/* $NetBSD: crontab.c,v 1.15 2018/03/06 21:21:27 htodd Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1988,1990,1993,1994 by Paul Vixie * All rights reserved */ /* * Copyright (c) 2004 by Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (c) 1997,2000 by Internet Software Consortium, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT * OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> #if !defined(lint) && !defined(LINT) #if 0 static char rcsid[] = "Id: crontab.c,v 1.12 2004/01/23 18:56:42 vixie Exp"; #else __RCSID("$NetBSD: crontab.c,v 1.15 2018/03/06 21:21:27 htodd Exp $"); #endif #endif /* crontab - install and manage per-user crontab files * vix 02may87 [RCS has the rest of the log] * vix 26jan87 [original] */ #define MAIN_PROGRAM #include "cron.h" #define NHEADER_LINES 3 enum opt_t { opt_unknown, opt_list, opt_delete, opt_edit, opt_replace }; #if DEBUGGING static const char *Options[] = { "???", "list", "delete", "edit", "replace" }; static const char *getoptargs = "u:lerx:"; #else static const char *getoptargs = "u:ler"; #endif static PID_T Pid; static char User[MAX_UNAME], RealUser[MAX_UNAME]; static char Filename[MAX_FNAME], TempFilename[MAX_FNAME]; static FILE *NewCrontab; static int CheckErrorCount; static enum opt_t Option; static struct passwd *pw; static void list_cmd(void), delete_cmd(void), edit_cmd(void), poke_daemon(void), check_error(const char *), parse_args(int c, char *v[]); static int replace_cmd(void); static int allowed(const char *, const char *, const char *); static int in_file(const char *, FILE *, int); static int relinquish_priv(void); static int regain_priv(void); static __dead void usage(const char *msg) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: usage error: %s\n", getprogname(), msg); (void)fprintf(stderr, "usage:\t%s [-u user] file\n", getprogname()); (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t%s [-u user] [ -e | -l | -r ]\n", getprogname()); (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t\t(default operation is replace, per 1003.2)\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t-e\t(edit user's crontab)\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t-l\t(list user's crontab)\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t-r\t(delete user's crontab)\n"); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } static uid_t euid, ruid; static gid_t egid, rgid; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int exitstatus; setprogname(argv[0]); Pid = getpid(); (void)setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); euid = geteuid(); egid = getegid(); ruid = getuid(); rgid = getgid(); if (euid == ruid && ruid != 0) errx(ERROR_EXIT, "Not installed setuid root"); (void)setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); parse_args(argc, argv); /* sets many globals, opens a file */ set_cron_cwd(); if (!allowed(RealUser, CRON_ALLOW, CRON_DENY)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "You `%s' are not allowed to use this program `%s'\n", User, getprogname()); (void)fprintf(stderr, "See crontab(1) for more information\n"); log_it(RealUser, Pid, "AUTH", "crontab command not allowed"); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } exitstatus = OK_EXIT; switch (Option) { case opt_unknown: usage("unrecognized option"); exitstatus = ERROR_EXIT; break; case opt_list: list_cmd(); break; case opt_delete: delete_cmd(); break; case opt_edit: edit_cmd(); break; case opt_replace: if (replace_cmd() < 0) exitstatus = ERROR_EXIT; break; default: abort(); } exit(exitstatus); /*NOTREACHED*/ } static void get_time(const struct stat *st, struct timespec *ts) { ts[0].tv_sec = st->st_atime; ts[0].tv_nsec = st->st_atimensec; ts[1].tv_sec = st->st_mtime; ts[1].tv_nsec = st->st_mtimensec; } static int change_time(const char *name, const struct timespec *ts) { #if defined(HAVE_UTIMENSAT) return utimensat(AT_FDCWD, name, ts, 0); #elif defined(HAVE_UTIMES) struct timeval tv[2]; TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(&tv[0], &ts[0]); TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(&tv[1], &ts[1]); return utimes(name, tv); #else struct utimbuf ut; ut.actime = ts[0].tv_sec; ut.modtime = ts[1].tv_sec; return utime(name, &ut); #endif } static int compare_time(const struct stat *st, const struct timespec *ts2) { struct timespec ts1[2]; get_time(st, ts1); return ts1[1].tv_sec == ts2[1].tv_sec #if defined(HAVE_UTIMENSAT) && ts1[1].tv_nsec == ts2[1].tv_nsec #elif defined(HAVE_UTIMES) && ts1[1].tv_nsec / 1000 == ts2[1].tv_nsec / 1000 #endif ; } static void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[]) { int argch; if (!