/* $NetBSD: client.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:58 christos Exp $ */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 1998-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: client.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:58 christos Exp $"); #include "portable.h" #include <ac/socket.h> #include <ac/errno.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/time.h> #include <ac/unistd.h> #include "lutil.h" #include "lload.h" long lload_client_max_pending = 0; lload_c_head clients = LDAP_CIRCLEQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER( clients ); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_t clients_mutex; static void client_unlink( LloadConnection *upstream ); int request_abandon( LloadConnection *c, LloadOperation *op ) { LloadOperation *request, needle = { .o_client_connid = c->c_connid }; int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; op->o_res = LLOAD_OP_COMPLETED; if ( ber_decode_int( &op->o_request, &needle.o_client_msgid ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "request_abandon: " "connid=%lu msgid=%d invalid integer sent in abandon request\n", c->c_connid, op->o_client_msgid ); operation_unlink( op ); CONNECTION_LOCK_DESTROY(c); return -1; } CONNECTION_LOCK(c); request = ldap_tavl_find( c->c_ops, &needle, operation_client_cmp ); if ( !request ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "request_abandon: " "connid=%lu msgid=%d requests abandon of an operation " "msgid=%d not being processed anymore\n", c->c_connid, op->o_client_msgid, needle.o_client_msgid ); CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); goto done; } else if ( request->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_BIND ) { /* RFC 4511 states we must not allow Abandon on Binds */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "request_abandon: " "connid=%lu msgid=%d requests abandon of a bind operation " "msgid=%d\n", c->c_connid, op->o_client_msgid, needle.o_client_msgid ); CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); goto done; } Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "request_abandon: " "connid=%lu msgid=%d abandoning %s msgid=%d\n", c->c_connid, op->o_client_msgid, lload_msgtype2str( request->o_tag ), needle.o_client_msgid ); if ( c->c_state == LLOAD_C_BINDING ) { assert(0); } CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); operation_abandon( request ); done: operation_unlink( op ); return rc; } int request_process( LloadConnection *client, LloadOperation *op ) { BerElement *output; LloadConnection *upstream; ber_int_t msgid; int res, rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; upstream = backend_select( op, &res ); if ( !upstream ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "request_process: " "connid=%lu, msgid=%d no available connection found\n", op->o_client_connid, op->o_client_msgid ); operation_send_reject( op, res, "no connections available", 1 ); goto fail; } CONNECTION_ASSERT_LOCKED(upstream); assert_locked( &upstream->c_io_mutex ); op->o_upstream = upstream; op->o_upstream_connid = upstream->c_connid; op->o_res = LLOAD_OP_FAILED; /* Was it unlinked in the meantime? No need to send a response since the * client is dead */ if ( !IS_ALIVE( op, o_refcnt ) ) { LloadBackend *b = upstream->c_backend; upstream->c_n_ops_executing--; checked_unlock( &upstream->c_io_mutex ); CONNECTION_UNLOCK(upstream); checked_lock( &b->b_mutex ); b->b_n_ops_executing--; checked_unlock( &b->b_mutex ); assert( !IS_ALIVE( client, c_live ) ); checked_lock( &op->o_link_mutex ); if ( op->o_upstream ) { op->o_upstream = NULL; } checked_unlock( &op->o_link_mutex ); return -1; } output = upstream->c_pendingber; if ( output == NULL && (output = ber_alloc()) == NULL ) { LloadBackend *b = upstream->c_backend; upstream->c_n_ops_executing--; CONNECTION_UNLOCK(upstream); checked_unlock( &upstream->c_io_mutex ); checked_lock( &b->b_mutex ); b->b_n_ops_executing--; operation_update_backend_counters( op, b ); checked_unlock( &b->b_mutex ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "request_process: " "ber_alloc failed\n" ); rc = -1; goto fail; } upstream->c_pendingber = output; op->o_upstream_msgid = msgid = upstream->c_next_msgid++; rc = ldap_tavl_insert( &upstream->c_ops, op, operation_upstream_cmp, ldap_avl_dup_error ); CONNECTION_UNLOCK(upstream); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "request_process: " "client connid=%lu added %s msgid=%d to upstream connid=%lu as " "msgid=%d\n", op->o_client_connid, lload_msgtype2str( op->o_tag ), op->o_client_msgid, op->o_upstream_connid, op->o_upstream_msgid ); assert( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ); lload_stats.counters[LLOAD_STATS_OPS_OTHER].lc_ops_forwarded++; if ( (lload_features & LLOAD_FEATURE_PROXYAUTHZ) && client->c_type != LLOAD_C_PRIVILEGED ) { CONNECTION_LOCK(client); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "request_process: " "proxying identity %s to upstream\n", client->c_auth.bv_val ); ber_printf( output, "t{titOt{{sbO}" /* "}}" */, LDAP_TAG_MESSAGE, LDAP_TAG_MSGID, msgid, op->o_tag, &op->o_request, LDAP_TAG_CONTROLS, LDAP_CONTROL_PROXY_AUTHZ, 1, &client->c_auth ); CONNECTION_UNLOCK(client); if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &op->o_ctrls ) ) { ber_write( output, op->o_ctrls.bv_val, op->o_ctrls.bv_len, 0 ); } ber_printf( output, /* "{{" */ "}}" ); } else { ber_printf( output, "t{titOtO}", LDAP_TAG_MESSAGE, LDAP_TAG_MSGID, msgid, op->o_tag, &op->o_request, LDAP_TAG_CONTROLS, BER_BV_OPTIONAL( &op->o_ctrls ) ); } checked_unlock( &upstream->c_io_mutex ); connection_write_cb( -1, 0, upstream ); return rc; fail: if ( upstream ) { CONNECTION_LOCK_DESTROY(upstream); operation_send_reject( op, LDAP_OTHER, "internal error", 0 ); } operation_unlink( op ); if ( rc ) { CONNECTION_LOCK_DESTROY(client); } return rc; } int handle_one_request( LloadConnection *c ) { BerElement *ber; LloadOperation *op = NULL; RequestHandler handler = NULL; int over_limit = 0; ber = c->c_currentber; c->c_currentber = NULL; CONNECTION_LOCK(c); op = operation_init( c, ber ); if ( !op ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "handle_one_request: " "connid=%lu, operation_init failed\n", c->c_connid ); CONNECTION_DESTROY(c); ber_free( ber, 1 ); return -1; } if ( lload_client_max_pending && c->c_n_ops_executing >= lload_client_max_pending ) { over_limit = 1; } CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); switch ( op->o_tag ) { case LDAP_REQ_UNBIND: /* There is never a response for this operation */ op->o_res = LLOAD_OP_COMPLETED; operation_unlink( op ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "handle_one_request: " "received unbind, closing client connid=%lu\n", c->c_connid ); CONNECTION_LOCK_DESTROY(c); return -1; case LDAP_REQ_BIND: handler = request_bind; break; case LDAP_REQ_ABANDON: /* We can't send a response to abandon requests even if a bind is * currently in progress */ return request_abandon( c, op ); case LDAP_REQ_EXTENDED: default: if ( c->c_state == LLOAD_C_BINDING ) { operation_send_reject( op, LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "bind in progress", 0 ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } if ( over_limit ) { operation_send_reject( op, LDAP_BUSY, "pending operation limit reached on this connection", 0 ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } if ( c->c_io_state & LLOAD_C_READ_PAUSE ) { operation_send_reject( op, LDAP_BUSY, "writing side