/*- * Copyright (c) 1996 * Rob Zimmermann. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1996 * Keith Bostic. All rights reserved. * * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information. */ #include "config.h" #include <sys/cdefs.h> #if 0 #ifndef lint static const char sccsid[] = "Id: m_menu.c,v 8.26 2003/11/05 17:09:59 skimo Exp (Berkeley) Date: 2003/11/05 17:09:59 "; #endif /* not lint */ #else __RCSID("$NetBSD: m_menu.c,v 1.2 2014/01/26 21:43:45 christos Exp $"); #endif #include <sys/queue.h> #include <X11/Intrinsic.h> #include <X11/StringDefs.h> #include <Xm/PushB.h> #include <Xm/CascadeB.h> #include <Xm/RowColumn.h> #include <Xm/Separator.h> #include <Xm/FileSB.h> #include <Xm/SelectioB.h> #include <bitstring.h> #include <stdio.h> #undef LOCK_SUCCESS #include "../common/common.h" #include "../ipc/ip.h" #include "m_motif.h" extern int vi_ofd; /* save this for creation of children */ static Widget main_widget = NULL; /* This module defines the menu structure for vi. Each menu * item has an action routine associated with it. For the most * part, those actions will simply call vi_send with vi commands. * others will pop up file selection dialogs and use them for * vi commands, and other will have to have special actions. * * Future: * vi core will have to let us know when to be sensitive * change VI_STRING to VI_COMMAND so that menu actions cannot * be confusing when in insert mode * need VI_CUT, VI_COPY, and VI_PASTE to perform the appropriate * operations on the visible text of yank buffer. VI_COPY * is likely a NOP, but it will make users happy * add mnemonics * add accelerators * implement file selection dialog boxes * implement string prompt dialog boxes (e.g. for 'find') * * Interface: * Widget create_menubar( Widget parent ) creates and returns the * X menu structure. The caller can place this * anywhere in the widget heirarchy. */ #define BufferSize 1024 /* * __vi_send_command_string -- * Utility: Send a menu command to vi * * Future: * Change VI_STRING to VI_COMMAND so that menu actions cannot be confusing * when in insert mode. * * XXX * THIS SHOULD GO AWAY -- WE SHOULDN'T SEND UNINTERPRETED STRINGS TO THE * CORE. * * PUBLIC: void __vi_send_command_string __P((String)); */ void __vi_send_command_string(String str) { IP_BUF ipb; char buffer[BufferSize]; /* Future: Need VI_COMMAND so vi knows this is not text to insert * At that point, appending a cr/lf will not be necessary. For now, * append iff we are a colon or slash command. Of course, if we are in * insert mode, all bets are off. */ strcpy( buffer, str ); switch ( *str ) { case ':': case '/': strcat( buffer, "\n" ); break; } ipb.code = VI_STRING; ipb.str1 = buffer; ipb.len1 = strlen(buffer); vi_send(vi_ofd, "a", &ipb); } /* Utility: beep for unimplemented command */ #if defined(__STDC__) static void send_beep( Widget w ) #else static void send_beep( w ) Widget w; #endif { XBell( XtDisplay(w), 0 ); } /* * __vi_cancel_cb -- * Utility: make a dialog box go Modal * * PUBLIC: void __vi_cancel_cb __P((Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer)); */ static Bool have_answer; void __vi_cancel_cb(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { have_answer = True; } /* * PUBLIC: void __vi_modal_dialog __P((Widget)); */ void __vi_modal_dialog(Widget db) { XtAppContext ctx; /* post the dialog */ XtManageChild( db ); XtPopup( XtParent(db), XtGrabExclusive ); /* wait for a response */ ctx = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(db); XtAddGrab( XtParent(db), TRUE, FALSE ); for ( have_answer = False; ! have_answer; ) XtAppProcessEvent( ctx, XtIMAll ); /* done with db */ XtPopdown( XtParent(db) ); XtRemoveGrab( XtParent(db) ); } /* Utility: Get a file (using standard File Selection Dialog Box) */ static String file_name; #if defined(__STDC__) static void ok_file_name( Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data ) #else static void ok_file_name( w, client_data, call_data ) Widget w; XtPointer client_data; XtPointer call_data; #endif { XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *cbs; cbs = (XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *) call_data; XmStringGetLtoR( cbs->value, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &file_name ); have_answer = True; } #if defined(__STDC__) static String get_file( Widget w, String prompt ) #else static String get_file( w, prompt ) Widget w; String prompt; #endif { /* make it static so we can reuse it */ static Widget db; /* our return parameter */ if ( file_name != NULL ) { XtFree( file_name ); file_name = NULL; } /* create one? */ if ( db == NULL ){ db = XmCreateFileSelectionDialog( main_widget, "file", NULL, 0 ); XtAddCallback( db, XmNokCallback, ok_file_name, NULL ); XtAddCallback( db, XmNcancelCallback, __vi_cancel_cb, NULL ); } /* use the title as a prompt */ XtVaSetValues( XtParent(db), XmNtitle, prompt, 0 ); /* wait for a response */ __vi_modal_dialog( db ); /* done */ return file_name; } /* * file_command -- * Get a file name and send it with the command to the core. */ static void file_command(Widget w, int code, String prompt) { IP_BUF ipb; char *file; if ((file = get_file(w, prompt)) != NULL) { ipb.code = code; ipb.str1 = file; ipb.len1 = strlen(file); vi_send(vi_ofd, "a", &ipb); } } /* * Menu action routines (one per menu entry) * * These are in the order in which they appear in the menu structure. */ static void ma_edit_file(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { file_command(w, VI_EDIT, "Edit"); } static void ma_split(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { file_command(w, VI_EDITSPLIT, "Edit"); } static void ma_save(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { IP_BUF ipb; ipb.code = VI_WRITE; (void)vi_send(vi_ofd, NULL, &ipb); } static void ma_save_as(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { file_command(w, VI_WRITEAS, "Save As"); } static void ma_wq(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { IP_BUF ipb; ipb.code = VI_WQ; (void)vi_send(vi_ofd, NULL, &ipb); } static void ma_quit(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { IP_BUF ipb; ipb.code = VI_QUIT; (void)vi_send(vi_ofd, NULL, &ipb); } static void ma_undo(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { IP_BUF ipb; ipb.code = VI_UNDO; (void)vi_send(vi_ofd, NULL, &ipb); } #if defined(__STDC__) static void ma_cut( Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data ) #else static void ma_cut( w, call_data, client_data ) Widget w; XtPointer call_data; XtPointer client_data; #endif { /* future */ send_beep( w ); } #if defined(__STDC__) static void ma_copy( Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data ) #else static void ma_copy( w, call_data, client_data ) Widget w; XtPointer call_data; XtPointer client_data; #endif { /* future */ send_beep( w ); } #if defined(__STDC__) static void ma_paste( Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data ) #else static void ma_paste( w, call_data, client_data ) Widget w; XtPointer call_data; XtPointer client_data; #endif { /* future */ send_beep( w ); } static void ma_find(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { __vi_show_search_dialog( main_widget, "Find" ); } static void ma_find_next(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { __vi_search( w ); } static void ma_tags(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { __vi_show_tags_dialog( main_widget, "Tag Stack" ); } static void ma_tagpop(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { __vi_send_command_string( "\024" ); } static void ma_tagtop(Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data) { __vi_send_command_string( ":tagtop" ); } #if defined(__STDC__) static void ma_preferences( Widget w, XtPointer call_data, XtPointer