/* $NetBSD: regress_iocp.c,v 2017/01/31 21:14:53 christos Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "event2/event.h" #include "event2/thread.h" #include "event2/buffer.h" #include "event2/buffer_compat.h" #include "event2/bufferevent.h" #include <winsock2.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> #include "regress.h" #include "tinytest.h" #include "tinytest_macros.h" #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include <winsock2.h> #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "iocp-internal.h" #include "evbuffer-internal.h" #include "evthread-internal.h" /* FIXME remove these ones */ #include <sys/queue.h> #include "event2/event_struct.h" #include "event-internal.h" #define MAX_CALLS 16 static void *count_lock = NULL, *count_cond = NULL; static int count = 0; static void count_init(void) { EVTHREAD_ALLOC_LOCK(count_lock, 0); EVTHREAD_ALLOC_COND(count_cond); tt_assert(count_lock); tt_assert(count_cond); end: ; } static void count_free(void) { EVTHREAD_FREE_LOCK(count_lock, 0); EVTHREAD_FREE_COND(count_cond); } static void count_incr(void) { EVLOCK_LOCK(count_lock, 0); count++; EVTHREAD_COND_BROADCAST(count_cond); EVLOCK_UNLOCK(count_lock, 0); } static int count_wait_for(int i, int ms) { struct timeval tv; DWORD elapsed; int rv = -1; EVLOCK_LOCK(count_lock, 0); while (ms > 0 && count != i) { tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = ms * 1000; elapsed = GetTickCount(); EVTHREAD_COND_WAIT_TIMED(count_cond, count_lock, &tv); elapsed = GetTickCount() - elapsed; ms -= elapsed; } if (count == i) rv = 0; EVLOCK_UNLOCK(count_lock, 0); return rv; } struct dummy_overlapped { struct event_overlapped eo; void *lock; int call_count; uintptr_t keys[MAX_CALLS]; ev_ssize_t sizes[MAX_CALLS]; }; static void dummy_cb(struct event_overlapped *o, uintptr_t key, ev_ssize_t n, int ok) { struct dummy_overlapped *d_o = EVUTIL_UPCAST(o, struct dummy_overlapped, eo); EVLOCK_LOCK(d_o->lock, 0); if (d_o->call_count < MAX_CALLS) { d_o->keys[d_o->call_count] = key; d_o->sizes[d_o->call_count] = n; } d_o->call_count++; EVLOCK_UNLOCK(d_o->lock, 0); count_incr(); } static int pair_is_in(struct dummy_overlapped *o, uintptr_t key, ev_ssize_t n) { int i; int result = 0; EVLOCK_LOCK(o->lock, 0); for (i=0; i < o->call_count; ++i) { if (o->keys[i] == key && o->sizes[i] == n) { result = 1; break; } } EVLOCK_UNLOCK(o->lock, 0); return result; } static void test_iocp_port(void *ptr) { struct event_iocp_port *port = NULL; struct dummy_overlapped o1, o2; memset(&o1, 0, sizeof(o1)); memset(&o2, 0, sizeof(o2)); count_init(); EVTHREAD_ALLOC_LOCK(o1.lock, EVTHREAD_LOCKTYPE_RECURSIVE); EVTHREAD_ALLOC_LOCK(o2.lock, EVTHREAD_LOCKTYPE_RECURSIVE); tt_assert(o1.lock); tt_assert(o2.lock); event_overlapped_init_(&o1.eo, dummy_cb); event_overlapped_init_(&o2.eo, dummy_cb); port = event_iocp_port_launch_(0); tt_assert(port); tt_assert(!event_iocp_activate_overlapped_(port, &o1.eo, 10, 100)); tt_assert(!event_iocp_activate_overlapped_(port, &o2.eo, 20, 200)); tt_assert(!event_iocp_activate_overlapped_(port, &o1.eo, 11, 101)); tt_assert(!event_iocp_activate_overlapped_(port, &o2.eo, 21, 201)); tt_assert(!event_iocp_activate_overlapped_(port, &o1.eo, 12, 102)); tt_assert(!event_iocp_activate_overlapped_(port, &o2.eo, 22, 202)); tt_assert(!event_iocp_activate_overlapped_(port, &o1.eo, 13, 103)); tt_assert(!event_iocp_activate_overlapped_(port, &o2.eo, 23, 203)); tt_int_op(count_wait_for(8, 2000), ==, 0); tt_want(!event_iocp_shutdown_(port, 2000)); tt_int_op(o1.call_count, ==, 4); tt_int_op(o2.call_count, ==, 4); tt_want(pair_is_in(&o1, 10, 100)); tt_want(pair_is_in(&o1, 11, 101)); tt_want(pair_is_in(&o1, 12, 102)); tt_want(pair_is_in(&o1, 13, 103)); tt_want(pair_is_in(&o2, 