/* $NetBSD: linux_uid16.c,v 1.4 2014/05/20 17:31:18 njoly Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1998 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Frank van der Linden and Eric Haszlakiewicz. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: linux_uid16.c,v 1.4 2014/05/20 17:31:18 njoly Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/proc.h> #include <sys/kauth.h> #include <sys/syscallargs.h> #include <compat/linux/common/linux_types.h> #include <compat/linux/common/linux_signal.h> #include <compat/linux/linux_syscallargs.h> #define LINUXTOBSD_UID(u) \ (((u) == (linux_uid16_t)-1) ? -1 : (u)) #define LINUXTOBSD_GID(g) \ (((g) == (linux_gid16_t)-1) ? -1 : (g)) #define BSDTOLINUX_UID(u) \ (((u) & ~0xffff) ? (linux_uid16_t)65534 : (linux_uid16_t)(u)) #define BSDTOLINUX_GID(g) \ (((g) & ~0xffff) ? (linux_gid16_t)65534 : (linux_gid16_t)(g)) #ifndef COMPAT_LINUX32 int linux_sys_chown16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_chown16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(const char *) path; syscallarg(linux_uid16_t) uid; syscallarg(linux_gid16_t) gid; } */ struct sys___posix_chown_args bca; SCARG(&bca, path) = SCARG(uap, path); SCARG(&bca, uid) = LINUXTOBSD_UID(SCARG(uap, uid)); SCARG(&bca, gid) = LINUXTOBSD_GID(SCARG(uap, gid)); return sys___posix_chown(l, &bca, retval); } int linux_sys_fchown16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_fchown16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(int) fd; syscallarg(linux_uid16_t) uid; syscallarg(linux_gid16_t) gid; } */ struct sys___posix_fchown_args bfa; SCARG(&bfa, fd) = SCARG(uap, fd); SCARG(&bfa, uid) = LINUXTOBSD_UID(SCARG(uap, uid)); SCARG(&bfa, gid) = LINUXTOBSD_GID(SCARG(uap, gid)); return sys___posix_fchown(l, &bfa, retval); } int linux_sys_lchown16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_lchown16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(char *) path; syscallarg(linux_uid16_t) uid; syscallarg(linux_gid16_t) gid; } */ struct sys___posix_lchown_args bla; SCARG(&bla, path) = SCARG(uap, path); SCARG(&bla, uid) = LINUXTOBSD_UID(SCARG(uap, uid)); SCARG(&bla, gid) = LINUXTOBSD_GID(SCARG(uap, gid)); return sys___posix_lchown(l, &bla, retval); } int linux_sys_setreuid16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_setreuid16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(linux_uid16_t) ruid; syscallarg(linux_uid16_t) euid; } */ struct sys_setreuid_args bsa; SCARG(&bsa, ruid) = LINUXTOBSD_UID(SCARG(uap, ruid)); SCARG(&bsa, euid) = LINUXTOBSD_UID(SCARG(uap, euid)); return sys_setreuid(l, &bsa, retval); } int linux_sys_setregid16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_setregid16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(linux_gid16_t) rgid; syscallarg(linux_gid16_t) egid; } */ struct sys_setregid_args bsa; SCARG(&bsa, rgid) = LINUXTOBSD_GID(SCARG(uap, rgid)); SCARG(&bsa, egid) = LINUXTOBSD_GID(SCARG(uap, egid)); return sys_setregid(l, &bsa, retval); } int linux_sys_setresuid16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_setresuid16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(linux_uid16_t) ruid; syscallarg(linux_uid16_t) euid; syscallarg(linux_uid16_t) suid; } */ struct linux_sys_setresuid_args lsa; SCARG(&lsa, ruid) = LINUXTOBSD_UID(SCARG(uap, ruid)); SCARG(&lsa, euid) = LINUXTOBSD_UID(SCARG(uap, euid)); SCARG(&lsa, suid) = LINUXTOBSD_UID(SCARG(uap, suid)); return linux_sys_setresuid(l, &lsa, retval); } int