(pw = getpwuid(getuid()))) { errx(ERROR_EXIT, "your UID isn't in the passwd file. bailingo out"); } if (strlen(pw->pw_name) >= sizeof User) { errx(ERROR_EXIT, "username too long"); } (void)strlcpy(User, pw->pw_name, sizeof(User)); (void)strlcpy(RealUser, User, sizeof(RealUser)); Filename[0] = '\0'; Option = opt_unknown; while (-1 != (argch = getopt(argc, argv, getoptargs))) { switch (argch) { #if DEBUGGING case 'x': if (!set_debug_flags(optarg)) usage("bad debug option"); break; #endif case 'u': if (MY_UID(pw) != ROOT_UID) { errx(ERROR_EXIT, "must be privileged to use -u"); } if (!(pw = getpwnam(optarg))) { errx(ERROR_EXIT, "user `%s' unknown", optarg); } if (strlen(optarg) >= sizeof User) usage("username too long"); (void) strlcpy(User, optarg, sizeof(User)); break; case 'l': if (Option != opt_unknown) usage("only one operation permitted"); Option = opt_list; break; case 'r': if (Option != opt_unknown) usage("only one operation permitted"); Option = opt_delete; break; case 'e': if (Option != opt_unknown) usage("only one operation permitted"); Option = opt_edit; break; default: usage("unrecognized option"); } } endpwent(); if (Option != opt_unknown) { if (argv[optind] != NULL) usage("no arguments permitted after this option"); } else { if (argv[optind] != NULL) { Option = opt_replace; if (strlen(argv[optind]) >= sizeof Filename) usage("filename too long"); (void)strlcpy(Filename, argv[optind], sizeof(Filename)); } else usage("file name must be specified for replace"); } if (Option == opt_replace) { /* we have to open the file here because we're going to * chdir(2) into /var/cron before we get around to * reading the file. */ if (!strcmp(Filename, "-")) NewCrontab = stdin; else { /* relinquish the setuid status of the binary during * the open, lest nonroot users read files they should * not be able to read. we can't use access() here * since there's a race condition. thanks go out to * Arnt Gulbrandsen <agulbra@pvv.unit.no> for spotting * the race. */ if (relinquish_priv() < OK) { err(ERROR_EXIT, "swapping uids"); } if (!(NewCrontab = fopen(Filename, "r"))) { err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot open `%s'", Filename); } if (regain_priv() < OK) { err(ERROR_EXIT, "swapping uids back"); } } } Debug(DMISC, ("user=%s, file=%s, option=%s\n", User, Filename, Options[(int)Option])); } static void skip_header(int *pch, FILE *f) { int ch; int x; /* ignore the top few comments since we probably put them there. */ for (x = 0; x < NHEADER_LINES; x++) { ch = get_char(f); if (EOF == ch) break; if ('#' != ch) break; while (EOF != (ch = get_char(f))) if (ch == '\n') break; if (EOF == ch) break; } if (ch == '\n') ch = get_char(f); *pch = ch; } static void list_cmd(void) { char n[MAX_FNAME]; FILE *f; int ch; log_it(RealUser, Pid, "LIST", User); if (!glue_strings(n, sizeof n, SPOOL_DIR, User, '/')) { errx(ERROR_EXIT, "path too long"); } if (!(f = fopen(n, "r"))) { if (errno == ENOENT) errx(ERROR_EXIT, "no crontab for `%s'", User); else err(ERROR_EXIT, "Cannot open `%s'", n); } /* file is open. copy to stdout, close. */ Set_LineNum(1); skip_header(&ch, f); for (; EOF != ch; ch = get_char(f)) (void)putchar(ch); (void)fclose(f); } static void delete_cmd(void) { char n[MAX_FNAME]; log_it(RealUser, Pid, "DELETE", User); if (!glue_strings(n, sizeof n, SPOOL_DIR, User, '/')) { errx(ERROR_EXIT, "path too long"); } if (unlink(n) != 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) errx(ERROR_EXIT, "no crontab for `%s'", User); else err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot unlink `%s'", n); } poke_daemon(); } static void check_error(const char *msg) { CheckErrorCount++; (void)fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\":%d: %s\n", Filename, LineNumber-1, msg); } static void edit_cmd(void) { char n[MAX_FNAME], q[MAX_TEMPSTR]; const char *editor; FILE *f; int ch, t, x; sig_t oint, oabrt, oquit, ohup; struct stat statbuf; WAIT_T waiter; PID_T pid, xpid; struct timespec ts[2]; log_it(RealUser, Pid, "BEGIN EDIT", User); if (!glue_strings(n, sizeof n, SPOOL_DIR, User, '/')) { errx(ERROR_EXIT, "path too long"); } if (!