//===- FuzzerDriver.cpp - FuzzerDriver function and flags -----------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // FuzzerDriver and flag parsing. //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "FuzzerCommand.h" #include "FuzzerCorpus.h" #include "FuzzerIO.h" #include "FuzzerInterface.h" #include "FuzzerInternal.h" #include "FuzzerMutate.h" #include "FuzzerRandom.h" #include "FuzzerShmem.h" #include "FuzzerTracePC.h" #include <algorithm> #include <atomic> #include <chrono> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <mutex> #include <string> #include <thread> // This function should be present in the libFuzzer so that the client // binary can test for its existence. extern "C" __attribute__((used)) void __libfuzzer_is_present() {} namespace fuzzer { // Program arguments. struct FlagDescription { const char *Name; const char *Description; int Default; int *IntFlag; const char **StrFlag; unsigned int *UIntFlag; }; struct { #define FUZZER_DEPRECATED_FLAG(Name) #define FUZZER_FLAG_INT(Name, Default, Description) int Name; #define FUZZER_FLAG_UNSIGNED(Name, Default, Description) unsigned int Name; #define FUZZER_FLAG_STRING(Name, Description) const char *Name; #include "FuzzerFlags.def" #undef FUZZER_DEPRECATED_FLAG #undef FUZZER_FLAG_INT #undef FUZZER_FLAG_UNSIGNED #undef FUZZER_FLAG_STRING } Flags; static const FlagDescription FlagDescriptions [] { #define FUZZER_DEPRECATED_FLAG(Name) \ {#Name, "Deprecated; don't use", 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, #define FUZZER_FLAG_INT(Name, Default, Description) \ {#Name, Description, Default, &Flags.Name, nullptr, nullptr}, #define FUZZER_FLAG_UNSIGNED(Name, Default, Description) \ {#Name, Description, static_cast<int>(Default), \ nullptr, nullptr, &Flags.Name}, #define FUZZER_FLAG_STRING(Name, Description) \ {#Name, Description, 0, nullptr, &Flags.Name, nullptr}, #include "FuzzerFlags.def" #undef FUZZER_DEPRECATED_FLAG #undef FUZZER_FLAG_INT #undef FUZZER_FLAG_UNSIGNED #undef FUZZER_FLAG_STRING }; static const size_t kNumFlags = sizeof(FlagDescriptions) / sizeof(FlagDescriptions[0]); static Vector<std::string> *Inputs; static std::string *ProgName; static void PrintHelp() { Printf("Usage:\n"); auto Prog = ProgName->c_str(); Printf("\nTo run fuzzing pass 0 or more directories.\n"); Printf("%s [-flag1=val1 [-flag2=val2 ...] ] [dir1 [dir2 ...] ]\n", Prog); Printf("\nTo run individual tests without fuzzing pass 1 or more files:\n"); Printf("%s [-flag1=val1 [-flag2=val2 ...] ] file1 [file2 ...]\n", Prog); Printf("\nFlags: (strictly in form -flag=value)\n"); size_t MaxFlagLen = 0; for (size_t F = 0; F < kNumFlags; F++) MaxFlagLen = std::max(strlen(FlagDescriptions[F].Name), MaxFlagLen); for (size_t F = 0; F < kNumFlags; F++) { const auto &D = FlagDescriptions[F]; if (strstr(D.Description, "internal flag") == D.Description) continue; Printf(" %s", D.Name); for (size_t i = 0, n = MaxFlagLen - strlen(D.Name); i < n; i++) Printf(" "); Printf("\t"); Printf("%d\t%s\n", D.Default, D.Description); } Printf("\nFlags starting with '--' will be ignored and " "will be passed verbatim to subprocesses.