/* $NetBSD: qat_hw15.c,v 1.1 2019/11/20 09:37:46 hikaru Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2019 Internet Initiative Japan, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright(c) 2007-2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: qat_hw15.c,v 1.1 2019/11/20 09:37:46 hikaru Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/proc.h> #include <opencrypto/xform.h> /* XXX same as sys/arch/x86/x86/via_padlock.c */ #include <opencrypto/cryptosoft_xform.c> #include <dev/pci/pcireg.h> #include <dev/pci/pcivar.h> #include "qatreg.h" #include "qat_hw15reg.h" #include "qatvar.h" #include "qat_hw15var.h" int qat_adm_ring_init_ring_table(struct qat_softc *); void qat_adm_ring_build_slice_mask(uint16_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t); void qat_adm_ring_build_shram_mask(uint64_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t); int qat_adm_ring_build_ring_table(struct qat_softc *, uint32_t); int qat_adm_ring_build_init_msg(struct qat_softc *, struct fw_init_req *, enum fw_init_cmd_id, uint32_t, struct qat_accel_init_cb *); int qat_adm_ring_send_init_msg_sync(struct qat_softc *, enum fw_init_cmd_id, uint32_t); int qat_adm_ring_send_init_msg(struct qat_softc *, enum fw_init_cmd_id); int qat_adm_ring_intr(struct qat_softc *, void *, void *); uint32_t qat_crypto_setup_cipher_desc(struct qat_session *, struct qat_crypto_desc *desc, struct cryptoini *, struct fw_cipher_hdr *, uint8_t *, uint32_t, enum fw_slice); uint32_t qat_crypto_setup_auth_desc(struct qat_session *, struct qat_crypto_desc *, struct cryptoini *, struct fw_auth_hdr *, uint8_t *, uint32_t, enum fw_slice); void qat_msg_req_type_populate(struct arch_if_req_hdr *msg, enum arch_if_req type, uint32_t rxring) { memset(msg, 0, sizeof(struct arch_if_req_hdr)); msg->flags = ARCH_IF_FLAGS_VALID_FLAG | ARCH_IF_FLAGS_RESP_RING_TYPE_ET | ARCH_IF_FLAGS_RESP_TYPE_S; msg->req_type = type; msg->resp_pipe_id = rxring; } void qat_msg_cmn_hdr_populate(struct fw_la_bulk_req *msg, bus_addr_t desc_paddr, uint8_t hdrsz, uint8_t hwblksz, uint16_t comn_req_flags, uint32_t flow_id) { struct fw_comn_req_hdr *hdr = &msg->comn_hdr; hdr->comn_req_flags = comn_req_flags; hdr->content_desc_params_sz = hwblksz; hdr->content_desc_hdr_sz = hdrsz; hdr->content_desc_addr = desc_paddr; msg->flow_id = flow_id; } void qat_msg_service_cmd_populate(struct fw_la_bulk_req *msg, enum fw_la_cmd_id cmdid, uint16_t cmd_flags) { msg->comn_la_req.la_cmd_id = cmdid; msg->comn_la_req.u.la_flags = cmd_flags; } void qat_msg_cmn_mid_populate(struct fw_comn_req_mid *msg, void *cookie, uint64_t src, uint64_t dst) { msg->opaque_data = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)cookie; msg->src_data_addr = src; if (dst == 0) msg->dest_data_addr = src; else msg->dest_data_addr = dst; } void qat_msg_req_params_populate(struct fw_la_bulk_req *msg, bus_addr_t req_params_paddr, uint8_t