/* $NetBSD: mmeyepcmcia.c,v 1.25 2021/08/07 16:19:00 thorpej Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1997 Marc Horowitz. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Marc Horowitz. * 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * PCMCIA I/F for MMEYE * * T.Horiuichi * Brains Corp. 1998.8.25 */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: mmeyepcmcia.c,v 1.25 2021/08/07 16:19:00 thorpej Exp $"); #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/proc.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/extent.h> #include <sys/kmem.h> #include <sys/kthread.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <uvm/uvm_extern.h> #include <machine/autoconf.h> #include <machine/intr.h> #include <machine/mmeye.h> #include <dev/pcmcia/pcmciareg.h> #include <dev/pcmcia/pcmciavar.h> #include <dev/pcmcia/pcmciachip.h> #include <mmeye/dev/mmeyepcmciareg.h> #include "locators.h" #ifdef MMEYEPCMCIADEBUG int mmeyepcmcia_debug = 1; #define DPRINTF(arg) if (mmeyepcmcia_debug) printf arg; #else #define DPRINTF(arg) #endif struct mmeyepcmcia_event { SIMPLEQ_ENTRY(mmeyepcmcia_event) pe_q; int pe_type; }; /* pe_type */ #define MMEYEPCMCIA_EVENT_INSERTION 0 #define MMEYEPCMCIA_EVENT_REMOVAL 1 struct mmeyepcmcia_handle { struct mmeyepcmcia_softc *sc; int flags; int laststate; int memalloc; struct { bus_addr_t addr; bus_size_t size; int kind; bus_space_tag_t memt; bus_space_handle_t memh; } mem[MMEYEPCMCIA_MEM_WINS]; int ioalloc; struct { bus_addr_t addr; bus_size_t size; int width; bus_space_tag_t iot; bus_space_handle_t ioh; } io[MMEYEPCMCIA_IO_WINS]; int ih_irq; device_t pcmcia; int shutdown; lwp_t *event_thread; SIMPLEQ_HEAD(, mmeyepcmcia_event) events; }; #define MMEYEPCMCIA_FLAG_CARDP 0x0002 #define MMEYEPCMCIA_FLAG_SOCKETP 0x0001 #define MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_PRESENT 0x0002 #define MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_HALF 0x0001 #define MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_EMPTY 0x0000 /* * This is sort of arbitrary. It merely needs to be "enough". It can be * overridden in the conf file, anyway. */ #define MMEYEPCMCIA_MEM_PAGES 4 #define MMEYEPCMCIA_NSLOTS 1 #define MMEYEPCMCIA_WINS 5 #define MMEYEPCMCIA_IOWINS 2 struct mmeyepcmcia_softc { device_t dev; bus_space_tag_t iot; /* mmeyepcmcia registers */ bus_space_handle_t ioh; int controller_irq; bus_space_tag_t memt; /* PCMCIA spaces */ bus_space_handle_t memh; int card_irq; pcmcia_chipset_tag_t pct; /* this needs to be large enough to hold PCIC_MEM_PAGES bits */ int subregionmask; #define MMEYEPCMCIA_MAX_MEM_PAGES (8 * sizeof(int)) /* * used by io/mem window mapping functions. These can actually overlap * with another pcic, since the underlying extent mapper will deal * with individual allocations. This is here to deal with the fact * that different busses have different real widths (different pc * hardware seems to use 10 or 12 bits for the I/O bus). */ bus_addr_t iobase; bus_addr_t iosize; struct mmeyepcmcia_handle handle[MMEYEPCMCIA_NSLOTS]; }; static void mmeyepcmcia_attach_sockets(struct mmeyepcmcia_softc *); static int mmeyepcmcia_intr(void *arg); static inline int mmeyepcmcia_read(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *, int); static inline void mmeyepcmcia_write(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *, int, int); static int mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_alloc(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, bus_size_t, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *); static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_free(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *); static int mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_map(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, int, bus_addr_t, bus_size_t, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *, bus_size_t *, int *); static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_unmap(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, int); static int mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_alloc(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, bus_addr_t, bus_size_t, bus_size_t, struct pcmcia_io_handle *); static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_free(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, struct pcmcia_io_handle *); static int mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_map(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, int, bus_addr_t, bus_size_t, struct pcmcia_io_handle *, int *); static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_unmap(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, int); static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_socket_enable(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t); static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_socket_disable(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t); static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_socket_settype(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, int); static inline int mmeyepcmcia_read(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *, int); static inline int mmeyepcmcia_read(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h, int idx) { static int prev_idx = 0; if (idx == -1){ idx = prev_idx; } prev_idx = idx; return bus_space_read_stream_2(h->sc->iot, h->sc->ioh, idx); } static inline void mmeyepcmcia_write(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *, int, int); static inline void mmeyepcmcia_write(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h, int idx, int data) { static int prev_idx; if (idx == -1){ idx = prev_idx; } prev_idx = idx; bus_space_write_stream_2(h->sc->iot, h->sc->ioh, idx, (data)); } static void *mmeyepcmcia_chip_intr_establish(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, struct pcmcia_function *, int, int (*) (void *), void *); static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_intr_disestablish(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, void *); static void *mmeyepcmcia_chip_intr_establish(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, struct pcmcia_function *, int, int (*) (void *), void *); static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_intr_disestablish(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, void *); static void mmeyepcmcia_attach_socket(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *); static void mmeyepcmcia_init_socket(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *); static int mmeyepcmcia_print (void *, const char *); static int mmeyepcmcia_intr_socket(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *); static void mmeyepcmcia_attach_card(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *); static void mmeyepcmcia_detach_card(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *, int); static void mmeyepcmcia_deactivate_card(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *); static void mmeyepcmcia_event_thread(void *); static void mmeyepcmcia_queue_event(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *, int); static int mmeyepcmcia_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static void mmeyepcmcia_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(mmeyepcmcia, sizeof(struct mmeyepcmcia_softc), mmeyepcmcia_match, mmeyepcmcia_attach, NULL, NULL); static struct pcmcia_chip_functions mmeyepcmcia_functions = { mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_alloc, mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_free, mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_map, mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_unmap, mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_alloc, mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_free, mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_map, mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_unmap, mmeyepcmcia_chip_intr_establish, mmeyepcmcia_chip_intr_disestablish, mmeyepcmcia_chip_socket_enable, mmeyepcmcia_chip_socket_disable, mmeyepcmcia_chip_socket_settype, NULL, }; static int mmeyepcmcia_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t match, void *aux) { struct mainbus_attach_args *ma = aux; if (strcmp(ma->ma_name, match->cf_name) != 0) return 0; /* Disallow wildcarded values. */ if (ma->ma_addr1 == MAINBUSCF_ADDR1_DEFAULT || ma->ma_addr2 == MAINBUSCF_ADDR2_DEFAULT || ma->ma_irq2 == MAINBUSCF_IRQ2_DEFAULT) return 0; return 1; } static void mmeyepcmcia_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct mainbus_attach_args *ma = aux; struct mmeyepcmcia_softc *sc = device_private(self); aprint_naive("\n"); sc->dev = self; sc->subregionmask = 1; /* 1999.05.17 T.Horiuchi for R1.4 */ sc->pct = (pcmcia_chipset_tag_t)&mmeyepcmcia_functions; sc->iot = 