The following is an example of the shortlived.d program.
It can measure time spent processing short lived processes,
that may be responsible for heavy load on the system but
are usually difficult to see with sampling tools like prstat.

Here we run in for a few seconds on a server,

   # shortlived.d
   Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to stop.
   short lived processes:      0.456 secs
   total sample duration:      9.352 secs
   Total time by process name,
                 date           12 ms
                   df           20 ms
                   ls           40 ms
                 perl          380 ms
   Total time by PPID,
                 3279          452 ms

In the above output, around 5% of the CPU was lost to short
lived processes - mostly perl. This may be many perl processes,
here we are aggregating on the process name not the instance.

Now shortlived.d is run on a server with a performance problem,

   # uptime
     10:58pm  up 5 day(s),  1:28,  1 user,  load average: 2.20, 1.81, 1.04
   # shortlived.d
   Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to stop.
   short lived processes:      4.546 secs
   total sample duration:      9.858 secs
   Total time by process name,
                 expr         4122 ms
   Total time by PPID,
                 3279         4122 ms
   # ps -p 3279
      PID TTY         TIME CMD
     3279 pts/10      0:45

shortlived.d showed that 50% of the CPU was consumed by short lived
processes, all of them the "expr" command, and all having the 
parent proccess-ID 3279. We finished by checking PID 3279 to find
it is a Bourne shell script called "".