = p.expect(eof_type, info_type, "end of stream or info " "field")).type() == info_type) read_info(&p); ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_eof()); } catch (const parse_error& pe) { p.add_error(pe); p.reset(nl_type); } }