0; /* Map i/o space. */ if (bus_space_map(sc->iot, ma->ma_addr1, MMEYEPCMCIA_IOSIZE, 0, &sc->ioh)) { aprint_error(": can't map i/o space\n"); return; } sc->memt = 0; sc->iobase = ma->ma_addr2; sc->controller_irq = ma->ma_irq1; sc->card_irq = ma->ma_irq2; sc->handle[0].sc = sc; sc->handle[0].flags = MMEYEPCMCIA_FLAG_SOCKETP; sc->handle[0].laststate = MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_EMPTY; SIMPLEQ_INIT(&sc->handle[0].events); if (sc->controller_irq != MAINBUSCF_IRQ1_DEFAULT) { aprint_normal(": using MMTA irq %d\n", sc->controller_irq); mmeye_intr_establish(sc->controller_irq, IST_LEVEL, IPL_TTY, mmeyepcmcia_intr, sc); } else aprint_normal("\n"); mmeyepcmcia_attach_sockets(sc); } static void * mmeyepcmcia_chip_intr_establish(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, struct pcmcia_function *pf, int ipl, int (*fct)(void *), void *arg) { struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h = (struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *) pch; int irq = h->sc->card_irq; void *ih; ih = mmeye_intr_establish(irq, IST_LEVEL, ipl, fct, arg); h->ih_irq = irq; printf("%s: card irq %d\n", device_xname(h->pcmcia), irq); return ih; } static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_intr_disestablish(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, void *ih) { struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h = (struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *) pch; h->ih_irq = 0; mmeye_intr_disestablish(ih); } static void mmeyepcmcia_attach_sockets(struct mmeyepcmcia_softc *sc) { mmeyepcmcia_attach_socket(&sc->handle[0]); } static void mmeyepcmcia_attach_socket(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h) { struct pcmciabus_attach_args paa; /* initialize the rest of the handle */ h->shutdown = 0; h->memalloc = 0; h->ioalloc = 0; h->ih_irq = 0; /* now, config one pcmcia device per socket */ paa.paa_busname = "pcmcia"; paa.pct = (pcmcia_chipset_tag_t) h->sc->pct; paa.pch = (pcmcia_chipset_handle_t) h; h->pcmcia = config_found(h->sc->dev, &paa, mmeyepcmcia_print, CFARGS_NONE); /* if there's actually a pcmcia device attached, initialize the slot */ if (h->pcmcia) mmeyepcmcia_init_socket(h); } static void mmeyepcmcia_event_thread(void *arg) { struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h = arg; struct mmeyepcmcia_event *pe; int s; while (h->shutdown == 0) { s = splhigh(); if ((pe = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&h->events)) == NULL) { splx(s); (void) tsleep(&h->events, PWAIT, "mmeyepcmciaev", 0); continue; } else { splx(s); /* sleep .25s to be enqueued chatterling interrupts */ (void) tsleep((void *)mmeyepcmcia_event_thread, PWAIT, "mmeyepcmciass", hz/4); } s = splhigh(); SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&h->events, pe_q); splx(s); switch (pe->pe_type) { case MMEYEPCMCIA_EVENT_INSERTION: s = splhigh(); while (1) { struct mmeyepcmcia_event *pe1, *pe2; if ((pe1 = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&h->events)) == NULL) break; if (pe1->pe_type != MMEYEPCMCIA_EVENT_REMOVAL) break; if ((pe2 = SIMPLEQ_NEXT(pe1, pe_q)) == NULL) break; if (pe2->pe_type == MMEYEPCMCIA_EVENT_INSERTION) { SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&h->events, pe_q); kmem_free(pe1, sizeof(*pe1)); SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&h->events, pe_q); kmem_free(pe2, sizeof(*pe2)); } } splx(s); DPRINTF(("%s: insertion event\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev))); mmeyepcmcia_attach_card(h); break; case MMEYEPCMCIA_EVENT_REMOVAL: s = splhigh(); while (1) { struct mmeyepcmcia_event *pe1, *pe2; if ((pe1 = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&h->events)) == NULL) break; if (pe1->pe_type != MMEYEPCMCIA_EVENT_INSERTION) break; if ((pe2 = SIMPLEQ_NEXT(pe1, pe_q)) == NULL) break; if (pe2->pe_type == MMEYEPCMCIA_EVENT_REMOVAL) { SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&h->events, pe_q); kmem_free(pe1, sizeof(*pe1)); SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&h->events, pe_q); kmem_free(pe2, sizeof(*pe2)); } } splx(s); DPRINTF(("%s: removal event\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev))); mmeyepcmcia_detach_card(h, DETACH_FORCE); break; default: panic("mmeyepcmcia_event_thread: unknown event %d", pe->pe_type); } kmem_free(pe, sizeof(*pe)); } h->event_thread = NULL; /* In case parent is waiting for us to exit. */ wakeup(h->sc); kthread_exit(0); } static void mmeyepcmcia_init_socket(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h) { int reg; /* * queue creation of a kernel thread to handle insert/removal events. */ #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC if (h->event_thread != NULL) panic("mmeyepcmcia_attach_socket: event thread"); #endif /* if there's a card there, then attach it. */ reg = mmeyepcmcia_read(h, MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS); reg &= ~MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS_BUSWIDTH; /* Set bus width to 16bit */ if ((reg & MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS_CARDDETECT_MASK) == MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS_CARDDETECT_PRESENT) { int i; /* reset the card */ mmeyepcmcia_write(h, MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS, reg|MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS_RESET); delay(1000); /* wait 1000 uSec */ mmeyepcmcia_write(h, MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS, reg & ~MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS_RESET); for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) delay(1000); /* wait 1 mSec */ mmeyepcmcia_attach_card(h); h->laststate = MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_PRESENT; } else { h->laststate = MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_EMPTY; } if (kthread_create(PRI_NONE, 0, NULL, mmeyepcmcia_event_thread, h, &h->event_thread, "%s", device_xname(h->sc->dev))) { printf("%s: unable to create event thread\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev)); panic("mmeyepcmcia_create_event_thread"); } } static int mmeyepcmcia_print(void *arg, const char *pnp) { if (pnp) aprint_normal("pcmcia at %s", pnp); return UNCONF; } static int mmeyepcmcia_intr(void *arg) { struct mmeyepcmcia_softc *sc = arg; DPRINTF(("%s: intr\n", device_xname(sc->dev))); mmeyepcmcia_intr_socket(&sc->handle[0]); return 0; } static int mmeyepcmcia_intr_socket(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h) { int cscreg; cscreg = mmeyepcmcia_read(h, MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC); cscreg &= (MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC_GPI | MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC_CD | MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC_READY | MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC_BATTWARN | MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC_BATTDEAD); if (cscreg & MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC_GPI) { DPRINTF(("%s: %02x GPI\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev), h->sock)); } if (cscreg & MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC_CD) { int statreg; statreg = mmeyepcmcia_read(h, MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS); DPRINTF(("%s: %02x CD %x\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev), h->sock, statreg)); if ((statreg & MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS_CARDDETECT_MASK) == MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS_CARDDETECT_PRESENT) { if (h->laststate != MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_PRESENT) { DPRINTF(("%s: enqueing INSERTION event\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev))); mmeyepcmcia_queue_event(h, MMEYEPCMCIA_EVENT_INSERTION); } h->laststate = MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_PRESENT; } else { if (h->laststate == MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_PRESENT) { /* Deactivate the card now. */ DPRINTF(("%s: deactivating card\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev))); mmeyepcmcia_deactivate_card(h); DPRINTF(("%s: enqueing REMOVAL event\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev))); mmeyepcmcia_queue_event(h, MMEYEPCMCIA_EVENT_REMOVAL); } h->laststate = ((statreg & MMEYEPCMCIA_IF_STATUS_CARDDETECT_MASK) == 0) ? MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_EMPTY : MMEYEPCMCIA_LASTSTATE_HALF; } } if (cscreg & MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC_READY) { DPRINTF(("%s: %02x READY\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev), h->sock)); /* shouldn't happen */ } if (cscreg & MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC_BATTWARN) { DPRINTF(("%s: %02x BATTWARN\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev), h->sock)); } if (cscreg & MMEYEPCMCIA_CSC_BATTDEAD) { DPRINTF(("%s: %02x BATTDEAD\n", device_xname(h->sc->dev), h->sock)); } return cscreg ? 