\n"); } static const char *FlagValue(const char *Param, const char *Name) { size_t Len = strlen(Name); if (Param[0] == '-' && strstr(Param + 1, Name) == Param + 1 && Param[Len + 1] == '=') return &Param[Len + 2]; return nullptr; } // Avoid calling stol as it triggers a bug in clang/glibc build. static long MyStol(const char *Str) { long Res = 0; long Sign = 1; if (*Str == '-') { Str++; Sign = -1; } for (size_t i = 0; Str[i]; i++) { char Ch = Str[i]; if (Ch < '0' || Ch > '9') return Res; Res = Res * 10 + (Ch - '0'); } return Res * Sign; } static bool ParseOneFlag(const char *Param) { if (Param[0] != '-') return false; if (Param[1] == '-') { static bool PrintedWarning = false; if (!PrintedWarning) { PrintedWarning = true; Printf("INFO: libFuzzer ignores flags that start with '--'\n"); } for (size_t F = 0; F < kNumFlags; F++) if (FlagValue(Param + 1, FlagDescriptions[F].Name)) Printf("WARNING: did you mean '%s' (single dash)?\n", Param + 1); return true; } for (size_t F = 0; F < kNumFlags; F++) { const char *Name = FlagDescriptions[F].Name; const char *Str = FlagValue(Param, Name); if (Str) { if (FlagDescriptions[F].IntFlag) { int Val = MyStol(Str); *FlagDescriptions[F].IntFlag = Val; if (Flags.verbosity >= 2) Printf("Flag: %s %d\n", Name, Val); return true; } else if (FlagDescriptions[F].UIntFlag) { unsigned int Val = std::stoul(Str); *FlagDescriptions[F].UIntFlag = Val; if (Flags.verbosity >= 2) Printf("Flag: %s %u\n", Name, Val); return true; } else if (FlagDescriptions[F].StrFlag) { *FlagDescriptions[F].StrFlag = Str; if (Flags.verbosity >= 2) Printf("Flag: %s %s\n", Name, Str); return true; } else { // Deprecated flag. Printf("Flag: %s: deprecated, don't use\n", Name); return true; } } } Printf("\n\nWARNING: unrecognized flag '%s'; " "use -help=1 to list all flags\n\n", Param); return true; } // We don't use any library to minimize dependencies. static void ParseFlags(const Vector<std::string> &Args) { for (size_t F = 0; F < kNumFlags; F++) { if (FlagDescriptions[F].IntFlag) *FlagDescriptions[F].IntFlag = FlagDescriptions[F].Default; if (FlagDescriptions[F].UIntFlag) *FlagDescriptions[F].UIntFlag = static_cast<unsigned int>(FlagDescriptions[F].Default); if (FlagDescriptions[F].StrFlag) *FlagDescriptions[F].StrFlag = nullptr; } Inputs = new Vector<std::string>; for (size_t A = 1; A < Args.size(); A++) { if (ParseOneFlag(Args[A].c_str())) { if (Flags.ignore_remaining_args) break; continue; } Inputs->push_back(Args[A]); } } static std::mutex Mu; static void PulseThread() { while (true) { SleepSeconds(600); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mu); Printf("pulse...\n"); } } static void WorkerThread(const Command &BaseCmd, std::atomic<unsigned> *Counter, unsigned NumJobs, std::atomic<bool> *HasErrors) { while (true) { unsigned C = (*Counter)++; if (C >= NumJobs) break; std::string Log = "fuzz-" + std::to_string(C) + ".log"; Command Cmd(BaseCmd); Cmd.setOutputFile(Log); Cmd.combineOutAndErr(); if (Flags.verbosity) { std::string CommandLine = Cmd.toString(); Printf("%s\n", CommandLine.c_str()); } int ExitCode = ExecuteCommand(Cmd); if (ExitCode != 0) *HasErrors = true; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mu); Printf("================== Job %u exited with exit code %d ============\n", C, ExitCode); fuzzer::CopyFileToErr(Log); } } std::string