// // Automated Testing Framework (atf) // // Copyright (c) 2007 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND // CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, // INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE // GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR // OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN // IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // extern "C" { #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> } #include <cassert> #include <cerrno> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include "config_file.hpp" #include "env.hpp" #include "fs.hpp" #include "io.hpp" #include "parser.hpp" #include "process.hpp" #include "requirements.hpp" #include "signals.hpp" #include "test-program.hpp" #include "text.hpp" #include "timers.hpp" #include "user.hpp" namespace impl = tools::test_program; namespace detail = tools::test_program::detail; namespace { typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > vars_map; static void check_stream(std::ostream& os) { // If we receive a signal while writing to the stream, the bad bit gets set. // Things seem to behave fine afterwards if we clear such error condition. // However, I'm not sure if it's safe to query errno at this point. if (os.bad()) { if (errno == EINTR) os.clear(); else throw std::runtime_error("Failed"); } } namespace atf_tp { static const tools::parser::token_type eof_type = 0; static const tools::parser::token_type nl_type = 1; static const tools::parser::token_type text_type = 2; static const tools::parser::token_type colon_type = 3; static const tools::parser::token_type dblquote_type = 4; class tokenizer : public tools::parser::tokenizer< std::istream > { public: tokenizer(std::istream& is, size_t curline) : tools::parser::tokenizer< std::istream > (is, true, eof_type, nl_type, text_type, curline) { add_delim(':', colon_type); add_quote('"', dblquote_type); } }; } // namespace atf_tp class metadata_reader : public detail::atf_tp_reader { impl::test_cases_map m_tcs; void got_tc(const std::string& ident, const vars_map& props) { if (m_tcs.find(ident) != m_tcs.end()) throw(std::runtime_error("Duplicate test case " + ident + " in test program")); m_tcs[ident] = props; if (m_tcs[ident].find("has.cleanup") == m_tcs[ident].end()) m_tcs[ident].insert(std::make_pair("has.cleanup", "false")); if (m_tcs[ident].find("timeout") == m_tcs[ident].end()) m_tcs[ident].insert(std::make_pair("timeout", "300")); } public: metadata_reader(std::istream& is) : detail::atf_tp_reader(is) { } const impl::test_cases_map& get_tcs(void) const { return m_tcs; } }; struct get_metadata_params { const tools::fs::path& executable; const vars_map& config; get_metadata_params(const tools::fs::path& p_executable, const vars_map& p_config) : executable(p_executable), config(p_config) { } }; struct test_case_params { const tools::fs::path& executable; const std::string& test_case_name; const std::string& test_case_part; const vars_map& metadata; const vars_map& config; const tools::fs::path& resfile; const tools::fs::path& workdir; test_case_params(const tools::fs::path& p_executable, const std::string& p_test_case_name, const std::string& p_test_case_part, const vars_map& p_metadata, const vars_map& p_config, const tools::fs::path& p_resfile, const tools::fs::path& p_workdir) : executable(p_executable), test_case_name(p_test_case_name), test_case_part(p_test_case_part), metadata(p_metadata), config(p_config), resfile(p_resfile), workdir(p_workdir) { } }; static std::string generate_timestamp(void) { struct timeval tv; if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1) return "0.0"; char buf[32]; const int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ld.%ld", static_cast< long >(tv.tv_sec), static_cast< long >(tv.tv_usec)); if (len >= static_cast< int >(sizeof(buf)) || len < 0) return "0.0"; else return buf; } static void append_to_vector(std::vector< std::string >& v1, const std::vector< std::string >& v2) { std::copy(v2.begin(), v2.end(), std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< std::string > >(v1)); } static char** vector_to_argv(const std::vector< std::string >& v) { char** argv = new char*[v.size() + 1]; for (std::vector< std::string >::size_type i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { argv[i] = strdup(v[i].c_str()); } argv[v.size()] = NULL; return argv; } static void exec_or_exit(const tools::fs::path& executable, const std::vector< std::string >& argv) { // This leaks memory in case of a failure, but it is OK. Exiting will // do the necessary cleanup. char* const* native_argv = vector_to_argv(argv); ::execv(executable.c_str(), native_argv); const std::string message = "Failed to execute '" + executable.str() + "': " + std::strerror(errno) + "\n"; if (::write(STDERR_FILENO, message.c_str(), message.length()) == -1) std::abort(); std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static std::vector< std::string > config_to_args(const vars_map& config) { std::vector< std::string > args; for (vars_map::const_iterator