/* $NetBSD: isa_machdep.c,v 1.42 2022/09/25 12:41:46 andvar Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1999 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by UCHIYAMA Yasushi. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: isa_machdep.c,v 1.42 2022/09/25 12:41:46 andvar Exp $"); #include "opt_vr41xx.h" #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/reboot.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <dev/isa/isavar.h> #include <dev/isa/isareg.h> #include <machine/platid.h> #include <machine/platid_mask.h> #include <machine/bus.h> #include <machine/bus_space_hpcmips.h> #include <machine/debug.h> #include <dev/hpc/hpciovar.h> #include <hpcmips/vr/vripif.h> #include "locators.h" #define VRISADEBUG #ifdef VRISADEBUG #ifndef VRISADEBUG_CONF #define VRISADEBUG_CONF 0 #endif /* VRISADEBUG_CONF */ int vrisa_debug = VRISADEBUG_CONF; #define DPRINTF(arg) if (vrisa_debug) printf arg; #define DBITDISP(mask) if (vrisa_debug) dbg_bit_print(mask); #define VPRINTF(arg) if (bootverbose || vrisa_debug) printf arg; #else /* VRISADEBUG */ #define DPRINTF(arg) #define DBITDISP(mask) #define VPRINTF(arg) if (bootverbose) printf arg; #endif /* VRISADEBUG */ /* * interrupt no. encoding: * * 0x0000000f ISA IRQ# * 0x00ff0000 GPIO port# * 0x01000000 interrupt signal hold/through (1:hold/0:though) * 0x02000000 interrupt detection level (1:low /0:high ) * 0x04000000 interrupt detection trigger (1:edge/0:level ) */ #define INTR_IRQ(i) (((i)>> 0) & 0x0f) #define INTR_PORT(i) (((i)>>16) & 0xff) #define INTR_MODE(i) (((i)>>24) & 0x07) #define INTR_NIRQS 16 int vrisabprint(void *, const char *); int vrisabmatch(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); void vrisabattach(device_t, device_t, void *); struct vrisab_softc { hpcio_chip_t sc_hc; int sc_intr_map[INTR_NIRQS]; /* ISA <-> GIU interrupt line mapping */ struct hpcmips_isa_chipset sc_isa_ic; }; CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(vrisab, sizeof(struct vrisab_softc), vrisabmatch, vrisabattach, NULL, NULL); #ifdef DEBUG_FIND_PCIC #include <mips/cpuregs.h> #warning DEBUG_FIND_PCIC static void __find_pcic(void); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_FIND_COMPORT #include <mips/cpuregs.h> #include <dev/ic/ns16550reg.h> #include <dev/ic/comreg.h> #warning DEBUG_FIND_COMPORT static void __find_comport(void); #endif int vrisabmatch(device_t parent, cfdata_t match, void *aux) { struct hpcio_attach_args *haa = aux; platid_mask_t mask; int n; if (strcmp(haa->haa_busname, match->cf_name)) return (0); if (match->cf_loc[HPCIOIFCF_PLATFORM] == HPCIOIFCF_PLATFORM_DEFAULT) return (1); mask = PLATID_DEREF(match->cf_loc[HPCIOIFCF_PLATFORM]); if ((n = platid_match(&platid, &mask)) != 0) return (n + 2); return (0); } void vrisabattach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct hpcio_attach_args *haa = aux; struct vrisab_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct isabus_attach_args iba; struct bus_space_tag_hpcmips *iot, *memt; bus_addr_t offset; int i; sc->sc_hc = (*haa->haa_getchip)(haa->haa_sc, VRIP_IOCHIP_VRGIU); sc->sc_isa_ic.ic_sc = sc; iba.iba_ic = &sc->sc_isa_ic; iba.iba_dmat = 0; /* XXX not yet */ /* Allocate ISA memory space */ memt = hpcmips_alloc_bus_space_tag(); offset = device_cfdata(self)->cf_loc[VRISABIFCF_ISAMEMOFFSET]; hpcmips_init_bus_space(memt, (struct bus_space_tag_hpcmips *)haa->haa_iot, "ISA mem", VR_ISA_MEM_BASE + offset, VR_ISA_MEM_SIZE - offset); iba.iba_memt = &memt->bst; /* Allocate ISA port space */ iot = hpcmips_alloc_bus_space_tag(); offset = device_cfdata(self)->cf_loc[VRISABIFCF_ISAPORTOFFSET]; hpcmips_init_bus_space(iot, (struct bus_space_tag_hpcmips *)haa->haa_iot, "ISA port", VR_ISA_PORT_BASE + offset, VR_ISA_PORT_SIZE - offset); iba.iba_iot = &iot->bst; #ifdef DEBUG_FIND_PCIC #warning DEBUG_FIND_PCIC __find_pcic(); #else /* Initialize ISA IRQ <-> GPIO mapping */ for (i = 0; i < INTR_NIRQS; i++) sc->sc_intr_map[i] = -1; printf(": ISA