CloneArgsWithoutX(const Vector<std::string> &Args, const char *X1, const char *X2) { std::string Cmd; for (auto &S : Args) { if (FlagValue(S.c_str(), X1) || FlagValue(S.c_str(), X2)) continue; Cmd += S + " "; } return Cmd; } static int RunInMultipleProcesses(const Vector<std::string> &Args, unsigned NumWorkers, unsigned NumJobs) { std::atomic<unsigned> Counter(0); std::atomic<bool> HasErrors(false); Command Cmd(Args); Cmd.removeFlag("jobs"); Cmd.removeFlag("workers"); Vector<std::thread> V; std::thread Pulse(PulseThread); Pulse.detach(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumWorkers; i++) V.push_back(std::thread(WorkerThread, std::ref(Cmd), &Counter, NumJobs, &HasErrors)); for (auto &T : V) T.join(); return HasErrors ? 1 : 0; } static void RssThread(Fuzzer *F, size_t RssLimitMb) { while (true) { SleepSeconds(1); size_t Peak = GetPeakRSSMb(); if (Peak > RssLimitMb) F->RssLimitCallback(); } } static void StartRssThread(Fuzzer *F, size_t RssLimitMb) { if (!RssLimitMb) return; std::thread T(RssThread, F, RssLimitMb); T.detach(); } int RunOneTest(Fuzzer *F, const char *InputFilePath, size_t MaxLen) { Unit U = FileToVector(InputFilePath); if (MaxLen && MaxLen < U.size()) U.resize(MaxLen); F->ExecuteCallback(U.data(), U.size()); F->TryDetectingAMemoryLeak(U.data(), U.size(), true); return 0; } static bool AllInputsAreFiles() { if (Inputs->empty()) return false; for (auto &Path : *Inputs) if (!IsFile(Path)) return false; return true; } static std::string GetDedupTokenFromFile(const std::string &Path) { auto S = FileToString(Path); auto Beg = S.find("DEDUP_TOKEN:"); if (Beg == std::string::npos) return ""; auto End = S.find('\n', Beg); if (End == std::string::npos) return ""; return S.substr(Beg, End - Beg); } int CleanseCrashInput(const Vector<std::string> &Args, const FuzzingOptions &Options) { if (Inputs->size() != 1 || !Flags.exact_artifact_path) { Printf("ERROR: -cleanse_crash should be given one input file and" " -exact_artifact_path\n"); exit(1); } std::string InputFilePath = Inputs->at(0); std::string OutputFilePath = Flags.exact_artifact_path; Command Cmd(Args); Cmd.removeFlag("cleanse_crash"); assert(Cmd.hasArgument(InputFilePath)); Cmd.removeArgument(InputFilePath); auto LogFilePath = DirPlusFile( TmpDir(), "libFuzzerTemp." + std::to_string(GetPid()) + ".txt"); auto TmpFilePath = DirPlusFile( TmpDir(), "libFuzzerTemp." + std::to_string(GetPid()) + ".repro"); Cmd.addArgument(TmpFilePath); Cmd.setOutputFile(LogFilePath); Cmd.combineOutAndErr(); std::string CurrentFilePath = InputFilePath; auto U = FileToVector(CurrentFilePath); size_t Size = U.size(); const Vector<uint8_t> ReplacementBytes = {' ', 0xff}; for (int NumAttempts = 0; NumAttempts < 5; NumAttempts++) { bool Changed = false; for (size_t Idx = 0; Idx < Size; Idx++) { Printf("CLEANSE[%d]: Trying to replace byte %zd of %zd\n", NumAttempts, Idx, Size); uint8_t OriginalByte = U[Idx]; if (ReplacementBytes.end() != std::find(ReplacementBytes.begin(), ReplacementBytes.end(), OriginalByte)) continue; for (auto NewByte : ReplacementBytes) { U[Idx] = NewByte; WriteToFile(U, TmpFilePath); auto ExitCode = ExecuteCommand(Cmd); RemoveFile(TmpFilePath); if (!ExitCode) { U[Idx] = OriginalByte; } else { Changed = true; Printf("CLEANSE: Replaced byte %zd with 0x%x\n", Idx, NewByte); WriteToFile(U, OutputFilePath); break; } } } if (!Changed) break; } RemoveFile(LogFilePath); return 0; } int MinimizeCrashInput(const Vector<std::string> &Args, const FuzzingOptions &Options) { if (Inputs->size() != 1) { Printf("ERROR: -minimize_crash should be given one input file\n"); exit(1); } std::string InputFilePath = Inputs->at(0); Command BaseCmd(Args); BaseCmd.removeFlag("minimize_crash"); BaseCmd.removeFlag("exact_artifact_path"); assert(BaseCmd.hasArgument(InputFilePath)); BaseCmd.removeArgument(InputFilePath); if (Flags.runs <= 0 && Flags.max_total_time == 0) { Printf("INFO: you need to specify -runs=N or " "-max_total_time=N with -minimize_crash=1\n" "INFO: defaulting to -max_total_time=600\n"); BaseCmd.addFlag("max_total_time", "600"); } auto LogFilePath = DirPlusFile( TmpDir(), "libFuzzerTemp." + std::to_string(GetPid()) + ".txt"); BaseCmd.setOutputFile(LogFilePath); BaseCmd.combineOutAndErr(); std::string CurrentFilePath = InputFilePath; while (true) { Unit U = FileToVector(CurrentFilePath); Printf("CRASH_MIN: minimizing crash input: '%s' (%zd bytes)\n", CurrentFilePath.c_str(), U.size()); Command Cmd(BaseCmd); Cmd.addArgument(CurrentFilePath); std::string CommandLine = Cmd.toString(); Printf("CRASH_MIN: executing: %s\n", CommandLine.c_str()); int ExitCode = ExecuteCommand(Cmd); if (ExitCode == 0) { Printf("ERROR: the input %s did not crash\n", CurrentFilePath.c_str()); exit(1); } Printf("CRASH_MIN: '%s' (%zd bytes) caused a crash. Will try to minimize " "it further\n", CurrentFilePath.c_str(), U.size()); auto DedupToken1 = GetDedupTokenFromFile(LogFilePath); if (!DedupToken1.empty()) Printf("CRASH_MIN: DedupToken1: %s\n", DedupToken1.c_str()); std::string ArtifactPath = Flags.exact_artifact_path ? Flags.exact_artifact_path : Options.ArtifactPrefix + "minimized-from-" + Hash(U); Cmd.addFlag("minimize_crash_internal_step", "1"); Cmd.addFlag("exact_artifact_path", ArtifactPath); CommandLine = Cmd.toString(); Printf("CRASH_MIN: executing: %s\n", CommandLine.c_str()); ExitCode = ExecuteCommand(Cmd); CopyFileToErr(LogFilePath); if (ExitCode == 0) { if (Flags.exact_artifact_path) { CurrentFilePath = Flags.exact_artifact_path; WriteToFile(U, CurrentFilePath); } Printf("CRASH_MIN: failed to minimize beyond %s (%d bytes), exiting\n", CurrentFilePath.c_str(), U.size()); break; } auto DedupToken2 = GetDedupTokenFromFile(LogFilePath); if (!DedupToken2.empty()) Printf("CRASH_MIN: DedupToken2: %s\n", DedupToken2.c_str()); if (DedupToken1 != DedupToken2) { if (Flags.exact_artifact_path) { CurrentFilePath = Flags.exact_artifact_path; WriteToFile(U, CurrentFilePath); } Printf("CRASH_MIN: mismatch in dedup tokens" " (looks like a different bug). Won't minimize further\n"); break; } CurrentFilePath = ArtifactPath; Printf("*********************************\n"); } RemoveFile(LogFilePath); return 0; } int MinimizeCrashInputInternalStep(Fuzzer *F, InputCorpus *Corpus) { assert(Inputs->size() == 1); std::string InputFilePath = Inputs->at(0); Unit U = FileToVector(InputFilePath); Printf("INFO: Starting MinimizeCrashInputInternalStep: %zd\n", U.size()); if (U.size() < 2) { Printf("INFO: The input is small enough, exiting\n"); exit(0); } F->SetMaxInputLen(U.size()); F->SetMaxMutationLen(U.size() - 1); F->MinimizeCrashLoop(U); Printf("INFO: Done MinimizeCrashInputInternalStep, no crashes found\n"); exit(0); return 0; } int AnalyzeDictionary(Fuzzer *F, const Vector<Unit>& Dict, UnitVector& Corpus) { Printf("Started dictionary minimization (up to %d tests)\n", Dict.size() * Corpus.size() * 2); // Scores and usage count for each dictionary unit. Vector<int> Scores(Dict.size()); Vector<int> Usages(Dict.size()); Vector<size_t> InitialFeatures; Vector<size_t> ModifiedFeatures; for (auto &C : Corpus) { // Get coverage for the testcase without modifications. F->ExecuteCallback(C.data(), C.size()); InitialFeatures.clear(); TPC.CollectFeatures([&](size_t Feature) { InitialFeatures.push_back(Feature); }); for (size_t i = 0; i < Dict.size(); ++i) { Vector<uint8_t> Data = C; auto StartPos = std::search(Data.begin(), Data.end(), Dict[i].begin(), Dict[i].end()); // Skip dictionary unit, if the testcase does not contain it. if (StartPos == Data.end()) continue; ++Usages[i]; while (StartPos != Data.end()) { // Replace all occurrences of dictionary unit in the testcase. auto EndPos = StartPos + Dict[i].size(); for (auto It = StartPos; It != EndPos; ++It) *It ^= 0xFF; StartPos = std::search(EndPos, Data.end(), Dict[i].begin(), Dict[i].end()); } // Get coverage for testcase with masked occurrences of dictionary unit. F->ExecuteCallback(Data.data(), Data.size()); ModifiedFeatures.clear(); TPC.CollectFeatures([&](size_t Feature) { ModifiedFeatures.push_back(Feature); }); if (InitialFeatures == ModifiedFeatures) --Scores[i]; else Scores[i] += 2; } } Printf("###### Useless dictionary elements. ######\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < Dict.size(); ++i) { // Dictionary units with positive score are treated as useful ones. if (Scores[i] > 0) continue; Printf("\""); PrintASCII(Dict[i].data(), Dict[i].size(), "\""); Printf(" # Score: %d, Used: %d\n", Scores[i], Usages[i]); } Printf("###### End of useless dictionary elements. ######\n"); return 0; } int FuzzerDriver(int *argc, char ***argv, UserCallback Callback) { using namespace fuzzer; assert(argc && argv && "Argument pointers cannot be nullptr"); std::string Argv0((*argv)[0]); EF = new ExternalFunctions(); if (EF->LLVMFuzzerInitialize) EF->LLVMFuzzerInitialize(argc, argv); if (EF->__msan_scoped_disable_interceptor_checks) EF->__msan_scoped_disable_interceptor_checks(); const Vector<std::string> Args(*argv, *argv + *argc); assert(!Args.empty()); ProgName = new std::string(Args[0]); if (Argv0 != *ProgName) { Printf("ERROR: argv[0] has been modified in LLVMFuzzerInitialize\n"); exit(1); } ParseFlags(Args); if (Flags.help) { PrintHelp(); return 0; } if (Flags.close_fd_mask & 2) DupAndCloseStderr(); if (Flags.close_fd_mask & 1) CloseStdout(); if (Flags.jobs > 0 && Flags.workers == 0) { Flags.workers = std::min(NumberOfCpuCores() / 2, Flags.jobs); if (Flags.workers > 1) Printf("Running %u workers\n", Flags.workers); } if (Flags.workers > 0 && Flags.jobs > 0) return RunInMultipleProcesses(Args, Flags.workers, Flags.jobs); FuzzingOptions Options; Options.Verbosity = Flags.verbosity; Options.MaxLen = Flags.max_len; Options.LenControl = Flags.len_control; Options.UnitTimeoutSec = Flags.timeout; Options.ErrorExitCode = Flags.error_exitcode; Options.TimeoutExitCode = Flags.timeout_exitcode; Options.MaxTotalTimeSec = Flags.max_total_time; Options.DoCrossOver = Flags.cross_over; Options.MutateDepth = Flags.mutate_depth; Options.ReduceDepth = Flags.reduce_depth; Options.UseCounters = Flags.use_counters; Options.UseMemmem = Flags.use_memmem; Options.UseCmp = Flags.use_cmp; Options.UseValueProfile = Flags.use_value_profile; Options.Shrink = Flags.shrink; Options.ReduceInputs = Flags.reduce_inputs; Options.ShuffleAtStartUp = Flags.shuffle; Options.PreferSmall = Flags.prefer_small; Options.ReloadIntervalSec = Flags.reload; Options.OnlyASCII = Flags.only_ascii; Options.DetectLeaks = Flags.detect_leaks; Options.PurgeAllocatorIntervalSec = Flags.purge_allocator_interval; Options.TraceMalloc = Flags.trace_malloc; Options.RssLimitMb = Flags.rss_limit_mb; Options.MallocLimitMb = Flags.malloc_limit_mb; if (!Options.MallocLimitMb) Options.MallocLimitMb = Options.RssLimitMb; if (Flags.runs >= 0) Options.MaxNumberOfRuns = Flags.runs; if (!Inputs->empty() && !Flags.minimize_crash_internal_step) Options.OutputCorpus = (*Inputs)[0]; Options.ReportSlowUnits = Flags.report_slow_units; if (Flags.artifact_prefix) Options.ArtifactPrefix = Flags.artifact_prefix; if (Flags.exact_artifact_path) Options.ExactArtifactPath = Flags.exact_artifact_path; Vector<Unit> Dictionary; if (Flags.dict) if (!ParseDictionaryFile(FileToString(Flags.dict), &Dictionary)) return 1; if (Flags.verbosity > 0 && !Dictionary.empty()) Printf("Dictionary: %zd entries\n", Dictionary.size()); bool DoPlainRun = AllInputsAreFiles(); Options.SaveArtifacts = !DoPlainRun || Flags.minimize_crash_internal_step; Options.PrintNewCovPcs = Flags.print_pcs; Options.PrintNewCovFuncs = Flags.print_funcs; Options.PrintFinalStats = Flags.print_final_stats; Options.PrintCorpusStats = Flags.print_corpus_stats; Options.PrintCoverage = Flags.print_coverage; Options.PrintUnstableStats = Flags.print_unstable_stats; if (Flags.handle_unstable == TracePC::MinUnstable || Flags.handle_unstable == TracePC::ZeroUnstable) Options.HandleUnstable = Flags.handle_unstable; Options.DumpCoverage = Flags.dump_coverage; if (Flags.exit_on_src_pos) Options.ExitOnSrcPos = Flags.exit_on_src_pos; if (Flags.exit_on_item) Options.ExitOnItem = Flags.exit_on_item; if (Flags.focus_function) Options.FocusFunction = Flags.focus_function; if (Flags.data_flow_trace) Options.DataFlowTrace = Flags.data_flow_trace; unsigned Seed = Flags.seed; // Initialize Seed. if (Seed == 0) Seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count() + GetPid(); if (Flags.verbosity) Printf("INFO: Seed: %u\n", Seed); Random Rand(Seed); auto *MD = new MutationDispatcher(Rand, Options); auto *Corpus = new InputCorpus(Options.OutputCorpus); auto *F = new Fuzzer(Callback, *Corpus, *MD, Options); for (auto &U: Dictionary) if (U.size() <= Word::GetMaxSize()) MD->AddWordToManualDictionary(Word(U.data(), U.size())); StartRssThread(F, Flags.rss_limit_mb); Options.HandleAbrt = Flags.handle_abrt; Options.HandleBus = Flags.handle_bus; Options.HandleFpe = Flags.handle_fpe; Options.HandleIll = Flags.handle_ill; Options.HandleInt = Flags.handle_int; Options.HandleSegv = Flags.handle_segv; Options.HandleTerm = Flags.handle_term; Options.HandleXfsz = Flags.handle_xfsz; Options.HandleUsr1 = Flags.handle_usr1; Options.HandleUsr2 = Flags.handle_usr2; SetSignalHandler(Options); std::atexit(Fuzzer::StaticExitCallback); if (Flags.minimize_crash) return MinimizeCrashInput(Args, Options); if (Flags.minimize_crash_internal_step) return MinimizeCrashInputInternalStep(F, Corpus); if (Flags.cleanse_crash) return CleanseCrashInput(Args, Options); #if 0 // deprecated, to be removed. if (auto Name = Flags.run_equivalence_server) { SMR.Destroy(Name); if (!SMR.Create(Name)) { Printf("ERROR: can't create shared memory region\n"); return 1; } Printf("INFO: EQUIVALENCE SERVER UP\n"); while (true) { SMR.WaitClient(); size_t Size = SMR.ReadByteArraySize(); SMR.WriteByteArray(nullptr, 0); const Unit tmp(SMR.GetByteArray(), SMR.GetByteArray() + Size); F->ExecuteCallback(tmp.data(), tmp.size()); SMR.PostServer(); } return 0; } if (auto Name = Flags.use_equivalence_server) { if (!SMR.Open(Name)) { Printf("ERROR: can't open shared memory region\n"); return 1; } Printf("INFO: EQUIVALENCE CLIENT UP\n"); } #endif if (DoPlainRun) { Options.SaveArtifacts = false; int Runs = std::max(1, Flags.runs); Printf("%s: Running %zd inputs %d time(s) each.\n", ProgName->c_str(), Inputs->size(), Runs); for (auto &Path : *Inputs) { auto StartTime = system_clock::now(); Printf("Running: %s\n", Path.c_str()); for (int Iter = 0; Iter < Runs; Iter++) RunOneTest(F, Path.c_str(), Options.MaxLen); auto StopTime = system_clock::now(); auto MS = duration_cast<milliseconds>(StopTime - StartTime).count(); Printf("Executed %s in %zd ms\n", Path.c_str(), (long)MS); } Printf("***\n" "*** NOTE: fuzzing was not performed, you have only\n" "*** executed the target code on a fixed set of inputs.\n" "***\n"); F->PrintFinalStats(); exit(0); } if (Flags.merge) { F->CrashResistantMerge(Args, *Inputs, Flags.load_coverage_summary, Flags.save_coverage_summary, Flags.merge_control_file); exit(0); } if (Flags.merge_inner) { const size_t kDefaultMaxMergeLen = 1 << 20; if (Options.MaxLen == 0) F->SetMaxInputLen(kDefaultMaxMergeLen); assert(Flags.merge_control_file); F->CrashResistantMergeInternalStep(Flags.merge_control_file); exit(0); } if (Flags.analyze_dict) { size_t MaxLen = INT_MAX; // Large max length. UnitVector InitialCorpus; for (auto &Inp : *Inputs) { Printf("Loading corpus dir: %s\n", Inp.c_str()); ReadDirToVectorOfUnits(Inp.c_str(), &InitialCorpus, nullptr, MaxLen, /*ExitOnError=*/false); } if (Dictionary.empty() || Inputs->empty()) { Printf("ERROR: can't analyze dict without dict and corpus provided\n"); return 1; } if (AnalyzeDictionary(F, Dictionary, InitialCorpus)) { Printf("Dictionary analysis failed\n"); exit(1); } Printf("Dictionary analysis succeeded\n"); exit(0); } F->Loop(*Inputs); if (Flags.verbosity) Printf("Done %zd runs in %zd second(s)\n", F->getTotalNumberOfRuns(), F->secondsSinceProcessStartUp()); F->PrintFinalStats(); exit(0); // Don't let F destroy itself. } // Storage for global ExternalFunctions object. ExternalFunctions *EF = nullptr; } // namespace fuzzer