iter = config.begin(); iter != config.end(); iter++) args.push_back("-v" + (*iter).first + "=" + (*iter).second); return args; } static void silence_stdin(void) { ::close(STDIN_FILENO); int fd = ::open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) throw std::runtime_error("Could not open /dev/null"); assert(fd == STDIN_FILENO); } static void prepare_child(const tools::fs::path& workdir) { const int ret = ::setpgid(::getpid(), 0); assert(ret != -1); ::umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH); for (int i = 1; i <= tools::signals::last_signo; i++) tools::signals::reset(i); tools::env::set("HOME", workdir.str()); tools::env::unset("LANG"); tools::env::unset("LC_ALL"); tools::env::unset("LC_COLLATE"); tools::env::unset("LC_CTYPE"); tools::env::unset("LC_MESSAGES"); tools::env::unset("LC_MONETARY"); tools::env::unset("LC_NUMERIC"); tools::env::unset("LC_TIME"); tools::env::set("TZ", "UTC"); tools::env::set("__RUNNING_INSIDE_ATF_RUN", "internal-yes-value"); tools::fs::change_directory(workdir); silence_stdin(); } static void get_metadata_child(void* raw_params) { const get_metadata_params* params = static_cast< const get_metadata_params* >(raw_params); std::vector< std::string > argv; argv.push_back(params->executable.leaf_name()); argv.push_back("-l"); argv.push_back("-s" + params->executable.branch_path().str()); append_to_vector(argv, config_to_args(params->config)); exec_or_exit(params->executable, argv); } void run_test_case_child(void* raw_params) { const test_case_params* params = static_cast< const test_case_params* >(raw_params); const std::pair< int, int > user = tools::get_required_user( params->metadata, params->config); if (user.first != -1 && user.second != -1) { tools::fs::change_ownership(params->workdir, user); tools::user::drop_privileges(user); } // The input 'tp' parameter may be relative and become invalid once // we change the current working directory. const tools::fs::path absolute_executable = params->executable.to_absolute(); // Prepare the test program's arguments. We use dynamic memory and // do not care to release it. We are going to die anyway very soon, // either due to exec(2) or to exit(3). std::vector< std::string > argv; argv.push_back(absolute_executable.leaf_name()); argv.push_back("-r" + params->resfile.str()); argv.push_back("-s" + absolute_executable.branch_path().str()); append_to_vector(argv, config_to_args(params->config)); argv.push_back(params->test_case_name + ":" + params->test_case_part); prepare_child(params->workdir); exec_or_exit(absolute_executable, argv); } static void tokenize_result(const std::string& line, std::string& out_state, std::string& out_arg, std::string& out_reason) { const std::string::size_type pos = line.find_first_of(":("); if (pos == std::string::npos) { out_state = line; out_arg = ""; out_reason = ""; } else if (line[pos] == ':') { out_state = line.substr(0, pos); out_arg = ""; out_reason = tools::text::trim(line.substr(pos + 1)); } else if (line[pos] == '(') { const std::string::size_type pos2 = line.find("):", pos); if (pos2 == std::string::npos) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid test case result '" + line + "': unclosed optional argument"); out_state = line.substr(0, pos); out_arg = line.substr(pos + 1, pos2 - pos - 1); out_reason = tools::text::trim(line.substr(pos2 + 2)); } else std::abort(); } static impl::test_case_result handle_result(const std::string& state, const std::string& arg, const std::string& reason) { assert(state == "passed"); if (!arg.empty() || !reason.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("The test case result '" + state + "' cannot " "be accompanied by a reason nor an expected value"); return impl::test_case_result(state, -1, reason); } static impl::test_case_result handle_result_with_reason(const std::string& state, const std::string& arg, const std::string& reason) { assert(state == "expected_death" || state == "expected_failure" || state == "expected_timeout" || state == "failed" || state == "skipped"); if (!arg.empty() || reason.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("The test case result '" + state + "' must " "be accompanied by a reason but not by an expected value"); return impl::test_case_result(state, -1, reason); } static impl::test_case_result handle_result_with_reason_and_arg(const std::string& state, const std::string& arg, const std::string& reason) { assert(state == "expected_exit" || state == "expected_signal"); if (reason.