backlogged, please keep reading", 0 ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } if ( op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_EXTENDED ) { handler = request_extended; } else { handler = request_process; } break; } if ( c->c_state == LLOAD_C_CLOSING ) { operation_send_reject( op, LDAP_UNAVAILABLE, "connection is shutting down", 0 ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } return handler( c, op ); } #ifdef HAVE_TLS /* * The connection has a token assigned to it when the callback is set up. */ void client_tls_handshake_cb( evutil_socket_t s, short what, void *arg ) { LloadConnection *c = arg; epoch_t epoch; int rc = 0; if ( what & EV_TIMEOUT ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_CONNS, "client_tls_handshake_cb: " "connid=%lu, timeout reached, destroying\n", c->c_connid ); goto fail; } /* * In case of StartTLS, make sure we flush the response first. * Also before we try to read anything from the connection, it isn't * permitted to Abandon a StartTLS exop per RFC4511 anyway. */ checked_lock( &c->c_io_mutex ); if ( c->c_pendingber ) { checked_unlock( &c->c_io_mutex ); connection_write_cb( s, what, arg ); if ( !IS_ALIVE( c, c_live ) ) { goto fail; } /* Do we still have data pending? If so, connection_write_cb would * already have arranged the write callback to trigger again */ checked_lock( &c->c_io_mutex ); if ( c->c_pendingber ) { checked_unlock( &c->c_io_mutex ); return; } } rc = ldap_pvt_tls_accept( c->c_sb, LLOAD_TLS_CTX ); checked_unlock( &c->c_io_mutex ); if ( rc < 0 ) { goto fail; } if ( rc == 0 ) { struct event_base *base = event_get_base( c->c_read_event ); /* * We're finished, replace the callbacks * * This is deadlock-safe, since both share the same base - the one * that's just running us. */ CONNECTION_LOCK(c); event_del( c->c_read_event ); event_del( c->c_write_event ); c->c_read_timeout = NULL; event_assign( c->c_read_event, base, c->c_fd, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, connection_read_cb, c ); if ( IS_ALIVE( c, c_live ) ) { event_add( c->c_read_event, c->c_read_timeout ); } event_assign( c->c_write_event, base, c->c_fd, EV_WRITE, connection_write_cb, c ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_CONNS, "client_tls_handshake_cb: " "connid=%lu finished\n", c->c_connid ); c->c_is_tls = LLOAD_TLS_ESTABLISHED; CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); return; } else if ( ber_sockbuf_ctrl( c->c_sb, LBER_SB_OPT_NEEDS_WRITE, NULL ) ) { if ( IS_ALIVE( c, c_live ) ) { CONNECTION_LOCK(c); event_add( c->c_write_event, lload_write_timeout ); CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); } Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_CONNS, "client_tls_handshake_cb: " "connid=%lu need write rc=%d\n", c->c_connid, rc ); } return; fail: Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_CONNS, "client_tls_handshake_cb: " "connid=%lu failed rc=%d\n", c->c_connid, rc ); assert( c->c_ops == NULL ); epoch = epoch_join(); CONNECTION_LOCK_DESTROY(c); epoch_leave( epoch ); } #endif /* HAVE_TLS */ LloadConnection * client_init( ber_socket_t s, const char *peername, struct event_base *base, int flags ) { LloadConnection *c; struct event *event; event_callback_fn read_cb = connection_read_cb, write_cb = connection_write_cb; if ( (c = lload_connection_init( s, peername, flags) ) == NULL ) { return NULL; } { ber_len_t max = sockbuf_max_incoming_client; ber_sockbuf_ctrl( c->c_sb, LBER_SB_OPT_SET_MAX_INCOMING, &max ); } c->c_state = LLOAD_C_READY; if ( flags & CONN_IS_TLS ) { #ifdef HAVE_TLS int rc; c->c_is_tls = LLOAD_LDAPS; rc = ldap_pvt_tls_accept( c->c_sb, LLOAD_TLS_CTX ); if ( rc < 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_CONNS, "client_init: " "connid=%lu failed