/* tre-ast.c - Abstract syntax tree (AST) routines This software is released under a BSD-style license. See the file LICENSE for details and copyright. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include <assert.h> #include "tre-ast.h" #include "tre-mem.h" tre_ast_node_t * tre_ast_new_node(tre_mem_t mem, tre_ast_type_t type, size_t size) { tre_ast_node_t *node; node = tre_mem_calloc(mem, sizeof(*node)); if (!node) return NULL; node->obj = tre_mem_calloc(mem, size); if (!node->obj) return NULL; node->type = type; node->nullable = -1; node->submatch_id = -1; return node; } tre_ast_node_t * tre_ast_new_literal(tre_mem_t mem, int code_min, int code_max, int position) { tre_ast_node_t *node; tre_literal_t *lit; node = tre_ast_new_node(mem, LITERAL, sizeof(tre_literal_t)); if (!node) return NULL; lit = node->obj; lit->code_min = code_min; lit->code_max = code_max; lit->position = position; return node; } tre_ast_node_t * tre_ast_new_iter(tre_mem_t mem, tre_ast_node_t *arg, int min, int max, int minimal) { tre_ast_node_t *node; tre_iteration_t *iter; node = tre_ast_new_node(mem, ITERATION, sizeof(tre_iteration_t)); if (!node) return NULL; iter = node->obj; iter->arg = arg; iter->min = min; iter->max = max; iter->minimal = minimal; node->num_submatches = arg->num_submatches; return node; } tre_ast_node_t * tre_ast_new_union(tre_mem_t mem, tre_ast_node_t *left, tre_ast_node_t *right) { tre_ast_node_t *node; node = tre_ast_new_node(mem, UNION, sizeof(tre_union_t)); if (node == NULL) return NULL; ((tre_union_t *)node->obj)->left = left; ((tre_union_t *)node->obj)->right = right; node->num_submatches = left->num_submatches + right->num_submatches; return node; } tre_ast_node_t * tre_ast_new_catenation(tre_mem_t mem, tre_ast_node_t *left, tre_ast_node_t *right) { tre_ast_node_t *node; node = tre_ast_new_node(mem, CATENATION, sizeof(tre_catenation_t)); if (node == NULL) return NULL; ((tre_catenation_t *)node->obj)->left = left; ((tre_catenation_t *)node->obj)->right = right; node->num_submatches = left->num_submatches + right->num_submatches; return node; } #ifdef TRE_DEBUG static void tre_findent(FILE *stream, int i) { while (i-- > 0) fputc(' ', stream); } void tre_print_params(int *params) { int i; if (params) { DPRINT(("params [")); for (i = 0; i < TRE_PARAM_LAST; i++) { if (params[i] == TRE_PARAM_UNSET) DPRINT(("unset")); else if (params[i] == TRE_PARAM_DEFAULT) DPRINT(("default")); else DPRINT(("%d", params[i])); if (i < TRE_PARAM_LAST - 1) DPRINT((", ")); } DPRINT(("]")); } } static void tre_do_print(FILE *stream, tre_ast_node_t *ast, int indent) { int code_min, code_max, pos; int num_tags = ast->num_tags; tre_literal_t *lit; tre_iteration_t *iter; tre_findent(stream, indent); switch (ast->type) { case LITERAL: lit = ast->obj; code_min = lit->code_min; code_max = lit->code_max; pos = lit->position; if (IS_EMPTY(lit)) { fprintf(stream, "literal empty\n"); } else if (IS_ASSERTION(lit)) { int i; char *assertions[] = { "bol", "eol", "ctype", "!ctype", "bow", "eow", "wb", "!wb" }; if (code_max >= ASSERT_LAST << 1) assert(0); fprintf(stream, "assertions: "); for (i = 0; (1 << i) <= ASSERT_LAST; i++) if (code_max & (1 << i)) fprintf(stream, "%s ", assertions[i]); fprintf(stream, "\n"); } else if (IS_TAG(lit)) { fprintf(stream, "tag %d\n", code_max); } else if (IS_BACKREF(lit)) { fprintf(stream, "backref %d, pos %d\n", code_max, pos); } else if (IS_PARAMETER(lit)) { tre_print_params(lit->u.params); fprintf(stream, "\n"); } else { fprintf(stream, "literal (%c, %c) (%d, %d), pos %d, sub %d, " "%d tags\n", code_min, code_max, code_min, code_max, pos, ast->submatch_id, num_tags); } break; case ITERATION: iter = ast->obj; fprintf(stream, "iteration {%d, %d}, sub %d, %d tags, %s\n", iter->min, iter->max, ast->submatch_id, num_tags, iter->minimal ? "minimal" : "greedy"); tre_do_print(stream, iter->arg, indent + 2); break; case UNION: fprintf(stream, "union, sub %d, %d tags\n", ast->submatch_id, num_tags); tre_do_print(stream, ((tre_union_t *)ast->obj)->left, indent + 2); tre_do_print(stream, ((tre_union_t *)ast->obj)->right, indent + 2); break; case CATENATION: fprintf(stream, "catenation, sub %d, %d tags\n", ast->submatch_id, num_tags); tre_do_print(stream, ((tre_catenation_t *)ast->obj)->left, indent + 2); tre_do_print(stream, ((tre_catenation_t *)ast->obj)->right, indent + 2); break; default: assert(0); break; } } static void tre_ast_fprint(FILE *stream, tre_ast_node_t *ast) { tre_do_print(stream, ast, 0); } void tre_ast_print(tre_ast_node_t *tree) { printf("AST:\n"); tre_ast_fprint(stdout, tree); } #endif /* TRE_DEBUG */ /* EOF */