linux_sys_setresgid16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_setresgid16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(linux_gid16_t) rgid; syscallarg(linux_gid16_t) egid; syscallarg(linux_gid16_t) sgid; } */ struct linux_sys_setresgid_args lsa; SCARG(&lsa, rgid) = LINUXTOBSD_GID(SCARG(uap, rgid)); SCARG(&lsa, egid) = LINUXTOBSD_GID(SCARG(uap, egid)); SCARG(&lsa, sgid) = LINUXTOBSD_GID(SCARG(uap, sgid)); return linux_sys_setresgid(l, &lsa, retval); } int linux_sys_getresuid16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_getresuid16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(linux_uid16_t *) ruid; syscallarg(linux_uid16_t *) euid; syscallarg(linux_uid16_t *) suid; } */ kauth_cred_t pc = l->l_cred; int error; uid_t buid; linux_uid16_t luid; buid = kauth_cred_getuid(pc); luid = BSDTOLINUX_UID(buid); if ((error = copyout(&luid, SCARG(uap, ruid), sizeof(luid))) != 0) return error; buid = kauth_cred_geteuid(pc); luid = BSDTOLINUX_UID(buid); if ((error = copyout(&luid, SCARG(uap, euid), sizeof(luid))) != 0) return error; buid = kauth_cred_getsvuid(pc); luid = BSDTOLINUX_UID(buid); return (copyout(&luid, SCARG(uap, suid), sizeof(luid))); } int linux_sys_getresgid16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_getresgid16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(linux_gid16_t *) rgid; syscallarg(linux_gid16_t *) egid; syscallarg(linux_gid16_t *) sgid; } */ kauth_cred_t pc = l->l_cred; int error; gid_t bgid; linux_gid16_t lgid; bgid = kauth_cred_getgid(pc); lgid = BSDTOLINUX_GID(bgid); if ((error = copyout(&lgid, SCARG(uap, rgid), sizeof(lgid))) != 0) return error; bgid = kauth_cred_getegid(pc); lgid = BSDTOLINUX_GID(bgid); if ((error = copyout(&lgid, SCARG(uap, egid), sizeof(lgid))) != 0) return error; bgid = kauth_cred_getsvgid(pc); lgid = BSDTOLINUX_GID(bgid); return (copyout(&lgid, SCARG(uap, sgid), sizeof(lgid))); } #endif /* !COMPAT_LINUX32 */ int linux_sys_getgroups16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_getgroups16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(int) gidsetsize; syscallarg(linux_gid16_t *) gidset; } */ linux_gid16_t lset[16]; linux_gid16_t *gidset; unsigned int ngrps; int i, n, j; int error; ngrps = kauth_cred_ngroups(l->l_cred); *retval = ngrps; if (SCARG(uap, gidsetsize) == 0) return 0; if (SCARG(uap, gidsetsize) < (int)ngrps) return EINVAL; gidset = SCARG(uap, gidset); for (i = 0; i < (n = ngrps); i += n, gidset += n) { n -= i; if (n > __arraycount(lset)) n = __arraycount(lset); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) lset[j] = kauth_cred_group(l->l_cred, i + j); error = copyout(lset, gidset, n * sizeof(lset[0])); if (error != 0) return error; } return 0; } /* * It is very unlikly that any problem using 16bit groups is written * to allow for more than 16 of them, so don't bother trying to * support that. */ #define COMPAT_NGROUPS16 16 int linux_sys_setgroups16(struct lwp *l, const struct linux_sys_setgroups16_args *uap, register_t *retval) { /* { syscallarg(int) gidsetsize; syscallarg(linux_gid16_t *) gidset; } */ linux_gid16_t lset[COMPAT_NGROUPS16]; kauth_cred_t ncred; int error; gid_t grbuf[COMPAT_NGROUPS16]; unsigned int i, ngroups = SCARG(uap, gidsetsize); if (ngroups > COMPAT_NGROUPS16) return EINVAL; error = copyin(SCARG(uap, gidset), lset, ngroups); if (error != 0) return error; for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) grbuf[i] = lset[i]; ncred = kauth_cred_alloc(); error = kauth_cred_setgroups(ncred, grbuf, SCARG(uap, gidsetsize), -1, UIO_SYSSPACE); if (error != 0) { kauth_cred_free(ncred); return error; } return kauth_proc_setgroups(l, ncred); }