/* $NetBSD: extended.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:58 christos Exp $ */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 1998-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: extended.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:58 christos Exp $"); #include "portable.h" #include <ac/string.h> #include "lutil.h" #include "lload.h" Avlnode *lload_exop_handlers = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_TLS void *lload_tls_ctx; LDAP *lload_tls_ld, *lload_tls_backend_ld; #ifdef BALANCER_MODULE int lload_use_slap_tls_ctx = 0; #endif #endif /* HAVE_TLS */ int handle_starttls( LloadConnection *c, LloadOperation *op ) { struct event_base *base = event_get_base( c->c_read_event ); LloadOperation *found; BerElement *output; char *msg = NULL; int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; CONNECTION_LOCK(c); found = ldap_tavl_delete( &c->c_ops, op, operation_client_cmp ); assert( op == found ); c->c_n_ops_executing--; #ifdef HAVE_TLS if ( c->c_is_tls == LLOAD_TLS_ESTABLISHED ) { rc = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; msg = "TLS layer already in effect"; } else if ( c->c_state == LLOAD_C_BINDING ) { rc = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; msg = "bind in progress"; } else if ( c->c_ops ) { rc = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; msg = "cannot start TLS when operations are outstanding"; } else if ( !LLOAD_TLS_CTX ) { rc = LDAP_UNAVAILABLE; msg = "Could not initialize TLS"; } #else /* ! HAVE_TLS */ rc = LDAP_UNAVAILABLE; msg = "Could not initialize TLS"; #endif /* ! HAVE_TLS */ CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "handle_starttls: " "handling StartTLS exop connid=%lu rc=%d msg=%s\n", c->c_connid, rc, msg ); if ( rc ) { /* We've already removed the operation from the queue */ operation_send_reject( op, rc, msg, 1 ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } #ifdef HAVE_TLS event_del( c->c_read_event ); event_del( c->c_write_event ); /* * At this point, we are the only thread handling the connection: * - there are no upstream operations * - the I/O callbacks have been successfully removed * * This means we can safely reconfigure both I/O events now. */ checked_lock( &c->c_io_mutex ); output = c->c_pendingber; if ( output == NULL && (output = ber_alloc()) == NULL ) { checked_unlock( &c->c_io_mutex ); operation_unlink( op ); CONNECTION_LOCK_DESTROY(c); return -1; } c->c_pendingber = output; ber_printf( output, "t{tit{ess}}", LDAP_TAG_MESSAGE, LDAP_TAG_MSGID, op->o_client_msgid, LDAP_RES_EXTENDED, LDAP_SUCCESS, "", "" ); c->c_io_state &= ~LLOAD_C_READ_HANDOVER; checked_unlock( &c->c_io_mutex ); CONNECTION_LOCK(c); c->c_read_timeout = lload_timeout_net; event_assign( c->c_read_event, base, c->c_fd, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, client_tls_handshake_cb, c ); event_add( c->c_read_event, c->c_read_timeout ); event_assign( c->c_write_event, base, c->c_fd, EV_WRITE, client_tls_handshake_cb, c ); /* We already have something to write */ event_add( c->c_write_event, lload_write_timeout ); op->o_res = LLOAD_OP_COMPLETED; CONNECTION_UNLOCK(c); operation_unlink( op ); return -1; #endif /* HAVE_TLS */ } int request_extended( LloadConnection *c, LloadOperation *op ) { ExopHandler *handler, needle = {}; BerElement *copy; struct berval bv; ber_tag_t tag; if ( (copy = ber_alloc()) == NULL ) { operation_send_reject( op, LDAP_OTHER, "internal error", 0 ); CONNECTION_LOCK_DESTROY(c); return -1; } ber_init2( copy, &op->o_request, 0 ); tag = ber_skip_element( copy, &bv ); if ( tag != LDAP_TAG_EXOP_REQ_OID ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "request_extended: " "no OID present in extended request\n" ); operation_send_reject( op, LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "decoding error", 0 ); CONNECTION_LOCK_DESTROY(c); return -1; } needle.oid = bv; handler = ldap_avl_find( lload_exop_handlers, &needle, exop_handler_cmp ); if ( handler ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "request_extended: " "handling exop OID %.*s internally\n", (int)bv.bv_len, bv.bv_val ); ber_free( copy, 0 ); return handler->func( c, op ); } ber_free( copy, 0 ); if ( c->c_state == LLOAD_C_BINDING ) { operation_send_reject( op, LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "bind in progress", 0 ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } return request_process( c, op ); } ExopHandler lload_exops[] = { { BER_BVC(LDAP_EXOP_START_TLS), handle_starttls }, { BER_BVNULL } }; int exop_handler_cmp( const void *left, const void *right ) { const struct lload_exop_handlers_t *l = left, *r = right; return ber_bvcmp( &l->oid, &r->oid ); } int lload_register_exop_handlers( struct lload_exop_handlers_t *handler ) { for ( ; !BER_BVISNULL( &handler->oid ); handler++ ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "lload_register_exop_handlers: " "registering handler for exop oid=%s\n", handler->oid.bv_val ); if ( ldap_avl_insert( &lload_exop_handlers, handler, exop_handler_cmp, ldap_avl_dup_error ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "lload_register_exop_handlers: " "failed to register handler for exop oid=%s\n", handler->oid.bv_val ); return -1; } } return LDAP_SUCCESS; } int lload_exop_init( void ) { if ( lload_register_exop_handlers( lload_exops ) ) { return -1; } return LDAP_SUCCESS; }