req_params_sz) { msg->req_params_addr = req_params_paddr; msg->comn_la_req.u1.req_params_blk_sz = req_params_sz / 8; } void qat_msg_cmn_footer_populate(union fw_comn_req_ftr *msg, uint64_t next_addr) { msg->next_request_addr = next_addr; } void qat_msg_params_populate(struct fw_la_bulk_req *msg, struct qat_crypto_desc *desc, uint8_t req_params_sz, uint16_t service_cmd_flags, uint16_t comn_req_flags) { qat_msg_cmn_hdr_populate(msg, desc->qcd_desc_paddr, desc->qcd_hdr_sz, desc->qcd_hw_blk_sz, comn_req_flags, 0); qat_msg_service_cmd_populate(msg, desc->qcd_cmd_id, service_cmd_flags); qat_msg_cmn_mid_populate(&msg->comn_mid, NULL, 0, 0); qat_msg_req_params_populate(msg, 0, req_params_sz); qat_msg_cmn_footer_populate(&msg->comn_ftr, 0); } int qat_adm_ring_init_ring_table(struct qat_softc *sc) { struct qat_admin_rings *qadr = &sc->sc_admin_rings; if (sc->sc_ae_num == 1) { qadr->qadr_cya_ring_tbl = &qadr->qadr_master_ring_tbl[0]; qadr->qadr_srv_mask[0] = QAT_SERVICE_CRYPTO_A; } else if (sc->sc_ae_num == 2 || sc->sc_ae_num == 4) { qadr->qadr_cya_ring_tbl = &qadr->qadr_master_ring_tbl[0]; qadr->qadr_srv_mask[0] = QAT_SERVICE_CRYPTO_A; qadr->qadr_cyb_ring_tbl = &qadr->qadr_master_ring_tbl[1]; qadr->qadr_srv_mask[1] = QAT_SERVICE_CRYPTO_B; } return 0; } int qat_adm_ring_init(struct qat_softc *sc) { struct qat_admin_rings *qadr = &sc->sc_admin_rings; int error, i, j; error = qat_alloc_dmamem(sc, &qadr->qadr_dma, PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE); if (error) return error; qadr->qadr_master_ring_tbl = qadr->qadr_dma.qdm_dma_vaddr; KASSERT(sc->sc_ae_num * sizeof(struct fw_init_ring_table) <= PAGE_SIZE); /* Initialize the Master Ring Table */ for (i = 0; i < sc->sc_ae_num; i++) { struct fw_init_ring_table *firt = &qadr->qadr_master_ring_tbl[i]; for (j = 0; j < INIT_RING_TABLE_SZ; j++) { struct fw_init_ring_params *firp = &firt->firt_bulk_rings[j]; firp->firp_reserved = 0; firp->firp_curr_weight = QAT_DEFAULT_RING_WEIGHT; firp->firp_init_weight = QAT_DEFAULT_RING_WEIGHT; firp->firp_ring_pvl = QAT_DEFAULT_PVL; } memset(firt->firt_ring_mask, 0, sizeof(firt->firt_ring_mask)); } error = qat_etr_setup_ring(sc, 0, RING_NUM_ADMIN_TX, ADMIN_RING_SIZE, sc->sc_hw.qhw_fw_req_size, NULL, NULL, "admin_tx", &qadr->qadr_admin_tx); if (error) return error; error = qat_etr_setup_ring(sc, 0, RING_NUM_ADMIN_RX, ADMIN_RING_SIZE, sc->sc_hw.qhw_fw_resp_size, qat_adm_ring_intr, qadr, "admin_rx", &qadr->qadr_admin_rx); if (error) return error; /* * Finally set up the service indices into the Master Ring Table * and convenient ring table pointers for each service enabled. * Only the Admin rings are initialized. */ error = qat_adm_ring_init_ring_table(sc); if (error) return error; /* * Calculate the number of active AEs per QAT * needed for Shram partitioning. */ for (i = 0; i < sc->sc_ae_num; i++) { if (qadr->qadr_srv_mask[i]) qadr->qadr_active_aes_per_accel++; } return 0; } void qat_adm_ring_build_slice_mask(uint16_t *slice_mask, uint32_t srv_mask, uint32_t init_shram) { uint16_t shram = 0, comn_req = 0; if (init_shram) shram = COMN_REQ_SHRAM_INIT_REQUIRED; if (srv_mask & QAT_SERVICE_CRYPTO_A) comn_req |= COMN_REQ_CY0_ONLY(shram); if (srv_mask & QAT_SERVICE_CRYPTO_B) comn_req |= COMN_REQ_CY1_ONLY(shram); *slice_mask = comn_req; } void qat_adm_ring_build_shram_mask(uint64_t *shram_mask, uint32_t active_aes, uint32_t ae) { *shram_mask = 0; if (active_aes == 1) { *shram_mask = ~(*shram_mask); } else if (active_aes == 2) { if (ae == 1) *shram_mask = ((~(*shram_mask)) & 0xffffffff); else *shram_mask = ((~(*shram_mask)) & 0xffffffff00000000ull); } else if (active_aes == 3) { if (ae == 0) *shram_mask = ((~(*shram_mask)) & 0x7fffff); else if (ae == 1) *shram_mask = ((~(*shram_mask)) & 0x3fffff800000ull); else *shram_mask = ((~(*shram_mask)) & 0xffffc00000000000ull); } else { panic("Only three services are supported in current version"); } } int qat_adm_ring_build_ring_table(struct qat_softc *sc, uint32_t ae) { struct qat_admin_rings *qadr = &sc->sc_admin_rings; struct fw_init_ring_table *tbl; struct fw_init_ring_params *param; uint8_t srv_mask = sc->sc_admin_rings.qadr_srv_mask[ae]; if ((srv_mask & QAT_SERVICE_CRYPTO_A)) { tbl = qadr->qadr_cya_ring_tbl; } else if ((srv_mask & QAT_SERVICE_CRYPTO_B)) { tbl = qadr->qadr_cyb_ring_tbl; } else { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "Invalid execution engine %d\n", ae); return EINVAL; } param = &tbl->firt_bulk_rings[sc->sc_hw.qhw_ring_sym_tx]; param->firp_curr_weight = QAT_HI_PRIO_RING_WEIGHT; param->firp_init_weight = QAT_HI_PRIO_RING_WEIGHT; FW_INIT_RING_MASK_SET(tbl, sc->sc_hw.qhw_ring_sym_tx); return 0; } int qat_adm_ring_build_init_msg(struct qat_softc *sc, struct fw_init_req *initmsg, enum fw_init_cmd_id cmd, uint32_t ae, struct qat_accel_init_cb *cb) { struct fw_init_set_ae_info_hdr *aehdr; struct fw_init_set_ae_info *aeinfo; struct fw_init_set_ring_info_hdr *ringhdr; struct fw_init_set_ring_info *ringinfo; int init_shram = 0, tgt_id, cluster_id; uint32_t srv_mask; srv_mask = sc->sc_admin_rings.qadr_srv_mask[ ae % sc->sc_ae_num]; memset(initmsg, 0, sizeof(struct fw_init_req)); qat_msg_req_type_populate(&initmsg->comn_hdr.arch_if, ARCH_IF_REQ_QAT_FW_INIT, sc->sc_admin_rings.qadr_admin_rx->qr_ring_id); qat_msg_cmn_mid_populate(&initmsg->comn_mid, cb, 0, 0); switch (cmd) { case FW_INIT_CMD_SET_AE_INFO: if (ae % sc->sc_ae_num == 0) init_shram = 1; if (ae >= sc->sc_ae_num) { tgt_id = 1; cluster_id = 1; } else { cluster_id = 0; if (sc->sc_ae_mask) tgt_id = 0; else tgt_id = 1; } aehdr = &initmsg->u.set_ae_info; aeinfo = &initmsg->u1.set_ae_info; aehdr->init_cmd_id = cmd; /* XXX that does not support sparse ae_mask */ aehdr->init_trgt_id = ae; aehdr->init_ring_cluster_id = cluster_id; aehdr->init_qat_id = tgt_id; qat_adm_ring_build_slice_mask(&aehdr->init_slice_mask, srv_mask, init_shram); qat_adm_ring_build_shram_mask(&aeinfo->init_shram_mask, sc->sc_admin_rings.qadr_active_aes_per_accel, ae % sc->sc_ae_num); break; case FW_INIT_CMD_SET_RING_INFO: ringhdr = &initmsg->u.set_ring_info; ringinfo = &initmsg->u1.set_ring_info; ringhdr->init_cmd_id = cmd; /* XXX that does not support sparse ae_mask */ ringhdr->init_trgt_id = ae; /* XXX */ qat_adm_ring_build_ring_table(sc, ae % sc->sc_ae_num); ringhdr->init_ring_tbl_sz = sizeof(struct fw_init_ring_table); ringinfo->init_ring_table_ptr = sc->sc_admin_rings.qadr_dma.qdm_dma_seg.ds_addr + ((ae % sc->sc_ae_num) * sizeof(struct fw_init_ring_table)); break; default: return ENOTSUP; } return 0; } int qat_adm_ring_send_init_msg_sync(struct qat_softc *sc, enum fw_init_cmd_id cmd, uint32_t ae) { struct fw_init_req initmsg; struct qat_accel_init_cb cb; int error; error = qat_adm_ring_build_init_msg(sc, &initmsg, cmd, ae, &cb); if (error) return error; error = qat_etr_put_msg(sc, sc->sc_admin_rings.qadr_admin_tx, (uint32_t *)&initmsg); if (error) return error; error = tsleep(&cb, PZERO, "qat_init", hz * 3 / 2); if (error) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "Timed out initialization firmware: %d\n", error); return error; } if (cb.qaic_status) { aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "Failed to initialize firmware\n"); return EIO; } return error; } int qat_adm_ring_send_init_msg(struct qat_softc *sc, enum fw_init_cmd_id cmd) { struct qat_admin_rings *qadr = &sc->sc_admin_rings; uint32_t error, ae; for (ae = 0; ae < sc->sc_ae_num; ae++) { uint8_t srv_mask = qadr->qadr_srv_mask[ae]; switch (cmd) { case FW_INIT_CMD_SET_AE_INFO: case FW_INIT_CMD_SET_RING_INFO: if (!srv_mask) continue; break; case FW_INIT_CMD_TRNG_ENABLE: case FW_INIT_CMD_TRNG_DISABLE: if (!(srv_mask & QAT_SERVICE_CRYPTO_A)) continue; break; default: return ENOTSUP; } error = qat_adm_ring_send_init_msg_sync(sc, cmd, ae); if (error) return error; } return 0; } int qat_adm_ring_send_init(struct qat_softc *sc) { int error; error = qat_adm_ring_send_init_msg(sc, FW_INIT_CMD_SET_AE_INFO); if (error) return error; error = qat_adm_ring_send_init_msg(sc, FW_INIT_CMD_SET_RING_INFO); if (error) return error; aprint_verbose_dev(sc->sc_dev, "Initialization completed\n"); return 0; } int qat_adm_ring_intr(struct qat_softc *sc, void *arg, void *msg) { struct arch_if_resp_hdr *resp; struct fw_init_resp *init_resp; struct qat_accel_init_cb *init_cb; int handled = 0; resp = (struct arch_if_resp_hdr *)msg; switch (resp->resp_type) { case ARCH_IF_REQ_QAT_FW_INIT: init_resp = (struct fw_init_resp *)msg; init_cb = (struct qat_accel_init_cb *) (uintptr_t)init_resp->comn_resp.opaque_data; init_cb->qaic_status = __SHIFTOUT(init_resp->comn_resp.comn_status, COMN_RESP_INIT_ADMIN_STATUS); wakeup(init_cb); break; default: aprint_error_dev(sc->sc_dev, "unknown resp type %d\n", resp->resp_type); break; } return handled; } static inline uint16_t qat_hw15_get_comn_req_flags(uint8_t ae) { if (ae == 0) { return COMN_REQ_ORD_STRICT | COMN_REQ_PTR_TYPE_SGL | COMN_REQ_AUTH0_SLICE_REQUIRED | COMN_REQ_CIPHER0_SLICE_REQUIRED; } else { return COMN_REQ_ORD_STRICT | COMN_REQ_PTR_TYPE_SGL | COMN_REQ_AUTH1_SLICE_REQUIRED | COMN_REQ_CIPHER1_SLICE_REQUIRED; } } uint32_t qat_crypto_setup_cipher_desc(struct qat_session *qs, struct qat_crypto_desc *desc, struct cryptoini *crie, struct fw_cipher_hdr *cipher_hdr, uint8_t *hw_blk_ptr, uint32_t hw_blk_offset, enum fw_slice next_slice) { struct hw_cipher_config *cipher_config = (struct hw_cipher_config *) (hw_blk_ptr + hw_blk_offset); uint32_t hw_blk_size; uint8_t *cipher_key = (uint8_t *)(cipher_config + 1); cipher_config->val = qat_crypto_load_cipher_cryptoini(desc, crie); cipher_config->reserved = 0; cipher_hdr->state_padding_sz = 0; cipher_hdr->key_sz = crie->cri_klen / 64; /* bits to quad words */ cipher_hdr->state_sz = desc->qcd_cipher_blk_sz / 8; cipher_hdr->next_id = next_slice; cipher_hdr->curr_id = FW_SLICE_CIPHER; cipher_hdr->offset = hw_blk_offset / 8; cipher_hdr->resrvd = 0; hw_blk_size = sizeof(struct hw_cipher_config); memcpy(cipher_key, crie->cri_key, crie->cri_klen / 8); hw_blk_size += crie->cri_klen / 8; return hw_blk_size; } uint32_t qat_crypto_setup_auth_desc(struct qat_session *qs, struct qat_crypto_desc *desc, struct cryptoini *cria, struct fw_auth_hdr *auth_hdr, uint8_t *hw_blk_ptr, uint32_t hw_blk_offset, enum fw_slice next_slice) { struct qat_sym_hash_def const *hash_def; const struct swcr_auth_hash *sah; struct hw_auth_setup *auth_setup; uint32_t hw_blk_size; uint8_t *state1, *state2; uint32_t state_size; auth_setup = (struct hw_auth_setup *)(hw_blk_ptr + hw_blk_offset); auth_setup->auth_config.config = qat_crypto_load_auth_cryptoini(desc, cria, &hash_def); sah = hash_def->qshd_alg->qshai_sah; auth_setup->auth_config.reserved = 0; /* for HMAC in mode 1 authCounter is the block size * else the authCounter is 0. The firmware expects the counter to be * big endian */ auth_setup->auth_counter.counter = htonl(hash_def->qshd_qat->qshqi_auth_counter); auth_setup->auth_counter.reserved = 0; auth_hdr->next_id = next_slice; auth_hdr->curr_id = FW_SLICE_AUTH; auth_hdr->offset = hw_blk_offset / 8; auth_hdr->resrvd = 0; auth_hdr->hash_flags = FW_AUTH_HDR_FLAG_NO_NESTED; auth_hdr->u.inner_prefix_sz = 0; auth_hdr->outer_prefix_sz = 0; auth_hdr->final_sz = sah->auth_hash->authsize; auth_hdr->inner_state1_sz = roundup(hash_def->qshd_qat->qshqi_state1_len, 8); auth_hdr->inner_res_sz = hash_def->qshd_alg->qshai_digest_len; auth_hdr->inner_state2_sz = roundup(hash_def->qshd_qat->qshqi_state2_len, 8); auth_hdr->inner_state2_off = auth_hdr->offset + ((sizeof(struct hw_auth_setup) + auth_hdr->inner_state1_sz) / 