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("The test case result '" + state + "' must " "be accompanied by a reason"); int value; if (arg.empty()) { value = -1; } else { try { value = tools::text::to_type< int >(arg); } catch (const std::runtime_error&) { throw std::runtime_error("The value '" + arg + "' passed to the '" + state + "' state must be an integer"); } } return impl::test_case_result(state, value, reason); } } // anonymous namespace detail::atf_tp_reader::atf_tp_reader(std::istream& is) : m_is(is) { } detail::atf_tp_reader::~atf_tp_reader(void) { } void detail::atf_tp_reader::got_tc( const std::string& ident __attribute__((__unused__)), const std::map< std::string, std::string >& md __attribute__((__unused__))) { } void detail::atf_tp_reader::got_eof(void) { } void detail::atf_tp_reader::validate_and_insert(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, const size_t lineno, std::map< std::string, std::string >& md) { using tools::parser::parse_error; if (value.empty()) throw parse_error(lineno, "The value for '" + name +"' cannot be " "empty"); const std::string ident_regex = "^[_A-Za-z0-9]+$"; const std::string integer_regex = "^[0-9]+$"; if (name == "descr") { // Any non-empty value is valid. } else if (name == "has.cleanup") { try { (void)tools::text::to_bool(value); } catch (const std::runtime_error&) { throw parse_error(lineno, "The has.cleanup property requires a" " boolean value"); } } else if (name == "ident") { if (!tools::text::match(value, ident_regex)) throw parse_error(lineno, "The identifier must match " + ident_regex + "; was '" + value + "'"); } else if (name == "require.arch") { } else if (name == "require.config") { } else if (name == "require.files") { } else if (name == "require.machine") { } else if (name == "require.memory") { try { (void)tools::text::to_bytes(value); } catch (const std::runtime_error&) { throw parse_error(lineno, "The require.memory property requires an " "integer value representing an amount of bytes"); } } else if (name == "require.progs") { } else if (name == "require.user") { } else if (name == "timeout") { if (!tools::text::match(value, integer_regex)) throw parse_error(lineno, "The timeout property requires an integer" " value"); } else if (name == "use.fs") { // Deprecated; ignore it. } else if (name.size() > 2 && name[0] == 'X' && name[1] == '-') { // Any non-empty value is valid. } else { throw parse_error(lineno, "Unknown property '" + name + "'"); } md.insert(std::make_pair(name, value)); } void detail::atf_tp_reader::read(void) { using tools::parser::parse_error; using namespace atf_tp; std::pair< size_t, tools::parser::headers_map > hml = tools::parser::read_headers(m_is, 1); tools::parser::validate_content_type(hml.second, "application/X-atf-tp", 1); tokenizer tkz(m_is, hml.first); tools::parser::parser< tokenizer > p(tkz); try { tools::parser::token t = p.expect(text_type, "property name"); if (t.text() != "ident") throw parse_error(t.lineno(), "First property of a test case " "must be 'ident'"); std::map< std::string, std::string > props; do { const std::string name = t.text(); t = p.expect(colon_type, "`:'"); const std::string value = tools::text::trim(p.rest_of_line()); t = p.expect(nl_type, "new line"); validate_and_insert(name, value, t.lineno(), props); t = p.expect(eof_type, nl_type, text_type, "property name, new " "line or eof"); if (t.type() == nl_type || t.type() == eof_type) { const std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_iterator iter = props.find("ident"); if (iter == props.end()) throw parse_error(t.lineno(), "Test case definition did " "not define an 'ident' property"); ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_tc((*iter).second, props)); props.clear(); if (t.type() == nl_type) { t = p.expect(text_type, "property name"); if (t.text() != "ident") throw parse_error(t.lineno(), "First property of a " "test case must be 'ident'"); } } } while (t.type() != eof_type); ATF_PARSER_CALLBACK(p, got_eof()); } catch (const parse_error& pe) { p.add_error(pe); p.reset(nl_type); } } impl::test_case_result detail::parse_test_case_result(const std::string& line) { std::string state, arg, reason; tokenize_result(line, state, arg, reason); if (state == "expected_death") return handle_result_with_reason(state, arg, reason); else if (state.compare(0, 13, "expected_exit") == 0) return handle_result_with_reason_and_arg(state, arg, reason); else if (state.compare(0, 16, "expected_failure") == 0) return handle_result_with_reason(state, arg, reason); else if (state.compare(0, 15, "expected_signal") == 0) return handle_result_with_reason_and_arg(state, arg, reason); else if (state.compare(0, 16, "expected_timeout") == 0) return handle_result_with_reason(state, arg, reason); else if (state == "failed") return handle_result_with_reason(state, arg, reason); else if (state == "passed") return handle_result(state, arg, reason); else if (state == "skipped") return handle_result_with_reason(state, arg, reason); else throw std::runtime_error("Unknown test case result type in: " + line); } impl::atf_tps_writer::atf_tps_writer(std::ostream& os) : m_os(os) { tools::parser::headers_map hm; tools::parser::attrs_map ct_attrs; ct_attrs["version"] = "3"; hm["Content-Type"] = tools::parser::header_entry("Content-Type", "application/X-atf-tps", ct_attrs); tools::parser::write_headers(hm, m_os); } void impl::atf_tps_writer::info(const std::string& what, const std::string& val) { m_os << "info: " << what << ", " << val << "\n"; m_os.flush(); } void impl::atf_tps_writer::ntps(size_t p_ntps) { m_os << "tps-count: " << p_ntps << "\n"; m_os.flush(); } void impl::atf_tps_writer::start_tp(const