(f = fopen(n, "r"))) { if (errno != ENOENT) { err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot open `%s'", n); } warnx("no crontab for `%s' - using an empty one", User); if (!(f = fopen(_PATH_DEVNULL, "r"))) { err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot open `%s'", _PATH_DEVNULL); } } if (fstat(fileno(f), &statbuf) < 0) { warn("cannot stat crontab file"); goto fatal; } get_time(&statbuf, ts); /* Turn off signals. */ ohup = signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); oint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); oquit = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); oabrt = signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); if (!glue_strings(Filename, sizeof Filename, _PATH_TMP, "crontab.XXXXXXXXXX", '/')) { warnx("path too long"); goto fatal; } if (-1 == (t = mkstemp(Filename))) { warn("cannot create `%s'", Filename); goto fatal; } #ifdef HAS_FCHOWN x = fchown(t, MY_UID(pw), MY_GID(pw)); #else x = chown(Filename, MY_UID(pw), MY_GID(pw)); #endif if (x < 0) { warn("cannot chown `%s'", Filename); goto fatal; } if (!(NewCrontab = fdopen(t, "r+"))) { warn("cannot open fd"); goto fatal; } Set_LineNum(1); skip_header(&ch, f); /* copy the rest of the crontab (if any) to the temp file. */ for (; EOF != ch; ch = get_char(f)) (void)putc(ch, NewCrontab); (void)fclose(f); if (fflush(NewCrontab) < OK) { err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot flush output for `%s'", Filename); } #ifdef HAVE_FUTIMENS if (futimens(t, ts) == -1) #else if (change_time(Filename, ts) == -1) #endif err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot set time info for `%s'", Filename); again: rewind(NewCrontab); if (ferror(NewCrontab)) { warn("error while writing new crontab to `%s'", Filename); fatal: (void)unlink(Filename); exit(ERROR_EXIT); } if (((editor = getenv("VISUAL")) == NULL || *editor == '\0') && ((editor = getenv("EDITOR")) == NULL || *editor == '\0')) { editor = EDITOR; } /* we still have the file open. editors will generally rewrite the * original file rather than renaming/unlinking it and starting a * new one; even backup files are supposed to be made by copying * rather than by renaming. if some editor does not support this, * then don't use it. the security problems are more severe if we * close and reopen the file around the edit. */ switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: warn("cannot fork"); goto fatal; case 0: /* child */ if (setgid(MY_GID(pw)) < 0) { err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot setgid(getgid())"); } if (setuid(MY_UID(pw)) < 0) { err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot setuid(getuid())"); } if (close_all(3)) { err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot close files"); } if (chdir(_PATH_TMP) < 0) { err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot chdir to `%s'", _PATH_TMP); } if (!glue_strings(q, sizeof q, editor, Filename, ' ')) { errx(ERROR_EXIT, "editor command line too long"); } (void)execlp(_PATH_BSHELL, _PATH_BSHELL, "-c", q, (char *)0); err(ERROR_EXIT, "cannot start `%s'", editor); /*NOTREACHED*/ default: /* parent */ break; } /* parent */ for (;;) { xpid = waitpid(pid, &waiter, WUNTRACED); if (xpid == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) warn("waitpid() failed waiting for PID %ld " "from `%s'", (long)pid, editor); } else if (xpid != pid) { warnx("wrong PID (%ld != %ld) from `%s'", (long)xpid, (long)pid, editor); goto fatal; } else if (WIFSTOPPED(waiter)) { (void)kill(getpid(), WSTOPSIG(waiter)); } else if (WIFEXITED(waiter) && WEXITSTATUS(waiter)) { warnx("`%s' exited with status %d\n", editor, WEXITSTATUS(waiter)); goto fatal; } else if (WIFSIGNALED(waiter)) { warnx("`%s' killed; signal %d (%score dumped)", editor, WTERMSIG(waiter), WCOREDUMP(waiter) ? "" : "no "); goto fatal; } else