8); hw_blk_size = sizeof(struct hw_auth_setup) + auth_hdr->inner_state1_sz + auth_hdr->inner_state2_sz; auth_hdr->outer_config_off = 0; auth_hdr->outer_state1_sz = 0; auth_hdr->outer_res_sz = 0; auth_hdr->outer_prefix_off = 0; state1 = (uint8_t *)(auth_setup + 1); state2 = state1 + auth_hdr->inner_state1_sz; state_size = hash_def->qshd_alg->qshai_state_size; if (hash_def->qshd_qat->qshqi_algo_enc == HW_AUTH_ALGO_SHA1) { uint32_t state1_pad_len = auth_hdr->inner_state1_sz - state_size; uint32_t state2_pad_len = auth_hdr->inner_state2_sz - state_size; if (state1_pad_len > 0) memset(state1 + state_size, 0, state1_pad_len); if (state2_pad_len > 0) memset(state2 + state_size, 0, state2_pad_len); } desc->qcd_state_storage_sz = (sizeof(struct hw_auth_counter) + roundup(state_size, 8)) / 8; qat_crypto_hmac_precompute(desc, cria, hash_def, state1, state2); return hw_blk_size; } void qat_hw15_crypto_setup_desc(struct qat_crypto *qcy, struct qat_session *qs, struct qat_crypto_desc *desc, struct cryptoini *crie, struct cryptoini *cria) { struct fw_cipher_hdr *cipher_hdr; struct fw_auth_hdr *auth_hdr; struct fw_la_bulk_req *req_cache; uint32_t ctrl_blk_size = 0, ctrl_blk_offset = 0, hw_blk_offset = 0; int i; uint16_t la_cmd_flags = 0; uint8_t req_params_sz = 0; uint8_t *ctrl_blk_ptr; uint8_t *hw_blk_ptr; if (crie != NULL) ctrl_blk_size += sizeof(struct fw_cipher_hdr); if (cria != NULL) ctrl_blk_size += sizeof(struct fw_auth_hdr); ctrl_blk_ptr = desc->qcd_content_desc; hw_blk_ptr = ctrl_blk_ptr + ctrl_blk_size; for (i = 0; i < MAX_FW_SLICE; i++) { switch (desc->qcd_slices[i]) { case FW_SLICE_CIPHER: cipher_hdr = (struct fw_cipher_hdr *)(ctrl_blk_ptr + ctrl_blk_offset); ctrl_blk_offset += sizeof(struct fw_cipher_hdr); hw_blk_offset += qat_crypto_setup_cipher_desc(qs, desc, crie, cipher_hdr, hw_blk_ptr, hw_blk_offset, desc->qcd_slices[i + 1]); req_params_sz += sizeof(struct fw_la_cipher_req_params); break; case FW_SLICE_AUTH: auth_hdr = (struct fw_auth_hdr *)(ctrl_blk_ptr + ctrl_blk_offset); ctrl_blk_offset += sizeof(struct fw_auth_hdr); hw_blk_offset += qat_crypto_setup_auth_desc(qs, desc, cria, auth_hdr, hw_blk_ptr, hw_blk_offset, desc->qcd_slices[i + 1]); req_params_sz += sizeof(struct fw_la_auth_req_params); la_cmd_flags |= LA_FLAGS_RET_AUTH_RES; /* no digest verify */ break; case FW_SLICE_DRAM_WR: i = MAX_FW_SLICE; /* end of chain */ break; default: KASSERT(0); break; } } desc->qcd_hdr_sz = ctrl_blk_offset / 8; desc->qcd_hw_blk_sz = hw_blk_offset / 8; req_cache = (struct fw_la_bulk_req *)desc->qcd_req_cache; qat_msg_req_type_populate( &req_cache->comn_hdr.arch_if, ARCH_IF_REQ_QAT_FW_LA, 0); la_cmd_flags |= LA_FLAGS_PROTO_NO; qat_msg_params_populate(req_cache, desc, req_params_sz, la_cmd_flags, 0); #ifdef QAT_DUMP qat_dump_raw(QAT_DUMP_DESC, "qcd_content_desc", desc->qcd_content_desc, sizeof(desc->qcd_content_desc)); qat_dump_raw(QAT_DUMP_DESC, "qcd_req_cache", &desc->qcd_req_cache, sizeof(desc->qcd_req_cache)); #endif