port %#x-%#x mem %#x-%#x\n", iot->base, iot->base + iot->size, memt->base, memt->base + memt->size); config_found(self, &iba, vrisabprint, CFARGS_NONE); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_FIND_COMPORT #warning DEBUG_FIND_COMPORT __find_comport(); #endif } int vrisabprint(void *aux, const char *pnp) { if (pnp) return (QUIET); return (UNCONF); } void isa_attach_hook(device_t parent, device_t self, struct isabus_attach_args *iba) { } void isa_detach_hook(isa_chipset_tag_t ic, device_t self) { } const struct evcnt * isa_intr_evcnt(isa_chipset_tag_t ic, int irq) { /* XXX for now, no evcnt parent reported */ return (NULL); } void * isa_intr_establish(isa_chipset_tag_t ic, int intr, int type, int level, int (*ih_fun)(void*), void *ih_arg) { struct vrisab_softc *sc = ic->ic_sc; int port, irq, mode; static int intr_modes[8] = { HPCIO_INTR_LEVEL_HIGH_THROUGH, HPCIO_INTR_LEVEL_HIGH_HOLD, HPCIO_INTR_LEVEL_LOW_THROUGH, HPCIO_INTR_LEVEL_LOW_HOLD, HPCIO_INTR_EDGE_THROUGH, HPCIO_INTR_EDGE_HOLD, HPCIO_INTR_EDGE_THROUGH, HPCIO_INTR_EDGE_HOLD, }; #ifdef VRISADEBUG static const char* intr_mode_names[8] = { "level high through", "level high hold", "level low through", "level low hold", "edge through", "edge hold", "edge through", "edge hold", }; #endif /* VRISADEBUG */ /* * ISA IRQ <-> GPIO port mapping */ irq = INTR_IRQ(intr); if (sc->sc_intr_map[irq] != -1) { /* already mapped */ intr = sc->sc_intr_map[irq]; } else { /* not mapped yet */ sc->sc_intr_map[irq] = intr; /* Register it */ } mode = INTR_MODE(intr); port = INTR_PORT(intr); VPRINTF(("ISA IRQ %d -> %s port %d, %s\n", irq, sc->sc_hc->hc_name, port, intr_mode_names[mode])); /* Call Vr routine */ return (hpcio_intr_establish(sc->sc_hc, port, intr_modes[mode], ih_fun, ih_arg)); } void isa_intr_disestablish(isa_chipset_tag_t ic, void *arg) { struct vrisab_softc *sc = ic->ic_sc; /* Call Vr routine */ hpcio_intr_disestablish(sc->sc_hc, arg); } int isa_intr_alloc(isa_chipset_tag_t ic, int mask, int type, int *irq) { /* XXX not coded yet. this is temporary XXX */ DPRINTF(("isa_intr_alloc:")); DBITDISP(mask); *irq = (ffs(mask) -1); /* XXX */ return (0); } #ifdef DEBUG_FIND_PCIC #warning DEBUG_FIND_PCIC static void __find_pcic(void) { int i, j, step, found; u_int32_t addr; u_int8_t reg; int __read_revid (u_int32_t port) { addr = MIPS_PHYS_TO_KSEG1(i + port); printf("%#x\r", i); for (found = 0, j = 0; j < 0x100; j += 0x40) { *((volatile u_int8_t *)addr) = j; reg = *((volatile u_int8_t *)(addr + 1)); #ifdef DEBUG_FIND_PCIC_I82365SL_ONLY if (reg == 0x82 || reg == 0x83) { #else if ((reg & 0xc0) == 0x80) { #endif found++; } if (found) printf("\nfound %d socket at %#x" "(base from %#x)\n", found, addr, i + port - VR_ISA_PORT_BASE); } } step = 0x1000000; printf("\nFinding PCIC. Trying ISA port %#x-%#x step %#x\n", VR_ISA_PORT_BASE, VR_ISA_PORT_BASE + VR_ISA_PORT_SIZE, step); for (i = VR_ISA_PORT_BASE; i < VR_ISA_PORT_BASE+VR_ISA_PORT_SIZE; i+= step) { __read_revid (0x3e0); __read_revid (0x3e2); } } #endif /* DEBUG_FIND_PCIC */ #ifdef DEBUG_FIND_COMPORT #warning DEBUG_FIND_COMPORT static int probe_com(u_int32_t); static int probe_com(u_int32_t port_addr) { u_int32_t addr; u_int8_t ubtmp1, ubtmp2; addr = MIPS_PHYS_TO_KSEG1(port_addr); *((volatile u_int8_t *)(addr + com_cfcr)) = LCR_8BITS; *((volatile u_int8_t *)(addr + com_iir)) = 0; ubtmp1 = *((volatile u_int8_t *)(addr + com_cfcr)); ubtmp2 = *((volatile u_int8_t *)(addr + com_iir)); if ((ubtmp1 != LCR_8BITS) || ((ubtmp2 & 0x38) != 0)) { return (0); } return (1); } static void __find_comport(void) { int found; u_int32_t port, step; found = 0; step = 0x08; printf("Searching COM port. Trying ISA port %#x-%#x step %#x\n", VR_ISA_PORT_BASE, VR_ISA_PORT_BASE + VR_ISA_PORT_SIZE - 1, step ); for (port = VR_ISA_PORT_BASE; port < (VR_ISA_PORT_BASE + VR_ISA_PORT_SIZE); port += step){ if (probe_com(port)) { found++; printf("found %d at %#x\n", found, port); } } } #endif /* DEBUG_FIND_COMPORT */