break; } (void)signal(SIGHUP, ohup); (void)signal(SIGINT, oint); (void)signal(SIGQUIT, oquit); (void)signal(SIGABRT, oabrt); if (fstat(t, &statbuf) < 0) { warn("cannot stat `%s'", Filename); goto fatal; } if (compare_time(&statbuf, ts)) { warnx("no changes made to crontab"); goto remove; } warnx("installing new crontab"); switch (replace_cmd()) { case 0: break; case -1: for (;;) { (void)fpurge(stdin); (void)printf("Do you want to retry the same edit? "); (void)fflush(stdout); q[0] = '\0'; (void) fgets(q, (int)sizeof(q), stdin); switch (q[0]) { case 'y': case 'Y': goto again; case 'n': case 'N': goto abandon; default: (void)printf("Enter Y or N\n"); } } /*NOTREACHED*/ case -2: abandon: warnx("edits left in `%s'", Filename); goto done; default: warnx("panic: bad switch() in replace_cmd()"); goto fatal; } remove: (void)unlink(Filename); done: log_it(RealUser, Pid, "END EDIT", User); } static size_t getmaxtabsize(void) { char n2[MAX_FNAME]; FILE *fmaxtabsize; size_t maxtabsize; /* Make sure that the crontab is not an unreasonable size. * * XXX This is subject to a race condition--the user could * add stuff to the file after we've checked the size but * before we slurp it in and write it out. We can't just move * the test to test the temp file we later create, because by * that time we've already filled up the crontab disk. Probably * the right thing to do is to do a bytecount in the copy loop * rather than stating the file we're about to read. */ (void)snprintf(n2, sizeof(n2), "%s/%s", CRONDIR, MAXTABSIZE_FILE); if ((fmaxtabsize = fopen(n2, "r")) != NULL) { if (fgets(n2, (int)sizeof(n2), fmaxtabsize) == NULL) { maxtabsize = 0; } else { maxtabsize = (size_t)atoi(n2); } (void)fclose(fmaxtabsize); } else { maxtabsize = MAXTABSIZE_DEFAULT; } return maxtabsize; } static int checkmaxtabsize(FILE *fp, size_t maxtabsize) { struct stat statbuf; if (fstat(fileno(fp), &statbuf)) { warn("error stat'ing crontab input"); return 0; } if ((uintmax_t)statbuf.st_size > (uintmax_t)maxtabsize) { warnx("%ju bytes is larger than the maximum size of %ju bytes", (uintmax_t)statbuf.st_size, (uintmax_t)maxtabsize); return 0; } return 1; } static void cleanTempFile(void) { if (TempFilename[0]) { (void) unlink(TempFilename); TempFilename[0] = '\0'; } } static __dead void bail(int signo) { cleanTempFile(); errx(ERROR_EXIT, "Exiting on signal %d", signo); } /* returns 0 on success * -1 on syntax error * -2 on install error */ static int replace_cmd(void) { char n[MAX_FNAME], envstr[MAX_ENVSTR]; int lastch; FILE *tmp = NULL; int ch, eof, fd; int error = 0; entry *e; sig_t oint, oabrt, oquit, ohup; uid_t file_owner; time_t now = time(NULL); char **envp = env_init(); size_t i, maxtabsize; if (envp == NULL) { warn("Cannot allocate memory."); return (-2); } if (!glue_strings(TempFilename, sizeof TempFilename, SPOOL_DIR, "tmp.XXXXXXXXXX", '/')) { TempFilename[0] = '\0'; warnx("path too long"); return (-2); } /* Interruptible while doing I/O */ ohup = signal(SIGHUP, bail); oint = signal(SIGINT, bail); oquit = signal(SIGQUIT, bail); oabrt = signal(SIGABRT, bail); if ((fd = mkstemp(TempFilename)) == -1 || !(tmp = fdopen(fd, "w+"))) { warn("cannot create `%s'", TempFilename); if (fd != -1) (void)close(fd); error = -2; goto done; } maxtabsize = getmaxtabsize(); /* This does not work for stdin, so we'll also check later */ if (!checkmaxtabsize(NewCrontab, maxtabsize)) { error = -2; goto done; } /* write a signature at the top of the file. * * VERY IMPORTANT: make sure NHEADER_LINES agrees with this code. */ (void)fprintf(tmp, "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.