/*- * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by David A. Holland. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include "bool.h" #include "array.h" #include "mode.h" #include "place.h" #include "files.h" #include "directive.h" struct incdir { const char *name; bool issystem; }; DECLARRAY(incdir, static UNUSED); DEFARRAY(incdir, static); static struct incdirarray quotepath, bracketpath; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // management static struct incdir * incdir_create(const char *name, bool issystem) { struct incdir *id; id = domalloc(sizeof(*id)); id->name = name; id->issystem = issystem; return id; } static void incdir_destroy(struct incdir *id) { dofree(id, sizeof(*id)); } void files_init(void) { incdirarray_init("epath); incdirarray_init(&bracketpath); } DESTROYALL_ARRAY(incdir, ); void files_cleanup(void) { incdirarray_destroyall("epath); incdirarray_cleanup("epath); incdirarray_destroyall(&bracketpath); incdirarray_cleanup(&bracketpath); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // path setup void files_addquotepath(const char *dir, bool issystem) { struct incdir *id; id = incdir_create(dir, issystem); incdirarray_add("epath, id, NULL); } void files_addbracketpath(const char *dir, bool issystem) { struct incdir *id; id = incdir_create(dir, issystem); incdirarray_add(&bracketpath, id, NULL); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // parsing /* * Find the end of the logical line. End of line characters that are * commented out do not count. */ static size_t findeol(const char *buf, size_t start, size_t limit) { size_t i; int incomment = 0; bool inquote = false; char quote = '\0'; for (i=start; i<limit; i++) { if (incomment) { if (i+1 < limit && buf[i] == '*' && buf[i+1] == '/') { i++; incomment = 0; } } else if (!inquote && i+1 < limit && buf[i] == '/' && buf[i+1] == '*') { i++; incomment = 1; } else if (i+1 < limit && buf[i] == '\\' && buf[i+1] != '\n') { i++; } else if (!inquote && (buf[i] == '"' || buf[i] == '\'')) { inquote = true; quote = buf[i]; } else if (inquote && buf[i] == quote) { inquote = false; } else if (buf[i] == '\n') { return i; } } return limit; } static unsigned countnls(const char *buf, size_t start, size_t limit) { size_t i; unsigned count = 0; for (i=start; i<limit; i++) { if (buf[i] == '\n') { count++; if (count == 0) { /* just return the max and error downstream */ return count - 1; } } } return count; } static void file_read(const struct placefile *pf, int fd, const char *name, bool toplevel) { struct lineplace places; struct place ptmp; size_t bufend, bufmax, linestart, lineend, nextlinestart, tmp; ssize_t result; bool ateof = false; char *buf; place_setfilestart(&places.current, pf); places.nextline = places.current; if (name) { debuglog(&places.current, "Reading file %s", name); } else { debuglog(&places.current, "Reading standard input"); } bufmax = 128; bufend = 0; linestart = 0; lineend = 0; buf = domalloc(bufmax); while (1) { if (lineend >= bufend) { /* do not have a whole line in the buffer; read more */ assert(bufend >= linestart); if (linestart > 0 && bufend > linestart) { /* slide to beginning of buffer */ memmove(buf, buf+linestart, bufend-linestart); bufend -= linestart; lineend -= linestart; linestart = 0; } if (bufend >= bufmax) { /* need bigger buffer */ buf = dorealloc(buf, bufmax, bufmax*2); bufmax = bufmax*2; /* just in case someone's screwing around */ if (bufmax > 0xffffffff) { complain(&places.current, "Input line too long"); die(); } } if (ateof) { /* don't read again, in case it's a socket */ result = 0; } else { result = read(fd, buf+bufend, bufmax - bufend); } if (result == -1) { /* read error */ complain(NULL, "%s: %s", name, strerror(errno)); complain_fail(); } else if (result == 0 && bufend == linestart) { /* eof */ ateof = true; break; } else if (result == 0) { /* eof in middle of line */ ateof = true; ptmp = places.current; place_addcolumns(&ptmp, bufend - linestart); if (buf[bufend - 1] == '\n') { complain(&ptmp, "Unclosed comment"); complain_fail(); } else { complain(&ptmp, "No newline at end of file"); } if (mode.werror) { complain_fail(); } assert(bufend < bufmax); lineend = bufend++; buf[lineend] = '\n'; } else { bufend += (size_t)result; lineend = findeol(buf, linestart, bufend); } /* loop in case we still don't have a whole line */ continue; } /* have a line */ assert(buf[lineend] == '\n'); buf[lineend] = '\0'; nextlinestart = lineend+1; place_addlines(&places.nextline, 1); /* check for CR/NL */ if (lineend > 0 && buf[lineend-1] == '\r') { buf[lineend-1] = '\0'; lineend--; } /* check for continuation line */ if (lineend > 0 && buf[lineend-1]=='\\') { lineend--; tmp = nextlinestart - lineend; if (bufend > nextlinestart) { memmove(buf+lineend, buf+nextlinestart, bufend - nextlinestart); } bufend -= tmp; nextlinestart -= tmp; lineend = findeol(buf, linestart, bufend); /* might not have a whole line, so loop */ continue; } /* line now goes from linestart to lineend */ assert(buf[lineend] == '\0'); /* count how many commented-out newlines we swallowed */ place_addlines(&places.nextline, countnls(buf, linestart, lineend)); /* process the line (even if it's empty) */ directive_gotline(&places, buf+linestart, lineend-linestart); linestart = nextlinestart; lineend = findeol(buf, linestart, bufend); places.current = places.nextline; } if (toplevel) { directive_goteof(&places.current); } dofree(buf, bufmax); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // path search static char * mkfilename(struct place *place, const char *dir, const char *file) { size_t dlen, flen, rlen; char *ret; bool needslash = false; if (dir == NULL) { dir = place_getparsedir(place); } dlen = strlen(dir); flen = strlen(file); if (dlen > 0 && dir[dlen-1] != '/') { needslash = true; } rlen = dlen + (needslash ? 1 : 0) + flen; ret = domalloc(rlen + 1); strcpy(ret, dir); if (needslash) { strcat(ret, "/"); } strcat(ret, file); return ret; } static int file_tryopen(const char *file) { int fd; /* XXX check for non-regular files */ fd = open(file, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR) { complain(NULL, "%s: %s", file, strerror(errno)); } return -1; } return fd; } static void file_search(struct place *place, struct incdirarray *path, const char *name) { unsigned i, num; struct incdir *id; const struct placefile *pf; char *file; int fd; assert(place != NULL); if (name[0] == '/') { fd = file_tryopen(name); if (fd >= 0) { pf = place_addfile(place, name, true); file_read(pf, fd, name, false); close(fd); return; } } else { num = incdirarray_num(path); for (i=0; i<num; i++) { id = incdirarray_get(path, i); file = mkfilename(place, id->name, name); fd = file_tryopen(file); if (fd >= 0) { pf = place_addfile(place, file, id->issystem); file_read(pf, fd, file, false); dostrfree(file); close(fd); return; } dostrfree(file); } } complain(place, "Include file %s not found", name); complain_fail(); } void file_readquote(struct place *place, const char *name) { file_search(place, "epath, name); } void file_readbracket(struct place *place, const char *name) { file_search(place, &bracketpath, name); } void file_readabsolute(struct place *place, const char *name) { const struct placefile *pf; int fd; assert(place != NULL); if (name == NULL) { fd = STDIN_FILENO; pf = place_addfile(place, "<standard-input>", false); } else { fd = file_tryopen(name); if (fd < 0) { complain(NULL, "%s: %s", name, strerror(errno)); die(); } pf = place_addfile(place, name, false); } file_read(pf, fd, name, true); if (name != NULL) { close(fd); } }