20, 200)); tt_want(pair_is_in(&o2, 21, 201)); tt_want(pair_is_in(&o2, 22, 202)); tt_want(pair_is_in(&o2, 23, 203)); end: EVTHREAD_FREE_LOCK(o1.lock, EVTHREAD_LOCKTYPE_RECURSIVE); EVTHREAD_FREE_LOCK(o2.lock, EVTHREAD_LOCKTYPE_RECURSIVE); count_free(); } static struct evbuffer *rbuf = NULL, *wbuf = NULL; static void read_complete(struct event_overlapped *eo, uintptr_t key, ev_ssize_t nbytes, int ok) { tt_assert(ok); evbuffer_commit_read_(rbuf, nbytes); count_incr(); end: ; } static void write_complete(struct event_overlapped *eo, uintptr_t key, ev_ssize_t nbytes, int ok) { tt_assert(ok); evbuffer_commit_write_(wbuf, nbytes); count_incr(); end: ; } static void test_iocp_evbuffer(void *ptr) { struct event_overlapped rol, wol; struct basic_test_data *data = ptr; struct event_iocp_port *port = NULL; struct evbuffer *buf=NULL; struct evbuffer_chain *chain; char junk[1024]; int i; count_init(); event_overlapped_init_(&rol, read_complete); event_overlapped_init_(&wol, write_complete); for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(junk); ++i) junk[i] = (char)(i); rbuf = evbuffer_overlapped_new_(data->pair[0]); wbuf = evbuffer_overlapped_new_(data->pair[1]); evbuffer_enable_locking(rbuf, NULL); evbuffer_enable_locking(wbuf, NULL); port = event_iocp_port_launch_(0); tt_assert(port); tt_assert(rbuf); tt_assert(wbuf); tt_assert(!event_iocp_port_associate_(port, data->pair[0], 100)); tt_assert(!event_iocp_port_associate_(port, data->pair[1], 100)); for (i=0;i<10;++i) evbuffer_add(wbuf, junk, sizeof(junk)); buf = evbuffer_new(); tt_assert(buf != NULL); evbuffer_add(rbuf, junk, sizeof(junk)); tt_assert(!evbuffer_launch_read_(rbuf, 2048, &rol)); evbuffer_add_buffer(buf, rbuf); tt_int_op(evbuffer_get_length(buf), ==, sizeof(junk)); for (chain = buf->first; chain; chain = chain->next) tt_int_op(chain->flags & EVBUFFER_MEM_PINNED_ANY, ==, 0); tt_assert(!evbuffer_get_length(rbuf)); tt_assert(!evbuffer_launch_write_(wbuf, 512, &wol)); tt_int_op(count_wait_for(2, 2000), ==, 0); tt_int_op(evbuffer_get_length(rbuf),==,512); /* FIXME Actually test some stuff here. */ tt_want(!event_iocp_shutdown_(port, 2000)); end: count_free(); evbuffer_free(rbuf); evbuffer_free(wbuf); if (buf) evbuffer_free(buf); } static int got_readcb = 0; static void async_readcb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *arg) { /* Disabling read should cause the loop to quit */ bufferevent_disable(bev, EV_READ); got_readcb++; } static void test_iocp_bufferevent_async(void *ptr) { struct basic_test_data *data = ptr; struct event_iocp_port *port = NULL; struct bufferevent *bea1=NULL, *bea2=NULL; char buf[128]; size_t n; event_base_start_iocp_(data->base, 0); port = event_base_get_iocp_(data->base); tt_assert(port); bea1 = bufferevent_async_new_(data->base, data->pair[0], BEV_OPT_DEFER_CALLBACKS); bea2 = bufferevent_async_new_(data->base, data->pair[1], BEV_OPT_DEFER_CALLBACKS); tt_assert(bea1); tt_assert(bea2); bufferevent_setcb(bea2, async_readcb, NULL, NULL, NULL); bufferevent_enable(bea1, EV_WRITE); bufferevent_enable(bea2, EV_READ); bufferevent_write(bea1, "Hello world", strlen("Hello world")+1); event_base_dispatch(data->base); tt_int_op(got_readcb, ==, 1); n = bufferevent_read(bea2, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); buf[n]='\0'; tt_str_op(buf, ==, "Hello world"); end: bufferevent_free(bea1); bufferevent_free(bea2); } struct testcase_t iocp_testcases[] = { { "port", test_iocp_port, TT_FORK|TT_NEED_THREADS, &basic_setup, NULL }, { "evbuffer", test_iocp_evbuffer, TT_FORK|TT_NEED_SOCKETPAIR|TT_NEED_THREADS, &basic_setup, NULL }, { "bufferevent_async", test_iocp_bufferevent_async, TT_FORK|TT_NEED_SOCKETPAIR|TT_NEED_THREADS|TT_NEED_BASE, &basic_setup, NULL }, END_OF_TESTCASES };