/* $NetBSD: t_strrchr.c,v 1.1 2011/07/07 08:59:33 jruoho Exp $ */ /* * Written by J.T. Conklin <jtc@acorntoolworks.com> * Public domain. */ #include <atf-c.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> ATF_TC(strrchr_basic); ATF_TC_HEAD(strrchr_basic, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Test strrchr(3) results"); } ATF_TC_BODY(strrchr_basic, tc) { /* try to trick the compiler */ char * (*f)(const char *, int) = strrchr; unsigned int a, t; char *off, *off2; char buf[32]; struct tab { const char* val; char match; ssize_t f_off; /* offset of first match */ ssize_t l_off; /* offset of last match */ }; const struct tab tab[] = { { "", 0, 0, 0 }, { "a", 0, 0, 0 }, { "aa", 0, 0, 0 }, { "abc", 0, 0, 0 }, { "abcd", 0, 0, 0 }, { "abcde", 0, 0, 0 }, { "abcdef", 0, 0, 0 }, { "abcdefg", 0, 0, 0 }, { "abcdefgh", 0, 0, 0 }, { "/", 1, 0, 0 }, { "//", 1, 0, 1 }, { "/a", 1, 0, 0 }, { "/a/", 1, 0, 2 }, { "/ab", 1, 0, 0 }, { "/ab/", 1, 0, 3 }, { "/abc", 1, 0, 0 }, { "/abc/", 1, 0, 4 }, { "/abcd", 1, 0, 0 }, { "/abcd/", 1, 0, 5 }, { "/abcde", 1, 0, 0 }, { "/abcde/", 1, 0, 6 }, { "/abcdef", 1, 0, 0 }, { "/abcdef/", 1, 0, 7 }, { "/abcdefg", 1, 0, 0 }, { "/abcdefg/", 1, 0, 8 }, { "/abcdefgh", 1, 0, 0 }, { "/abcdefgh/", 1, 0, 9 }, { "a/", 1, 1, 1 }, { "a//", 1, 1, 2 }, { "a/a", 1, 1, 1 }, { "a/a/", 1, 1, 3 }, { "a/ab", 1, 1, 1 }, { "a/ab/", 1, 1, 4 }, { "a/abc", 1, 1, 1 }, { "a/abc/", 1, 1, 5 }, { "a/abcd", 1, 1, 1 }, { "a/abcd/", 1, 1, 6 }, { "a/abcde", 1, 1, 1 }, { "a/abcde/", 1, 1, 7 }, { "a/abcdef", 1, 1, 1 }, { "a/abcdef/", 1, 1, 8 }, { "a/abcdefg", 1, 1, 1 }, { "a/abcdefg/", 1, 1, 9 }, { "a/abcdefgh", 1, 1, 1 }, { "a/abcdefgh/", 1, 1, 10 }, { "ab/", 1, 2, 2 }, { "ab//", 1, 2, 3 }, { "ab/a", 1, 2, 2 }, { "ab/a/", 1, 2, 4 }, { "ab/ab", 1, 2, 2 }, { "ab/ab/", 1, 2, 5 }, { "ab/abc", 1, 2, 2 }, { "ab/abc/", 1, 2, 6 }, { "ab/abcd", 1, 2, 2 }, { "ab/abcd/", 1, 2, 7 }, { "ab/abcde", 1, 2, 2 }, { "ab/abcde/", 1, 2, 8 }, { "ab/abcdef", 1, 2, 2 }, { "ab/abcdef/", 1, 2, 9 }, { "ab/abcdefg", 1, 2, 2 }, { "ab/abcdefg/", 1, 2, 10 }, { "ab/abcdefgh", 1, 2, 2 }, { "ab/abcdefgh/", 1, 2, 11 }, { "abc/", 1, 3, 3 }, { "abc//", 1, 3, 4 }, { "abc/a", 1, 3, 3 }, { "abc/a/", 1, 3, 5 }, { "abc/ab", 1, 3, 3 }, { "abc/ab/", 1, 3, 6 }, { "abc/abc", 1, 3, 3 }, { "abc/abc/", 1, 3, 7 }, { "abc/abcd", 1, 3, 3 }, { "abc/abcd/", 1, 3, 8 }, { "abc/abcde", 1, 3, 3 }, { "abc/abcde/", 1, 3, 9 }, { "abc/abcdef", 1, 3, 3 }, { "abc/abcdef/", 1, 3, 10 }, { "abc/abcdefg", 1, 3, 3 }, { "abc/abcdefg/", 1, 3, 11 }, { "abc/abcdefgh", 1, 3, 3 }, { "abc/abcdefgh/", 1, 3, 12 }, { "abcd/", 1, 4, 4 }, { "abcd//", 1, 4, 5 }, { "abcd/a", 1, 4, 4 }, { "abcd/a/", 1, 4, 6 }, { "abcd/ab", 1, 4, 4 }, { "abcd/ab/", 1, 4, 7 }, { "abcd/abc", 1, 4, 4 }, { "abcd/abc/", 1, 4, 8 }, { "abcd/abcd", 1, 4, 4 }, { "abcd/abcd/", 1, 4, 9 }, { "abcd/abcde", 1, 4, 4 }, { "abcd/abcde/", 1, 4, 10 }, { "abcd/abcdef", 1, 4, 4 }, { "abcd/abcdef/", 1, 4, 11 }, { "abcd/abcdefg", 1, 4, 4 }, { "abcd/abcdefg/", 1, 4, 12 }, { "abcd/abcdefgh", 1, 4, 4 }, { "abcd/abcdefgh/", 1, 4, 13 }, { "abcde/", 1, 5, 5 }, { "abcde//", 1, 5, 6 }, { "abcde/a", 1, 5, 5 }, { "abcde/a/", 1, 5, 7 }, { "abcde/ab", 1, 5, 5 }, { "abcde/ab/", 1, 5, 8 }, { "abcde/abc", 1, 5, 5 }, { "abcde/abc/", 1, 5, 9 }, { "abcde/abcd", 1, 5, 5 }, { "abcde/abcd/", 1, 5, 10 }, { "abcde/abcde", 1, 5, 5 }, { "abcde/abcde/", 1, 5, 11 }, { "abcde/abcdef", 1, 5, 5 }, { "abcde/abcdef/", 1, 5, 12 }, { "abcde/abcdefg", 1, 5, 5 }, { "abcde/abcdefg/", 1, 5, 13 }, { "abcde/abcdefgh", 1, 5, 5 }, { "abcde/abcdefgh/", 1, 5, 14 }, { "abcdef/", 1, 6, 6 }, { "abcdef//", 1, 6, 7 }, { "abcdef/a", 1, 6, 6 }, { "abcdef/a/", 1, 6, 8 }, { "abcdef/ab", 1, 6, 6 }, { "abcdef/ab/", 1, 6, 9 }, { "abcdef/abc", 1, 6, 6 }, { "abcdef/abc/", 1, 6, 10 }, { "abcdef/abcd", 1, 6, 6 }, { "abcdef/abcd/", 1, 6, 11 }, { "abcdef/abcde", 1, 6, 6 }, { "abcdef/abcde/", 1, 6, 12 }, { "abcdef/abcdef", 1, 6, 6 }, { "abcdef/abcdef/", 1, 6, 13 }, { "abcdef/abcdefg", 1, 6, 6 }, { "abcdef/abcdefg/", 1, 6, 14 }, { "abcdef/abcdefgh", 1, 6, 6 }, { "abcdef/abcdefgh/", 1, 6, 15 }, { "abcdefg/", 1, 7, 7 }, { "abcdefg//", 1, 7, 8 }, { "abcdefg/a", 1, 7, 7 }, { "abcdefg/a/", 1, 7, 9 }, { "abcdefg/ab", 1, 7, 7 }, { "abcdefg/ab/", 1, 7, 10 }, { "abcdefg/abc", 1, 7, 7 }, { "abcdefg/abc/", 1, 7, 11 }, { "abcdefg/abcd", 1, 7, 7 }, { "abcdefg/abcd/", 1, 7, 12 }, { "abcdefg/abcde", 1, 7, 7 }, { "abcdefg/abcde/", 1, 7, 13 }, { "abcdefg/abcdef", 1, 7, 7 }, { "abcdefg/abcdef/", 1, 7, 14 }, { "abcdefg/abcdefg", 1, 7, 7 }, { "abcdefg/abcdefg/", 1, 7, 15 }, { "abcdefg/abcdefgh", 1, 7, 7 }, { "abcdefg/abcdefgh/", 1, 7, 16 }, { "abcdefgh/", 1, 8, 8 }, { "abcdefgh//", 1, 8, 9 }, { "abcdefgh/a", 1, 8, 8 }, { "abcdefgh/a/", 1, 8, 10 }, { "abcdefgh/ab", 1, 8, 8 }, { "abcdefgh/ab/", 1, 8, 11 }, { "abcdefgh/abc", 1, 8, 8 }, { "abcdefgh/abc/", 1, 8, 12 }, { "abcdefgh/abcd", 1, 8, 8 }, { "abcdefgh/abcd/", 1, 8, 13 }, { "abcdefgh/abcde", 1, 8, 8 }, { "abcdefgh/abcde/", 1, 8, 14 }, { "abcdefgh/abcdef", 1, 8, 8 }, { "abcdefgh/abcdef/", 1, 8, 15 }, { "abcdefgh/abcdefg", 1, 8, 8 }, { "abcdefgh/abcdefg/", 1, 8, 16 }, { "abcdefgh/abcdefgh", 1, 8, 8 }, { "abcdefgh/abcdefgh/", 1, 8, 17 }, }; for (a = 0; a < sizeof(long); ++a) { for (t = 0; t < (sizeof(tab) / sizeof(tab[0])); ++t) { strcpy(&buf[a], tab[t].val); off = f(&buf[a], '/'); if (tab[t].match == 0) { if (off != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "a %d, t %d\n", a, t); atf_tc_fail("strrchr should not have " "found the character"); } } else if (tab[t].match == 1) { if (tab[t].l_off != (off - &buf[a])) { fprintf(stderr, "a %d, t %d\n", a, t); atf_tc_fail("strrchr returns wrong " "offset"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "a %d, t %d\n", a, t); atf_tc_fail("bad test case data"); } /* check zero extension of char arg */ off2 = f(&buf[a], 0xffffff00 | '/'); if (off != off2) { fprintf(stderr, "a %d, t %d\n", a, t); atf_tc_fail("zero extension of char arg fails"); } } } } ATF_TP_ADD_TCS(tp) { ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, strrchr_basic); return atf_no_error(); }