std::string& tp, size_t ntcs) { m_tpname = tp; m_os << "tp-start: " << generate_timestamp() << ", " << tp << ", " << ntcs << "\n"; m_os.flush(); } void impl::atf_tps_writer::end_tp(const std::string& reason) { assert(reason.find('\n') == std::string::npos); if (reason.empty()) m_os << "tp-end: " << generate_timestamp() << ", " << m_tpname << "\n"; else m_os << "tp-end: " << generate_timestamp() << ", " << m_tpname << ", " << reason << "\n"; m_os.flush(); } void impl::atf_tps_writer::start_tc(const std::string& tcname) { m_tcname = tcname; m_os << "tc-start: " << generate_timestamp() << ", " << tcname << "\n"; m_os.flush(); } void impl::atf_tps_writer::stdout_tc(const std::string& line) { m_os << "tc-so:" << line << "\n"; check_stream(m_os); m_os.flush(); check_stream(m_os); } void impl::atf_tps_writer::stderr_tc(const std::string& line) { m_os << "tc-se:" << line << "\n"; check_stream(m_os); m_os.flush(); check_stream(m_os); } void impl::atf_tps_writer::end_tc(const std::string& state, const std::string& reason) { std::string str = ", " + m_tcname + ", " + state; if (!reason.empty()) str += ", " + reason; m_os << "tc-end: " << generate_timestamp() << str << "\n"; m_os.flush(); } impl::metadata impl::get_metadata(const tools::fs::path& executable, const vars_map& config) { get_metadata_params params(executable, config); tools::process::child child = tools::process::fork(get_metadata_child, tools::process::stream_capture(), tools::process::stream_inherit(), static_cast< void * >(¶ms)); tools::io::pistream outin(child.stdout_fd()); metadata_reader parser(outin); parser.read(); const tools::process::status status = child.wait(); if (!status.exited() || status.exitstatus() != EXIT_SUCCESS) throw tools::parser::format_error("Test program returned failure " "exit status " + status.str() + " for test case list"); return metadata(parser.get_tcs()); } impl::test_case_result impl::read_test_case_result(const tools::fs::path& results_path) { std::ifstream results_file(results_path.c_str()); if (!results_file) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open " + results_path.str()); std::string line, extra_line; std::getline(results_file, line); if (!results_file.good()) throw std::runtime_error("Results file is empty"); while (std::getline(results_file, extra_line).good()) line += "<<NEWLINE UNEXPECTED>>" + extra_line; results_file.close(); return detail::parse_test_case_result(line); } namespace { static volatile bool terminate_poll; static void sigchld_handler(const int signo __attribute__((__unused__))) { terminate_poll = true; } class child_muxer : public tools::io::muxer { impl::atf_tps_writer& m_writer; void line_callback(const size_t index, const std::string& line) { switch (index) { case 0: m_writer.stdout_tc(line); break; case 1: m_writer.stderr_tc(line); break; default: std::abort(); } } public: child_muxer(const int* fds, const size_t nfds, impl::atf_tps_writer& writer) : muxer(fds, nfds), m_writer(writer) { } }; } // anonymous namespace std::pair< std::string, tools::process::status > impl::run_test_case(const tools::fs::path& executable, const std::string& test_case_name, const std::string& test_case_part, const vars_map& metadata, const vars_map& config, const tools::fs::path& resfile, const tools::fs::path& workdir, atf_tps_writer& writer) { // TODO: Capture termination signals and deliver them to the subprocess // instead. Or maybe do something else; think about it. test_case_params params(executable, test_case_name, test_case_part, metadata, config, resfile, workdir); tools::process::child child = tools::process::fork(run_test_case_child, tools::process::stream_capture(), tools::process::stream_capture(), static_cast< void * >(¶ms)); terminate_poll = false; const vars_map::const_iterator iter = metadata.find("timeout"); assert(iter != metadata.end()); const unsigned int timeout = tools::text::to_type< unsigned int >((*iter).second); const pid_t child_pid = child.pid(); // Get the input stream of stdout and stderr. tools::io::file_handle outfh = child.stdout_fd(); tools::io::file_handle errfh = child.stderr_fd(); bool timed_out = false; // Process the test case's output and multiplex it into our output // stream as we read it. int fds[2] = {outfh.get(), errfh.get()}; child_muxer mux(fds, 2, writer); try { timers::child_timer timeout_timer(timeout, child_pid, terminate_poll); signals::signal_programmer sigchld(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler); mux.mux(terminate_poll); timed_out = timeout_timer.fired(); } catch (...) { std::abort(); } ::killpg(child_pid, SIGKILL); mux.flush(); tools::process::status status = child.wait(); std::string reason; if (timed_out) { // Don't assume the child process has been signaled due to the timeout // expiration as older versions did. The child process may have exited // but we may have timed out due to a subchild process getting stuck. reason = "Test case timed out after " + tools::text::to_string(timeout) + " " + (timeout == 1 ? "second" : "seconds"); } return std::make_pair(reason, status); }