client_data ) #else static void ma_preferences( w, call_data, client_data ) Widget w; XtPointer call_data; XtPointer client_data; #endif { __vi_show_options_dialog( main_widget, "Preferences" ); } /* Menu construction routines */ typedef struct { String title; void (*action)(); String accel; /* for Motif */ String accel_text; /* for the user */ } pull_down; typedef struct { char mnemonic; String title; pull_down *actions; } menu_bar; static pull_down file_menu[] = { { "Edit File...", ma_edit_file, "Alt<Key>e", "Alt+E" }, { "", NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "Split Window...", ma_split, NULL, NULL }, { "", NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "Save ", ma_save, "Alt<Key>s", "Alt+S" }, { "Save As...", ma_save_as, "Shift Alt<Key>s", "Shift+Alt+S" }, { "", NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "Write and Quit", ma_wq, "Shift Alt<Key>q", "Shift+Alt+Q" }, { "Quit", ma_quit, "Alt<Key>q", "Alt+Q" }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; static pull_down edit_menu[] = { { "Undo", ma_undo, NULL, NULL }, { "", NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "Cut", ma_cut, "Alt<Key>x", "Alt+X" }, { "Copy", ma_copy, "Alt<Key>c", "Alt+C" }, { "Paste", ma_paste, "Alt<Key>v", "Alt+V" }, { "", NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "Find", ma_find, "Alt<Key>f", "Alt+F" }, { "Find Next", ma_find_next, "Alt<Key>g", "Alt+G" }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; static pull_down options_menu[] = { { "Preferences", ma_preferences, NULL, NULL }, { "Command Mode Maps", NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "Insert Mode Maps", NULL, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; static pull_down tag_menu[] = { { "Show Tag Stack", ma_tags, "Alt<Key>t", "Alt+T" }, { "", NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "Pop Tag", ma_tagpop, NULL, NULL }, { "Clear Stack", ma_tagtop, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; static pull_down help_menu[] = { { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; static menu_bar main_menu[] = { { 'F', "File", file_menu }, { 'E', "Edit", edit_menu }, { 'O', "Options", options_menu }, { 'T', "Tag", tag_menu }, { 'H', "Help", help_menu }, { 0, NULL, NULL }, }; #if defined(__STDC__) static void add_entries( Widget parent, pull_down *actions ) #else static void add_entries( parent, actions ) Widget parent; pull_down *actions; #endif { Widget w; XmString str; for ( ; actions->title != NULL; actions++ ) { /* a separator? */ if ( *actions->title != '\0' ) { w = XmCreatePushButton( parent, actions->title, NULL, 0 ); if ( actions->action == NULL ) XtSetSensitive( w, False ); else XtAddCallback( w, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc) actions->action, actions ); if ( actions->accel != NULL ) { str = XmStringCreateSimple( actions->accel_text ); XtVaSetValues( w, XmNaccelerator, actions->accel, XmNacceleratorText, str, 0 ); XmStringFree( str ); } } else { w = XmCreateSeparator( parent, "separator", NULL, 0 ); } XtManageChild( w ); } } /* * vi_create_menubar -- * * PUBLIC: Widget vi_create_menubar __P((Widget)); */ Widget vi_create_menubar(Widget parent) { Widget menu, pull, button; menu_bar *ptr; /* save this for creation of children */ main_widget = parent; menu = XmCreateMenuBar( parent, "Menu", NULL, 0 ); for ( ptr=main_menu; ptr->title != NULL; ptr++ ) { pull = XmCreatePulldownMenu( menu, "pull", NULL, 0 ); add_entries( pull, ptr->actions ); button = XmCreateCascadeButton( menu, ptr->title, NULL, 0 ); XtVaSetValues( button, XmNsubMenuId, pull, 0 ); if ( strcmp( ptr->title, "Help" ) == 0 ) XtVaSetValues( menu, XmNmenuHelpWidget, button, 0 ); #if 0 /* These screw up accelerator processing. Punt for now */ if ( ptr->mnemonic ) XtVaSetValues( button, XmNmnemonic, ptr->mnemonic, 0 ); #endif XtManageChild( button ); } return menu; }