1 : 0; } static void mmeyepcmcia_queue_event(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h, int event) { struct mmeyepcmcia_event *pe; int s; pe = kmem_intr_alloc(sizeof(*pe), KM_NOSLEEP); if (pe == NULL) panic("mmeyepcmcia_queue_event: can't allocate event"); pe->pe_type = event; s = splhigh(); SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(&h->events, pe, pe_q); splx(s); wakeup(&h->events); } static void mmeyepcmcia_attach_card(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h) { if (!(h->flags & MMEYEPCMCIA_FLAG_CARDP)) { /* call the MI attach function */ pcmcia_card_attach(h->pcmcia); h->flags |= MMEYEPCMCIA_FLAG_CARDP; } else { DPRINTF(("mmeyepcmcia_attach_card: already attached")); } } static void mmeyepcmcia_detach_card(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h, int flags) { if (h->flags & MMEYEPCMCIA_FLAG_CARDP) { h->flags &= ~MMEYEPCMCIA_FLAG_CARDP; /* call the MI detach function */ pcmcia_card_detach(h->pcmcia, flags); } else { DPRINTF(("mmeyepcmcia_detach_card: already detached")); } } static void mmeyepcmcia_deactivate_card(struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h) { /* call the MI deactivate function */ pcmcia_card_deactivate(h->pcmcia); /* Power down and reset XXX notyet */ } static int mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_alloc(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, bus_size_t size, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *pcmhp) { struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h = (struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *) pch; bus_addr_t addr; bus_size_t sizepg; int i, mask, mhandle; /* out of sc->memh, allocate as many pages as necessary */ #define MMEYEPCMCIA_MEM_ALIGN MMEYEPCMCIA_MEM_PAGESIZE /* convert size to PCIC pages */ sizepg = (size + (MMEYEPCMCIA_MEM_ALIGN - 1)) / MMEYEPCMCIA_MEM_ALIGN; if (sizepg > MMEYEPCMCIA_MAX_MEM_PAGES) return 1; mask = (1 << sizepg) - 1; addr = 0; /* XXX gcc -Wuninitialized */ mhandle = 0; /* XXX gcc -Wuninitialized */ for (i = 0; i <= MMEYEPCMCIA_MAX_MEM_PAGES - sizepg; i++) { if ((h->sc->subregionmask & (mask << i)) == (mask << i)) { mhandle = mask << i; addr = h->sc->iobase + (i * MMEYEPCMCIA_MEM_PAGESIZE); h->sc->subregionmask &= ~(mhandle); pcmhp->memt = h->sc->memt; pcmhp->memh = 0; pcmhp->addr = addr; pcmhp->size = size; pcmhp->mhandle = mhandle; pcmhp->realsize = sizepg * MMEYEPCMCIA_MEM_PAGESIZE; return 0; } } return 1; } static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_free(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *pcmhp) { struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h = (struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *) pch; h->sc->subregionmask |= pcmhp->mhandle; } static int mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_map(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, int kind, bus_addr_t card_addr, bus_size_t size, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *pcmhp, bus_size_t *offsetp, int *windowp) { struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h = (struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *) pch; bus_addr_t busaddr; int i, win; win = -1; for (i = 0; i < MMEYEPCMCIA_WINS; i++) { if ((h->memalloc & (1 << i)) == 0) { win = i; h->memalloc |= (1 << i); break; } } if (win == -1) return 1; *windowp = win; /* XXX this is pretty gross */ busaddr = pcmhp->addr + card_addr; #if defined(SH7750R) switch (kind) { case PCMCIA_MEM_ATTR: case PCMCIA_MEM_ATTR | PCMCIA_WIDTH_MEM16: pcmhp->memt = SH3_BUS_SPACE_PCMCIA_ATT; break; case PCMCIA_MEM_ATTR | PCMCIA_WIDTH_MEM8: pcmhp->memt = SH3_BUS_SPACE_PCMCIA_ATT8; break; case PCMCIA_MEM_COMMON: case PCMCIA_MEM_COMMON | PCMCIA_WIDTH_MEM16: pcmhp->memt = SH3_BUS_SPACE_PCMCIA_MEM; break; case PCMCIA_MEM_COMMON | PCMCIA_WIDTH_MEM8: pcmhp->memt = SH3_BUS_SPACE_PCMCIA_MEM8; break; default: panic("mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_map kind is bogus: 0x%x", kind); } #else if (!bus_space_is_equal(h->sc->memt, pcmhp->memt)) panic("mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_map memt is bogus"); if (kind != PCMCIA_MEM_ATTR) busaddr += MMEYEPCMCIA_ATTRMEM_SIZE; #endif if (bus_space_map(pcmhp->memt, busaddr, pcmhp->size, 0, &pcmhp->memh)) return 1; /* * compute the address offset to the pcmcia address space for the * pcic. this is intentionally signed. The masks and shifts below * will cause TRT to happen in the pcic registers. Deal with making * sure the address is aligned, and return the alignment offset. */ *offsetp = 0; DPRINTF(("mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_map window %d bus %lx+%lx+%lx at card addr " "%lx\n", win, (u_long) busaddr, (u_long) * offsetp, (u_long) size, (u_long) card_addr)); /* * include the offset in the size, and decrement size by one, since * the hw wants start/stop */ h->mem[win].addr = busaddr; h->mem[win].size = size - 1; h->mem[win].kind = kind; h->mem[win].memt = pcmhp->memt; h->mem[win].memh = pcmhp->memh; return 0; } static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_unmap(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, int window) { struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h = (struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *) pch; if (window >= MMEYEPCMCIA_WINS) panic("mmeyepcmcia_chip_mem_unmap: window out of range"); h->memalloc &= ~(1 << window); bus_space_unmap(h->mem[window].memt, h->mem[window].memh, h->mem[window].size); } static int mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_alloc(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, bus_addr_t start, bus_size_t size, bus_size_t align, struct pcmcia_io_handle *pcihp) { struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h = (struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *) pch; /* * Allocate some arbitrary I/O space. */ DPRINTF(("mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_alloc alloc port %lx+%lx\n", (u_long) ioaddr, (u_long) size)); pcihp->iot = h->sc->memt; pcihp->ioh = 0; pcihp->addr = h->sc->iobase + start; pcihp->size = size; return 0; } static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_free(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, struct pcmcia_io_handle *pcihp) { } static int mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_map(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, int width, bus_addr_t offset, bus_size_t size, struct pcmcia_io_handle *pcihp, int *windowp) { struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h = (struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *) pch; bus_addr_t busaddr; int i, win; #ifdef MMEYEPCMCIADEBUG static char *width_names[] = { "auto", "io8", "io16" }; #endif /* I/O width is hardwired to 16bit mode on mmeye. */ width = PCMCIA_WIDTH_IO16; win = -1; for (i = 0; i < MMEYEPCMCIA_IOWINS; i++) { if ((h->ioalloc & (1 << i)) == 0) { win = i; h->ioalloc |= (1 << i); break; } } if (win == -1) return 1; *windowp = win; /* XXX this is pretty gross */ busaddr = pcihp->addr + offset; #if defined(SH7750R) switch (width) { case PCMCIA_WIDTH_IO8: pcihp->iot = SH3_BUS_SPACE_PCMCIA_IO8; break; case PCMCIA_WIDTH_IO16: pcihp->iot = SH3_BUS_SPACE_PCMCIA_IO; break; case PCMCIA_WIDTH_AUTO: default: panic("mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_map width is bogus: 0x%x", width); } #else if (!bus_space_is_equal(h->sc->iot, pcihp->iot)) panic("mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_map iot is bogus"); busaddr += MMEYEPCMCIA_ATTRMEM_SIZE; #endif if (bus_space_map(pcihp->iot, busaddr, pcihp->size, 0, &pcihp->ioh)) return 1; DPRINTF(("mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_map window %d %s port %lx+%lx\n", win, width_names[width], (u_long) offset, (u_long) size)); /* XXX wtf is this doing here? */ h->io[win].addr = busaddr; h->io[win].size = size; h->io[win].width = width; h->io[win].iot = pcihp->iot; h->io[win].ioh = pcihp->ioh; return 0; } static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_unmap(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, int window) { struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *h = (struct mmeyepcmcia_handle *) pch; if (window >= MMEYEPCMCIA_IOWINS) panic("mmeyepcmcia_chip_io_unmap: window out of range"); h->ioalloc &= ~(1 << window); bus_space_unmap(h->io[window].iot, h->io[window].ioh, h->io[window].size); } static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_socket_enable(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch) { } static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_socket_disable(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch) { } static void mmeyepcmcia_chip_socket_settype(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, int type) { }