initial TLS accept rc=%d\n", c->c_connid, rc ); CONNECTION_LOCK(c); goto fail; } if ( rc ) { c->c_read_timeout = lload_timeout_net; read_cb = write_cb = client_tls_handshake_cb; } #else /* ! HAVE_TLS */ assert(0); #endif /* ! HAVE_TLS */ } event = event_new( base, s, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, read_cb, c ); if ( !event ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "client_init: " "Read event could not be allocated\n" ); CONNECTION_LOCK(c); goto fail; } c->c_read_event = event; event = event_new( base, s, EV_WRITE, write_cb, c ); if ( !event ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "client_init: " "Write event could not be allocated\n" ); CONNECTION_LOCK(c); goto fail; } c->c_write_event = event; c->c_destroy = client_destroy; c->c_unlink = client_unlink; c->c_pdu_cb = handle_one_request; CONNECTION_LOCK(c); /* We only register the write event when we have data pending */ event_add( c->c_read_event, c->c_read_timeout ); checked_lock( &clients_mutex ); LDAP_CIRCLEQ_INSERT_TAIL( &clients, c, c_next ); checked_unlock( &clients_mutex ); CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); return c; fail: if ( c->c_write_event ) { event_free( c->c_write_event ); c->c_write_event = NULL; } if ( c->c_read_event ) { event_free( c->c_read_event ); c->c_read_event = NULL; } c->c_state = LLOAD_C_INVALID; c->c_live--; c->c_refcnt--; connection_destroy( c ); return NULL; } void client_reset( LloadConnection *c ) { TAvlnode *root; long freed = 0, executing; CONNECTION_ASSERT_LOCKED(c); root = c->c_ops; c->c_ops = NULL; executing = c->c_n_ops_executing; c->c_n_ops_executing = 0; if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &c->c_auth ) ) { ch_free( c->c_auth.bv_val ); BER_BVZERO( &c->c_auth ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &c->c_sasl_bind_mech ) ) { ch_free( c->c_sasl_bind_mech.bv_val ); BER_BVZERO( &c->c_sasl_bind_mech ); } CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); if ( root ) { freed = ldap_tavl_free( root, (AVL_FREE)operation_abandon ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "client_reset: " "dropped %ld operations\n", freed ); } assert( freed == executing ); CONNECTION_LOCK(c); CONNECTION_ASSERT_LOCKED(c); } void client_unlink( LloadConnection *c ) { enum sc_state state; struct event *read_event, *write_event; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_CONNS, "client_unlink: " "removing client connid=%lu\n", c->c_connid ); CONNECTION_ASSERT_LOCKED(c); assert( c->c_state != LLOAD_C_INVALID ); assert( c->c_state != LLOAD_C_DYING ); state = c->c_state; c->c_state = LLOAD_C_DYING; read_event = c->c_read_event; write_event = c->c_write_event; CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); if ( read_event ) { event_del( read_event ); } if ( write_event ) { event_del( write_event ); } if ( state != LLOAD_C_DYING ) { checked_lock( &clients_mutex ); LDAP_CIRCLEQ_REMOVE( &clients, c, c_next ); checked_unlock( &clients_mutex ); } CONNECTION_LOCK(c); client_reset( c ); CONNECTION_ASSERT_LOCKED(c); } void client_destroy( LloadConnection *c ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_CONNS, "client_destroy: " "destroying client connid=%lu\n", c->c_connid ); CONNECTION_LOCK(c); assert( c->c_state == LLOAD_C_DYING ); c->c_state = LLOAD_C_INVALID; assert( c->c_ops == NULL ); if ( c->c_read_event ) { event_free( c->c_read_event ); c->c_read_event = NULL; } if ( c->c_write_event ) { event_free( c->c_write_event ); c->c_write_event = NULL; } assert( c->c_refcnt == 0 ); connection_destroy( c ); } void clients_destroy( int gentle ) { checked_lock( &clients_mutex ); connections_walk( &clients_mutex, &clients, lload_connection_close, &gentle ); checked_unlock( &clients_mutex ); }