bus_dmamap_sync(qcy->qcy_sc->sc_dmat, qcy->qcy_session_dmamems[qs->qs_lid].qdm_dma_map, 0, sizeof(struct qat_session), BUS_DMASYNC_PREWRITE); } void qat_hw15_crypto_setup_req_params(struct qat_crypto_bank *qcb, struct qat_session *qs, struct qat_crypto_desc const *desc, struct qat_sym_cookie *qsc, struct cryptodesc *crde, struct cryptodesc *crda, bus_addr_t icv_paddr) { struct qat_sym_bulk_cookie *qsbc; struct fw_la_bulk_req *bulk_req; struct fw_la_cipher_req_params *cipher_req; struct fw_la_auth_req_params *auth_req; uint32_t req_params_offset = 0; uint8_t *req_params_ptr; enum fw_la_cmd_id cmd_id = desc->qcd_cmd_id; enum fw_slice next_slice; qsbc = &qsc->u.qsc_bulk_cookie; bulk_req = (struct fw_la_bulk_req *)qsbc->qsbc_msg; memcpy(bulk_req, &desc->qcd_req_cache, QAT_HW15_SESSION_REQ_CACHE_SIZE); bulk_req->comn_hdr.arch_if.resp_pipe_id = qcb->qcb_sym_rx->qr_ring_id; bulk_req->comn_hdr.comn_req_flags = qat_hw15_get_comn_req_flags(qcb->qcb_bank % 2); bulk_req->comn_mid.src_data_addr = qsc->qsc_buffer_list_desc_paddr; bulk_req->comn_mid.dest_data_addr = qsc->qsc_buffer_list_desc_paddr; bulk_req->req_params_addr = qsc->qsc_bulk_req_params_buf_paddr; bulk_req->comn_ftr.next_request_addr = 0; bulk_req->comn_mid.opaque_data = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)qsc; if (icv_paddr != 0) bulk_req->comn_la_req.u.la_flags |= LA_FLAGS_DIGEST_IN_BUFFER; req_params_ptr = qsbc->qsbc_req_params_buf; if (cmd_id != FW_LA_CMD_AUTH) { cipher_req = (struct fw_la_cipher_req_params *) (req_params_ptr + req_params_offset); req_params_offset += sizeof(struct fw_la_cipher_req_params); if (cmd_id == FW_LA_CMD_CIPHER || cmd_id == FW_LA_CMD_HASH_CIPHER) next_slice = FW_SLICE_DRAM_WR; else next_slice = FW_SLICE_AUTH; cipher_req->resrvd = 0; cipher_req->cipher_state_sz = desc->qcd_cipher_blk_sz / 8; cipher_req->curr_id = FW_SLICE_CIPHER; cipher_req->next_id = next_slice; cipher_req->resrvd1 = 0; cipher_req->cipher_off = crde->crd_skip; cipher_req->cipher_len = crde->crd_len; cipher_req->state_address = qsc->qsc_iv_buf_paddr; } if (cmd_id != FW_LA_CMD_CIPHER) { auth_req = (struct fw_la_auth_req_params *) (req_params_ptr + req_params_offset); req_params_offset += sizeof(struct fw_la_auth_req_params); if (cmd_id == FW_LA_CMD_HASH_CIPHER) next_slice = FW_SLICE_CIPHER; else next_slice = FW_SLICE_DRAM_WR; auth_req->next_id = next_slice; auth_req->curr_id = FW_SLICE_AUTH; auth_req->auth_res_address = icv_paddr; auth_req->auth_res_sz = 0; /* no digest verify */ auth_req->auth_len = crda->crd_len; auth_req->auth_off = crda->crd_skip; auth_req->hash_state_sz = 0; auth_req->u1.prefix_addr = desc->qcd_hash_state_paddr + desc->qcd_state_storage_sz; auth_req->u.resrvd = 0; } #ifdef QAT_DUMP qat_dump_raw(QAT_DUMP_DESC, "req_params", req_params_ptr, req_params_offset); #endif }