/* * EXA acceleration for now ct65550 only, for lack of other hardware * * Copyright (C) 2016 Michael Lorenz * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * MICHAEL LORENZ BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* $NetBSD: ct_exa.c,v 1.3 2017/02/16 15:05:57 macallan Exp $ */ #include <sys/types.h> #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* All drivers should typically include these */ #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86_OSproc.h" /* Everything using inb/outb, etc needs "compiler.h" */ #include "compiler.h" #include "ct_driver.h" #include "ct_BltHiQV.h" #ifdef DEBUG #define ENTER xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "%s\n", __func__) #define LEAVE xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "%s done\n", __func__) int last_op = 0, lx, ly, lw, lh, dx, dy, xdir, ydir, lsp, ldp; #else #define ENTER #define LEAVE #endif static void ctWaitMarker(ScreenPtr pScreen, int Marker) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86ScreenToScrn(pScreen); CHIPSPtr cPtr = CHIPSPTR(pScrn); ENTER; ctBLTWAIT; } static int ctMarkSync(ScreenPtr pScreenInfo) { ENTER; return 0; } static Bool ctPrepareCopy ( PixmapPtr pSrcPixmap, PixmapPtr pDstPixmap, int xdir, int ydir, int alu, Pixel planemask ) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pDstPixmap->drawable.pScreen->myNum]; CHIPSPtr cPtr = CHIPSPTR(pScrn); CHIPSACLPtr cAcl = CHIPSACLPTR(pScrn); ENTER; ctBLTWAIT; cAcl->srcpitch = exaGetPixmapPitch(pSrcPixmap); cAcl->srcoffset = exaGetPixmapOffset(pSrcPixmap); cAcl->xdir = xdir; cAcl->ydir = ydir; ctSETROP(ChipsAluConv[alu & 0xF] | ((xdir < 0) ? ctRIGHT2LEFT : 0) | ((ydir < 0) ? ctBOTTOM2TOP : 0) | ctPATSOLID/* | ctPATMONO*/); ctSETMONOCTL(ctDWORDALIGN); ctSETPITCH(cAcl->srcpitch, exaGetPixmapPitch(pDstPixmap)); LEAVE; return TRUE; } static void ctCopy ( PixmapPtr pDstPixmap, int srcX, int srcY, int dstX, int dstY, int w, int h ) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pDstPixmap->drawable.pScreen->myNum]; CHIPSPtr cPtr = CHIPSPTR(pScrn); CHIPSACLPtr cAcl = CHIPSACLPTR(pScrn); int src = cAcl->srcoffset; int dst = exaGetPixmapOffset(pDstPixmap); int dstpitch = exaGetPixmapPitch(pDstPixmap); if (cAcl->ydir < 0) { srcY += (h - 1); dstY += (h - 1); } if (cAcl->xdir < 0) { srcX += (w - 1); dstX += (w - 1); } src += srcX * cAcl->BytesPerPixel + srcY * cAcl->srcpitch; dst += dstX * cAcl->BytesPerPixel + dstY * dstpitch; ctBLTWAIT; ctSETSRCADDR(src); ctSETDSTADDR(dst); ctSETHEIGHTWIDTHGO(h, w * cAcl->BytesPerPixel); LEAVE; #ifdef DEBUG last_op = 1; lx = srcX; ly = srcY; lw = w; lh = h; dx = dstX; dy = dstY; xdir = cAcl->xdir; ydir = cAcl->ydir; lsp = cAcl->srcpitch; ldp = dstpitch; #endif } static void ctDoneCopy(PixmapPtr pDstPixmap) { ENTER; ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pDstPixmap->drawable.pScreen->myNum]; CHIPSPtr cPtr = CHIPSPTR(pScrn); CHIPSACLPtr cAcl = CHIPSACLPTR(pScrn); ctBLTWAIT; LEAVE; } static Bool ctPrepareSolid( PixmapPtr pPixmap, int alu, Pixel planemask, Pixel fg) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pPixmap->drawable.pScreen->myNum]; CHIPSPtr cPtr = CHIPSPTR(pScrn); CHIPSACLPtr cAcl = CHIPSACLPTR(pScrn); int pitch = exaGetPixmapPitch(pPixmap); ENTER; ctBLTWAIT; ctSETPITCH(pitch, pitch); ctSETROP(ChipsAluConv2[alu & 0xF] | ctPATSOLID | ctPATMONO); ctSETMONOCTL(ctDWORDALIGN); ctSETBGCOLOR24(fg); LEAVE; return TRUE; } static void ctSolid( PixmapPtr pPixmap, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pPixmap->drawable.pScreen->myNum]; CHIPSPtr cPtr = CHIPSPTR(pScrn); CHIPSACLPtr cAcl = CHIPSACLPTR(pScrn); int dst = exaGetPixmapOffset(pPixmap); ENTER; ctBLTWAIT; dst += x1 * cAcl->BytesPerPixel + y1 * exaGetPixmapPitch(pPixmap); ctSETDSTADDR(dst); ctSETSRCADDR(dst); ctSETHEIGHTWIDTHGO(y2 - y1, (x2 - x1) * cAcl->BytesPerPixel); LEAVE; #ifdef DEBUG last_op = 2; #endif } /* * Memcpy-based UTS. */ static Bool ctUploadToScreen(PixmapPtr pDst, int x, int y, int w, int h, char *src, int src_pitch) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pDst->drawable.pScreen->myNum]; CHIPSPtr cPtr = CHIPSPTR(pScrn); unsigned char *dst = cPtr->FbBase + exaGetPixmapOffset(pDst); int dst_pitch = exaGetPixmapPitch(pDst); int bpp = pDst->drawable.bitsPerPixel; int cpp = (bpp + 7) / 8; int wBytes = w * cpp; ENTER; ctBLTWAIT; dst += (x * cpp) + (y * dst_pitch); while (h--) { memcpy(dst, src, wBytes); src += src_pitch; dst += dst_pitch; } LEAVE; return TRUE; } /* * Memcpy-based DFS. */ static Bool ctDownloadFromScreen(PixmapPtr pSrc, int x, int y, int w, int h, char *dst, int dst_pitch) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pSrc->drawable.pScreen->myNum]; CHIPSPtr cPtr = CHIPSPTR(pScrn); unsigned char *src = cPtr->FbBase + exaGetPixmapOffset(pSrc); int src_pitch = exaGetPixmapPitch(pSrc); int bpp = pSrc->drawable.bitsPerPixel; int cpp = (bpp + 7) / 8; int wBytes = w * cpp; ENTER; ctBLTWAIT; src += (x * cpp) + (y * src_pitch); while (h--) { memcpy(dst, src, wBytes); src += src_pitch; dst += dst_pitch; } LEAVE; return TRUE; } Bool CHIPSInitEXA(ScreenPtr pScreen) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]; CHIPSPtr cPtr = CHIPSPTR(pScrn); CHIPSACLPtr cAcl = CHIPSACLPTR(pScrn); ExaDriverPtr pExa; pExa = exaDriverAlloc(); if (!pExa) return FALSE; cPtr->pExa = pExa; //cPtr->writeXR(cPtr, 0x20, 0); /* XXX blitter in 8bit mode */ cAcl->BytesPerPixel = pScrn->bitsPerPixel >> 3; cAcl->BitsPerPixel = pScrn->bitsPerPixel; cAcl->planemask = -1; cAcl->bgColor = -1; cAcl->fgColor = -1; cAcl->FbOffset = 0; pExa->exa_major = EXA_VERSION_MAJOR; pExa->exa_minor = EXA_VERSION_MINOR; pExa->memoryBase = cPtr->FbBase; pExa->offScreenBase = cAcl->CacheStart; pExa->memorySize = cAcl->CacheEnd; /* * Contrary to the manual, the blitter needs 8 byte pitch alignment or it * will lock up. Probably shouldn't be surprised, there are hidden 64bit * alignment requirements all over the place. */ pExa->pixmapOffsetAlign = 8; pExa->pixmapPitchAlign = 8; pExa->flags = EXA_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAPS; /* entirely bogus since the chip doesn't use coordinates */ pExa->maxX = 2048; pExa->maxY = 2048; pExa->MarkSync = ctMarkSync; pExa->WaitMarker = ctWaitMarker; pExa->PrepareSolid = ctPrepareSolid; pExa->Solid = ctSolid; pExa->DoneSolid = ctDoneCopy; pExa->PrepareCopy = ctPrepareCopy; pExa->Copy = ctCopy; pExa->DoneCopy = ctDoneCopy; /* EXA hits more optimized paths when it does not have to fallback because * of missing UTS/DFS, hook memcpy-based UTS/DFS. */ pExa->UploadToScreen = ctUploadToScreen; pExa->DownloadFromScreen = ctDownloadFromScreen; return exaDriverInit(pScreen, pExa); }