\n"); (void)fprintf(tmp, "# (%s installed on %-24.24s)\n", Filename, ctime(&now)); (void)fprintf(tmp, "# (Cron version %s -- %s)\n", CRON_VERSION, "$NetBSD: crontab.c,v 1.15 2018/03/06 21:21:27 htodd Exp $"); /* copy the crontab to the tmp */ (void)rewind(NewCrontab); Set_LineNum(1); lastch = EOF; for (i = 0; i < maxtabsize && EOF != (ch = get_char(NewCrontab)); i++) (void)putc(lastch = (char)ch, tmp); /* Non-Interruptible while installing */ (void)signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); (void)signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); (void)signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); (void)signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); if (i == maxtabsize) { warnx("is larger than the maximum size of %ju bytes", (uintmax_t)maxtabsize); error = -2; goto done; } if (lastch != EOF && lastch != '\n') { warnx("missing trailing newline in `%s'", Filename); error = -1; goto done; } if (ferror(NewCrontab)) { warn("error while reading `%s'", Filename); error = -2; goto done; } (void)ftruncate(fileno(tmp), ftell(tmp)); /* XXX this should be a NOOP - is */ (void)fflush(tmp); if (ferror(tmp)) { warn("error while writing new crontab to `%s'", TempFilename); error = -2; goto done; } /* check the syntax of the file being installed. */ /* BUG: was reporting errors after the EOF if there were any errors * in the file proper -- kludged it by stopping after first error. * vix 31mar87 */ Set_LineNum(1 - NHEADER_LINES); CheckErrorCount = 0; eof = FALSE; rewind(tmp); while (!CheckErrorCount && !eof) { switch (load_env(envstr, tmp)) { case ERR: /* check for data before the EOF */ if (envstr[0] != '\0') { Set_LineNum(LineNumber + 1); check_error("premature EOF"); } eof = TRUE; break; case FALSE: e = load_entry(tmp, check_error, pw, envp); if (e) free(e); break; case TRUE: break; } } if (CheckErrorCount != 0) { warnx("errors in crontab file, can't install."); error = -1; goto done; } file_owner = (getgid() == getegid()) ? ROOT_UID : pw->pw_uid; #ifdef HAVE_FCHOWN error = fchown(fileno(tmp), file_owner, (uid_t)-1); #else error = chown(TempFilename, file_owner, (gid_t)-1); #endif if (fclose(tmp) == EOF) { warn("error closing file"); error = -2; tmp = NULL; goto done; } tmp = NULL; if (error < OK) { warn("cannot chown `%s'", TempFilename); error = -2; goto done; } if (!glue_strings(n, sizeof n, SPOOL_DIR, User, '/')) { warnx("path too long"); error = -2; goto done; } if (rename(TempFilename, n)) { warn("error renaming `%s' to `%s'", TempFilename, n); error = -2; goto done; } TempFilename[0] = '\0'; log_it(RealUser, Pid, "REPLACE", User); poke_daemon(); done: (void)signal(SIGHUP, ohup); (void)signal(SIGINT, oint); (void)signal(SIGQUIT, oquit); (void)signal(SIGABRT, oabrt); if (tmp != NULL) (void)fclose(tmp); cleanTempFile(); return (error); } static void poke_daemon(void) { struct timespec ts[2]; (void) clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, ts); ts[1] = ts[0]; if (change_time(SPOOL_DIR, ts) == -1) warn("can't update times on spooldir %s", SPOOL_DIR); } /* int allowed(const char *username, const char *allow_file, const char *deny_file) * returns TRUE if (allow_file exists and user is listed) * or (deny_file exists and user is NOT listed). * root is always allowed. */ static int allowed(const char *username, const char *allow_file, const char *deny_file) { FILE *fp; int isallowed; if (strcmp(username, ROOT_USER) == 0) return (TRUE); #ifdef ALLOW_ONLY_ROOT isallowed = FALSE; #else isallowed = TRUE; #endif if ((fp = fopen(allow_file, "r")) != NULL) { isallowed = in_file(username, fp, FALSE); (void)fclose(fp); } else if ((fp = fopen(deny_file, "r")) != NULL) { isallowed = !in_file(username, fp, FALSE); (void)fclose(fp); } return (isallowed); } /* int in_file(const char *string, FILE *file, int error) * return TRUE if one of the lines in file matches string exactly, * FALSE if no lines match, and error on error. */ static int in_file(const char *string, FILE *file, int error) { char line[MAX_TEMPSTR]; char *endp; if (fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET)) return (error); while (fgets(line, MAX_TEMPSTR, file)) { if (line[0] != '\0') { endp = &line[strlen(line) - 1]; if (*endp != '\n') return (error); *endp = '\0'; if (0 == strcmp(line, string)) return (TRUE); } } if (ferror(file)) return (error); return (FALSE); } #ifdef HAVE_SAVED_UIDS static int relinquish_priv(void) { return (setegid(rgid) || seteuid(ruid)) ? -1 : 0; } static int regain_priv(void) { return (setegid(egid) || seteuid(euid)) ? -1 : 0; } #else /*HAVE_SAVED_UIDS*/ static int relinquish_priv(void) { return (setregid(egid, rgid) || setreuid(euid, ruid)) ? -1 : 0; } static int regain_priv(void) { return (setregid(rgid, egid) || setreuid(ruid, euid)) ? -1 : 0; } #endif /*HAVE_SAVED_UIDS*/